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Vol 183
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Research article

The modeling of formation processes of heightened polarizability zones above oil-and-gas deposits

E. O. Kudryavtseva
About authors
  • Leading geophysicist «Siberian geophysical scientific-indusrtrial company»
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One of the probable causes of formation of zones of higher polarizability above oil and gas роо ls may be secondary rock epigenetic sulfidization . Processes of secondary epigenesis and their interrelation with observed anomalous manifestations are considered by the example of North-Guliaev oil and gas deposit (Barents shelf). According to the model of secondary rock epigenetic sulfidization numerical calculations of pyrite concentration were performed using simplified O.F.Putikov’s formula. A correlation between theoretical calculations and results of experimental investigations on North-Guliaev oil and gas deposit indicated agreement between calculated pyrite concentration and observed induced polarization anomaly .

modeling pyrite concentration theoretical calculation North-Guliaev deposit
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