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D. V. Bezgodova
D. V. Bezgodova
Junior Research Fellow
Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Junior Research Fellow
Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)



Geological support for Russia’s mineral resources development
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On the features of the complex orthambonites pander – orthis dalman (brachiopoda) of the lost outcrops ordovician sediments on the river Pulkovka (Leningrad region)

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The article analyses a complex of the Ordovician's orthida (brachiopoda) of the lost outcrops on the river Pulkovka in Leningrad region. Some samples from a large collection of brachiopods in the holdings of the Mining Museum are analysed. These samples were collected in the XIX century from some outcrops on the river Pulkovka. The geological sections there were unique outcrops due to a stratigraphic interval from the Lower Cambrian to Middle Ordovician found in them. Many early Palaeozoic marine inverte-brates, such as brachiopods, cystoideas, bolboporits, pelecypods, gastropods, were collected from these sediments. In the middle of the XX century the outcrops on the river Pulkovka were lost as a result of landsliding processes. The authors have identified an orthida's complex in the collection, comprising 12 species. The structure of the complex indicates that the stratigraphic interval, from which brachiopods were collected, can be defined as Volkhov, Kund, Azery horizons of the Middle Ordovician.

How to cite: Tsinkoburova M.G., Bezgodova D.V. On the features of the complex orthambonites pander – orthis dalman (brachiopoda) of the lost outcrops ordovician sediments on the river Pulkovka (Leningrad region) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 212. p. 72.
Stratigraphy, paleontology and regional geology
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Comparative analysis of spiriferida complexes of the frasnian stage in the south of Novaya Zemlya and one-aged complexes of East-European platform and other districts

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The Article contains a brief characteristic of spiriferida (brachiopod) complexes spread in the Frasnian sediments in the South of Novaya Zemlya, and their comparison with one-aged complexes of several regions of East-European platform, such as Main Devonian field, Central districts, the Volga-Urals region, South Timan, south-western districts and also outlying districts of the Kuznetsk coal basin and North-West of Russia.

How to cite: Bezgodova D.V. Comparative analysis of spiriferida complexes of the frasnian stage in the south of Novaya Zemlya and one-aged complexes of East-European platform and other districts // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 17-23.
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Representatives of the suborder ammonitina from stratotypic and reference sections of the Jurassic of England, France, and Germany

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The collection of ammonites from typical sections of the Jurassic system of Germany, England, and France is characterized. The collection was assembled in the early twentieth century and is stored at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute. The diagnosis of ammonite forms is revised. An analysis of the lobate lines is given. The collection includes the following forms: Psilloceras eruatum Phillips; Gleviceros victoris Sow.; Androgynoceras capricornus Schl.; Echioceras regulare True.-W.; Acanthopleuroceras valdani; Soninia sp.; Witchellia laeviusculata Sow.; Ludwigia Murchisoni Sow.; Euaspidoceras ex. gr. perarmatum Sow.

How to cite: Bezgodova D.V. Representatives of the suborder ammonitina from stratotypic and reference sections of the Jurassic of England, France, and Germany // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. № 2 155. p. 10-12.
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Attribution of ammonites from Jurassic stratotypic sections in England

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A characterization of a collection of ammonites from type sections of the Jurassic system of England is given. The collection was assembled in the early 20th century and is held at the Department of Historical and Dynamic Geology, St. Petersburg Mining Institute. The diagnosis of ammonite forms made in the early 20th century has been revised and refined. The collection includes the following specimens: Psilloceras eruatum Phillips (old name Psilloceras planorbis Sow.), sinemur, locality Redstock; Gleviceros victoris Sow. (old name Oxynoticeras victoris), bluenemur, Redstock; Androgynoceras capricornus Schl. (Aegoceras capricomis Schl.), Lower Plinsbach, Sharmu g; Echioceras regulare True.-W. (Ophioceras raricostatum Zief.), lower Leias, Lyme Regiers; Acanthopleuroceras valdani (Aegoceras capricomis Schl.), lower Plainsbach, Charmouth; Soninia sp. (Sonninia sp.), Middle Jurassic, Bristol; Witchellia laeviusculata Sow. (Witchellia sp.), upper Lower Bajos, Bristol; Ludwigia Murchisoni Sow. (Cosmogyria), Lower Aalenian, Bristol; Euaspidoceras ex. gr. perarmalum Sow. (Aspidoceras per am atum Sow.), Lower Oxford.

How to cite: Bezgodova D.V. Attribution of ammonites from Jurassic stratotypic sections in England // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 152. p. 15-17.