Date submitted2024-03-11
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-03-06
Geochemical characteristics of weathering crusts on the Dzhezhimparma Ridge and the Nemskaya Upland (South Timan)
Numerous local varieties of weathering crusts are known in the South Timan. They differ in their position in the section, type of weathering products, substrates, and occurrence. The aim of the research is to identify patterns in the distribution of rock-forming, rare and rare earth elements and the composition of clay minerals in clay formations of the weathering crusts. The main task is to describe the occurrence and geochemical features that enable determining the genetic type and formation conditions of weathering crusts. The paper presents the results of a study of the distribution of petrogenic, rare earth, rare elements, and clay minerals in weathering crust of different ages, genetic types and occurrence conditions on the Dzhezhimparma Ridge and the Nemskaya Upland in the South Timan. We found that hydromica-kaolinite-type weathering crust is developed after the Late Riphean Dzhezhim Fm. rocks in the basement-cover contact zone on the Dzhezhimparma Upland, and the layer of fine-grained rock at the base of the Devonian section previously considered a weathering crust was formed as a result of mechanical destruction of the Devonian sandstones during movement in the thrust zone. In the Vadyavozh quarry located on the Nemskaya Upland, we studied and described the formations of Mesozoic-Cenozoic areal and linear weathering crusts after the Late Riphean Dzhezhim Fm. rocks. We found that micaceous siltstones in the siltstone-sandstone strata of the Dzhezhim Fm. are associated with the Riphean stage of crust formation and are composed of weathering crust material redeposited in the epicontinental basin.
Date submitted2024-05-08
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2024-12-12
The effect of mechanical and thermal treatment on the characteristics of saponite-containing material
Solving the problems of modern building materials science is reduced to obtaining high-quality materials, expanding and searching for a rational raw material base, which can be carried out through the use of various industrial wastes. In this paper, the possibility of using waste from the mining industry – saponite-containing material (SCM) obtained during the enrichment of kimberlite ores from the Lomonosov diamond deposit, as an active mineral additive for cement binders and concretes is considered. The influence of mechanical and thermal treatment on a number of properties of the material selected from the tailings dump and in its initial state was studied. The study of the surface activity of SCM samples consisted in determining the sorption capacity, acid-base centers and their distribution. An increase in the activity of the surface of the material particles as a result of mechanical activation and its decrease during temperature treatment were determined. These effects are associated with phase rearrangements and structural changes in the sandy-clay rock, which was confirmed during thermal analysis. The temperature effect has no pronounced effect on the microstructure, the “smoothness” of the particles and the formation of a consolidated surface of the structural elements of the saponite-containing material are noted.
Date submitted2024-04-24
Date accepted2024-09-24
Date published2024-11-12
Study and justification of the combination of beneficiation processes for obtaining flake graphite from technogenic carbon-containing dusts
The most important task of modern production development is to provide the mineral and raw materials sector of the economy with resources included in the list of strategic raw materials, including flake graphite. In addition to natural raw materials, the source of its obtaining can be metallurgical production wastes not involved in processing. Development of metallurgical dust beneficiation technology will solve the problem of obtaining high-purity flake graphite with a crystal structure close to ideal and in demand in the production of high-tech materials. It will allow creating a renewable raw material base of graphite and utilising metallurgical production wastes. The research included the study of dust beneficiation by coarseness, magnetic and flotation methods, the influence of dust disintegration processes on beneficiation indicators. Based on the established technological properties of the components of dusts, magnetic, flotation and gravity beneficiation methods can be applied for their separation in different sequence. It is shown that dusts from different sites have different enrichability by these methods, and it should be taken into account when developing a complex technology of their processing. The degree of beneficiation increases in a row of dusts from the blast furnace shop (BF) – electric steel smelting shop (ESS) – oxygen-converter shop (OCS). The method of grinding has a significant influence on the separation indicators – at dry grinding in a centrifugal-impact mill with subsequent pneumatic classification the quality of graphite concentrates increases by 22.7 % of carbon for BF dust and by 13.48 % of carbon for ESS dust. OCS dust beneficiation indicators are high at coarse grinding with steel medium – mass fraction of carbon 96.1 %.
Date submitted2024-04-22
Date accepted2024-06-13
Date published2024-07-04
Lithification of leachate from municipal solid waste landfills with blast furnace slag
- Authors:
- Mariya A. Pashkevich
- Yuliya A. Kulikova
The article presents an alternative method of utilization of blast furnace slag and leachate from solid municipal waste landfills, the formation of which occurs during the infiltration of atmospheric precipitation through the thickness of deposited waste. The method is based on the conversion of leachate from the liquid phase to the solid aggregate state by lithification using blast furnace slag as an astringent material. The hydraulic activity of slag, which depends on the amount of oxides contained in it, has been estimated. The investigated slag belongs to the 3rd grade, which confirms the possibility of its use as an astringent material. The filtrate was analyzed for the content of various elements, and the maximum permissible concentrations for each element were found to be exceeded. Chemical and biological oxygen demand were determined, and critically high values were installed (17200 mgO2/l and 4750 mgO2/l, respectively). The lithification process was divided into two stages. The first stage was to reduce the organic component in the filtrate using a coagulant, aluminum sulfate; the second stage was slag hydration. The optimum ratio of lithificate components in terms of mixture solidification rate was established at 1:0.03:1.25 (leachate, coagulant, blast furnace slag). The obtained material was analyzed for the solubility and content of various forms of metal. It is established that at infiltration of atmospheric precipitations through lithificate only 3 % of material will be washed out; concentrations of gross and mobile forms of heavy metals do not exceed the maximum permissible, except for the gross content of arsenic, mobile, and water-soluble forms of which were not found. The values of chemical (687 mgO2/l) and biological (173 mgO2/l) oxygen demand in the aqueous extract from lithificate decreased more than 25 times in comparison with the initial filtrate. According to the results of toxicological studies, lithificate was assigned an IV class of waste hazard, which confirms the possibility of its use as bulk material at landfills.
Date submitted2023-11-27
Date accepted2023-12-27
Date published2024-02-29
Physico-chemical aspects and carbon footprint of hydrogen production from water and hydrocarbons
Physico-chemical aspects determine the efficiency and competitiveness of hydrogen production technologies. The indicator of water consumption is especially relevant, since water is one of the main sources of hydrogen in almost all methods of its production. The article analyzes comparative water consumption indicators for various technologies based on published research and actual data from production plants. The volume of water consumption depends on the quality of the source water, which should be taken into account when implementing hydrogen projects in order to minimize the negative impact on the environment. Based on the operating industrial plant, the material balance of hydrogen production by steam reforming was demonstrated, which made it possible to determine the proportion of hydrogen (48.88 %) obtained from water. Currently, the carbon footprint indicator is becoming more important, reflecting greenhouse gas emissions throughout the production chain. According to the results of the total greenhouse gas emissions assessment for hydrogen production by steam reforming (about 10.03 kg CO2-eq/kg H2), the carbon footprint of hydrogen from water (4.2-4.5 kg CO2-eq/kg H2) and hydrogen from methane (15.4-15.7 kg CO2-eq/kg H2) has been determined. Consequently, almost half of the hydrogen produced by steam reforming is produced from water, corresponds to the indicators of “low-carbon” hydrogen and can be considered as “renewable” hydrogen. To make management decisions, an objective assessment in terms of energy and water costs is necessary based on a system analysis by the development of hydrogen energy and the growth of global hydrogen production. The impact of these indicators on the water cycle and global water resources will increase.
Date submitted2023-04-11
Date accepted2023-10-25
Date published2024-07-04
Acid mine water treatment using neutralizer with adsorbent material
One of the biggest issues in the mining sector is due to acid mine drainage, especially in those abandoned mining operations and active ones that fail to adequately control the quality of their water discharge. The removal degree of copper, iron, lead, and zinc dissolved metals in acid mine drainage was investigated by applying different proportions of mixtures based on neutralizing reagent hydrated lime at 67 % calcium oxide (CaO), with adsorbent material – natural sodium bentonite, compared to the application of neutralizing reagent without mixing, commonly used in the neutralization of acid mining drainage. The obtained results show that the removal degree of dissolved metals in acid mine drainage when treated with a mixture of neutralizing reagent and adsorbent material in a certain proportion, reaches discharge quality, complying with the environmental standard (Maximum Permissible Limit), at a lower pH than when neutralizing material is applied without mixing, registering a net decrease in the consumption unit of neutralizing agent express on 1 kg/m3 of acid mine drainage. Furthermore, the sludge produced in the treatment with a mixture of the neutralizing reagent with adsorbent material has better characteristics than common sludge without bentonite, since it is more suitable for use as cover material, reducing the surface infiltration degree of water into the applied deposit.
Date submitted2022-09-26
Date accepted2023-09-20
Date published2024-04-25
Technology of absorption elimination with cross-linking plugging material based on cement and cross-linked polymer
The peculiarity of the geological structure of carbonate reservoirs is their complex permeability and porosity characteristics, reflecting the simultaneous presence of cavities variety (fractures, caverns, pores). Loss of circulation during penetration of fractured rock intervals significantly increases well construction time due to lack of efficient plugging isolation compositions. The main disadvantages of traditional compositions are high sensitivity to dilution in the process of their injection into the absorption zone, as well as insufficient structural strength to prevent the isolation composition from spreading during the induction period. For efficient isolation of catastrophic absorption zones in conditions of high opening of absorption channels a new cross-linking plugging isolation composition has been developed, which allows to exclude disadvantages of traditional isolation compositions. Application of the composition will allow to reduce the injection volume of the isolation composition and the time of isolation works due to its resistance to dilution and movement of formation water in the absorption interval.
Date submitted2022-10-31
Date accepted2023-03-02
Date published2023-12-25
Lightweight ash-based concrete production as a promising way of technogenic product utilization (on the example of sewage treatment waste)
- Authors:
- Tatyana E. Litvinova
- Denis V. Suchkov
The study is devoted to the development of a method for the technogenic raw materials utilization. Special attention is paid to the prospect of involving products based on them in the production of new building materials. The results of Russian and foreign studies on the reuse of wastes, such as phosphogypsum, metallurgical slag, waste from municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, etc., in the building materials industry are considered. It has been established that the use of incinerated sewage sludge ash in construction is a promising direction in terms of environmental and economic efficiency. The research confirmed the compliance of the lightweight ash-based concrete components to the regulatory documentation requirements for a number of indicators. As a result of the research, the composition of the raw mixture for the lightweight concrete production with incinerated sewage sludge ash as a replacement for a part of the cement has been developed. In terms of parameters, the developed concrete corresponds to standard lightweight concrete, marked in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation as D1300 (density not less than 1.3 g/cm3), Btb2 (flexural strength not less than 2 MPa), M200/B15 (compressive strength not less than 15 MPa). Lightweight ash-based concrete is suitable for use in construction, repair of roads and improvement of urban areas.
Date submitted2022-11-08
Date accepted2022-11-21
Date published2023-02-27
Assessment of the role of the state in the management of mineral resources
Mineral resources as natural capital can be transformed into human, social and physical capital that guarantees the sustainable development of a country, exclusively through professional public management. Public management of a country's mineral resource potential is seen as an element of transnational governance which provides for the use of laws, rules and regulations within the jurisdictional and sectoral capabilities of the state, minimising its involvement as a producer of minerals. The features of the ideology of economic liberalism, which polarises the societies of mineral-producing countries and denies the role of the state as a market participant, have been studied. The analysis of the influence of the radical new order of neoliberal world ideology on the development of the extractive sector and state regulation has been presented.
Date submitted2022-06-17
Date accepted2022-10-18
Date published2022-11-03
Scientific experimental bases for dry beneficiation of mineral ores
The article presents the results of research on the development of processes and equipment for ore preparation and pneumatic dry beneficiation of mineral ores. The methods of crushing and grinding before enrichment of minerals have been considered, dry enrichment of geomaterials is investigated. Highly efficient prototypes of beneficiation equipment are developed and tested: crushers of multiple dynamic impact RD-MDV-900, DKD-300, centrifugal grinders CMVU-800 and VCI-12, pneumatic separator POS-2000. Fundamental designs are created, and a number of new ore preparation and pneumatic beneficiation instruments are being designed. The efficiency of approbation of an autonomous dry beneficiation complex with new safe environmental standards for the processing of gold-bearing ores, which makes it possible to fully release and extract free gold with a particle size from 10,000 to 100 µm, is shown. The introduction of the dry beneficiation method is very promising for the mining industry. It will allow to reduce capital costs for the construction of stationary beneficiation plants, completely or partially withdraw from the use of process water, the construction of a water supply system, a traditional tailing dam, etc.
Date submitted2022-05-17
Date accepted2022-09-06
Date published2022-11-03
On the need to classify rock mass fed to dry magnetic separation
The hypothesis of a possible use of dry magnetic separation is substantiated on the example of ores from ferruginous quartzite deposits operated by plants of PAO “Severstal” Holding. Size class of ore after medium crushing is –80+0 mm when the vibrating feeder is used for feeding ore mass to the separation zone. The rationale is based on the analysis of video recording of physical simulation on a laboratory drum magnetic separator of SMBS-L series, in the VSDC Video Editor, and simulation modelling of dry magnetic separation on its virtual prototype in Rocky DEM software package. It has been proved that the use of a vibrating feeder for feeding the material to the working area of a magnetic separator makes it possible to: form a monolayer on the surface of the vibrating feeder chute with a thickness close to the maximum size of a lump of separated ore; implement batch feed of material to the separation zone; increase the spacing between lumps in the separation zone when passing through the free fall area, thereby allowing dry magnetic separation of ferruginous quartzites of size class –80+0 mm without pre-preparation.
Date submitted2021-03-31
Date accepted2022-04-26
Date published2022-11-03
Features of obtaining metallurgical products in the solid-state hydride synthesis conditions
- Authors:
- Andrey G. Syrkov
- Lyudmila A. Yachmenova
A scientific substantiation of solid-phase feedstock choice and preparation has been carried out, and the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of solid-state hydride synthesis (SHS) of metal products have been analyzed using the nickel dichloride reduction as an example. The preliminary dehydration modes and methods for controlling the complete removal of crystalline water from chloride raw materials and Olenegorsk superconcentrate, which is natural oxide raw material, are described. Conditions, including initial solid chloride particle sizes, are established under which diffusion complications of reduction to metal in methyldichlorosilane vapor are minimized. Thermodynamic estimates of nickel chlorides and oxides reduction possibility, iron and copper with ammonia and methane at temperatures of 400-1000 K in equilibrium conditions have been carried out. It has been shown that the stoichiometric coefficients of the nickel dichloride in ammonia overall reduction reaction calculated by thermodynamic modeling are in agreement with experimental data. In contrast to the copper dichloride reduction, for nickel dichloride the formation of metal monochloride at the intermediate stage is uncharacteristic, which is associated with a higher thermal stability of nickel dichloride. The main kinetic regularities of the reduction of nickel, copper, and iron to metal under SHS conditions in ammonia, monosilane, and methane, as well as the nickel dichloride with methyldichlorosilane vapor and methane successive reduction, are considered. Approximation of experimental data by topochemical equations in a linear form showed that for reduction degrees a up to 0.7-0.8, these data are satisfactorily described by the Roginsky – Schultz equation. For a > 0,8 the “shrinking sphere” model works better, which confirms the localization of the solid-state reduction reaction at the interface, moves deep into the crystal with the formation of a of interlocked metal germs. The importance and prospects of the results obtained for the theory development of metallurgical processes, deep complex processing of natural iron oxide raw materials, metal products and new generation materials production, including superhydrophobic ones, are discussed. The relevance of the study from the point of view of applying the method of physical and chemical analysis to the study of complex heterogeneous metallurgical processes is noted.
Date submitted2022-03-14
Date accepted2022-05-13
Date published2022-07-26
Unique titanium Deposits of Timan: genesis and age issues
The article critically analysesthe hypotheses about the formation, age, and sources of material of large Timan titanium deposits, which were previously considered ancient buried placers formed along the weathering crusts of the Riphean shales. We discuss an alternative hydrothermal-metamorphic hypothesis about the formation of these deposits and the source of ore material. It is established that the incoming zircon of different ages (570-3200 Ma), as well as two other geochronometers, rutile and monazite, underwent a thermal effect common for all varieties as a result of a hydrothermal process about 600 Ma ago. According to modern concepts, the closing temperature of the U-Pb system in rutile exceeds 500 °С, which suggests high-temperature conditions for the hydrothermal processing of rutile during the formation of the considered deposits in the Riphean.
Date submitted2022-03-03
Date accepted2022-04-27
Date published2022-07-26
Peculiarities of rare-metal mineralization and genetic relationship of mineral associations in the eastern rim of Murzinsko-Aduysky anticlinorium (the Ural Emerald Belt)
- Authors:
- Mikhail P. Popov
The paper presents features of the location and composition, as well as a generalization of data on the age of rare-metal mineralization developed at the deposits and occurrences of rare metals and gemstones in the eastern rim of Murzinsko-Aduysky anticlinorium, within the Ural Emerald Belt, which is a classic ore and mineralogical object and has been studied for almost two hundred years. With a significant number and variety of prospecting, research and scientific works devoted mainly to emerald-bearing mica complexes and beryl mineralization, as well as rare-metal pegmatites, scientific literature has so far lacked generalizations on the formation of numerous mineral associations and ore formations that represents a uniform genetic process in this ore district. The aim of the work is a comprehensive geological-mineralogical analysis of mineral associations of the eastern rim of Murzinsko-Aduysky anticlinorium and studying their age, formation conditions and characteristic features to determine the possibility of expanding and using the mineral resource base of the Urals through developing new prognostic and prospecting criteria for rare-metal and gemstone ore formations and creating the new devices for promising objects prospecting
Date submitted2021-06-24
Date accepted2021-11-30
Date published2021-12-27
Development of a methodology to assess the hydrocyclone process with account of the rheological properties of the mineral slurry
- Authors:
- Tatiana N. Aleksandrova
- Vadim A. Potemkin
The paper studies the possibility of assessing the separation of mineral raw materials, taking into account the rheology of the mineral slurry. The ores of the Mayskoye deposit were chosen as the object of the study, characterized by a thin impregnation of the valuable component – gold in the host minerals, which determines the use of fine and ultrafine milling. This fact is essential because the presence of a fine grade seriously affects the rheology of the mineral slurry used in subsequent mineral processing stages. This predetermines the necessity to take into account rheological parameters. The research performed provides the development of a methodology for assessing the separation of minerals in the hydrocyclone based on the interpretation of numerical and mathematical modeling data. using the object-oriented programming language Python, a program for calculating empirical coefficients of the rheological equation, theoretically describing the dynamics of internal transformations of the mineral slurry, was developed. Taking into account the process parameters of the laboratory unit with hydrocyclone and ore properties, three concentrations of solids in the mineral slurry were selected, conditionally corresponding to the minimum, average and maximum values. Rheological equations successively composed for three concentrations, i.e., 400, 500, and 700 g/l, made it possible to calculate the critical shear rates corresponding to the maximum dispersion of the mineral slurry in the hydrocyclone flow. Subsequent numerical simulation using Ansys Fluent software, as well as statistical evaluation of the shear rates at different levels of solids content showed that the shear rate profile in the cross-section of the hydrocyclone corresponding to the maximum dispersion of the mineral slurry is obtained at the content of 400 g/l.
Date submitted2021-06-17
Date accepted2021-10-18
Date published2021-12-16
Dissolution kinetics of rare earth metal phosphates in carbonate solutions of alkali metals
- Authors:
- Tatyana E. Litvinova
- Ivan L. Oleynik
Treatment of apatite raw materials is associated with the formation of large-tonnage waste – phosphogypsum. The content of rare earth metals in such waste reaches 1 %, which makes it possible to consider it a technogenic source for obtaining rare earth metals and their compounds. Up to the present moment, there are neither processing plants, nor an efficient process flow to handle phosphogypsum dumps. It is rational to use a way that involves extraction of valuable components and overall reduction of phosphogypsum dumps. Such process flow is available with carbonate conversion of phosphogypsum to alkali metal or ammonium sulfate and calcium carbonate upon the condition of associated extraction of rare earth metal (REM) compounds. Associated extraction of REM compounds becomes possible since they form strong and stable complexes with hard bases according to Pearson, which among other things include carbonate, phosphate and sulfate anions. Formation of lanthanide complexes with inorganic oxygen-containing anions is facilitated by the formation of high-energy Ln-O bonds. The study focuses on the dissolution of lanthanide phosphates in carbonate media. It was established that formation of REM carbonate complexes from their phosphates is a spontaneous endothermic process and that formation of lanthanide carbonates and hydroxides serves as thermodynamic limitation of dissolution. A shift in equilibrium towards the formation of carbonate complexes is achieved by increasing the temperature to 90-100 °C and providing an excess of carbonate. The limiting stage of REM phosphate dissolution in carbonate media is external diffusion. This is indicated by increasing rate of the process with an intensification of stirring, first order of the reaction and the value of activation energy for phosphate dissolution from 27 to 60 kJ/mol. A combination of physical and chemical parameters of the process allowed to develop an engineering solution for associated REM extraction during carbonate conversion of phosphogypsum, which included a 4-5 h conversion of phosphogypsum at temperature of 90-110 °C by an alkali metal or ammonium carbonate solution with a concentration of 2-3 mol/l. As a result, a solution with alkali metal (ammonium) sulfate is obtained, which contains REMs in the form of carbonate complexes and calcium carbonate. The rate of REM extraction into the solution reaches no less than 93 %. Rare earth metals are separated from the mother liquor by precipitation or sorption on anion exchange resins, while the excess of alkali metal or ammonium carbonate is returned to the start of the process.
Date submitted2021-06-15
Date accepted2021-10-18
Date published2021-12-16
Study on hydrometallurgical recovery of copper and rhenium in processing of substandard copper concentrates
- Authors:
- Denis S. Lutskiy
- Aleksander S. Ignatovich
Over the past decade, there has been a steady growth in demand for rare metals, with rhenium being one of the most highly demanded, but also one of the most expensive and difficult to obtain. The high demand for rhenium is due to its use as a key component of metallurgical alloys or as a component of catalysts used in the oil refining industry. The aggregate of facts causes profitability of processing of the rhenium-containing mineral resources, which also are the copper substandard concentrates obtained at processing of the Zhezkazgan sandstones. The study focuses on the processes of extraction of copper and sorption recovery of rhenium from solutions of ammonia leaching of copper substandard concentrates. Model solutions similar in the elemental composition to solutions of ammonia leaching solutions of copper substandard concentrates obtained during the processing of Zhezkazgan sandstones were used as an object of the study. The paper estimates extraction characteristics of copper recovery using LIX 84-I solution in kerosene, as well as sorption characteristics of the rhenium recovery process using the Purolite PPA100 anion exchanger. Based on the obtained characteristics the possibility of hydrometallurgical processing of ammonia leaching solutions of substandard copper-sulfide concentrates, and recovery of the obtained commercial products is shown.
Date submitted2021-03-30
Date accepted2021-07-27
Date published2021-10-21
Integrated development of iron ore deposits based on competitive underground geotechnologies
- Authors:
- Vladimir L. Trushko
- Olga V. Trushko
The article presents an analytical review of the current state of the iron ore base of the ferrous metallurgy of Russia and the world, identifies the largest iron ore provinces and iron ore producers. The promising directions of development and improvement of the quality of the iron ore base of Russia and the features of the development of new deposits of rich iron ores are identified. Effective technologies for the development of rich iron ores deposits that ensure an increase in production volumes are proposed. The geomechanical justification of rational technological parameters that are easily adapted to changes in mining and geological conditions has been performed. Based on the results of field studies, the use of an elastic-plastic model with the Coulomb – Mohr strength criterion for modeling changes in the stress-strain state of an ore rock mass during mining operations is justified and recommendations for ensuring the stability of mine workings are developed. Effective engineering and technical solutions for the complex development and deep processing of rich iron ores with the production of fractionated sinter ore, which increases the efficiency of metallurgical processes, the production of high-grade iron oxide pigments and iron ore briquettes, which increase the competitiveness of iron ore companies and the full use of the resource potential of deposits, are presented.
Date submitted2021-03-31
Date accepted2021-09-29
Date published2021-10-21
Methodology of modeling nonlinear geomechanical processes in blocky and layered rock masses on models made of equivalent materials
- Authors:
- Boris Yu. Zuev
The research purpose is to develop a methodology that increases the reliability of reproduction and research on models made of equivalent materials of complex nonlinear processes of deformation and destruction of structured rock masses under the influence of underground mining operations to provide a more accurate prediction of the occurrence of dangerous phenomena and assessment of their consequences. New approaches to similarity criterion based on the fundamental laws of thermodynamics; new types of equivalent materials that meet these criteria; systems for the formation of various initial and boundary conditions regulated by specially developed computer programs; new technical means for more reliable determination of stresses in models; new methods for solving inverse geomechanical problems in the absence of the necessary initial field data have been developed. Using the developed methodology, a number of complex nonlinear problems have been solved related to estimates of the oscillatory nature of changes in the bearing pressure during dynamic roof collapse processes; ranges of changes in the frequency of processes during deformation and destruction of rock mass elements, ranges of changes in their accelerations; parameters of shifts with a violation of the continuity of the rock mass under the influence of mining: secant cracks, delaminations, gaping voids, accounting for which is necessary to assess the danger of the formation of continuous water supply canals in the water-protection layer.
Date submitted2021-02-20
Date accepted2021-05-21
Date published2021-09-20
Analysis of the screw press mouthpiece parameters for 3D extrusion of peat pieces of tubular type
The results of theoretical and experimental studies on the creation of a screw press composite mouthpiece screw press for 3D-forming of peat pieces of a tubular type in the field for intensifying the process of field drying of material in a complex mechanized pit are presented. The main purpose of the study was to substantiate the geometric and design parameters of the screw press composite mouthpiece of the spread machine for the production of peat-agglomerated products of the tubular type. The parameters of the mouthpiece are selected based on the geometric characteristics of the peat pieces. An increase in moisture loss during drying of peat-agglomerated products is provided by forming a peat piece in the form of a thick-walled pipe made of a peat raw materials composed of low and high decomposition degrees in a ratio of 1:3. Additive production of polymer-fiber peat composites by extrusion allows to produce products with improved mechanical properties in comparison with non-reinforced raw materials. The vertical arrangement of the peat tubular piece on the drying field allows to increase the loading of the field area by 10 %, increase the convective heat supply to the piece and reduce the contact coefficient of the piece with the field by three times in comparison with the peat spreading of the pieces in the form of a horizontal tape. Based on the analysis of the shape and size of the agglomerated products, the design of a screw press composite mouthpiece consisting of two conditional molding zones of various configurations has been developed. The article presents a parametric analysis of the volumetric productivity of a screw press with a composite mouthpiece of a tubular type, the energy intensity of mechanical processing is determined, the degree of mechanical processing of peat raw materials is estimated with the optimization of the screw parameters for the production of agglomerated products of a tubular type.
Date submitted2019-06-06
Date accepted2019-08-09
Date published2020-04-24
Studies of enrichment of sulfide and oxidized ores of gold deposits of the Aldan shield
The paper presents the analysis of studies of the enrichment of sulfide and oxidized ores in Yakutia deposits. The ore of the deposit is a mixture of primary, mixed and oxidized ores. The main useful component of the studied ore samples is gold with a content of 1.5 to 2.8 g/t, the silver content is low – 5-17 g/t. Ore minerals are represented by sulfides, among which pyrite predominates. The total sulfide content does not exceed 3-5 %. The presence in the ore of free and associated gold with a grain size from fractions of a micron to 1.5 mm. Gold is represented by nuggets in intergrowth with sulfides and also forms independent inclusions. Ores are classified as easily cyanidable. It was found that the content of amalgamable gold is 10-49, the share of cyanidable gold ranges from 66.67-91, the share of refractory gold is 9.0-33.33 %, which in absolute amount equals to 0.24-0.8 g/t. The extraction of gold in gravitation concentrate varies depending on the gold content in the ore and the yield of concentrate and for ores with a gold content of 1.5-2.8 g/t from 40 to 60 %. The direct cyanidation of all studied ore samples established the possibility of extracting gold into solution up to 86.7-92.9 %, the gold content in cyanidation cakes is 0.2-0.3 g/t. Investigations of the gravitation concentrate by the method of intensive cyanidation showed that with an initial gold content of ~ 500 g/t, up to 98.9 % is extracted into the solution. The gold content in intensive cyanide cakes will be 6-15 g/t. A set of studies carried out by the authors of the article at various institutes showed that it is advisable to process ore from the deposit using cyanidation technology with preliminary gravitational extraction of gold.
Date submitted2019-04-04
Date accepted2019-08-04
Date published2020-04-24
Chemical heterogeneity as a factor of improving the strength of steels manufactured by selective laser melting technology
The aim of this paper was to establish the causes of the heterogeneity of the chemical composition of the metal obtained by the LC technology. The powdered raw material was made from a monolithic alloy, which was fused by the SLM, the initial raw material was a laboratory melting metal of a low-carbon chromium-manganese-nickel composition based on iron. To determine the distribution pattern of alloying chemical elements in the resulting powder, electron-microscopic images of thin sections were combined with X-ray analysis data on the cross-sections of the powder particles. As a result, it was found that transition (Mn, Ni) and heavy (Mo) metals are uniformly distributed over the powder particle cross-sections, and the mass fraction of silicon (Si) is uneven: in the center of the particles, it is several times larger in some cases. The revealed feature in the distribution of silicon is supposedly due to the formation of various forms of SiO 4 upon the cooling of the formed particles. The internal structure of the manufactured powder is represented by the martensitic structure of stack morphology. After laser fusion, etched thin sections revealed traces of segregation heterogeneity in the form of a grid with cells of ~ 200 μm.
Date submitted2019-04-28
Date accepted2019-06-28
Date published2019-10-23
Determination of Optimal Fluorine Leaching Parameters from the Coal Part of the Waste Lining of Dismantled Electrolytic Cells for Aluminum Production
- Authors:
- N. V. Nemchinova
- A. A. Tyutrin
- V. V. Somov
When aluminum is obtained by electrolysis of cryolite-alumina melts when the baths are sent for capital repairs, a solid technogenic product is formed – waste lining of electrolytic cells (WLEC). The volume of formation of WLEC is 30-50 kg per 1 ton of aluminum. Currently, it is mainly stored at landfills near industrial enterprises, causing harm to the environment. However, this technogenic raw material contains valuable components (fluorine, aluminum, sodium) that can be extracted to produce fluoride salts, which are in demand during the electrolytic production of aluminum. The objects of research were samples of the coal part of the waste lining of dismantled S-8BM (E) type electrolytic cells of «RUSAL Krasnoyarsk» JSC (Krasnoyarsk) of RUSAL company. According to the X-ray experiment diffraction analysis (using a Bruker D8 ADVANCE diffractometer) of the phase composition of the samples, it was found that the main fluorine-containing compounds are cryolite, chiolite, sodium and calcium fluorides. The total fluorine content in the studied samples averaged 13.1 %. We conducted studies on the leaching of fluorine from WLEC with a solution of caustic alkali (NaOH concentration – 17.5 g/dm 3 ). The process was carried out in a mechanically agitated reactor using a BIOSAN MM-1000 top drive laboratory stirrer with a two-blade nozzle. By the method of mathematical planning of a three-factor experiment, the mutual influence of three leaching conditions on the optimization parameter was established – the extraction of fluorine in solution (in percent). The maximum recovery of fluorine from WLEC to the leach solution averaged 86.4 % and was achieved with the following indicators:processtemperature–95 ° C, the ratio ofliquidtosolidphase–9:1,duration– 210 min.
Date submitted2018-10-28
Date accepted2018-12-30
Date published2019-04-23
Development and research of formation technologies on specialized presses with subsequent sintering of high-density details from iron-based powders
- Authors:
- A. M. Dmitriev
- N. V. Korobov
- A. Zh. Badalyan
Creating shifts of the lyaers in a deforming workpieces improves the quality of the product produced by pressure treatment. qual-channel angular pressing and precipitations of a cylindrical billet with a rotating turnaround were developed by specialists earlier and became basic for scientists engaged in nanotechnology. One of the most modern schemes for creating nanostructures by processing on presses is the «Cyclic Extrusion Compression» scheme (in Russia – «Hourglass»), which has significant drawbacks. To date, research on the creation of layer shifts in compacted metal powders is substantially less than in compaction of compact blanks. The article developed compaction schemes for presses of blanks from iron-based powders that have a certain analogy with the «Hourglass», while lacking the disadvantages inherent in the named scheme and implemented on the created samples of specialized hydraulic presses. The results of the studies of density, strength and microhardness before sintering the samples molded from a number of domestic and imported powders on iron base, including those doped with carbon and other alloying components, are described. It has been established that with the use of the formation schemes for powders providing large shifts between particles, the density of the preforms increases on average by 10-12 %. With an average stress (16.32 MPa) of the transverse section of the molded specimen prior to its sintering, molding with shifts between particles increases this stress by 78 %. The strength after sintering of samples made using the compaction schemes developed by the authors of the article increases approximately by 2 times. Magnetic pulse treatment (MPT) of a molded sample prior to its sintering increases its resistance to shearing before sintering, regardless of the molding pattern. When MPT of both the powder and the molded sample is executed, the most uniform distribution of microhardness in the sample is achieved, and after subsequent sintering, the most uniform distribution of the mechanical characteristics of the product. The results of all studies are described by regression equations.
Date submitted2018-05-06
Date accepted2018-07-17
Date published2018-10-24
Obtaining intermetallic compounds in Al–Ti–Zn system
- Authors:
- V. V. Kaminskii
- S. Y. Petrovich
- V. A. Lipin
Binary intermetallic compounds – titanium aluminides (TiAl, Ti 3 Al) – when added to the alloys, significantly increase their strength and special properties. The most promising direction to produce intermetallic compounds are mechanochemical technologies, including mechanical alloy building. Mechanical alloying makes it possible to introduce much smaller particles into the metal matrix than can be achieved using standard powder metallurgy technologies. In addition to mechanical synthesis, aluminum-based intermetallic compounds were produced by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) of solid chemical compounds. The synthesis was carried out according to a multistage scheme: preparation of titanium and aluminum powder, mixing; synthesis of the Al 3 Ti intermetallic compound by the SHS method in vacuum followed by mechanical activation of stoichiometric charges. The aim of the research was to study the dynamics of the development of nanodispersed phases in the process of synthesis during mechanical alloying. The power absorbed by the unit mass of the material for different processing times of the charge was calculated. When the level of the specific power (dose) of mechanical treatment was 3.5 kJ/g, the maximum content of intermetallic compound in the resulting material was achieved. Based on calculations and the data obtained during X-ray phase analysis, the dependence of the change in the content of ternary intermetallic compounds in the final product on the absorbed power was determined. As a result of the studies using raster electron microscopy and X-ray analysis, it was found that mechanical alloying of nanostructured intermetallic compounds Ti 4 ZnAl 11 and Ti 25 Zn 9 Al 66 with the size of nanodisperse phases less than 12 nm in the Al–Ti–Zn system, the weight ratio of proportion of the latter reaches 74 %.