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Vol 189
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Research article
Geology and geophsics

Two genetic types of peristerites in iridescent plagioclases

M. A. Ivanov1
A. P. Simakov2
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  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — post-graduate student Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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Physico-mathematical modeling has shown that color of iridescent depends on spacing of peristerite lattice. The more spacing lattice, the color of iridescent is higher. The phenomenon of iridescent in plagioclases has an interferential nature. We can select two genetic types of peristerites: peristerites of decomposition and segregation peristerites. Segregation peristerites are formed from postcrystallizational consolidation of peristerites of decomposition. The form of segregation pertisrerites is one of the reasons of polychromatic iridescent genesis in plagioclases.

basic and acid plagioclases iridescent interference solid solution peristerites of decomposition segregation peristerites anorthosites pegmatite
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