The way of pipeline construction in areas of high seismic activity. Plates, which located on the ground surface and fixed in the ground by means of four supports, are used to compensate for the seismic loads. On each shoulder by a hinge to rotate in a vertical plane passing through the longitudinal axis of the pipe installed two-arm lever, one arm of which is oriented perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, and its hinged to tie attached to it, and the second arm is oriented at a right angle to the shoulder is directed along the axis of the pipeline and is pivotally connected to the rod.
The paper discusses possible ways of transporting liquefied natural gas (LNG), compares the estimated capital cost of the projects on marine and pipeline transportation of LNG and argues for the economic efficiency of LNG transfer pipelines. The authors offered the most likely options pipelines and LNG method of calculation of hydraulic parameters.
Examined ways to improve the efficiency of hydrotransport systems. A method for determining the most advantageous modes of GTP. The calculation of basic characteristics of the flow of pulp when the grain size, density and quantity released to the enrichment of solid material to installation hydrotransport concentrator.
When optimizing technical systems, the level of problem solving is established, on the basis of which the list of optimized parameters and operating conditions of the system are formed. For this purpose it is necessary to classify objects of the studied type. The classification of pipeline hydraulic transport systems, made on the basis of the system approach, is proposed.
The flow of viscoplastic hydraulic mixtures through pipelines is accompanied by redistribution of solid phase concentration along the flow cross-section. Under the structural flow regime and linear character of solid phase distribution, the concentration in the flow core and in the annular space is 1.6 and 0.8 of the initial solid content, respectively.
In the process of designing of hydraulic conveying systems it is necessary to perform a large volume of calculations due to the necessity to analyze different variants of scheme layout, to determine the parameters of mixture flow, economic indicators, etc. This volume of work can be performed rather quickly with the help of a computer program. This amount of work can be performed rather quickly with the help of a computer program. However, it requires the development of a number of programs, of which a package of programs should be formed to solve various problems in the design, operation and reconstruction of hydrotransport complexes.
The existing reserves of oxidized nickel ores in the Republic of Cuba consist of limonite (ferruginous) and serpentinite (magnesian) fractions, with serpentinite accounting for approximately one third of the reserves. The technological process of processing serpentinite ores at the Pedro Soto Alba plant and the difference in geodetic altitude between the plant and the deposit make it more advantageous to use gravity hydraulic transport of the enriched mineral to the metallurgical plant as the most environmentally friendly type of transportation of enrichment products and, moreover, does not require energy supply. However, the composition of the solid phase of the pulp creates certain difficulties for its movement.
Переработка полиметаллических руд с невысоким содержанием полезных минералов связана с необходимостью тонкого измельчения в процессе их обо гащения ...
Экономическая эффективность гидротранспорта основана на соответствии параметров транспортирования минимальным затратам на строительство и эксплуатацию системы гидротранспорта ...