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Vol 197

Vol 196
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Mathematic model of well cementation when constructing and operating of oil and gas wells

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In this article were shown research results connected with development of mathematical model of cementation in high-permeability rock at drilling and repair of oil and gas wells.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S., Nikolaev N.I. Mathematic model of well cementation when constructing and operating of oil and gas wells // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 9.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Rock-destroying tool development for ice well drilling

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In this paper results of experimental studies of ice cutting  process  with  using cutter  type bits are presented. The bit operation, ranges of rational value of bit taper and rate of penetration  are analysed. Reasons causing complications during drilling well in ice deeper then 3000m are determined on the basis well drilling in Vostok station and Dom C and possible ways to overcome them.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S., Vasilev N.I. Rock-destroying tool development for ice well drilling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 15.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Formation of cracks in breeds of the face оf the chink under the influence of chisel cutters

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It is considered the mechanism of formation of cracks of the round closed outline at action on breed of an individual chisel cutter. Pressure hinks arising on a face are investigated. Recommendations about designing of chisel crowns are  made.

How to cite: Gorshkov L.K., Gorelikov V.G. Formation of cracks in breeds of the face оf the chink under the influence of chisel cutters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 21.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Anormal wear of diamond drill bits

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The diversity factors and types of stresses occurring in drilling diamonds  crucial thermal and mechanical stresses on stress-deformation condition and, ultimately, the efficiency of diamond tools. Showing ways to improve designs and ways to prevent their crowns abnormal wear.

How to cite: Gorshkov L.K., Yakovlev A.A. Anormal wear of diamond drill bits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 25.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Design features of diamond crowns for drilling of breeds with cracks rocks

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The analysis of design data of diamond crowns is made. Feature of  work  of  diamond crowns is noted at drilling of rocks, principal views of deterioration  of diamonds and a matrix. Are given rekomendatsi on perfection of diamond  crowns.

How to cite: Gorelikov V.G. Design features of diamond crowns for drilling of breeds with cracks rocks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 29.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Development and technological background of diamond bits

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In «Tulskoe NIGP» new production technologies of diamond bits were developed and implemented. This technologies allow improve exploitation characteristics of developed equipment and upgrade serial equipment. Examples of technological background organization of serial and modern diamond bit were given for objects «Central-Kola» expedition and geological organizations of republic Uzbekistan.

How to cite: Budyukov Y.E., Spirin V.I., Onishchin V.P. Development and technological background of diamond bits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 34.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Development of principles of construction and operation of new diamond bits

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In the article questions of development of mathematical-mechanical model of rock destruction process, abnormal wearout of diamond bits, mechanical and temperature tensions in drill diamonds, technology of drilling with new diamond bits were observed.

How to cite: Gorshkov L.K., Osetskii A.I. Development of principles of construction and operation of new diamond bits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 40.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Technical equipments for realization investigation works on shelf of arctic seas

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Make an inventory composition and purpose of complex techniques equipments for realization investigation works on shelf, accommodated on the swimming drilling   rig.

How to cite: Onishchin V.P. Technical equipments for realization investigation works on shelf of arctic seas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 46.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Structural and petrophysical characteristics оf intraplate geodynamic settings of the Barents-Kara region and Northern margin of Eurasian continent

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Characteristic features of deep structure and petrophysical parameters  of intraplate structures (hot spots, intracontinental rifts, inrtraplate basins and passive continental margins) are considered. Examples of the structures of Barents-Kara region and Eurasian continent north margin are presented.

How to cite: Egorov A.S., Smirnov O.E. Structural and petrophysical characteristics оf intraplate geodynamic settings of the Barents-Kara region and Northern margin of Eurasian continent // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 50.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Drilling of deep geological prospecting wells in Norilsk region

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Algorithm of projecting of deep wells construction, based on analysis  of drilling of first  deep wells in Norilsk region is composed. Article shows, that usage of new diamond bits improve efficiency of drilling.

How to cite: Budyukov Y.E., Spirin V.I., Onishchin V.P. Drilling of deep geological prospecting wells in Norilsk region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 59.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Mathematical model of the distribution оf temperature in the hole and the surrounding mountain range when applying foamed cements

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Proposed the mathematical model of temperature distribution in borehole and the surrounding mountain, evaluated conditions reliable capacity wells foamed cements in pavements, rock.

How to cite: Yakovlev A.A. Mathematical model of the distribution оf temperature in the hole and the surrounding mountain range when applying foamed cements // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 63.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Wells drilling with hydrotransport of drill core

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The work is devoted to development and new technology hydraulic transport drill core of drill-hole returns on Buryatgold deposites. Scheme and basis parameters of drilling are given.

How to cite: Budyukov Y.E., Spirin V.I. Wells drilling with hydrotransport of drill core // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 68.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Analysis of robust capacity wells of foamed cements

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Evaluated conditions reliable capacity wells foamed cements in pavements, rock and a current analysis of the temperature field of concrete pavements rocks with varying temperature, which allowed to establish conditions of reliable fastening of wells and the effective application of these foamed cements do not require special technological receptions for drilling of concrete pavements.

How to cite: Yakovlev A.A. Analysis of robust capacity wells of foamed cements // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 71.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Microphotography of drilling foam as a means of expanding of information content in scientific research

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Some results of research of properties of foams which find  widespread  of application in field of oil, gas and geological prospecting drilling.

How to cite: Muraev Y.D. Microphotography of drilling foam as a means of expanding of information content in scientific research // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 75.
Present-day problems of geological exploration and well drilling
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Influence of geological factors on the composition of foam agent for geological prospecting drilling

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Efficiency and environmental safety of drilling process requires consider of geological conditions of field. The recommendations on  the composition  of reagents for  different geological conditions are given in the article. The results of experimental work are given.

How to cite: Muraev Y.D. Influence of geological factors on the composition of foam agent for geological prospecting drilling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 79.
Economic problems and prospects of mineral and raw material sector of Russia
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Topical issues of russian mechanical engineering in condition of Russia’s transition to the innovation-driven economy

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The development problems of domestic mechanical engineering at the stage of its modernization are considered in the article. It is noted that the Russian economy transition to the innovative way of development is impossible without a deep modernization  of engineering as a core industry. Authors reveal the reasons for machinery-producing industry degradation, suggest reasonable measures to bring the industry out of the deep protracted crisis such as a more active industrial policy, increase in investment, including research and development, increasing the level of specialization in production, skills training etc.

How to cite: Makovskii A.M., Barsukov D.P., Khaikin M.M. Topical issues of russian mechanical engineering in condition of Russia’s transition to the innovation-driven economy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 84.
Economic problems and prospects of mineral and raw material sector of Russia
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Industrial scale influence on formation оf the structure and the development strategy of the company

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In the article the issues of improving the efficiency of domestic production with the different sizes of production capacity are considered. Indicators that characterize the size of production capacity and reflect the efficiency of its use are given. Authors carry out a comprehensive analysis of the A.D. Chandler’s concept and its practical application. The main goal is to develop standards for characterizing the minimum allowable size of the production for different  industries.

How to cite: Makovskii A.M., Gavrilov A.N., Khaikin M.M. Industrial scale influence on formation оf the structure and the development strategy of the company // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 90.
Economic problems and prospects of mineral and raw material sector of Russia
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Restructuring of a company as a tool of a competitive growth under unstable economic conditions

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While Russia participates more in the world economy, Russian companies are becoming more exposed to its fluctuations. Recent economic crisis has revealed a strong necessity to improve the competitiveness of Russian companies. One of the ways to do it is to apply a method of restructuring of the company, which allows to reduce transaction costs and increase efficiency of the company.

How to cite: Sergeev I.B., Viktorova E.V. Restructuring of a company as a tool of a competitive growth under unstable economic conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 96.
Economic problems and prospects of mineral and raw material sector of Russia
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Geological risks insurance as an element оf the organizational and economic mechanism of increasing investment attractiveness оf the russian mineral resources base of scarce minerals reproduction process

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Due to the problem of deficiency of some minerals in Russia and the insufficient volume of the assignments in exploration authors suggest an organizational and economic mechanism of mineral resources base reproduction. One of the elements of this mechanism is insurance of geological risks. In the article possible types and basic indicators of insurance in exploration are considered.  It is noted that geological risks assess with taking into account all the factors affecting it is an essential part of insurance. Recommendations for geologic risk insurance in scarce mineral resources exploration are given.

How to cite: Pashkevich N.V., Khloponina V.S. Geological risks insurance as an element оf the organizational and economic mechanism of increasing investment attractiveness оf the russian mineral resources base of scarce minerals reproduction process // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 101.
Economic problems and prospects of mineral and raw material sector of Russia
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Modern instruments of quantitative risk analysis and risk assessment of innovation projects

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The detailed analysis of quantitative methods of innovation projects’ risk assessment  is made, the advantages and limits of several methods are shown. The possibilities of usage of the most modern methods of risk assessment, including real options method and method of multivariate fuzzy analysis, are characterized.

How to cite: Privalov N.G., Kozlovskii A.N., Petrov V.N. Modern instruments of quantitative risk analysis and risk assessment of innovation projects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 107.
Economic problems and prospects of mineral and raw material sector of Russia
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Commercialization of results of scientific researches and development as factor of innovative development of economy

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The urgency of commercialization of results of scientific researches and development from positions of innovative development of real sector of economy is proved. The role of the small innovative enterprises is shown at research universities as effective channel of a transfer of technologies.

How to cite: Knysh V.A. Commercialization of results of scientific researches and development as factor of innovative development of economy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 113.
Economic problems and prospects of mineral and raw material sector of Russia
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Strategic management оf small innovative enterprises created at the university for the implementation of the results of intellectual activity

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It is proved the conception and proposed functional model  of strategic management of small innovative enterprises created at the University in accordance with the Federal law no.217-FZ. Is discussed the problem of choice of strategy of development of small innovative enterprises with participation of the University and some ways of its solution.

How to cite: Knysh V.A., Fedorova Y.S. Strategic management оf small innovative enterprises created at the university for the implementation of the results of intellectual activity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 118.
Economic problems and prospects of mineral and raw material sector of Russia
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The classification and quantitative assessment of innovation project risks

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The classifications of risks based on  different parameters are considered; the specific risks  of innovative projects are sorted out and structured. The approaches to  the  quantitative  assessment of risks are analyzed, their features, contents, advantages and limits are determined. The conditions of appropriate usage of these approaches are considered. The possibilities of hierarchical process analysis method are  shown.

How to cite: Kulik Y.A., Volovich V.N., Privalov N.G., Kozlovskii A.N. The classification and quantitative assessment of innovation project risks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 124.
Economic problems and prospects of mineral and raw material sector of Russia
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Russian mineral companies under the condition of the world trade organisation functioning

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In the article the issues connected with the accession to the WTO in Russia are considered. It is noted that the role of the government in the markets of the countries acceding to the WTO reduces (in compliance with all agreements relating to fair competition) while the role of independent and state regulators on behalf  of  certification bodies increases. The authors think that the WTO accession won’t affect fuel and mineral resources part of export in Russia as there are no serious limitations for sale of mineral resources in the world markets. Under the  condition of the accession to the WTO it is proposed to develop economic incentives for companies of the mineral resources sector in order to diversify production and implement innovations.

How to cite: Pashkevich N.V., Fedchenko A.A., Iseeva L.I. Russian mineral companies under the condition of the world trade organisation functioning // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 129.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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The method of analysis stress-and-strain state оf a rock massif with regard to nonlinear character of straining process

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The nonlinear problem of analysis of the stress-and-strain state of rock massif is discussed. The numerical algorithm analysis of the stress-strain state of a massif, which includes a set of computational methods, is suggested.

How to cite: Gospodarikov A.P., Maksimenko M.V. The method of analysis stress-and-strain state оf a rock massif with regard to nonlinear character of straining process // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 134.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Legitimacies of flushing method formation by mechanically in the conditions of long-term frozen grounds

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On the basis of the experimental data received at erection mass of a file by throwing car with the bottom emission of breed, in the conditions of negative temperatures laws  of distribution and a trajectory of flight of pieces of breed of the various sizes are established.

How to cite: Tolstunov S.A., Montikov A.V. Legitimacies of flushing method formation by mechanically in the conditions of long-term frozen grounds // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 138.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Anticipating of probable strains slope of coal strip mine «Chernigovets» at seismically impact

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Estimation of earthquakes seismic effect for slope stability of coal strip mine «Chernigovets» in Kemerovo region by means of pseudo-static analysis and physical modeling is conducted. Relevancy to take into account not only maximum accelerations but also continuance of oscillations is showed.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Tsirel S.V., Zuev B.Y., Pavlovich A.A. Anticipating of probable strains slope of coal strip mine «Chernigovets» at seismically impact // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 143.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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PRediction of spatial stress-strain double-track tunnels Frunzensky radius Saint Petersburg underground

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In this article the analysis of the stress-strain state of the external and internal contours of the lining, which appears during the process of the drilling of tunnels with using of contledge of the face which applied in Tunnel Boring Machines, is adduced. The finite element method diagrams obtained the minimum and maximum principal stresses on the outer and inner contours of output. Relationship obtained in the surface sediments depending on the depth of the tunnels.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Suprun I.K. PRediction of spatial stress-strain double-track tunnels Frunzensky radius Saint Petersburg underground // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 147.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Stress state of entries support when stocks of ore mine Vostochny are developing by combined open-pit and underground method

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The main features of the entries supports in theinfluence zone of open pit and second working are established. Research was carried out using a numerical  modelling by finiteelements method.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Kuranov A.D. Stress state of entries support when stocks of ore mine Vostochny are developing by combined open-pit and underground method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 151.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Main problems of new generation open pit mines design

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Mining evolution is divided on the three phases in terms of the physical and intellectual activity: 1) primitive, 2) mechanization or physical liberation, and 3) automation or intellectual liberation. These phases correspond to the three levels of the mining cognition: empiric, analytic, and information technology  (IT). The transition to the third phase is going now and it will be finished by unmanned mining technology creation in the foreseeable future. So the development of the third generation’s mine design will be the important  task.

How to cite: Reshetnyak S.P. Main problems of new generation open pit mines design // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 154.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Rationale for the development of the method of existing iron typetailing gully

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In the Russian Federation, about 40 % of tailings dumps are in operation GOK. The development of mechanized impossible, due to heavy water production, the  stability of the dam breach and the possibility of a  breakthrough. In this regard, the task of developing the existing tailings dumps will now increase the competitiveness of enterprises and reduce the cost of iron ore concentrate.

How to cite: Ekgardt V.I., Kvitka V.V., Kholodnyakov G.A., Argimbaev K.R. Rationale for the development of the method of existing iron typetailing gully // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 159.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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The method of contact zone ore-waste rock optimum development

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The equation  to calculate economic damage from losses and dilution  of minerals is given  in dynamic type. The optimum height of immixed rocks triangle on minimum economic damage from losses and dilution criterion is determined. The equation for determination of the optimum safety berm width when forming the final edge of an open pit is presented.

How to cite: Kvitka V.V., Fomin S.I., Kava P.B. The method of contact zone ore-waste rock optimum development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 165.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Deep open pit walls design using rock mass stress-strained state

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One of the main deep open pit mining problems is the wall stability for a long time. It is obvious that the basic area of stress concentration in deep pits is the lower  edges of pit  walls. We have been studying the possibility of reducing stress concentrations like these by means of the alteration of the open pit bottom part configuration. To do this, there was considered  the  shape with a smooth passage from walls to the bottom of the pit (by widening the berms in the lower part) instead of trapezoid shape. Calculations were carried out  for deep open pits with a flat and rounded bottom across and along the strike of the ore body.

How to cite: Reshetnyak S.P., Fedotova Y.V., Savchenko S.N. Deep open pit walls design using rock mass stress-strained state // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 169.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Plagioclase’s iridescent as mineralogical sign of pegmatites with large-crystalline muscovite (North Baikal muscovite province)

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Geological and mineralogical research were conducted by the scanning probe microscopy and showed that in plagioclase pegmatites of North Baikal muscovite province the average thickness of the peristerites increases from early graphic zones to late trochlear zones and pegmatoid zones of pegmatite veins. The thickness reaches a maximum in the pegmatites of pegmatoid structure which contain large-crystalline muscovite. This regularity can be used for development mineralogical criteria for evaluation of pegmatite veins productivity at the large size muscovite source.

How to cite: Ivanov M.A., Simakov A.P. Plagioclase’s iridescent as mineralogical sign of pegmatites with large-crystalline muscovite (North Baikal muscovite province) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 174.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Engineering-geological and geoecological principals of development activities for geological environment protection at underground construction

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The engineering-geological and geo-ecological problems in the construction of underground structures are considered in the present paper. The different nature of the technical measures to reduce the environmental load are considered. This paper focuses on the various engineering-geological factors affecting the security of the geological environment. It is indicated the influence of hydrogeological conditions during mining operations both open pit and underground. It is noted change in the landscape associated with the formation of man-made depressions in the earth's surface a result of preliminary drainage area of future construction. The problems associated with waste storage of mining and processing industries are considered. A result of research presents a conceptual approach for the using of engineering-geological information to solve environmental problems.

How to cite: Ivanov I.P. Engineering-geological and geoecological principals of development activities for geological environment protection at underground construction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 180.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Environmental factors in case of appraisal of groundwater resources

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Environmental restrictions maintaining «sustainable  subsurface  resources  management»  are discussed. Approach to solving the problem of groundwater resources optimal control is described. It consists in a search of behavior global optimum point for the system earth interior – engineering constructions affecting subterranean water resources.

How to cite: Antonov V.V. Environmental factors in case of appraisal of groundwater resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 184.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Assessment of groundwater limitations in the context of Saint-Petersburg territory development

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Two limitations groups related to groundwater use and facilities construction and maintenance in complex geological and hydrogeological conditions are distinguished. The first one refers to the com- pliance with statutory requirements for sanitary protection zones of groundwater intakes. The second group deals with a consideration of buried valleys, lands of possible underflooding, evidences of aggressive groundwater subzones. Classification features and criteria are presented.

How to cite: Antonov V.V. Assessment of groundwater limitations in the context of Saint-Petersburg territory development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 187.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Tendencies in the change in physical and mechanical properties of the vendian clay formation (North Western edge of the Russian platform)

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The study presents experimental results illustrating a certain tendencies in the change in physical and mechanical properties of the Vendian clay formations over depth. A comparative analysis of samples from different borehole intervals has arrived at significant coefficients of correlation for the parameters that characterize the degree of the clay water saturation, compaction, and consistency with depth (the elevation of the core-bore sample in the profile). The rock deformation and strength parameters also demonstrate a dependence on the depth. The deformation modulus and the shear strength of the clay increase with increase in the depth of sampling.

How to cite: Rumynin V.G., Nikulenkov A.M. Tendencies in the change in physical and mechanical properties of the vendian clay formation (North Western edge of the Russian platform) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 191.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Engineering-geological ensuring for safety of mining work in water-inundated solid mass

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There was fulfilled a brief review an scientific works domestic scientists and specialists in the engineering-geodynamics area, which served the scientific principles for forecasting and warning of dangerous geological processes in the mining mineral deposit. The general conception the scientific-methods complex for safety of mining works in water-inundated solid mass was discerned, developed at the Scientific Center of Mining Geomechanics and mining issues University.

How to cite: Kutepova N.A., Kutepov Y.I., Shabarov A.N. Engineering-geological ensuring for safety of mining work in water-inundated solid mass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 197.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Variability and heterogeneity of the physical-mechanical properties of the latest marine sediments in the Arctic ocean

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The engineering-geological position reveals the peculiarities of structure and physical-mechanical properties of bottom soil of the Barents and Kara seas. Consider the conditions for the formation of the latest sediments, their relationship with the repeated freezing and defrosting during the late Cenozoic, the peculiarities of polar lithogenesis. Regional  factors of variability  and features of variability of the physical-mechanical properties of bottom soil with depth are shown. Conclusions are made about the ambiguous influence of the historical-geological factors  on physical-mechanical properties of soils. The role of soils, containing submarine gas hydrates, is shown.

How to cite: Neizvestnov Y.V., Kozlov S.A., Kondratenko A.V. Variability and heterogeneity of the physical-mechanical properties of the latest marine sediments in the Arctic ocean // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 203.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Biotic and abiotic components in underground space: genesis and effect on condition and properties of sandy soils

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The study presents influence biotic and abiotic components in underground space on formation and changes of sandy soils conditions and properties under peat, contamination of leaking sewages and some industrial enterprises. The regularities of decreasing of density, water permeability and shear strength of sand due to good disintegrated peat by experimental are analyzed. The organic component of biotic genesis leading to extremely negative effect on permeability and mechanical properties of water saturated sands till to quicksands is shown. The local constructional norms for Saint-Petersburg on the base of getting results should be modernized.

How to cite: Dashko R.E., Shidlovskaya A.V. Biotic and abiotic components in underground space: genesis and effect on condition and properties of sandy soils // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 209.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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The monitoring of gidrogeomehanical processes during the flooding of Angero-Sudgensk mines

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Let us consider a system of the organization of surveying and hydro-geological researches on the Anzhero Sudzhensk providing ground, and also the main results of long-term supervision in flooding of mines which allowed to study regularities of development of hydrogeomechanical processes in the technogenic broken massifs of the mine fields defining size, an orientation and nature of strain distribution of deformation above ground.

How to cite: Kutepova N.A., Kutepov Y.I., Shabarov A.N. The monitoring of gidrogeomehanical processes during the flooding of Angero-Sudgensk mines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 215.
Technologies in chemistry, concentration and metallurgy. Safety problems
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Separation of iron (III), aluminum and lanthanides extraction by naphthenic acids

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Extraction of iron (III) from nitrate solutions by acid in 1,2-dymethilbenzine was investigated. Dependences of pH and distribution coefficient was  obtained.  Optimal iron (III) and REM separation conditions was  acquired.

How to cite: Zhurov S.V., Litvinova T.E., Chirkst D.E. Separation of iron (III), aluminum and lanthanides extraction by naphthenic acids // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 221.
Technologies in chemistry, concentration and metallurgy. Safety problems
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Extraction separation of aluminum, manganese and cerium group lanthanides by using oleic acid

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The data on the extraction of aluminum and manganese by solution of oleic acid in o-xylene. The possibility of extraction separation  of aluminum, manganese and  cerium group lanthanides  by solvent extraction from nitrate  media.

How to cite: Zhukov S.V., Litvinova T.E., Chirkst D.E. Extraction separation of aluminum, manganese and cerium group lanthanides by using oleic acid // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 226.
Technologies in chemistry, concentration and metallurgy. Safety problems
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Crystallization of calcium in the hydrocarboaluminates in the system CaCO3 – Na2O – Al2O3 – H2O

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The theoretical basis of the synthesis of calcium hydrocarboaluminates 4CaO×Al2O3×mCO2×11H2O based on the CaCO3 in the aluminate-base system. We construct the isotherm of metastable equilibria in the system CaCO3 – 4CaO×Al2O3×mCO2×11H2O – 3CaO×Al2O3×6H2O – NaAl(OH)4  – NaOH – H2O at 50, 70 and  90°C.

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M., Sizyakova E.V., Kononenko E.S. Crystallization of calcium in the hydrocarboaluminates in the system CaCO3 – Na2O – Al2O3 – H2O // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 230.
Technologies in chemistry, concentration and metallurgy. Safety problems
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Superdeep desiliconization aluminate solution based on calcium hydrocarboaluminates

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The results of laboratory studies on super deep desilication of alumina liquors based on hidrocarboalyuminat calcium supplements 4CaO×Al2O3×0,5CO2×11H2O in advance  of  entering into the process of working hydrogranat sludge. Obtained  qualitatively  new  alumina  liquors with a silicon module (weight ratio Al2O3 / SiO2) of 50000 units. Impact of type-ahead hydrogranat sludge to a desilication depth given from the viewpoint of heterogeneous catalysis. The results obtained can be used to solve the problem of diversification of production in the complex processing of phosphogypsum in the synthesis calcium hydrocarboaluminates on the basis of fosfomel.

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M., Kononenko E.S., Sizyakova E.V. Superdeep desiliconization aluminate solution based on calcium hydrocarboaluminates // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 235.
Technologies in chemistry, concentration and metallurgy. Safety problems
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Integrated technology phosphogypsum processing conversion method with ammonium sulfate, phosphomel and new products

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Results of investigations of the conversion methods of processing of large-scale fertilizer production of waste – phosphogypsum to ammonium sulfate and calcium carbonate  (phosphomel). It is shown that, based on fosfomel can be synthesized by an innovative product multi-purpose – hydrocarboaluminates calcium 4CaO×Al2O3×nCO2×11H2O; the ways of effective use of hydrocarboaluminates calcium in the various sectors of the  economy.

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M., Nutrikhina S.V., Levin B.V. Integrated technology phosphogypsum processing conversion method with ammonium sulfate, phosphomel and new products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 239.
Technologies in chemistry, concentration and metallurgy. Safety problems
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Improving of the competitiveness of iron ore production based on full using of mineral raw materials

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The non-tailing technology for processing of high grade iron ore Yakovlevsky deposit was created. The technology allows obtaining high-quality competitive product for iron and steel industry and in addition producing very high demand and competitive red iron oxide pigment. As the basis of beneficiation cycle, fine grinding of  material  with  close  circuit classification in hydrocyclones can be considered. To produce briquettes mixture of martite, hydro-hematite ores and non-pigment fraction, which is obtained in pigment cycle, are used. The ore is subjected to pre-screening. A coarse grain is used as final material for metallurgical processing. The fine grain is sent to the briquetting.

How to cite: Klyamko A.S., Trushko V.L., Kuskov V.B. Improving of the competitiveness of iron ore production based on full using of mineral raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 245.
Technologies in chemistry, concentration and metallurgy. Safety problems
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Diagnostics of continuous technological process based on fuzzy topological identification

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In the article are observed the issues of fuzzy identification of continuous physical and technological processes simulation. Is suggested the new approach to construction of first rank uncertainty models diagnostics based on  fuzzy logic.

How to cite: Shestopalov M.Y., Korablev Y.A. Diagnostics of continuous technological process based on fuzzy topological identification // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 250.
Technologies in chemistry, concentration and metallurgy. Safety problems
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Control of air quality during the building of underground construction

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The mine technical features of building of  underground  structures determining  selection and parameters of ventilating systems and an air conditioning are reviewed, the engineering solutions on increase of control efficiency by quality of air are offered.

How to cite: Trushko V.L., Gendler S.G., Yakovenko A.A. Control of air quality during the building of underground construction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 256.
Technologies in chemistry, concentration and metallurgy. Safety problems
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History of accident and social insurance in russia

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In article the main marks of history of social insurance from operational injuries since the Russian Empire and are stated up to now.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Korshunov G.I., Cherkai Z.N., Mukhina N.V., Gridina E.B. History of accident and social insurance in russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 262.
Technologies in chemistry, concentration and metallurgy. Safety problems
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Milestones in the history of the protection of labor

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Article represents a historical sketch how there was a formation  of principles  of  safety since the most ancient times up to now. In it is told about formation of legal and social norms in  the work sphere for ensuring the right and freedoms  working.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Korshunov G.I., Cherkai Z.N., Mukhina N.V. Milestones in the history of the protection of labor // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 268.
Technologies in chemistry, concentration and metallurgy. Safety problems
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Acceptable risk assessment of production in mining industry

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In article the possible approach to an assessment of production acceptable risk at level of mining branch or the large enterprise is presented (mine, mine), specifics of which production activity is objectively connected with ineradicable today  dangers.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Korshunov G.I., Buldakova E.G., Cherkai Z.N. Acceptable risk assessment of production in mining industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 276.
Technologies in chemistry, concentration and metallurgy. Safety problems
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Structural approach to complex dynamic object fault detection and localization

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Is designed the approach to the task of complex dynamic object diagnostics on the basis of internal structures features structural analysis. Operational units and links fault symptoms are detected by means of the system transfer quality change control. The task of fault source localization is solved by mean of diagnostic model of topological rank, invariant to the operators classes of blocks and values of their parameters. Is given an example of solving the problem of fault detection and localization of nickel powder technological production process system error source.

How to cite: Poshekhonov L.B., Shestopalov M.Y. Structural approach to complex dynamic object fault detection and localization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 279.