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Vol 189
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The model of productivity of forest land

V. F. Kovyazin1
E. A. Lagutenko2
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  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The model of efficiency of the earths of forest land allows to calculate  a  forest  stand  stock on a forest plot, characterized by certain natural factors (agroclimatic and geomorphological areas, an amount of precipitation, height above sea level, a kind of quaternary adjournment). Stock-taking of communications between natural factors and efficiency  of  the earths of wood fund is executed, the equation of regress is constructed and its statistical estimation is executed.

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  1. Лесной кодекс Российской Федерации от 04.12.2006. № 200-ФЗ в ред. от 22.07.2010. № 167-ФЗ // Российская газета. 31.12.2010. №5376.
  2. Статистика: Учеб. пособие / Л.П.Харченко, В.Г.Долженкова, В.Г.Ионин и др./ Под ред. В.Г.Ионина. М.: ИНФРА-М, 2006. 384 с.
  3. Теория статистики: Учебник / Р.А.Шмойлова, В.Г.Минашкин Н.А.Садовникова и др. / Под ред. Р.А.Шмойловой. М.: Финансы и статистика, 2009. 656 с.

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