Assessment of groundwater limitations in the context of Saint-Petersburg territory development
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- National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines)
Two limitations groups related to groundwater use and facilities construction and maintenance in complex geological and hydrogeological conditions are distinguished. The first one refers to the com- pliance with statutory requirements for sanitary protection zones of groundwater intakes. The second group deals with a consideration of buried valleys, lands of possible underflooding, evidences of aggressive groundwater subzones. Classification features and criteria are presented.
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- Боревский Б.В., Язвин Л.С., Субботина Л.А. Методическое письмо по составлению дополнений к проектной документации II этапа работы «Оценка обеспеченности населения Российской Федерации ресурсами подземных вод для хозяйственно-питьевого водоснабжения». М., 1997.
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