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E. A. Zagrivnyi
E. A. Zagrivnyi
professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


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Prospects of obtaining samples of bottom sediments from subglacial lake Vostok

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The paper proves the timeliness of obtaining and examining bottom sediments from subglacial Lake Vostok. Predictive geological section of Lake Vostok and information value of bottom sediments have been examined. Severe requirements towards environmental security of lake examinations and sampling of bottom sediments rule out the use of conventional drilling technologies, as they would pollute the lake with injection liquid from the borehole. In order to carry out sampling of bottom sediments from the subglacial lake, it is proposed to use a dynamically balanced tool string, which enables rotary drilling without any external support on borehole walls to transmit counter torque.     A theoretical analysis has been carried out to assess the operation of the tool string, which is a two-mass oscillatory electromechanical system of reciprocating and rotating motion (RRM) with two degrees of freedom.

How to cite: Vasilev N.I., Leichenkov G.L., Zagrivnyi E.A. Prospects of obtaining samples of bottom sediments from subglacial lake Vostok // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 224. p. 199. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2017.2.199
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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External dynamics formation in mining machines

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This study surveyed the current state of mining machines dynamics. In the significant number of theoretical studies mining face was represented as a force variable in time. Such face representa-tion does not reflect physical reality, and does not include the influence of mining machines dynamic parameters and processes on face formation. This paper introduces a new dynamic model of the mining machine with an idealized damageable face, which provides kinematic excitation of the drill-ing bit while moving on its trail. In this case, the mining machine is represented as a dynamic system with a delay (a system with «memory»), where face coordinates depend on the dynamic parameters and operating modes. The proposed system was checked for stability. This study shows that stable dynamic systems «executive body» with a variable structure provide minimal target dynamic loads. Experimental study of executive bodies suspensions of the blasthole drilling rigs, coal mining and tunneling machines was conducted. Experiments showed high efficiency reduction of dynamic loads in the carrying systems in all cases.

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Basin G.G. External dynamics formation in mining machines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 217. p. 140.
Automation of technological processes аnd manufactures in mining and processing industries
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Electrothermal complex with downhole electrosteam generator’s automation to aid in layer with high viscosity oil recovery

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The electrothermal complex on a basis of face electrosteam and gas generator for thermal influence on productive layers of high viscosity oil and a control system of this complex is considered. This control system allows to support automatically the set technological parameters depending on operating modes of a complex.

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Malarev V.I., Zyrin V.O. Electrothermal complex with downhole electrosteam generator’s automation to aid in layer with high viscosity oil recovery // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 125.
Automation of technological processes аnd manufactures in mining and processing industries
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Electrothermal complex including steam and gas electrogenerator for thermal influence to productive layers of the highly viscous oil control system

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The electrothermal complex on a basis of face electrosteam and gas generator for thermal influence on productive layers of high viscosity oil and a control system of this complex is considered. This control system allows to support automatically the set technological parameters depending on operating modes of a complex.

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Malarev V.I., Vasileva E.E. Electrothermal complex including steam and gas electrogenerator for thermal influence to productive layers of the highly viscous oil control system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 203.
Automation of technological processes аnd manufactures in mining and processing industries
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The electrothermal complexes influence on quality of the electric power in the isolated and deafly earthed neutral networks

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The basic ways of control of power, transferred to a heating element of coal-face electrothermal devices are considered. Research of influence of work of a heating element on quality of the electric power in distributing networks is carried out.

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Ustinov D.A., Malarev V.I., Vasilev E.E. The electrothermal complexes influence on quality of the electric power in the isolated and deafly earthed neutral networks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 219.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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The autoresonant asynchronous electric drive of dynamically counterbalanced drilling string on carrying cable with swinging movement fluctuations amplitude stabilization

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The algorithm of resonant fluctuations amplitude stabilization of dynamically counterbalanced drilling string on carrying cable with swinging movement of jackbit is developed. Imitating modeling of the resonant asynchronous electric drive with swinging movement of jackbit with the frequency converter in various operating modes is resulted.

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Ivanik V.V. The autoresonant asynchronous electric drive of dynamically counterbalanced drilling string on carrying cable with swinging movement fluctuations amplitude stabilization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 91-94.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Swinging movement autoresonant electric drive with nonsymmetric excitation of dynamically counter-balanced drilling string on carrying cable

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Considered nonsymmetric mode of drill bit oscillations when forming a unipolar electromagnetic torque on each cycle oscillations of dynamically balanced drill . Developed a method for estimating speed of rotation drill around its axis when working in the nonsymmetric mode at first approximation .

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Fomenko A.N. Swinging movement autoresonant electric drive with nonsymmetric excitation of dynamically counter-balanced drilling string on carrying cable // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 95-98.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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The autoresonant electric drive of the swinging movement pendular vibration exciter vibration jaw crushers

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To use of the autoresonant electric drive of swinging movement for creation of an oscillative motion of crushing jaws of vibrating jaw crushers it is offered in this article. The control system of the electric drive is developed. The results of imitating and physical modelling of the autoresonant electric drive are presented.

How to cite: Gavrilov Y.A., Zagrivnyi E.A. The autoresonant electric drive of the swinging movement pendular vibration exciter vibration jaw crushers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 116-119.
Electric drive, power supply, automation and control of mining and oil and gas production
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Mobile complex for cleaning bottomhole zones of wells

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In article the mobile complex intended for clearing bottom of zones oil, gas and water-supply wells from sand and other adjournment, and also for opening productive layers with full selection of a core and for a capture of ground tests of lakes, the rivers, the seas and oceans, drilling of glaciers is investigated.

How to cite: Solov’ev V.A., Zagrivnyi E.A. Mobile complex for cleaning bottomhole zones of wells // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 178. p. 150-153.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Electro-thermal complex for thermal methods of extraction of high-viscosity oil

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The scheme, principle of operation, parameters of the borehole electrothermal complex are described. The results of technical and economic calculations are given, as well as the field of its application is indicated.

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Rudakov V.V., Bataev S.N. Electro-thermal complex for thermal methods of extraction of high-viscosity oil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 226-229.
Electric drive, power supply, automation and control of mining and oil and gas production
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Borehole electrical technologies for drilling and enhanced oil recovery

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The article considers electric technologies of thermal drilling of deep wells in ice sediments and electrothermal installations for enhanced oil recovery in formations with heavy high-viscosity oil. The characteristics of the downhole electric heater and the results of the enlarged technical and economic evaluation of the effectiveness of electrothermal complexes are given.

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Kozyaruk A.E., Bataev S.N. Borehole electrical technologies for drilling and enhanced oil recovery // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 108-110.
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Electric energy in the economy of Russia

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The problems of a status of electrical power branch in Russia, investment and renewing policy, international telecommunications and prospect for the development are reviewed.

How to cite: Zagrivny E.A. Electric energy in the economy of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 1999. Vol. 144. p. 95-107.
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Исследование математической модели динамической системы "комбайн - забой" на ЭВМ

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Расчетная модель динамической системы «комбайн – забой» с некорректи­рованной и корректированной системами подачи может быть представлена следующими системами уравнений ...

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Smirnov Y.N., Levin G.G. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1991. Vol. 128. p. 7.
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Система управления модулем фронтального угледобывающего агрегата

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Принципиальная схема агрегата модульного исполнения для фронтальной отработки угольных пластов была разработана на кафедре горной электромеха­ники филиала ЛГИ в г.Воркуте ...

How to cite: Borisov B.M., Gabov V.V., Efimov I.A., Zagrivnyi E.A., Yaskov Y.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1991. Vol. 128. p. 121.
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Осложнения и методы их устранений при бурении глубокой скважины на станции «Восток»

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Детальное изучение материковых ледниковых покровов и ледников на глубину возможно только о помощью бурения скважин с отбором ледового керна ...

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Moiseev B.S. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1988. Vol. 116. p. 87.
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Математическая модель очистного комбайна с разрушаемым забоем

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Из большого числа работ по исследованию динамики очистных комбайнов значительная часть посвящена исследованиям математических моделей комбай­на, в которых рассматриваемая динамическая система представлена линейной колебательной системой с несколькими степенями свободы, а действие забоя на привод комбайна некоторым моментом, содержащим постоянную и переменную составляющие ...

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Smirnov Y.N. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1986. Vol. 108. p. 59.
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Результаты полевых испытаний высокочастотного термобурового комплекса ТБС-112 ВЧ при бурении глубокой скважины в низкотемпературном ледниковом покрове (Станция Восток)

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Станция Восток расположена в Центральной Антарктиде в районе Южного геомагнитного полюса в 1410 км от обсерватории Мирный. Особенностью стан­ции Восток являются крайне низкие на Земле температуры (-89 °С) и атмос­ферное давление (405-480 мм рт.ст.), значительное превышение над уровнем моря (3488 м) ...

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1985. Vol. 105. p. 103.
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Опыт бурения-плавления скважин, залитых незамерзающей жидкостью, в Антарктике и Арктике

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В Ленинградском горном институте ведутся работы по созданию техники и технологии глубокого бурения-плавления скважин в ледовых отложениях . На внутриконтинентальной антарктической станции Восток и в научных похо­дах пробурено более 4000 м скважин с полным отбором керна ...

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Zemtsov A.A., Kononov Y.B., Moiseev B.S., Petukhov P.A., Shkurko A.M. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1981. Vol. 86. p. 79.