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E. E. Vasileva
E. E. Vasileva
Saint Petersburg State Mining University
Saint Petersburg State Mining University


Automation of technological processes аnd manufactures in mining and processing industries
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Electrothermal complex including steam and gas electrogenerator for thermal influence to productive layers of the highly viscous oil control system

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The electrothermal complex on a basis of face electrosteam and gas generator for thermal influence on productive layers of high viscosity oil and a control system of this complex is considered. This control system allows to support automatically the set technological parameters depending on operating modes of a complex.

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Malarev V.I., Vasileva E.E. Electrothermal complex including steam and gas electrogenerator for thermal influence to productive layers of the highly viscous oil control system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 203.