The method of pumping water to compensate for fluid withdrawals from an oil formation in order to maintain formation pressure has long established itself as an effective technology and is widely used at oil and gas fields. At the same time, field operator is often faced with the problem of reduction in the intake capacity of injection wells, which may be caused by various complications arising in the near-wellbore area due to a violation of water treatment technology or other factors. This problem is typical for reservoirs with low permeability values, which leads to a decrease in the performance indicators of the formation pressure maintenance system. In order to counter contamination of the bottomhole zone of the well, as a rule, injection of specialized acid compositions for the purpose of cleaning is used. To increase the effectiveness of this procedure, the authors of the article propose to discharge the injection well at the maximum permissible speeds. This event will allow primary cleaning of the bottomhole zone of the formation from moving particles clogging the pore space, and reduce formation pressure in the vicinity of the injection well, which will subsequently improve the intake capacity of the well during treatment with acid compositions. The decrease in formation pressure in the bottomhole zone of the well also has a positive effect on the radius of acid penetration into the formation. The proposed approach has been successfully tested on a number of injection wells at one of «Gazprom Neft» enterprises. The results of pilot operations showed an increase in the quality of cleaning the bottomhole zone of the formation and an increase in the intake capacity of injection wells with subsequent preservation of intake dynamics.
An analysis of oil and gas deposits with zones of abnormally low formation pressure of a productive layer has been completed. Investigation of technological properties of liquid-gas mixtures is conducted. Lathering ability of the fluids, kinetics of liquid-gas mixtures’ destructions and their rheological properties are investigated. Formulations of fluids for make-up liquid-gas mixtures according to shown requirements are offered.
The diversity factors and types of stresses occurring in drilling diamonds crucial thermal and mechanical stresses on stress-deformation condition and, ultimately, the efficiency of diamond tools. Showing ways to improve designs and ways to prevent their crowns abnormal wear.
Proposed the mathematical model of temperature distribution in borehole and the surrounding mountain, evaluated conditions reliable capacity wells foamed cements in pavements, rock.
Evaluated conditions reliable capacity wells foamed cements in pavements, rock and a current analysis of the temperature field of concrete pavements rocks with varying temperature, which allowed to establish conditions of reliable fastening of wells and the effective application of these foamed cements do not require special technological receptions for drilling of concrete pavements.
Predicting the temperature regime of the borehole being drilled is one of the main tasks of designing drilling technology in the zones of frozen rock distribution.
The accumulated experience has shown the necessity of taking into account the temperature factor when designing rational designs of diamond rock-destroying tools intended for sinking wells with bottom-hole cleaning by foam, and the optimal technology of their development.
Внедрение в практику буровых работ технологии алмазного бурения скважин с промывкой пенными очистными агентами показало необходимость разработки режимных параметров бурения с учетом влияния температурного фактора ...
Развитие технологии алмазного бурения, основывающееся на применении высокоскоростных режимов, нового породоразрушающего инструмента и использовании низкотеплоемких очистных агентов (газожидкостных систем) предъявляет повышенные требования к работоспособности и, в первую очередьк нормализации температурного режима работы алмазного породоразрушающего инструмента ...