Stress-strain condition of the ore massive within the second working modeling
About authors
- 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
- 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
According to geological data received on the Jakovlevsky deposit, the spatial geomechanical model has been developed. During the analysis of the is intense-deformed condition pictures of distribution of horizontal pressure and vertical displacement on border ore потолочины and карбоновой thicknesses have been received. It is established that the zone of clearing works essentially influences distribution of pressure and movings to border ore roof and carbonic thicknesses. By results of modeling it is possible to estimate possibility of formation of vertical water spending cracks in an ore roof.
- Протосеня А.Г. Геомеханическое обоснование параметров водозащитной потолочины и защитного перекрытия при освоении Яковлевского месторождения / А.Г.Протосеня, Д.А.Потемкин // Записки Горного института. СПб, 2006. Т.168. С. 127-136.
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