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Vol 197
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Biotic and abiotic components in underground space: genesis and effect on condition and properties of sandy soils

R. E. Dashko1
A. V. Shidlovskaya2
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines)
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The study presents influence biotic and abiotic components in underground space on formation and changes of sandy soils conditions and properties under peat, contamination of leaking sewages and some industrial enterprises. The regularities of decreasing of density, water permeability and shear strength of sand due to good disintegrated peat by experimental are analyzed. The organic component of biotic genesis leading to extremely negative effect on permeability and mechanical properties of water saturated sands till to quicksands is shown. The local constructional norms for Saint-Petersburg on the base of getting results should be modernized.

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  1. Дашко Р.Э. Микробиота в геологической среде: ее роль и последствия // Сергеевские чтения. Материалы годичной сессии Научного совета РАН по проблемам геоэкологии, инженерной геологии и гидрогеологии. М.,2000. С.72-77.
  2. Дашко Р.Э. Роль микробиоты в инженерной геологии и геоэкологии: история вопроса и результаты экспериментальных исследований / О.Ю.Александрова, А.В.Шидловская // Сергеевские чтения: Материалы годичной сессии Научного совета РАН по проблемам геоэкологии, инженерной геологии и гидрогеологии, М., 2004. Вып.6. С.48-52.
  3. Дубах А.Д. Специфичность болот // Почвоведение, 1941. № 2. С.3-12.
  4. Dashko R.E. Environmental problems in geotechnics
  5. / Proc. of the International Geotechnical Conference, dedicated to the tercentenary. Saint Petersburg, 2003. Vol.1, P.95-106.

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