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Vol 189
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Research article
Geology and geophsics

Distribution of groups of trace elements elements by types metasomatic rocks and ores in the Elov nickel deposit

O. P. Mezentseva1
I. V. Talovina2
About authors
  • 1 — post-graduate student Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — post-doctoral student Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The article deals with the distribution of groups of trace elements in four selected types of metasomatic rocks and ores in the Elov deposit: chamosite metasomatic rocks and ores, which are three mineral species: a – chamosite, в – clinochlore –brendleyit-chamosite, с – clinochlore-talc-chamosite, goethite metasomatic rocks and ores, nepouite-chrysotile-lizardite metasomatic rocks and ores, and lizardite-chrysotile serpentinites. Also calculated the coefficients of accumulation of trace elements and formulated conclusions about elements are accumulation or elements are weathered of the above types of metasomatic rocks and ores of the Elov deposit.

Elov deposit nickel ore chamosite nepouite lizardite coefficients of accumulation trace elements
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