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E. A. Lagutenko
E. A. Lagutenko
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)



Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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The model of productivity of forest land

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The model of efficiency of the earths of forest land allows to calculate  a  forest  stand  stock on a forest plot, characterized by certain natural factors (agroclimatic and geomorphological areas, an amount of precipitation, height above sea level, a kind of quaternary adjournment). Stock-taking of communications between natural factors and efficiency  of  the earths of wood fund is executed, the equation of regress is constructed and its statistical estimation is executed.

How to cite: Kovyazin V.F., Lagutenko E.A. The model of productivity of forest land // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 222-225.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
  • Date submitted
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The problem of cadastral valuation of the forest land

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The standard-legal regulation of cadastral activity in the field of wood resources  is  in process of development. In article feature of an estimation of the earths of forest land is defined. Lacks of an existing technique of the state cadastral estimation of the earths of forest land are revealed, offers necessarily the account of an environment and recreational appeal which influence an estimation of the earths are  given.

How to cite: Lagutenko E.A. The problem of cadastral valuation of the forest land // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 229-231.