Ingineering geological problems of high-rise construction with underground space development in Saint-Petersburg
- 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
- 2 — post-graduate student Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
The history of high-rise construction is considered summarily. The main features of high-rise buildings and difficulties connected with theirs engineering and construction especially with underground space development and deep excavations in soft water saturated soils are characterized. Territorial construction guides «Residential and social high-rise buildings» prevail in Saint-Petersburg are analyzed in the context of recommendations for reliable basement choice. Brief description of Pre-Quanernary clays (Upper Vendian clays and Lower Cambrian clays) as basement for high-rise constructions are given. It is placed emphasis that the main feature of Pre-Quaternary clays is zone sequence of physical and mechanical properties and fissuring in depth. Physical and mechanical properties of Upper Vendian clays, Lower Cambrian clays and glacial clays are given. In addition, it is confirmed that glacial soils is not recommended to use as a basement for high-rise buildings.
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