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Vol 183
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Research article

Application of georadiolocation in hydrology

N. Y. Bobrov1
S. S. Krylov2
E. Yu. Kiselev3
G. V. Priakhina4
I. V. Fedorova5
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D. Assistant Professor Saint-Petersburg State Universuty
  • 2 — Ph.D. Assistant Professor Saint-Petersburg State Universuty
  • 3 — Bachelor Saint-Petersburg State Universuty
  • 4 — Ph.D. Assistant Professor Saint-Petersburg State Universuty
  • 5 — Ph.D. Assistant Professor Saint-Petersburg State Universuty
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Georadiolocation is an effective tool to explore fresh water basins. When georadar is transported along the water surface by a small boat the bottom profile and the thickness of bottom sediments can be determined as well as sunk objects can be discovered. Investigation of a boundary between fresh and saline water in the estuaries of the rivers flown into the sea is a new field of georadars application. There is a possibility to determine damping factor, water electrical conductivity and, hence, water mineralization with the use of reflected signal amplitude.

eoradiolocation georadar hydrology halocline electrical conductivity mineralization
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  1. Бобров Н.Ю. О возможности применения георадиолокации при гидрологических исследованиях в устьевых зонах рек / Н.Ю.Бобров, В.В.Дмитриев, С.С.Крылов и др. // Вестник СПбГУ. Серия 7. География и геология, 2008. Вып.2. С.76-82.
  2. Петровский А.Д. Радиоволновые методы в подземной геофизике. М.: Недра, 1971. 224 с

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