New data on infrared spectroscopy of diamonds from industrial deposits of Yakutia
About authors
- 1 — Research Fellow YaNIGP TsNIGRI ALROSA Co.
- 2 — Leading Geologist YaNIGP TsNIGRI ALROSA Co.
- 3 — Ph.D. Engineer Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Results of investigation of large diamond samples from main primary and some placer deposits of Yakutia by FTIR is given. Comparison of various characteristics indicates that maximal difference for samples of diamonds from different sources and minimal diversity for different samples from one source have average values of absorption coefficient and maximum positions of B2 absorption band. The revealed parameters are proposed to be used during comparative analysis of diamonds of different kimberlite pipes, determination of the initial source of placer diamonds, forecasting of new sources.
the Yakutia diamond-bearing province
infrared spectroscopy
structural defects
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