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Vol 183
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Karl Ivanovich Bohdanowicz – a scientist аnd pedagogue

Yu. V. Lir
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  • д-р геол.-минерал. наук Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The paper is dedicated to life and activities of Karl Ivanovich Bohdanowicz – the prominent Russian and Polish traveller, expert in geology of mineral resources, the graduate from the Saint-Petersburg Mining Institute in 1886. On the Instructions of the Russian Imperial Geographic Society he carried out geological investigations in Trans-Caspian region, in Siberia, at the Kamchatka peninsula, in Central Asia, in the Caucasus. In 1914-1917 Karl Ivanovich was the head of the Russian Geological Committee; in 1902-1919 he was the head of the Department of Physical Geology and Ore Deposits in the Saint-Petersburg Mining Institute. In 1918 he became the founder of the Geological Exploration Faculty at the Mining Institute and its first Dean. Since 1919 K.I.Bohdanowicz lived and worked in Poland at the Krakow Mining Academy; since 1930 he was the head of Geological Survey in this country. There he had died in1947. Inthe history of Russian, Polish and the world-wide geological science Karl Ivanovich Bohdanowicz keeps the most noteworthy position.

K.I.Bohdanowicz history of life Mining Institute a scientist pedagogue
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  1. Алексеев А.И. По Охотско-Чукотско-Камчатскому краю. Магадан: Магаданское книжн. изд-во, 1970. С.279-290. (Дальневосточная историческая библиотека).
  2. Богданович К.И. Очерки деятельности Охотско-Камчатской горной экспедиции 1895-1898 гг. // Изв. Импер. Русского географ. об-ва. 1899. Т.35. С.549-598.
  3. Горная энциклопедия. М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1984. Т.1. 560 с.
  4. Наливкин Д.В. Из далекого прошлого. Л.: Наука, 1981, 100 с.
  5. О научно-организационной деятельности Карла Ивановича Богдановича // А.Н.Заварицкий, С.И.Миронов, В.А.Обручев, Н.Н.Яковлев // Очерки по истории геологических знаний. М: Изд-во АН СССР, 1956. Вып.5. С.188-210.
  6. Смирнов В.И. Выдающиеся геологи // Геол. рудн. местор. 1979. № 1. С.112-115.
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  8. Яковлев Н.Н. Памяти профессора К.И.Богдановича // Природа. 1948. № 6. С.80.

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