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Vol 183
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Research article

Possibilities for localization of zones of hydrocarbon accumulation by application of АМТ-data component analysis

A. L. Lozovoi1
D. V. Grechisheva2
V. F. Prikhodchenko3
A. I. Ingerov4
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D. Assistant Professor National Mining University of Ukraine
  • 2 — Postgraduate student National Mining University of Ukraine
  • 3 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Professor National Mining University of Ukraine
  • 4 — Ph.D. Vice-president «Rhoenikh Georhysics Ltd»
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Principal component method was used for qualitative interpretation of a matrix of magnetotelluric parameters. Localization of hydrocarbon congregation was the purpose of the investigations. Model of subvertical diffusion of hydrocarbon from reservoir was used as physical basis of oil and gas prospecting. The hydrocarbon роо l generates continuous spatial halation of hydrocarbon above the reservoir. Due to reducing reactions in the area the volumetric pyritization of rocks took place.

Principal component method magnetotelluric parameters hydrocarbon prospecting
Go to volume 183


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