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Vol 183
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Geological structure, characteristics of ores and genesis of ore occurrences in the Halvdanpiggen field (West Spitsbergen island)

A. N. Sirotkin1
V. V. Khailov2
D. V. Nikitin3
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D. Senior Geologist FGU NPP «Polar Marine Geological Exploration expedition»
  • 2 — Geologist FGU NPP «Polar Marine Geological Exploration expedition»
  • 3 — Ph.D. Assistant Professor Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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A new metallogenic zone was separated out in a central part of the archipelago Spitsbergen by the results of exploration work. It was shown an integral series of ore areas and fields in the limits of this zone, including the ore field Halvdanpiggen. This field integrates several non-uniformly scaled the ore occurrences, which present a great interest in regard to a material composition of the ore. They likewise produce an information for determination of genesis and outlooks of total metallogenic zone. The article contains data on geology, mineralogy and geochemistry of deposits; it is established their genesis, formation membership and time of origination.

Devonian graben polymetallic zone mineralized fault (shattered) zone main ore minerals structural-substantial complexes Precambrian basement erosion level
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