Date submitted2022-09-30
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-02-25
Carbon dioxide corrosion inhibitors: current state of research and development
Among the methods of corrosion control in the oil and gas production industry the leading place belongs to inhibitor protection, since there is no need for technological and technical changes in the existing equipment. The combination of high variability of inhibitor composition with changing conditions of its application and low capital investments makes it an indispensable reagent at oil and gas fields. The main classes of compounds used as active bases of carbonic acid corrosion inhibitors for the protection of oil and gas equipment are described. Classical organic active bases containing heteroatoms (oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen) are examined. Special attention was paid to alkylimidazolines and other nitrogen-containing compounds as the most frequently used as active bases of carbonic acid corrosion inhibitors in Russia and abroad. A wide range of possibilities to achieve the desired properties of corrosion inhibitors by varying the substitutes has been demonstrated. Nowadays, in addition to the traditional requirements for corrosion inhibitors, their safety for the environment is equally important. The information on prospective research and development aimed at improving the environmental characteristics of the reagents used is given. Plant extracts, synthetic and biological polymers involved in traditional corrosion inhibitors or used as new independent compounds are considered. It is shown that the effectiveness of corrosion inhibitors significantly depends on the pH of the medium, temperature, partial pressure of СО2, flow rate, and other factors.
Date submitted2023-10-29
Date accepted2024-04-08
Date published2025-02-25
Evaluation of the impact of the distance determination function on the results of optimization of the geographical placement of renewable energy sources-based generation using a metaheuristic algorithm
- Authors:
- Andrei M. Bramm
- Stanislav A. Eroshenko
Since the United Power System was created electrical supply of remote and hard-to-reach areas remains one of the topical issues for the power industry of Russia. Nowadays, usage of various renewable energy sources to supply electricity at remote areas has become feasible alternative to usage of diesel-based generation. It becomes more suitable with world decarbonization trends, the doctrine of energy security of Russia directives, and equipment cost decreasing for renewable energy sources-based power plants construction. Geological exploration is usually conducted at remote territories, where the centralized electrical supply can not be realized. Placement of large capacity renewable energy sources-based generation at the areas of geological expeditions looks perspective due to development of industrial clusters and residential consumers of electrical energy at those territories later on. Various metaheuristic methods are used to solve the task of optimal renewable energy sources-based generation geographical placement. The efficiency of metaheuristics depends on proper tuning of that methods hyperparameters, and high quality of big amount of meteorological and climatic data. The research of the effects of the calculation methods defining distance between agents of the algorithm on the optimization of renewable generation placement results is presented in this article. Two methods were studied: Euclidean distance and haversine distance. There were two cases considered to evaluate the effects of distance calculation method change. The first one was for a photovoltaic power plant with installed capacity of 45 MW placement at the Vagaiskii district of the Tyumen region. The second one was for a wind power plant with installed capacity of 25 MW at the Tungokochenskii district of the Trans-Baikal territory. The obtained results show low effects of distance calculation method change at average but the importance of its proper choose in case of wind power optimal placement, especially for local optima’s identification.
Date submitted2024-04-11
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-01-17
Thyristor booster device for voltage fluctuation reduction in power supply systems of ore mining enterprises
The article is devoted to solving the problem of voltage fluctuations in the power supply systems of ore mining enterprises. The connection of high-power consumers with abruptly variable operating mode (for example, high-voltage mining excavators) causes voltage fluctuations and sags, disabling electrical equipment, communication, and automation devices in the 6-10 kV distribution network, which disrupts technological processes, etc. The use of existing solutions and methods to reduce voltage variations caused by dynamic loads is not effective. To solve the problem, booster transformers with high-speed thyristor switches can be used to work out switching the control steps towards increasing or decreasing the voltage. The authors offer a new circuitry solution for a thyristor booster device (TBD) with a pulse-phase control method. The purpose of the research is to determine the control laws of TBD, which enable to effectively reduce voltage fluctuations from dynamic load in the power supply systems of mining enterprises. The article provides a schematic diagram of the TBD and describes the principle of operation of the device. Some modes of increasing and decreasing the output voltage of the TBD, as well as the basic mode (without voltage addition) are provided. Mathematical modeling of TBD control processes was carried out and adjustment characteristics were set taking into account the load power factor. On a simulation computer model of a 6 kV electric network with a dynamic load, the verification of the adjustment characteristics of TBD obtained during mathematical modeling was carried out. Based on the research results, the laws for regulating the output voltage of TBD were established. The TBD effective control range with normal permissible limits of odd harmonics have been determined. The conducted research will make it possible to implement the device control system.
Date submitted2024-05-28
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2024-12-25
Methods of intensification of pipeline transportation of hydraulic mixtures when backfilling mined-out spaces
The paper presents an analysis of the advantages and limitations of additional measures to intensify the transportation of the backfill hydraulic mixture flow. The results of the analysis of the conditions for using pumping equipment to move flows with different rheological properties are shown. Generalizations of the methods for influencing the internal resistance of backfill hydraulic mixtures by means of mechanical activation, as well as increasing fluidity due to the use of chemical additives are given. The article presents the results of studies confirming the feasibility of using pipes with polymer lining, which has proven its efficiency in pumping flows of hydraulic mixtures with different filler concentrations. An analytical model of hydraulic mixture movement in the pipeline of the stowage complex has been developed. The trends in pressure change required to ensure the movement of hydraulic mixture in pipelines of different diameters are exponential, provided that the flow properties are constant. The effect of particle size on the motion mode of the formed heterogeneous flow, as well as on the distribution of flow density over the cross-section, characterizing the stratification and change in the rheological properties of the backfill hydraulic mixture, is assessed. An analytical model of centralized migration of the dispersed phase of the hydraulic mixture flow is formulated, describing the effect of turbulent mixing of the flow on the behavior of solid particles. An assessment of the secondary dispersion of the solid fraction of the hydraulic mixture, which causes a change in the consistency of the flow, was performed. The studies of the influence of the coefficient of consistency of the flow revealed that overgrinding of the fractions of the filler of the hydraulic mixture contributes to an increase in the required pressure in the pipeline system.
Date submitted2023-11-10
Date accepted2024-06-03
Date published2025-02-25
Enhancing the interpretability of electricity consumption forecasting models for mining enterprises using SHapley Additive exPlanations
- Authors:
- Pavel V. Matrenin
- Alina I. Stepanova
The objective of this study is to enhance user trust in electricity consumption forecasting systems for mining enterprises by applying explainable artificial intelligence methods that provide not only forecasts but also their justifications. The research object comprises a complex of mines and ore processing plants of a company purchasing electricity on the wholesale electricity and power market. Hourly electricity consumption data for two years, schedules of planned repairs and equipment shutdowns, and meteorological data were utilized. Ensemble decision trees were applied for time series forecasting, and an analysis of the impact of various factors on forecasting accuracy was conducted. An algorithm for interpreting forecast results using the SHapley Additive exPlanation method was proposed. The mean absolute percentage error was 7.84 % with consideration of meteorological factors, 7.41 % with consideration of meteorological factors and a load plan formulated by an expert, and the expert's forecast error was 9.85 %. The results indicate that the increased accuracy of electricity consumption forecasting, considering additional factors, further improves when combining machine learning methods with expert evaluation. The development of such a system is only feasible using explainable artificial intelligence models.
Date submitted2023-06-21
Date accepted2023-10-25
Date published2024-08-26
Specific action of collector from phosphoric acid alkyl esters class in flotation of apatite-nepheline ores
Increasing amount of apatite-nepheline ores with complex mineral composition involved in processing, growing content of the associated minerals in ore which are similar in their floatability to apatite lead to the necessity of using highly selective collectors. Non-frothing flotation method gave a comparative assessment of floatability of pure minerals and demonstrated a high selectivity of the action of phosphoric acid esters in relation to apatite. The effect of four reagent modes differing in the number of selective synthetic collectors was studied using the example of flotation of an apatite-nepheline ore sample containing 17.27 % apatite and 40.18 % nepheline. Mineralogical analysis of crushed ore showed that it contained two apatite varieties – coarse-grained free and finer poikilitic as inclusions in rock-forming minerals. Free apatite opens and occurs as open grains even in coarse-grained (+0.16 mm) grades. Poikilitic apatite occurs as intergrowths with different minerals, mainly with nepheline and its alteration products (natrolite, spreustein, sodalite, etc.), and pyroxene. Optical microscopy demonstrated that a growing share of reagent from the phosphoric acid oxyethylated esters class in the composition of the collector mixture allows improving the quality of the produced apatite concentrates by reducing the number of apatite intergrowths with nepheline and pyroxenes in the concentrates. In the concentrate obtained in the most selective reagent mode, the intergrowths are characterized by a 50/50 and higher ratio in favour of apatite. Concentrates of lower quality comprised intergrowths with lower apatite content, to 20/80 or less.
Date submitted2024-06-12
Date accepted2024-07-18
Date published2024-07-26
Development of parameters for an industry-specific methodology for calculating the electric energy storage system for gas industry facilities
- Authors:
- Ivan S. Tokarev
The issue of determining the main parameters of electric energy storage systems – power and energy intensity – is being considered, the determination of which is a fundamentally important task when introducing such devices into the power supply systems of enterprises for both technical (technological) and economic reasons. The work analyzes problems that can be solved by installing electricity storage systems at gas industry facilities. An industry-wide methodology has been developed for calculating the parameters of an electricity storage system based on traditional methods and methods aimed at minimizing the standardized cost of electricity with adaptation to the conditions of the gas industry. A distinctive feature of the presented methodology is the ability to determine the power and energy intensity of electricity storage systems when performing several functions. The methodology was tested at a typical gas industry facility – the Yarynskaya compressor station of OOO Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta, a characteristic feature of which is an autonomous power supply system. An example is given of calculating the electricity storage normalized cost using an improved LCOS indicator, which takes into account the effect of changing the fill factor of the electrical load schedule on the amount of gas consumption by a power plant for its own needs. To confirm the economic efficiency of introducing electricity storage systems calculated using the above methodology, calculations of the integral effect, net present value and efficiency index are presented.
Date submitted2024-04-16
Date accepted2024-06-03
Date published2024-07-04
Quantitative determination of sulfur forms in bottom sediments for rapid assessment of the industrial facilities impact on aquatic ecosystems
- Authors:
- Ivan P. Sverchkov
- Vladimir G. Povarov
The article describes an X-ray fluorescence method for quantitative analysis of sulfate and total sulfur in bottom sediments of watercourses and reservoirs located in the area of industrial enterprises impact. The quantitative determination of sulfur forms was carried out by analyzing the characteristic curves SKα1,2 and SKβ1,3, as well as the satellite line SKβ′ on X-ray emission spectra measured by an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer with wavelength dispersion. The study shows that these characteristic curves allow not only to determine the predominant form of sulfur, but also to separately conduct quantitative analyses of sulfates and total sulfur after fitting peaks and to separately analyze overlapping spectral lines. The results of quantitative analysis of the chemical state of sulfur by the proposed X-ray fluorescence method were compared with the results of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and elemental analysis, as well as certified standard samples of soils and sediments. The results are in good agreement with each other.
Date submitted2021-05-08
Date accepted2022-07-21
Date published2023-12-25
Technologies of intensive development of potash seams by longwall faces at great depths: current problems, areas of improvement
- Authors:
- Vladimir P. Zubov
- Denis G. Sokol
The results of the analysis of practical experience in the development of potash seams using longwall mining systems at the mines of OAO “Belaruskali” are presented. Positive changes in the technical and economic indicators of mines and an increase in the safety of mining operations were noted with the introduction of resource-saving technologies without leaving the pillars between the excavation columns or with leaving the pillars between the columns with dimensions at which they are destroyed by mining pressure in the goaf. It is noted that the use of mechanized stoping complexes characterized by high energy capacity, combined with large depths of development, is the main reason for the temperature increase in longwalls to values exceeding the maximum permissible air temperature regulated by sanitary standards. Based on production studies, it was concluded that the temperature regime along the length of the longwall face is determined by the temperature of rocks in the developed longwall space, heat emissions from the equipment of the power train, and the temperature of the rock mass ahead of the longwall. The conclusion has been drawn about the feasibility of using developed technological schemes in deep mining conditions, which provide a reduction in longwall temperature by 6-9 °C or more through isolated ventilation of longwall and power trains, as well as heat exchange between the airflow entering the longwall and the rocks in the developed space.
Date submitted2022-07-10
Date accepted2023-06-20
Date published2024-02-29
Mathematical modeling of the electric field of an in-line diagnostic probe of a cathode-polarized pipeline
A mathematical model of the in-line control of the insulation resistance state for cathodically polarized main pipelines according to electrometry data is considered. The relevance of the work is caused by the opportunity to create in-line internal isolation defects indicators of the main pipelines for transported liquids that are good conductors and expand the functionality of monitoring and controlling cathodic protection systems of the main pipelines. Features of the mathematical model are: consideration of the electric conductivity of transported liquid influence on electric field distribution; consideration of the influence of external and internal insulating coating resistance; use of the electric field of an in-line diagnostic probe for quality control of internal insulation. Practical significance consists in the development of modeling methods for control subsystems of main pipeline protection against corrosion and the development of special mathematical and algorithmic support systems for monitoring and controlling the operating modes of the cathodic protection station of main pipelines.
Date submitted2023-07-19
Date accepted2023-07-19
Date published2023-07-19
Energy efficiency in the mineral resources and raw materials complex
Energy efficiency and energy saving at all times and especially at the present stage of development of industry and economy have played an extremely important role. Regardless of which countries and according to what criteria they build energy development plans, energy efficiency and energy saving are always a priority. This fully applies to the mineral resources complex, in which energy consumption as a whole makes up a large share of total consumption. The resources mined in the mineral resources complex are themselves a source of energy. The energy sector is evolving in many ways. Many scientific works, the results of which are reflected in publications, confirm the relevance of research in the energy efficiency field. But the approach to individual decisions in the mineral resource industry is specific and it is worth of separate consideration. Recently, much attention has been paid to “green energy” and renewable energy sources. However, energy efficiency in the field of traditional generation and consumption remains an urgent problem and its solution is in constant development. One of the main directions for improving energy efficiency is the development of autonomous systems for the electrical and thermal power engineering. All these problems are reflected in a special volume of the Journal of the Mining Institute, the articles are divided into four sections: energy efficiency of the electric drive in the mineral resources complex (MRC); energy efficiency of industrial plants and enterprises in MRC; power quality and renewable sources in MRC; autonomous power supply systems in MRC. The presented articles contain valuable material from the scientific and practical points of view and can form the basis for further research in the energy efficiency field.
Date submitted2023-03-14
Date accepted2023-06-20
Date published2023-07-19
Forecasting planned electricity consumption for the united power system using machine learning
The paper presents the results of studies of the predictive models development based on retrospective data on planned electricity consumption in the region with a significant share of enterprises in the mineral resource complex. Since the energy intensity of the industry remains quite high, the task of rationalizing the consumption of electricity is relevant. One of the ways to improve control accuracy when planning energy costs is to forecast electrical loads. Despite the large number of scientific papers on the topic of electricity consumption forecasting, this problem remains relevant due to the changing requirements of the wholesale electricity and power market to the accuracy of forecasts. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to support management decisions in the process of planning the volume of electricity consumption. To realize this, it is necessary to create a predictive model and determine the prospective power consumption of the power system. For this purpose, the collection and analysis of initial data, their preprocessing, selection of features, creation of models, and their optimization were carried out. The created models are based on historical data on planned power consumption, power system performance (frequency), as well as meteorological data. The research methods were: ensemble methods of machine learning (random forest, gradient boosting algorithms, such as XGBoost and CatBoost) and a long short-term memory recurrent neural network model (LSTM). The models obtained as a result of the conducted studies allow creating short-term forecasts of power consumption with a fairly high precision (for a period from one day to a week). The use of models based on gradient boosting algorithms and neural network models made it possible to obtain a forecast with an error of less than 1 %, which makes it possible to recommend the models described in the paper for use in forecasting the planned electricity power consumption of united power systems.
Date submitted2023-03-16
Date accepted2023-06-20
Date published2023-07-19
Evaluation of the influence of the hydraulic fluid temperature on power loss of the mining hydraulic excavator
In the steady state of operation, the temperature of a mining excavator hydraulic fluid is determined by the ambient temperature, hydraulic system design, and power losses. The amount of the hydraulic system power loss depends on the hydraulic fluid physical and thermodynamic properties and the degree of wear of the mining excavator hydraulic system working elements. The main causes of power losses are pressure losses in pipelines, valves and fittings, and leaks in pumps and hydraulic motors. With an increase in the temperature of hydraulic fluid, its viscosity decreases, which leads, on the one hand, to a decrease in power losses due to pressure losses in pipelines, valves and fittings, and, on the other hand, to an increase in volumetric leaks and associated power losses. To numerically determine the level of power losses occurring in the hydraulic system on an example of the Komatsu PC750-7 mining excavator when using Shell Tellus S2 V 22, 32, 46, 68 hydraulic oils with the corresponding kinematic viscosity of 22, 32, 46, 68 cSt at 40 °C, the developed calculation technique and software algorithm in the MatLab Simulink environment was used. The power loss coefficient, obtained by comparing power losses at the optimum temperature for a given hydraulic system in the conditions under consideration with the actual ones is proposed. The use of the coefficient will make it possible to reasonably select hydraulic fluids and set the values of the main pumps limit state and other hydraulic system elements, and evaluate the actual energy efficiency of the mining hydraulic excavator. Calculations have shown that the implementation of measures that ensure operation in the interval with a deviation of 10 % from the optimal temperature value for these conditions makes it possible to reduce energy losses from 3 to 12 %.
Date submitted2023-03-02
Date accepted2023-06-20
Date published2023-07-19
Improving the efficiency of autonomous electrical complex with renewable energy sources by means of adaptive regulation of its operating modes
Renewable energy sources are gradually becoming useful in mining industry. They are actively used in remote, sparsely populated areas to power shift settlements, geological and meteorological stations, pipeline equipment, mobile cell towers, helicopter pads lighting, etc. In comparison with diesel generators, systems with renewable sources do not require fuel transportation, have short payback periods and flexible configuration for different categories of electrical loads. The main obstacles to their spread are instability of generation and high cost of produced electricity. One of the possible ways to solve these problems is to develop new technologies, increase power density of generators and energy storage systems. The other way represents energy saving and rational use of affordable resources. The new solutions for implementation of the second method are proposed in this work. The object of the study is autonomous DC electrical complex with photovoltaic and wind power sources. In such systems the generated power from renewable sources is transferred to consumers via intermediate DC bus, the voltage level of which affects the power losses in the process of power transmission. The vast majority of complexes have a problem that their DC bus voltage is constant, while the optimum voltage level with lowest losses varies depending on the generated and consumed power. Therefore, electrical complexes potentially lose a part of the transmitted energy. To avoid this, a special algorithm was added to automatically adjust DC bus voltage to optimum level according to changes in working conditions. An additional contribution to efficiency improvement can be made by dynamic change of operating frequency in power converters depending on their load. The evaluation based on results of computer simulation showed that in a complex with rated power 10 kW active power losses during its lifetime can be reduced by 2-5 %.
Date submitted2023-03-12
Date accepted2023-06-20
Date published2023-07-19
Increasing the energy efficiency of an autonomous power supply system of a drilling rig in case of voltage dips
The article discusses the emergency modes of operation of an autonomous electrical complex of a drilling rig. The concept of voltage failure and its influence on the technological process of industrial enterprises is revealed. A description of the methods used in the power supply of industrial enterprises to overcome voltage dips and load surges in autonomous power systems is presented, from which it is possible to single out the accelerated lifting of critical equipment to prevent emergency conditions, as well as the use of backup storage, usually batteries. An algorithm has been developed for the interaction of the battery and the diesel generator set as backup power sources during various modes of operation of the electric motor, taking into account load surges, which allows successfully overcoming voltage dips in the system both in transient and in steady state. It is proposed to use a combined method to eliminate the voltage dip, a feature of which is the use of a combined structure of backup power sources as part of a diesel generator set and a battery, acting on the base of the proposed interaction algorithm in autonomous electrical complexes. The method makes it possible to overcome sudden load surges and voltage dips caused by a shortage of reserve power in the electrical system. The use of a rechargeable battery as a transitional element makes it possible to switch between the main and backup power sources without stopping the technological one and to expand the overload threshold of an autonomous electrical complex up to 60 %. The use of the combined method increases the energy efficiency of the autonomous complex due to a reduction in the number of emergency shutdowns of equipment, process interruptions and additional power consumption.
Date submitted2023-03-16
Date accepted2023-06-20
Date published2023-07-19
Energy efficiency of the linear rack drive for sucker rod pumping units
- Authors:
- Oksana Yu. Ganzulenko
- Ani P. Petkova
At present, in order to increase oil production and reduce economic costs in the development of marginal fields, the development of a cluster method using compact mobile drives of sucker rod pumping units (SRPU) is relevant. The aim of the work is to analyze the ways to improve the energy efficiency of the SRPU by reducing the loss of mechanical and electrical energy, to select the most energy-efficient compact drive for the development of marginal fields in the cluster method, to carry out the kinematic and strength calculations of the drive of the selected size, to develop an adaptive control system for a group of drives in the cluster development of drillings. According to the results of the performed calculations, the linear rack-and-gear drive has the highest efficiency of the drive mechanism. The kinematic and strength calculations of a linear rack-and-gear drive with a stroke length of 1120 mm and a load of up to 8 tons are presented. It was shown that the usage of a direct torque control system and a kinetic energy storage system for the SRPU drive elements and a rod string is an effective means of reducing energy costs in oil production from marginal fields. The use of the developed system for storing and redistributing the potential energy of the rods between the SRPUs that lift oil made it possible to eliminate fluctuations in the power consumption, reduce the power peak value by three times, the peak value of the current consumed from the electric network by two times, and reduce losses in the input converter and cables by three times.
Date submitted2022-09-30
Date accepted2023-04-03
Date published2024-02-29
Optimization of the location of a multilateral well in a thin oil rim, complicated by the presence of an extensive gas cap
- Authors:
- Кirill О. Тomskii
- Mariya S. Ivanova
The specific share of the reserves of hard-to-recover hydrocarbon raw materials is steadily growing. The search for technologies to increase the hydrocarbon recovery factor is one of the most urgent tasks facing the oil and gas industry. One of the methods to expand the coverage of oil reserves and increase oil recovery is to use the technology of drilling multilateral wells with a fishbone trajectory. In the Russian Federation, the most branched well was drilled in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) at the Srednebotuobinskoye oil and gas condensate field. The main object of development is the Botuobinsky horizon (Bt reservoir). About 75 % of the geological reserves of the reservoir are concentrated in a thin oil rim with an average oil-saturated layer thickness of 10 m with an extensive gas cap. This circumstance is one of the main complicating factors in the development of the Srednebotuobinskoye oil and gas condensate field. For such complex wells, one of the most important design stages is to determine the optimal location of the fishbone well in an oil-saturated reservoir. The article shows the results of sector modeling in the conditions of the Srednebotuobinskoye field to determine the optimal location of multilateral wells using Tempest simulator.
Date submitted2022-12-01
Date accepted2023-01-19
Date published2023-12-25
Inclusions of diamond crystals in the tourmaline of the schorl-uvite series: problems of genesis
The mineralogical and geochemical features of diamond-bearing tourmaline crystals (schorl-uvite series) from garnet-clinopyroxene rocks of the Kumdy-Kol deposit (Northern Kazakhstan) have been studied in detail. The formation of the main rock-forming minerals (garnet + K-bearing clinopyroxene) occurred in the diamond stability field at 4-6 GPa and 950-1000 °C. Crystallization of K-bearing clinopyroxene at these parameters is possible in the presence of an ultra-potassic fluid or melt formed because of crustal material melting in subduction zones. Tourmaline crystals (up to 1 cm) containing diamond inclusions perform veins crosscutting high-pressure associations. The composition of individual zones varies from schorl to uvite within both a single grain and the sample as a whole. The potassium content in this tourmaline does not exceed 0.1 wt.% K2O, and the isotopic composition of boron δ11B varies from –10 to –15.5 ‰, which significantly differs from the previously established isotopic composition of boron in maruyamaite crystals (δ11B 7.7 ‰ in the core and –1.2 ‰ in the rim) of the same deposit. Analysis of the obtained data on δ11B in the tourmalines from the diamond-grade metamorphic rocks within the Kumdy-Kol deposit suggests the existence of two boron sources that resulted in crystallization of K-bearing tourmaline crystals (maruyamaite-dravite series) and potassium-free tourmalines of the schorl-uvite series.
Date submitted2022-10-26
Date accepted2023-02-13
Date published2023-07-19
Determination of the grid impedance in power consumption modes with harmonics
The paper investigates the harmonic impedance determination of the power supply system of a mining enterprise. This parameter is important when calculating modes with voltage distortions, since the determined parameters of harmonic currents and voltages significantly depend on its value, which allow the most accurate modeling of processes in the presence of distortions in voltage and current. The power supply system of subsurface mining is considered, which is characterized by a significant branching of the electrical network and the presence of powerful nonlinear loads leading to a decrease in the power quality at a production site. The modernization of the mining process, the integration of automated electrical drive systems, renewable energy sources, energy-saving technologies lead to an increase in the energy efficiency of production, but also to a decrease in the power quality, in particular, to an increase in the level of voltage harmonics. The problem of determining the grid harmonic impedance is solved in order to improve the quality of design and operation of power supply systems for mining enterprises, taking into account the peculiarities of their workload in the extraction of solid minerals by underground method. The paper considers the possibility of determining the grid impedance based on the measurement of non-characteristic harmonics generated by a special nonlinear load. A thyristor power controller based on phase regulation of the output voltage is considered as such a load. Simulation computer modeling and experimental studies on a laboratory test bench are used to confirm the proposed method. The recommendations for selecting load parameters and measuring device connection nodes have been developed.
Date submitted2022-08-05
Date accepted2022-11-17
Date published2023-02-27
Feasibility study of using cogeneration plants at Kuzbass coal mines
The paper considers the problem of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the process of coal mining during the coal mine methane utilization in power supply systems. An algorithm to form recommendations for the implementation of CMM generation is presented. A simulation model for one of the Kuzbass coal mines was developed in the PowerFactory software application. The simulation model considers the uneven nature of the power consumption of mining equipment. As a result of modeling, daily power consumption profiles and voltage levels in the coal mine power supply system were determined before and after the implementation of the proposed measures. Based on the results, the technical and economic effects was estimated, which consisted in reducing the direct and indirect carbon footprint, electricity and capacity fees. It has been established that the cost of carbon dioxide emission quotas significantly affects the investment attractiveness of cogeneration projects. Based on the results, recommendations are given to stimulate the development of small generation in coal mines.
Date submitted2022-09-30
Date accepted2022-11-28
Date published2022-12-29
Intelligent monitoring of the condition of hydrocarbon pipeline transport facilities using neural network technologies
The national strategic goal of the Russian Federation is to ensure the safety of critical technologies and sectors, which are important for the development of the country's oil and gas industry. The article deals with development of national technology for intelligent monitoring of the condition of industrial facilities for transport and storage of oil and gas. The concept of modern monitoring and safety control system is developed focusing on a comprehensive engineering control using integrated automated control systems to ensure the intelligent methodological support for import-substituting technologies. A set of approved algorithms for monitoring and control of the processes and condition of engineering systems is proposed using modular control robotic complexes. Original intelligent models were developed for safety monitoring and classification of technogenic events and conditions. As an example, algorithms for monitoring the intelligent safety criterion for the facilities and processes of pipeline transport of hydrocarbons are presented. The research considers the requirements of federal laws and the needs of the industry.
Date submitted2022-11-06
Date accepted2022-11-29
Date published2022-12-29
Technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation fuel and energy complex
- Authors:
- Oleg V. Zhdaneev
The review to achieve technological sovereignty of the Russian fuel and energy complex (FEC) in the ongoing geopolitical situation is presented in the article. The main scope has been to identify the key technology development priorities, restrictions and internal resources to overcome these utilizing the developed by the author the innovative methodology that consists of novel approaches to calculate level of local content, digitalization, business continuity andinteractions with military-industrial complex. Some organizational changes have been proposed to intensify the development of hi-tech products for the FEC and related industries, including establishment of the state committee for science and technology and the project office of lead engineers for the critical missing technologies. Two successful examples to utilize the described in the paper methodology is presented: the first domestic hydraulic fracturing fleet and polycrystalline diamond compact cutter bit inserts.
Date submitted2022-05-18
Date accepted2022-07-21
Date published2022-11-10
Improving the method for assessment of bending stresses in the wall of an underground pipeline
- Authors:
- Ruslan V. Aginey
- Alexei A. Firstov
Brief information about modern methods for determining the bending stresses of the extended sections of underground main pipelines without access to the pipeline generatrix is given. The necessity of modernizing methods based on determining the configuration of the pipeline axis from the soil surface with subsequent calculation of bending stresses based on the obtained data is substantiated. A mathematical model that allows to calculate the optimal parameters for surveying the axis of the pipeline from the soil surface for a pipeline of arbitrary configuration and depth, when planning a study, is proposed. Bench tests of the BITA-1 pipeline finder were carried out to determine the error in measuring the depth of the pipeline axis. It is proved that the deviations of the pipeline finder data relative to the true values in narrow depth intervals follow a normal distribution and do not change their sign. The confidence intervals of the error in determining the depth of the pipeline axis for the BITA-1 device are presented.
Date submitted2022-05-10
Date accepted2022-09-06
Date published2022-11-03
Flotation separation of titanite concentrate from apatite-nepheline-titanite ores of anomalous zones of the Khibiny deposits
Titanium raw materials are widely used for the synthesis of various functional materials – sorbents of radionuclides and rare earth elements, various additives, filler pigments, etc. Since most of titanium concentrates are imported, in line with the import substitution program, production of titanite concentrate from apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits is a promising trend for supplying national industry with titanium raw materials. The article presents the results of laboratory studies of flotation separation of titanite concentrate from apatite-nepheline-titanite ores extracted from the upper ore horizon of the Koashvinskoye deposit, where titanite-enriched ores are concentrated. Recovery of titanite concentrate was accomplished using two reagent modes – a mixture of alkyl hydroxamic and carboxylic acids with the addition of distilled tall oil and a mixture of tall oils with the addition of polyalkyl benzene sulfonic acids. The results of the research showed that the first flotation mode, which allows a selective recovery of titanite into the concentrate (titanite content in the concentrate was 93.5 %) is the most efficient. It was shown that flotation separation of titanite concentrate is preferable compared to the chemical method based on sulfuric acid leaching.
Date submitted2022-03-31
Date accepted2022-05-11
Date published2022-07-26
Carbonatite complexes of the South Urals: geochemical features, ore mineralization, and geodynamic settings
- Authors:
- Irina L. Nedosekova
The article presents the results of study of the Ilmeno-Vishnevogorsky and Buldym carbonatite complexes in the Urals. It has been established that the carbonatites of the Ilmeno-Vishnevogorsky complex are represented by high-temperature calciocarbonatites (sövites I and II) with pyrochlore ore mineralization. U-Ta-rich populations of uranium pyrochlores (I) and fluorocalciopyrochlores (II) crystallize in miaskite-pegmatites and sövites I; fluorocalciopyrochlores (III) and Sr-REE-pyrochlores (IV) of late populations form in sövites II. In the Buldym complex, along with high-temperature calciocarbonatites containing fluorocalciopyrochlore (III), medium-temperature varieties of magnesiocarbonatites with REE-Nb mineralization (monazite, niobo-aeschynite, columbite, etc.) are widespread. Miaskites and carbonatites of the Urals are characterized by high contents of LILE (Sr, Ba, K, Rb) and HFSE (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti), which are close to the contents in rift-related carbonatite complexes of intraplate settings and significantly differ from synorogenic collisional carbonatite complexes. The Ural carbonatite complexes formed on continental rift margins during the opening of the Ural Ocean at the time of transition from extensional to compressional tectonics. Later on, they were captured and deformed in the suture zone as a result of collision. Plastic and brittle deformations, anatexis, recrystallization of rocks and ores of carbonatite complexes in the Urals are associated with orogenic and post-collision settings.