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Vol 183

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Karl Ivanovich Bohdanowicz – a scientist аnd pedagogue

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The paper is dedicated to life and activities of Karl Ivanovich Bohdanowicz – the prominent Russian and Polish traveller, expert in geology of mineral resources, the graduate from the Saint-Petersburg Mining Institute in 1886. On the Instructions of the Russian Imperial Geographic Society he carried out geological investigations in Trans-Caspian region, in Siberia, at the Kamchatka peninsula, in Central Asia, in the Caucasus. In 1914-1917 Karl Ivanovich was the head of the Russian Geological Committee; in 1902-1919 he was the head of the Department of Physical Geology and Ore Deposits in the Saint-Petersburg Mining Institute. In 1918 he became the founder of the Geological Exploration Faculty at the Mining Institute and its first Dean. Since 1919 K.I.Bohdanowicz lived and worked in Poland at the Krakow Mining Academy; since 1930 he was the head of Geological Survey in this country. There he had died in1947. Inthe history of Russian, Polish and the world-wide geological science Karl Ivanovich Bohdanowicz keeps the most noteworthy position.

How to cite: Lir Y.V. Karl Ivanovich Bohdanowicz – a scientist аnd pedagogue // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 9-16.
Stratigraphy, paleontology and regional geology
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Comparative analysis of spiriferida complexes of the frasnian stage in the south of Novaya Zemlya and one-aged complexes of East-European platform and other districts

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The Article contains a brief characteristic of spiriferida (brachiopod) complexes spread in the Frasnian sediments in the South of Novaya Zemlya, and their comparison with one-aged complexes of several regions of East-European platform, such as Main Devonian field, Central districts, the Volga-Urals region, South Timan, south-western districts and also outlying districts of the Kuznetsk coal basin and North-West of Russia.

How to cite: Bezgodova D.V. Comparative analysis of spiriferida complexes of the frasnian stage in the south of Novaya Zemlya and one-aged complexes of East-European platform and other districts // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 17-23.
Stratigraphy, paleontology and regional geology
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Composition of retrospective geological systems and significance of structural-tectonic factor in paleogeographic reconstructions

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Models of geological objects are represented as the static, dynamic and retrospective systems. Paleogeographic reconstruction relates to a typical retrospective system. Its objective composition becomes possible on the basis of the lower rank systems: static and dynamic. Comparison between paleogeographic reconstructions in time shows the significance of tectonical factor in the forming of paleolandscape of the territory. Information on paleobiocoenosis is necessary for estimation of paleoclimate. The Author’s field investigation materials of the geological mapping on a scale of 1:200 000 at the Novaya Zemlya archipelago are taken as the basis of paleogeographic and paleofacies reconstructions.

How to cite: Matveev V.P. Composition of retrospective geological systems and significance of structural-tectonic factor in paleogeographic reconstructions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 24-31.
Stratigraphy, paleontology and regional geology
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Importance of taphonomic researches for solution of biotopes and ecological-facial ostracod communities of some Silurian and lower devonian ostracoda from the South Tien Shan

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Importance of taphonomic researches of ostracod remains from the Middle Paleozoic deposits of the South Tien Shan for solution of ecological-facial and biostratigraphical problems is demonstrated. The allochthonous and subautochthonous ostracod burials of some Silurian and lower Devonian stratigraphic units from the South Tien Shan are described. Six stable pattern types of ecological-facial ostracod communities, connected with different paleoenvironments are presented. The development of communities is traced through lower Silurian and lower Devonian.

How to cite: Michailova E.D. Importance of taphonomic researches for solution of biotopes and ecological-facial ostracod communities of some Silurian and lower devonian ostracoda from the South Tien Shan // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 32-39.
Stratigraphy, paleontology and regional geology
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A new regional stratigraphical scheme of the upper palaeozoic of Taimir

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The structural-genetic analysis of the Upper Palaeozoic sections of Taimir allowed us to distinguish seven geoformations – regional geological bodies, which had been formed as a result of transgression-regression cycles in the palaeobasin. The geoformations are considered as the regional stratigraphic units (Horizont in Russian usage). Lithologically uniform parts of the geoformations (gradations), which resulted from lateral differentiation of landscapes during the regional sedimentation cycle, are used as local stratigraphical units. The developed stratigraphical scheme based on the geoformations and gradations is the geohistorical model of the Late Palaeozoic of Taimir.

How to cite: Shishlov S.B. A new regional stratigraphical scheme of the upper palaeozoic of Taimir // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 40-52.
Stratigraphy, paleontology and regional geology
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Cyclicity of the devonian and carboniferous deposits of Novaya Zemlya

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Two structural-formational zones are recognized in the Devonian and Carboniferous deposits of Novaya Zemlya: the Barents zone and the Kara zone. The first one is characterized by thick, predominantly carbonate deposits, containing a rich complex of benthic fossils, and corresponds to the shelf paleoenvironments. The second one is characterized by thin hemipelagic argillaceous, lime and siliceous deposits, containing scarce pelagic fossils. This zone is suggested to represent bathyal paleoenvironments (slope and basin floor). The main control on sedimentation in both zones provided relative sea-level rises and falls, which repeated with mean periodicity equal to an age (third-order cycles). Sea-level highstands correspord to periods of low sedimentation rates and stagnation in deep-water zone. Sea-level lowstands were favourable to intensification of sediment gravity flows and better aeration of bottom waters.

How to cite: Schekoldin R.A. Cyclicity of the devonian and carboniferous deposits of Novaya Zemlya // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 53-62.
Stratigraphy, paleontology and regional geology
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On specific features of stratigraphy of the middle devonian deposits of the Leningrad region

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The revision of stratigraphical schemes is one of the urgent problems at present time. This article gives data on history of formation of stratigraphical schemes of the Middle Devonian of North-West of the East-European platform. Modern stratigraphy of terrigenous layers of Middle Devonian is considered. The special attention is given to a problem of the boundary of the Middle and Upper Devonian. On the example of particular outcrops of the Leningrad region the importance of rhythmic stratigraphy in the splitting and correlation of deposits of the Middle and Upper Devonian is shown.

How to cite: Tsinkoburova M.G. On specific features of stratigraphy of the middle devonian deposits of the Leningrad region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 63-70.
Geology, search and prospecting of mineral deposits
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Peculiarities of structure and comparative analysis of oil-and-gas basins in the Pacific segment of lithosphere

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Comparative analysis was carried out for oil-and-gas-bearing basins of young and oldland platforms of the Pacific segment. Previously the same kind of analysis had been realized for the Atlantic segment of lithosphere. Obtained results confirm the unique geological structure and oil-and-gas capacity of Siberian platform, by these features it differs from all other cratons in the whole world.

How to cite: Archegov V.B. Peculiarities of structure and comparative analysis of oil-and-gas basins in the Pacific segment of lithosphere // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 71-77.
Geology, search and prospecting of mineral deposits
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Prospects of nickel industry in the Urals in the light of ore field structure study in supergene nickel deposits

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Tectonic fractures of meridian spread, masked by block system of neotectonic breaks, play the leading role in structural control of nickel mineralization in supergene nickel deposits in the Urals. The deposits have long-term genesis and polygenic character. They are characterized by intensive tectonic and hydrothermal workup of Paleozoic substrate and block structure with small amplitude of vertical displacement. All of them have a two-floor structure, where upper supergene floor has a «background» of lower hydrothermal floor. This fact considerably increases the field of geological prospecting and searching of new oxide-silicate nickel deposits in the Uralian region.

How to cite: Vorontsova N.I., Talovina I.V., Lazarenkov V.G., Ryzhkova S.O., Mezentseva O.P. Prospects of nickel industry in the Urals in the light of ore field structure study in supergene nickel deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 78-87.
Geology, search and prospecting of mineral deposits
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New source of noble corundum in Kenya

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The large-scale occurrence of ruby and sapphire in Kenya is represented by contemporary river-bed and valley alluvial placers. The first ones are characterized by a high content of ruby (up to 10,4 ct/m 3 ), the second type is interesting due to the amount of forecasted resources: up to 2,3 million ct of ruby and 1,2 million ct of sapphire. It turned out to trace the mechanism of corundum concentrations forming, the mineral crystallized in Archean high-alumina gneisses affected by Precambrian basites (ultrabasites), and then survived a complicated way: – ancient eluvium – ancient alluvium – transportation by basaltic Pleistocenic magma – Holocenic weathering crust of volcanites – talus – contemporary alluvium.

How to cite: Kulachkov L.V., Kamwathi K., Shterhun V.L. New source of noble corundum in Kenya // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 88-94.
Geology, search and prospecting of mineral deposits
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On correlation of element concentrations in spray нaloes of dispersion being fixed with different geoelectrochemical methods

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The theoretical basis for correlation between the results of two geoelectrochemical methods at different depths of sampling is presented. The field data confirm the conclusion.

How to cite: Putikov O.F., Margovich E.G. On correlation of element concentrations in spray нaloes of dispersion being fixed with different geoelectrochemical methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 95-100.
Geology, search and prospecting of mineral deposits
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Nickel-containing iron oxides in the Buruktal deposit, South Urals

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In the Buruktal supergene nickel deposit, iron oxides possess vertical mineralogical zoning (bottom-up): magnetite-maghemite-goethite-hematite. The main rock- and ore-forming mineral in the iron-oxide zone of the deposit is magnetite, presented by three generations: primary relic magnetite, surviving from ultramafic rocks; secondary magnetite, forming at serpentinization process and neogenic supergene magnetite. Supergene magnetite, like a goethite, is nickel ore mineral, containing about 1 % NiO. Under the complex thermal analysis data, maghemite-magnetite and goethite have two main diagnostic maximums: exothermal effect of magnetite, caused by magnetite oxidation to maghemite in the interval 317‑340 °С, displays maximum at 327 °С («magnetite» point), and endothermic effect of goethite, connected with loss of constitutional water of the mineral and its transition to hematite in the interval 269‑296 °С, displays maximum at 288 °С («goethite» point).

How to cite: Ryzkova S.O., Talovina I.V., Lazarenkov V.G., Vorontsova N.I., Ugolkov V.L. Nickel-containing iron oxides in the Buruktal deposit, South Urals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 101-111.
Geology, search and prospecting of mineral deposits
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Appearance of entropy principle in distribution оf the gold mass while formation of minable gold mineralization

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The rule of the entropy distributiveness for mass of the metal in gold ores is detected at different scale levels. This regularity is resulted as a consequence of redistribution of the gold and host rocks after their primary conditions. Revealing of those rules may allow reviewing the notions on nature and genesis of gold mineralizaition.

How to cite: Sendek S.V. Appearance of entropy principle in distribution оf the gold mass while formation of minable gold mineralization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 112-126.
Geology, search and prospecting of mineral deposits
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Geological structure, characteristics of ores and genesis of ore occurrences in the Halvdanpiggen field (West Spitsbergen island)

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A new metallogenic zone was separated out in a central part of the archipelago Spitsbergen by the results of exploration work. It was shown an integral series of ore areas and fields in the limits of this zone, including the ore field Halvdanpiggen. This field integrates several non-uniformly scaled the ore occurrences, which present a great interest in regard to a material composition of the ore. They likewise produce an information for determination of genesis and outlooks of total metallogenic zone. The article contains data on geology, mineralogy and geochemistry of deposits; it is established their genesis, formation membership and time of origination.

How to cite: Sirotkin A.N., Khailov V.V., Nikitin D.V. Geological structure, characteristics of ores and genesis of ore occurrences in the Halvdanpiggen field (West Spitsbergen island) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 127-138.
Geology, search and prospecting of mineral deposits
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Ore-forming hydrothermal solutions and gas hydrate formation in the ocean

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Geological and tectonic settings and thermobaric characteristics of hydrothermal activity are confronted with those of gas hydrate formation. Hydrocarbon concentrations and isotopic composition in hydrothermal fluids of mid-ocean ridges with different thickness of sediment cover and marginal oceanic basins are compared. The possible influence of rising thermal fluids on gas hydrate accumulations was analyzed and examples of hydrate formation linked with hydrothermal process are given.

How to cite: Sudarikov S.M., Filatova S.S. Ore-forming hydrothermal solutions and gas hydrate formation in the ocean // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 139-143.
Geology, search and prospecting of mineral deposits
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History and prospects for the development of the karelian isthmus facing stone mineral base

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The prerequisites for the development of the deposits, the previous studies and the current state of Karelian Isthmus facing stone sources as well as their comparison with those of other regions of Northwestern Federal Districts of Russia are considered. The objects for top-priority geological prospecting are determined.

How to cite: Tutakova A.Y. History and prospects for the development of the karelian isthmus facing stone mineral base // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 144-148.
Geology, search and prospecting of mineral deposits
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Prediction and prospecting types of reflection of buried kimberlite fields in terrigenous diamond-bearing rocks

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On the basis of complex of lithologic-stratigraphic, mineralogical, facial-dynamic, paleogeomorphologic and morphogenetic features of post-kimberlitic terrigenous diamond-bearing rocks and reconstructed synchronous relief three prediction and prospecting types of reflection of buried kimberlite fields are distinguished. It is shown that ranging of diamondiferous territories to various types enables to direct exploration works to discovery of diamond deposits of the certain origin and makes possible to select proper prospecting technique. With the use of suggested criteria of research of promising territories the evaluation of diamond presence in the industrial regions of the Siberian, East-European and African-Arabian platforms is carried out.

How to cite: Ustinov V.N. Prediction and prospecting types of reflection of buried kimberlite fields in terrigenous diamond-bearing rocks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 149-159.
Mineralogy and petrography
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Thermobaric granite crystallization conditions of the severniy massif (the Chukotka) in accordance with the feldspars study data

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The Kamentsev I.E. and Sorokin N.D. method is used to investigate the dependence of Al-Si-ordering and structure of alkaline feldspars decomposition in different granites from the Severny massif (Chukotka) under thermobaric conditions of their crystallization. The temperature and pressure on the granite system in the initial period of feldspars ordering are determined quantitatively for the first time for the region. Progressive pressure change which exceeds lithostatic load by 750 МPа at the late stage of lithium-fluoride granites formation is revealed. It is hypothesized that the deposits similar to explosive ore-bearing breccia can be discovered in the Chukotka. The conclusion on possibility to apply the Sobolev-Dobretsov concept of superpressure to interpret the process of rare-metal magmatism is drawn.

How to cite: Alekseev V.I. Thermobaric granite crystallization conditions of the severniy massif (the Chukotka) in accordance with the feldspars study data // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 160-166.
Mineralogy and petrography
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New data on infrared spectroscopy of diamonds from industrial deposits of Yakutia

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Results of investigation of large diamond samples from main primary and some placer deposits of Yakutia by FTIR is given. Comparison of various characteristics indicates that maximal difference for samples of diamonds from different sources and minimal diversity for different samples from one source have average values of absorption coefficient and maximum positions of B2 absorption band. The revealed parameters are proposed to be used during comparative analysis of diamonds of different kimberlite pipes, determination of the initial source of placer diamonds, forecasting of new sources.

How to cite: Bogush I.N., Mityukhin S.I., Vasiliev E.A. New data on infrared spectroscopy of diamonds from industrial deposits of Yakutia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 167-173.
Mineralogy and petrography
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Morphometry of aggregates and modeling of phase transition kinetics under metamorphism

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The paper discusses some general relations between the structure of metamorphic rocks and mechanisms of phase reactions. Among these relations is the influence of nucleation and growth of kinetics on the crystal size distribution. A brief overview is made of theoretical models which have been proposed to explain granulometric properties of rocks, and kinetic laws and factors on the metamorphic crystallization are considered by the example of metapelitic garnets, including the phenomenon of avalanche nucleation at finite overheating as well as the growth of porphyroblasts under diffusion-limited conditions. As a result, a new approach to modeling of native granulometric curves is presented.

How to cite: Gulbin Y.L. Morphometry of aggregates and modeling of phase transition kinetics under metamorphism // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 174-180.
Mineralogy and petrography
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Principles of rational classification of magmatic rocks

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The classification of igneous rocks approved in Petrographic code is not quite good, as well as the classification offered by the commission of the International Union of geological sciences. The rational and practically convenient classification of igneous rocks must take into account positive aspects of existing systematics. The division of igneous rocks into three classes (plutonic, volcanic and hypabissal) according to criteria stated in Petrographic code is well founded. The further division should be based on mineral contents; chemical composition should be used only if mineral contents can not be determined. Chemical composition must be recalculated to contents of normative minerals for classification purposes.

How to cite: Dolivo-Dobrovolsky V.V. Principles of rational classification of magmatic rocks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 181-186.
Hydrogeology, engineering geology
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Principles of development of geological engineering and geological criteria for safe burial of low radioactive wastes in lower cambrian blue clays in the Leningrad region

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It is noticed that the chosen territory for nuclear-waste disposal in Lower Cambrian clay massif nearby Koporje of Leningrad region takes place in a tectonic zone. Lower Cambrian clays are considered as the block-fractured rock mass having a depth zone structure. The long radioactive irradiation of dark blue clays has led to transformation of their structure, physical-chemical and physical-mechanical properties, and also to activization of microbial activity. Nine criteria to the geoenvironmental and engineering geological characteristics allowing in a complex to estimate safety and reliability of a nuclear-waste disposal in clay formations on an example of dark blue clays are suggested.

How to cite: Dashko R.E. Principles of development of geological engineering and geological criteria for safe burial of low radioactive wastes in lower cambrian blue clays in the Leningrad region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 187-195.
Hydrogeology, engineering geology
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Modern problems in regional monitoring оf underground waters

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The new situation with the carrying out of monitoring of underground waters on regional level was mainly caused by two reasons: 1) new regulations on the preservation of the environment were approved; the present water Regulations are being renewed; 2) studying of regime-forming factors of underground waters (geological, cosmic, climatic, biological, hydrological and technogenic) testify to the urgent necessity of introducing certain amendments into the system and maintainance of monitoring of underground waters.

How to cite: Kiryukhin V.A., Norova L.P. Modern problems in regional monitoring оf underground waters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 196-204.
Hydrogeology, engineering geology
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Engineering-geocryological problems оf the «Amur» federal highway Chita – Khabarovsk

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The engineering-geocryological conditions of the 2165-km-long Chita-Khabarovsk «Amur» federal highway, which is one of the greatest recent constructions in Russia, are analized. The examples of the negative effect of the engineering-geocryological processes on the highway stability and reliability are presented. The concept of the system of engineering-geocryological monitoring of the «Amur» highway have been developed in order to maintain stability and reliability of the «Amur» highway during its exploration.

How to cite: Kondratiev V.G., Soboleva S.V. Engineering-geocryological problems оf the «Amur» federal highway Chita – Khabarovsk // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 205-209.
Hydrogeology, engineering geology
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Modern methods of hydrogeological investigations in terms of prospecting of titanium-magnetic iron deposit «South-East Gremiakha»

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The paper considers the contemporary level of hydrogeological investigations during prospecting of deposits. It is suggested to use numerical modeling, sensors, computer programs for pumping tests. These methods are illustrated by prospecting of the South-East Gremiakha deposit.

How to cite: Norvatov Y.A., Petrova I.B., Petrov N.S., Tugarov I.V. Modern methods of hydrogeological investigations in terms of prospecting of titanium-magnetic iron deposit «South-East Gremiakha» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 210-215.
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A complex of gravi-, magneto-, electroprospecting аnd geoelectrochemical methods for local prediction and prospecting for hydrocarbon deposits

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It is proposed to use interpretational spatial distributions of effective parameters of the medium under investigation instead of measured fields in the process of comprehensive prediction-prospecting investigations. There are used effectively: effective density, effective magnetization, intensity of probable sources of geochemical anomalies.

How to cite: Alekseev S.G., Veshev S.A., Voroshilov N.A., Margovich E.G., Shtokalenko M.B., Putikov O.F. A complex of gravi-, magneto-, electroprospecting аnd geoelectrochemical methods for local prediction and prospecting for hydrocarbon deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 216-218.
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Application of georadiolocation in hydrology

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Georadiolocation is an effective tool to explore fresh water basins. When georadar is transported along the water surface by a small boat the bottom profile and the thickness of bottom sediments can be determined as well as sunk objects can be discovered. Investigation of a boundary between fresh and saline water in the estuaries of the rivers flown into the sea is a new field of georadars application. There is a possibility to determine damping factor, water electrical conductivity and, hence, water mineralization with the use of reflected signal amplitude.

How to cite: Bobrov N.Y., Krylov S.S., Kiselev E.Y., Priakhina G.V., Fedorova I.V. Application of georadiolocation in hydrology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 219-223.
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Low frequency inductive airborne electromagnetic system em-4h

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Nearly all existing airborne EM-survey systems have been tested in Russian Federation. And for today the most popular EM-system is the frequency-domain one, called EM-4H. The article gives the description of the EM-4H system, that have been developed by «Geotechnologies» JS. This instrument allows effective conductivity mapping on a 1:25000 scale. It provides performing of 100 kilometers of survey per hour on the average.

How to cite: Volkovitskiy A.K., Karshakov E.V., Popovich V.V. Low frequency inductive airborne electromagnetic system em-4h // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 224-227.
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Data collection and processing system of low-frequency electrical method with artificial source

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Review of the basic components of elaborating system is presented. The basic trends of application of these components and software products created on their basis are shown. The concept of a processing graph is entered and shown its dynamic features. Specific examples of the successful practical application of the system are considered.

How to cite: Geraskin A.I. Data collection and processing system of low-frequency electrical method with artificial source // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 228-230.
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Georadar investigations of shallow depth оf geological section and engineering constructions

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The GPR-method showing high resolution, great performance and sensitivity to minor variations in the composition and conditions of soils and material has assumed a role of the leading geophysical method for looking at the upper part of the geological section. This paper presents the advanced directions of GPR application for engineering problems solution.

How to cite: Glazunov V.V., Efimova N.N. Georadar investigations of shallow depth оf geological section and engineering constructions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 231-234.
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Prediction of reservoir properties by the acoustic impedance volume

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Acoustic impedance and reservoir properties relations are analyzed in this paper. The author researches these relations on three areas in Timano-Pechora oil and gas basin. These relations may be as direct as inverse. Type of these relations depends on wave pattern. If wave pattern is difficult, detailed analyses and modeling are necessary.

How to cite: Ekimenko A.V. Prediction of reservoir properties by the acoustic impedance volume // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 235-237.
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Analytical continuation of geophysical fields by continued fractions method

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The most close to reality geophysical field description is the approximation of the fraction-rational type. In this case the presence of poles in the lower half space corresponds adequately to the denominator zeros. This article contains the theory and algorithm of realization of this conception. The proposed method is called – Continued Fraction Continuation Method.

How to cite: Ermokhin K.M. Analytical continuation of geophysical fields by continued fractions method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 238-241.
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MODEM 3D new software for the interpretation of IP-affected 3D tem data

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MODEM 3D software is presented, which is intended for direct modeling of formation processes of electromagnetic fields created by compound inductance-galvanic type sources (earthed horizontal electrical line) in time domain. Numerical stability of used algorithms is displayed on the example of medium, which contains nonstructural oil pool.

How to cite: Ivanov M.I., Kateshov V.A., Kremer I.A., Epov M.I. MODEM 3D new software for the interpretation of IP-affected 3D tem data // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 242-245.
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The modeling of formation processes of heightened polarizability zones above oil-and-gas deposits

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One of the probable causes of formation of zones of higher polarizability above oil and gas роо ls may be secondary rock epigenetic sulfidization . Processes of secondary epigenesis and their interrelation with observed anomalous manifestations are considered by the example of North-Guliaev oil and gas deposit (Barents shelf). According to the model of secondary rock epigenetic sulfidization numerical calculations of pyrite concentration were performed using simplified O.F.Putikov’s formula. A correlation between theoretical calculations and results of experimental investigations on North-Guliaev oil and gas deposit indicated agreement between calculated pyrite concentration and observed induced polarization anomaly .

How to cite: Kudryavtseva E.O. The modeling of formation processes of heightened polarizability zones above oil-and-gas deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 246-250.
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Application of electrical prospecting in combination with seismic prospecting for the geological section prediction and search of hydrocarbon deposits

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The possibility of application of electrical prospecting method SGN (sounding by field growing in the near-field zone) in combination with CDP seismic prospecting for sedimentary section investigations and hydrocarbon deposits prospecting is considered. The physical basis of the method application for hydrocarbon prospecting is the effect of higher resistance of seams, saturated by hydrocarbons. The effect is reflected in the curve of electromagnetic field growth ε(t). The procedures of field works, processing and interpretation of electrical prospecting data are presented.

How to cite: Kuzin V.A., Korukhova A.A. Application of electrical prospecting in combination with seismic prospecting for the geological section prediction and search of hydrocarbon deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 251-254.
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Possibilities for localization of zones of hydrocarbon accumulation by application of АМТ-data component analysis

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Principal component method was used for qualitative interpretation of a matrix of magnetotelluric parameters. Localization of hydrocarbon congregation was the purpose of the investigations. Model of subvertical diffusion of hydrocarbon from reservoir was used as physical basis of oil and gas prospecting. The hydrocarbon роо l generates continuous spatial halation of hydrocarbon above the reservoir. Due to reducing reactions in the area the volumetric pyritization of rocks took place.

How to cite: Lozovoi A.L., Grechisheva D.V., Prikhodchenko V.F., Ingerov A.I. Possibilities for localization of zones of hydrocarbon accumulation by application of АМТ-data component analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 255-259.
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Geoelectrical investigation of promising oil and gas bearing areas in the south part of Siberian plat-form

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The investigations were carried out in Eastern Siberia on the Ust-Orda national region territory using the groups of methods on direct and alternating current. Multicomponent registration of electrical and electromagnetic parameters has been used. Field data interpretation stage included adaptation of software for a concrete experimental data, substantiation of interpretational models formation methods and the analysis of all a priori information. As a result, quantitative estimations of thickness and geoelectrical parameters of geological complexes were obtained. Moreover, complex tectonic structures were allocated and the most promising areas for detailed works were chosen.

How to cite: Nevedrova N.N., Epov M.I., Sanchaa A.M., Babushkin S.M. Geoelectrical investigation of promising oil and gas bearing areas in the south part of Siberian plat-form // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 260-263.
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Electrical fields structure characteristics in tardanskii gold mineralization zone (the Republic of Tyva)

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The study of golden ore deposits is rather complicated problem. The main ways to rise effectiveness of these studies are improving methods of analyzing physical fields’ structure and finding connections between their morphology, zoning and golden ore bearing. The materials of studying of Tardanskoe golden ore cluster using electroprospecting methods, analysis of these investigations and conclusions, based on the results of this analysis are presented in this article.

How to cite: Orekhov A.N. Electrical fields structure characteristics in tardanskii gold mineralization zone (the Republic of Tyva) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 264-267.
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Results of profile magnetotelluric researches at the Ozernoye ore cluster in Buryatiya Republic

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Primary results of MT profiles surveys interpretation are presented. The investigations have been carried out in 2007. Ozernoye pyrite-polymetallic deposit is of special interest. Magnetotelluric and audiomagnetotelluric investigations have been carried along one profile, crossing all over the territory of Ozernoye ore cluster, and along some more detailed profiles inside already discovered deposits. As a result of the investigations some new data on relict structure, which is the host of Ozernoye pyrite-polymetallic deposit, are obtaned.

How to cite: Pechenkin M.M., Shelekhov A.N., Bogatyrev L.I. Results of profile magnetotelluric researches at the Ozernoye ore cluster in Buryatiya Republic // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 268-271.
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Magnetotelluric evidence of deep geodynamic settings at the junction zone of the Southern Tien Shan and Tarim basin

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Detailed magnetotelluric and magnetovariation profiling was conducted (40 broadband stations) at the southern 140 km segment of geophysical transect MANAS with the help of MT instruments: MTU-5 (produced by «Phoenix Geophysics Ltd») and MT-24 (produced by EMI Center). MANAS transect extended from south of Kashgar, China, to just south of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and crossing the whole Tien Shan orogenic belt in transverse direction of its main ranges strike. We constructed 2D geoelectric model to characterize block-fracture structure at the junction zone of the Southern Tien Shan. There is low resistive inclined zone in the obtained cross-section imaging the underthrusting process of Tarim tectonic sheets under the Tien Shan mountains. Also there are some electrical heterogeneities as indications that young deformations inside Tarim lithospheric block have the whole crust scale.

How to cite: Rybin A.K., Batalev V.Y., Bataleva E.A., Matyukov V.E. Magnetotelluric evidence of deep geodynamic settings at the junction zone of the Southern Tien Shan and Tarim basin // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 272-276.
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The application of areal technology and 3d data interpretation tem sounding when constructing the volume geoelectrical model of compound medium

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Analysis of possibilities of different electrical technologies is carried out. Problems of applications of one-dimension and multidimensional inversions in the process of interpretation are discussed. Example of practical application of two- and three-dimension interpretation of electrical data in the process of ore prospecting in complicated geological media is presented. The example illustrates possibilities of electrical method as original research method, which enables to develop three-dimensional models of the medium under investigation.

How to cite: Trigubovich G.M., Persova M.G., Krupnov E.V., Soloveichik Y.G. The application of areal technology and 3d data interpretation tem sounding when constructing the volume geoelectrical model of compound medium // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 277-280.
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1D-interpretation technology of airborne tem data

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One-dimensional interpretation methods of airborne transient electromagnetic data are considered. Main techniques, used for adaptation of standard methods of ground electroprospecting data interpretation to airborne technique, are described. The efficiency of methods examined was analyzed on theoretical data set. An example of practical application of methods developed is presented.

How to cite: Chernyshev A.V. 1D-interpretation technology of airborne tem data // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 281-284.
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Investigations of the mechanism of methane desorption in coal saturation with carbon dioxide

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The article considers the developed unit for investigations of interaction between coal and gas, and gas outflow from the coal surface by gravimetric method under gas pressure up to 6 MPa. Relationship between the sorption ability and metamorphism stage is explained by the microstructure of coal. The adsorption increment indices of volume V and velocity of changes in pressure P – during adsorption may be used for prediction of outburst-hazard of coal and gas.

How to cite: Karmansky A.T. Investigations of the mechanism of methane desorption in coal saturation with carbon dioxide // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 285-288.
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Collecting properties of rocks in changes оf stress state type

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The article presents the results of investigations of the influence of stress state form, cyclic loading and time of bearing specimens under loads on the pattern of changes in porosity and permeability. It was stated that compressibility of rocks is proportional to porosity, and with rise of applied stress the compressibility decreases exponentially.

How to cite: Karmansky A.T. Collecting properties of rocks in changes оf stress state type // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 289-292.
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Regularities of changes in strength of rocks under complicated stress state, different levels of humidity and pore pressure

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The conducted investigations allowed to establish the regularities of changes in mechanical properties of rocks with due account of influence of the stress state type, forms and kinds of moisture in rocks. Condition of the final state may be regarded as the criterion of rock failure depending on the moisture content, value of pore pressure and stress state type under constant velocity of deformation.

How to cite: Karmansky A.T. Regularities of changes in strength of rocks under complicated stress state, different levels of humidity and pore pressure // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 293-296.
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Experience in providing the stability of tunnel face and roof during its drivage in proterozoic clays

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Methodology for assessment of state of advance support of face with fiberglass anchors and the working¢s roof – with tube anchors, is given. The results of in-situ experimental observations for efforts in anchors, displacements of excavation and growth of load on the advance supports in its roof are shown.

How to cite: Maslak V.A. Experience in providing the stability of tunnel face and roof during its drivage in proterozoic clays // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 297-299.
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Assessment of stress-strain state of temporary support during constructhion of station tunnels of the metro

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In-situ testing technique of temporary support is given. The values of stress and normal force in arch and sides of steel support are shown. Determination of vertical load magnitude is done. It was determined that vertical load on support decreases by 1,54 times, if lag of support installation from the face is16 m.

How to cite: Maslak V.A. Assessment of stress-strain state of temporary support during constructhion of station tunnels of the metro // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 300-302.
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Procedures and techniques for operation of the new automatic core orientator

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The most similar prototype models of foreign and domestic core orientators have been analyzed, and a model of a new automatic core orientator created by the author is presented. It provides continuous drawing of three lines on1,5 metercore surface section by diamond cutters in borehole drilling, secures accurate core orientation, decrease in time and general costs of this work.

How to cite: Morozov Y.T. Procedures and techniques for operation of the new automatic core orientator // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 303-307.
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Higher efficiency in drilling of oil and gas wells under complicated conditions

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The results of researches of properties of the new native waterswelling polymer «Petrosorb» are given. Description is given to the design of plugging-up tool for liquidation of catastrophic absorption of flushing fluid in the course of drilling of oil and gas wells.

How to cite: Nikolaev N.I., Ivanov A.I. Higher efficiency in drilling of oil and gas wells under complicated conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 308-310.
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The development of the effective method for sampling of native-state core in natural gashydrate deposits

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Gas hydrates – the firm crystal connections of water and low-molecular waterproof natural gases such as carbohydrates (mainly methane), СО 2 , N 2 and others. At present, time exploitation of the Messoyahsk (Russia) and Mallik (Canada) deposits of gas hydrates is conducted actively. The further perfection of prospecting methods in the field of studying gas hydrate containing sediments in round extent depends on improvement of methods for native-state core sampling from these sediments.

How to cite: Chistyakov V.K. The development of the effective method for sampling of native-state core in natural gashydrate deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 311-317.