Date submitted2023-09-05
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-02-25
Investigation of the accuracy of constructing digital elevation models of technogenic massifs based on satellite coordinate determinations
At all stages of the life cycle of buildings and structures, geodetic support is provided by electronic measuring instruments – a laser scanning system, unmanned aerial vehicles, and satellite equipment. In this context, a set of geospatial data is obtained that can be presented as a digital model. The relevance of this work is practical recommendations for constructing a local quasigeoid model and a digital elevation model (DEM) of a certain accuracy. A local quasigeoid model and a DEM were selected as the study objects. It is noted that a DEM is often produced for vast areas, and, therefore, it is necessary to build a local quasigeoid model for such models. The task of assessing the accuracy of constructing such models is considered; its solution will allow obtaining a better approximation to real data on preassigned sets of field materials. A general algorithm for creating both DEM and local quasigeoid models in the Golden Software Surfer is presented. The constructions were accomplished using spatial interpolation methods. When building a local quasigeoid model for an area project, the following methods were used: triangulation with linear interpolation (the least value of the root mean square error (RMSE) of interpolation was 0.003 m) and kriging (0.003 m). The least RMSE value for determining the heights by control points for an area project was obtained using the natural neighbour (0.004 m) and kriging (0.004 m) methods. To construct a local quasigeoid model for a linear project, the following methods were applied: kriging (0.006 m) and triangulation with linear interpolation (0.006 m). Construction of the digital elevation model resulted in the least aggregate value of the estimated parameters: on a flat plot of the earth’s surface – the natural neighbour method, for a mountainous plot with anthropogenic topography – the quadric kriging method, for a mountainous plot – quadric kriging.
Date submitted2021-05-08
Date accepted2022-07-21
Date published2023-12-25
Technologies of intensive development of potash seams by longwall faces at great depths: current problems, areas of improvement
- Authors:
- Vladimir P. Zubov
- Denis G. Sokol
The results of the analysis of practical experience in the development of potash seams using longwall mining systems at the mines of OAO “Belaruskali” are presented. Positive changes in the technical and economic indicators of mines and an increase in the safety of mining operations were noted with the introduction of resource-saving technologies without leaving the pillars between the excavation columns or with leaving the pillars between the columns with dimensions at which they are destroyed by mining pressure in the goaf. It is noted that the use of mechanized stoping complexes characterized by high energy capacity, combined with large depths of development, is the main reason for the temperature increase in longwalls to values exceeding the maximum permissible air temperature regulated by sanitary standards. Based on production studies, it was concluded that the temperature regime along the length of the longwall face is determined by the temperature of rocks in the developed longwall space, heat emissions from the equipment of the power train, and the temperature of the rock mass ahead of the longwall. The conclusion has been drawn about the feasibility of using developed technological schemes in deep mining conditions, which provide a reduction in longwall temperature by 6-9 °C or more through isolated ventilation of longwall and power trains, as well as heat exchange between the airflow entering the longwall and the rocks in the developed space.
Date submitted2022-05-20
Date accepted2023-04-03
Date published2024-02-29
Impact of carbon dioxide on the main geotechnical quality criteria and preparation cost of cemented paste backfill
There is a global upsurge in the use of cemented paste backfill (CPB) for various mining functions. However, the cost of the Portland cement binder is prohibitive, thus warranting strategies to reduce cement usage without overly diminishing the CPB quality. Since carbon dioxide is used for patented sand moulding processes, this study is premised on that physicochemical ability of CO2 to enhance the curing of consolidated inorganic materials. It evaluated the impact of carbon dioxide on the uniaxial compressive strength UCS and preparation cost of CPB standard samples (ASTM C109). The preparation cost was delimited to the purchase cost of the Portland cement. The backfill material was silica sand tailings with 4.5 wt.% Portland cement binder and a water-cement ratio of 7.6. Distilled water of pH 5.4 was used for the control samples while variable amounts of carbon dioxide were dissolved in distilled water to generate carbonated mixing water with pH values of 3.8; 4 and 4.2. The lower the carbonated water pH, the higher is the CO2 concentration. UCS tests were conducted on the samples after curing for 3, 7, 28, and 90 days. There was an observable increase in the UCSs and reduction in curing time with increasing carbon dioxide. Samples prepared with carbonated water of pH 3.8 had almost double the strength of those prepared with pure distilled water of pH 5.4, implying that more dissolved CO2 corresponds to higher CPB strength. This is supported by the trendline equations for the graphical simulation of strength on curing time. Thus, CPB with much less binder can be expected to attain the requisite UCS if carbon dioxide is incorporated. The average reduction in Portland cement consumption was 0.61 %, which translates to a cost saving of the same percentage points. If calculated over the operational life of a mine, this is a massive saving of millions of dollars.
Date submitted2022-01-21
Date accepted2022-11-14
Date published2023-08-28
Strategy of mine ventilation control in optimal mode using fuzzy logic controllers
- Authors:
- Aleksei V. Kashnikov
- Yuri V. Kruglov
The issues related to improving the efficiency of automatic ventilation control systems of mines that regulate the air supply to the mine in accordance with the need are considered. During the tests of such a system in the 3RU mine of OAO Belaruskali, the shortcomings of its existing, implementation, associated with the incorrect choice of the most difficult-to-ventilate direction, were revealed. The possibilities of implementing a control strategy, in which the system automatically determines the optimal configuration of the operating modes of fans and regulators, are demonstrated. As an alternative to the implemented algorithms, it is proposed to use a fuzzy control device to account for the nonlinearity of the dependence of the input and output parameters of ventilation equipment and to set the conditions for the optimal operating mode of the system in a declarative form. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach, the data of simulation modeling of the current ventilation mode and the transition from one ventilation mode to another are analyzed with comparison with the actual data of the system operation. The simulation results show that the use of an upgraded control scheme for the main ventilation fan based on fuzzy logic in the implementation of automatic ventilation control systems makes it possible to eliminate the possibility of a shortage of fresh air in the regulated directions of its movement, as well as excessive power consumption of the main ventilation fan.
Date submitted2021-07-05
Date accepted2022-11-17
Date published2022-12-29
Determination of suitable distance between methane drainage stations in Tabas mechanized coal mine (Iran) based on theoretical calculations and field investigation
A large amount of gas is emitted during underground mining processes, so mining productivity decreases and safety risks increase. Efficient methane drainage from the coal seam and surrounding rocks in underground mines not only improves safety but also leads to higher productivity. Methane drainage must be performed when the ventilation air cannot dilute the methane emissions in the mine to a level below the allowed limits. The cross-measure borehole method is one of the methane drainage methods that involves drilling boreholes from the tailgate roadway to an un-stressed zone in the roof or floor stratum of a mined seam. This is the main method used in Tabas coal mine N 1. One of the effective parameters in this method is the distance between methane drainage stations, which has a direct effect on the length of boreholes required for drainage. This study was based on the measurement of ventilation air methane by methane sensors and anemometers placed at the longwall panel as well as measuring the amount of methane drainage. Moreover, in this study, the obtained and analyzed data were used to determine the suitable distance between methane drainage stations based on the cross-measure borehole method. In a field test, three borehole arrangements with different station distances in Panel E4 of Tabas coal mine N 1 were investigated. Then, the amounts of gas drained from these arrangements were compared with each other. The highest methane drainage efficiency was achieved for distances in the range of 9-12 m between methane drainage stations.
Date submitted2021-08-10
Date accepted2021-12-10
Date published2021-12-27
Possibilities of accounting the fracturing of Kashiro-Vereyskian carbonate objects in planning of proppant hydraulic fracturing
One of the effective methods of oil production intensification for heterogeneous Kashiro-Vereyskian clay-carbonate sediments of the Volga-Ural oil and gas bearing province is proppant hydraulic fracturing. Prospects of realization for this technology are considered in the article on the example of the Vereyskian development object of Moskud’inskoye field. Based on the analysis of rocks samples investigations of Vereyiskian sediments, lithological types of carbonate rocks differing in their structural features are distinguished. Tomographic investigations of rock samples were carried out, as a result of which the rock fracturing for some lithotypes was determined and studieds. Under natural geological conditions, depending on the degree of fracturing progression and technological conditions of development, these intervals may or may not be involved in well operation. When hydraulic fracturing is performed, potentially fractured areas that are not in operation can be successfully added to oil production. Based on analysis of hydrodynamic well investigations, the fracturing of the Vereyskian object of the Moskud’inskoye field was studied on the basis of the Warren-Ruth model. With the help of geological and technological indicators of development, prediction fracturing was obtained, which was used for the construction of the natural fracturing scheme. Areas of both pore and fractured reservoirs development were identified on the deposit area. As a result of statistical analysis, the influence of fracturing on efficiency of proppant hydraulic fracturing was determined. Based on the linear discriminant analysis, a statistical model for predicting the efficiency of proppant fracturing was developed. It was shown that in addition to natural fracturing, the results are most strongly influenced by specific proppant yield, formation pressure, permeability of the remote bottomhole zone and skin effect. Based on the developed model, prospective production wells of the Moskud’inskoye field are identified for proppant hydraulic fracturing.
Date submitted2020-12-24
Date accepted2021-10-18
Date published2021-12-16
Natural gas methane number and its influence on the gas engine working process efficiency
The natural gas usage as a vehicle fuel in the mining industry is one of the priority tasks of the state. The article pays special attention to the component composition of natural gas from the point of view of its thermal efficiency during combustion in the combustion chamber of a power plant on a heavy-duty vehicle in difficult quarry conditions. For this, domestic and foreign methods for determining the main indicator characterizing the knock resistance of fuel in the combustion process – the methane number – are considered. Improvement of technical and economic indicators will be carried out by changing the composition of the gas mixture based on methane to fit the design features of the gas power plant, the methane number will be the determining indicator. A theoretical analysis of the influence of the methane number on such engine parameters as the compression ratio and the maximum speed of the flame front propagation in the second phase of combustion in the engine cylinder, expressed through the angle of rotation of the crankshaft, is presented. Based on the results of theoretical and experimental studies, the dependences of the influence of the methane number on the efficiency of the working process of the engine and its external speed characteristic were obtained.
Date submitted2021-06-01
Date accepted2021-07-27
Date published2021-10-21
Indicator assessment of the reliability of mine ventilation and degassing systems functioning
- Authors:
- Nina O. Kaledina
- Valentina A. Malashkina
The gas emission control in the mines is operated by ventilation and degassing systems that ensure the aerological safety of the mines or minimize the aerological risks. The ventilation system of the mine and its individual sites includes a significant number of technical devices and equipment, and the air tubes are mainly mining workings, the condition of which determines the quality of the ventilation network (its capacity) and depends on a number of mining factors. Similarly, one of the most important elements of the degassing system, which includes its own chain of technological equipment, are wells, and in some cases, mining workings. Thus, mine ventilation and degassing systems cannot be attributed to purely technical systems, since they include mining elements characterized by high variability of the determining parameters. To assess their reliability, it is necessary to use various combined methods that include additional characteristics in relation to the mining component. At the same time, the reliability of technical devices that ensure the functioning of mine ventilation and degassing systems largely determines the efficiency (stability and reliability) of these systems and, consequently, affects the level of aerological risks. The described approach to assessing the reliability of ventilation and degassing systems of coal mines when analyzing aerological risks is based on the developed system of risk indicators for the methane factor and will allow determining the risk dynamics in automatic mode based on monitoring the parameters of the ventilation and degassing system state.
Date submitted2021-01-18
Date accepted2021-05-21
Date published2021-09-20
Improving the efficiency of the technology and organization of the longwall face move during the intensive flat-lying coal seams mining at the Kuzbass mines
The reasons for the lag of the indicators of the leading Russian coal mines engaged in the longwall mining of the flat-lying coal seams from similar foreign mines are considered. The analysis of the efficiency of the longwall face move operations at the JSC SUEK-Kuzbass mines was carried out. A significant excess of the planned deadlines for the longwall face move during the thick flat-lying seams mining, the reasons for the low efficiency of disassembling operations and the main directions for improving the technology of disassembling operations are revealed. The directions of ensuring the operational condition of the recovery room formed by the longwall face are considered. The recommended scheme of converged coal seams mining and a three-dimensional model of a rock mass to justify its parameters are presented. Numerical studies using the finite element method are performed. The results of modeling the stress-strain state of a rock mass in the vicinity of a recovery room formed under conditions of increased stresses from the boundary part of a previously mined overlying seam are shown. The main factors determining the possibility of ensuring the operational condition of the recovery rooms are established. It is shown that it is necessary to take into account the influence of the increased stresses zone when choosing timbering standards and organizing disassembling operations at a interbed thickness of 60 m or less. A sufficient distance from the gob of above- or undermined seams was determined to ensure the operational condition of the recovery room of 50 m, for the set-up room – 30 m. Recommendations are given for improving technology and organization of the longwall face move operations at the mines applied longwall mining of flat-lying coal seams with the formation of a recovery room by the longwall face.
Date submitted2021-03-17
Date accepted2021-04-12
Date published2021-06-24
Application of the resonant energy separation effect at natural gas reduction points in order to improve the energy efficiency of the gas distribution system
- Authors:
- Andrei M. Schipachev
- Alena S. Dmitrieva
Maintaining the gas temperature and the formation of gas hydrates is one of the main problems in the operation of gas pipelines. Development and implementation of new effective methods for heating the gas during gas reduction will reduce the cost of gas transportation, solve the problem of resource and energy saving in the fuel industry. Study is aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of the natural gas reduction process by using a resonant gas heater to maintain the set temperature at the outlet of the gas distribution station (GDS) and prevent possible hydrate formation and icing of the station equipment. Paper considers the implementation of fireless heating of natural gas and fuel gas savings of heaters due to the introduction of a thermoacoustic reducer, operating on the basis of the Hartmann – Sprenger resonance effect, into the scheme of the reduction unit. By analyzing the existing methods of energy separation and numerical modeling, the effectiveness of the resonant-type energy separation device is substantiated. Modification of the reduction unit by introducing energy separating devices into it will allow general or partial heating of natural gas by its own pressure energy. Developed technology will allow partial (in the future, complete) replacement of heat energy generation at a gas distribution station by burning natural gas.
Date submitted2020-06-12
Date accepted2020-06-15
Date published2020-12-29
Analysis of project organization specifics in small-scale LNG production
- Authors:
- Pavel S. Tcvetkov
- S. V. Fedoseev
Gas industry plays an important role in the global energy sector, and in the coming decades amountsof natural gas production will only increase. One of the fastest growing trends in gas industry is the production of liquefiednatural gas (LNG), which is associated with the necessity to organize flexible systems of gas supply to the regions,remote from gas extraction sites. Industrial structure of LNG production includes projects, belonging to several different groups depending to their scale, in particular, small-scale production (SSLNG), cumulative production capacityof which is approximately 10 % from the industry-wide one. Economic aspects of implementing such projects remainunderexplored, which does not allow to draw objective conclusions regarding the prospects of their implementationin particular regions.This paper contains a review of publications, devoted to SSLNG project studies, aimed at identifying specifics oftheir organization compared to projects of greater scale. The results demonstrate that the majority of internationalcompanies classify projects as SSLNG, if their annual production capacity is below 0.5 million tonnes per annum.Specific capital costs, as well as implementation timelines of such projects, are several times lower than those of projects with greater production capacity, which reduces their risks and minimizes barriers to market entry. Furthermore,SSLNG is the most decentralized subsector in gas industry, aiming to cover the market due to a growing numberof projects, not their specific production capacity. These specific features define significant prospects of SSLNGdevelopment in Russia, both in the context of energy supply to remote regions and diversification of export deliveries.
Date submitted2020-05-26
Date accepted2020-09-23
Date published2020-12-29
Automated ventilation control in mines. Challenges, state of the art, areas for improvement
The article is divided into three main parts. The first part provides an overview of the existing literature on theoretical methods for calculating the optimal air distribution in mines according to the criteria of energy efficiency and providing all sections of mines with the required amount of air. It is shown that by the current moment there are many different formulations of the problem of searching the optimal air distribution, many different approaches and methods for optimizing air distribution have been developed. The case of a single (main) fan is most fully investigated, while for many fans a number of issues still remain unresolved. The second part is devoted to the review of existing methods and examples of the automated mine ventilation control systems implementation in Russia and abroad. Two of the most well-known concepts for the development of such systems are automated ventilation control systems (AVCS) in Russia and the CIS countries and Ventilation on demand (VOD) abroad. The main strategies of ventilation management in the framework of the AVCS and VOD concepts are described and also the key differences between them are shown. One of the key differences between AVCS and VOD today is the automatic determination of the operation parameters of fan units and ventilation doors using the optimal control algorithm, which is an integral part of the AVCS. The third part of the article describes the optimal control algorithm developed by the team of the Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the participation of the authors of the article. In this algorithm, the search for optimal air distribution is carried out by the system in a fully automated mode in real time using algorithms programmed into the microcontrollers of fans and ventilation doors. Minimization of energy consumption is achieved due to the most efficient selection of the fan speed and the rate of ventilation doors opening and also due to the air distribution shift control and the partial air recirculation systems introduction. It is noted that currently the available literature poorly covers the issue related to emergency operation modes ventilation systems of mines and also with the adaptation of automated control systems to different mining methods. According to the authors, further development of automated ventilation control systems should be carried out, in particular, in these two areas.
Date submitted2020-05-12
Date accepted2020-09-22
Date published2020-11-24
Design features of coal mines ventilation using a room-and-pillar development system
- Authors:
- Sergey S. Kobylkin
- Alexander R. Kharisov
The safety of mining operations in coal mines for aerological factors depends on the quality of accepted and implemented ventilation design solutions. The current “Design Manual of coal mine ventilation” do not take into account the features of room-and-pillar development systems used in Russia. This increases the risk of explosions, fires, and gassing. The detailed study of foreign experience in designing ventilation for the considered development systems e of coal deposits allowed to formulate recommendations on the ventilation scheme organization for coal mines using a room-and-pillar development system and the procedure for ventilation during multi-entry gateroad development. Observations have shown that the use of the existing Russian procedure for airing mining sites with a room-and-pillar development system complicates the emergency rescue operations conduct. Low speeds and multidirectional air movement, difficult heat outflow, and the abandonment of coal pillars increase the risk of occurrence and late detection of endogenous fire. The results of numerical modeling have shown that the installation (parallel to the drifts) of ventilation structures in inter-chamber pillars will increase the reliability of ventilation by transferring the ventilation scheme from a complex diagonal to a complex parallel. It will also reduce the amount of air required for the mine site and the total aerodynamic drag. The research made it possible to formulate requirements for the design procedure for coal mines ventilation using a room-and-pillar development system, which consist in the order of working out blocks in the panel, and also the additional use of ventilation structures (light brattice clothes or blowing line brattice).
Date submitted2020-06-11
Date accepted2020-06-11
Date published2020-06-30
Mathematical model of the liquefied methane phase transition in the cryogenic tank of a vehicle
In order to increase the efficiency of using vehicles (VEH) in mining and quarrying conditions, it is necessary to improve the components of gas equipment (cryogenic tank, gas nozzles, fuel supply cryogenic tubes, etc.) for supplying liquefied natural gas to the engine, as well as storage of liquid methane in a cryogenic tank with a long service life. For this, it is necessary to consider the process of heat and mass transfer of liquefied natural gas in a two-phase liquid-gas medium, taking into account the phase transition in the closed volume of the cryogenic tank under consideration. The article presents a model of unsteady heat and mass transfer of a two-phase liquefied methane medium in a developed two-tank cryogenic tank using a Cartesian coordinate system with fractional control volumes in space. The experimental data confirm the efficiency of using a cryogenic tank on the VEH platform, in which the run on liquefied methane compared to standard fuels is tripled, the shelf life of liquefied gas in the proposed cryogenic tank is 2-2.5 times longer than in the standard one.
Date submitted2019-07-09
Date accepted2019-09-07
Date published2020-04-24
Promising model range career excavators operating time assessment in real operating conditions
The development prospects of the mining industry are closely related to the state and development of modern mining machinery and equipment that meet the technical and quality requirements of mining enterprises. Enterprises are focused on a quantitative assessment – the volume of mineral extraction, depending on the functioning efficiency of a promising series of mining machines, which include modern mining excavators. Downtime and unplanned shutdowns of mining excavators directly depend on the operating conditions of the mining machine, which has negative influence on the machine as a whole and its technical condition, which entails a decrease in the efficiency of using expensive mining equipment and economic losses of the mining enterprise. The rationale for external factors that affect the operating time and technical condition of mining excavators is given. For a more detailed assessment of the influence of external influences on the efficiency of operation of mining machines, the influencing factors are divided into two groups: ergatic, directly related to human participation, and factors of a natural-technogenic nature, where human participation is minimized. It was revealed that factors of a natural-technogenic nature have the greatest influence. An algorithm is proposed for a comprehensive assessment of the technical condition and forecasting of operating time both in nominal and in real operating conditions, taking into account factors of a natural and technogenic nature. It is proposed, based on the developed program for planning and evaluating the life of a mining excavator, to adjust the schedules for maintenance and repair (MOT and R) in order to minimize the number of unplanned downtime of a mining excavator and maintain it in good condition.
Date submitted2019-06-29
Date accepted2019-08-25
Date published2019-12-24
New technical solutions for ventilation in deep quarries
- Authors:
- S. G. Shakhrai
- G. S. Kurchin
- A. G. Sorokin
The paper discusses the issues of ventilating in deep quarries caused by the intensification of blasting operations at great depths, the increased distance of ore truck transportation to the daylight area, constant change in the geometrical parameters of the quarry, its microrelief and direction of mining, and increased isolation of the mined space from the environment. We provide a brief analysis of the current tools for forced airflow in deep quarries, which showed that the use of forced ventilation is often challenging since it leads to high energy consumption, high level of noise exceeding the permissible parameters, and high speeds of forced air flows may blow the dust off the quarry surfaces. The article presents methods and tools developed at the Siberian Federal University for intensifying the natural airflow in deep quarries by changing the air density at the entrance and exit points of the pit, as well as heating the shady areas using mirrors and solar energy, which do not interfere with mining and blasting operations.
Date submitted2019-01-03
Date accepted2019-03-23
Date published2019-06-25
Normalization of thermal mode of extended blind workings operating at high temperatures based on mobile mine air conditioners
Thermal working conditions in the deep mines of Donbass are the main deterrent to the development of coal mining in the region. Mining is carried out at the lower technical boundaries at a depth of almost 1,400 m with a temperature of rocks of 47.5-50.0 °C. The air temperature in the working faces significantly exceeds the permissible safety standards. The most severe climatic conditions are formed in the faces of blind development workings, where the air temperature is 38-42 °С. It is due to the adopted coal seam mining systems, the large remoteness of the working faces from the main air supply openings, the difficulty in providing blind workings with a calculated amount of air due to the lack of local ventilation fans of the required range. To ensure thermodynamic safety mine n.a. A.F.Zasyadko we accepted the development of a draft of a central cooling system with ground-based absorption refrigerating machines with a total capacity of 9 MW with the implementation of the three types of generation principle (generation of refrigeration, electrical and thermal energy). However, the long terms of design and construction and installation work necessitated the use of mobile air conditioners in blind development faces. The use of such air conditioners does not require significant capital expenditures, and the terms of their commissioning do not exceed several weeks. The use of a mobile air conditioner of the KPSh type with a cooling capacity of 130 kW made it possible to completely normalize the thermal working conditions at the bottom of the blind workings 2200 m long, carried out at a depth of 1220-1377 m at a temperature of host rocks 43.4-47.5 °С. It became possible due to the closest placement of the air conditioner to the face in combination with the use of a high-pressure local ventilation fan and ducts, which ensured the air flow produced by the calculated amount of air. The use of the air conditioner did not allow to fully normalize the thermal conditions along the entire length of the blind face but reduced the urgency of the problem of normalizing the thermal regime and ensured the commissioning of the clearing face.
Date submitted2018-12-25
Date accepted2019-03-08
Date published2019-06-25
Determination of the operating time and residual life of self-propelled mine cars of potassium mines on the basis of integrated monitoring data
Statistical data on the reliability of self-propelled mine cars (SPMC), operating in the potassium mines of the Verkhnekamskoye potassium and magnesium salts deposit are analyzed. Identified the main nodes that limit the resource SPMC. It has been proven that the most common failures of self-propelled cars are the failure of wheel hubs, bevel gears and traveling electric motors. The analysis of the system of maintenance and repair of mine self-propelled cars. It is indicated that the planning and preventive system of SPMC repairs is characterized by low efficiency and high material costs: car maintenance is often carried out upon the occurrence of a failure, which leads to prolonged downtime not only of a specific haul truck, but of the entire mining complex. A method for assessing the technical condition of the electromechanical part of a mine self-propelled car by the nature of power consumption is proposed. This method allows you to control the loading of the drives of the mine self-propelled car, as well as to assess the technical condition of the drives of the delivery machines in real time. Upon expiration of the standard service life of a mine propelled car specified in the operational documentation, its further operation is prohibited and the car is subject to industrial safety expertise. As part of the examination, it is necessary to determine the operating time and calculate the service life of a mine self-propelled car outside the regulatory period. A method has been developed for determining the residual service life of mine car on the basis of instrumentation control data in the conditions of potash mines.
Date submitted2018-07-15
Date accepted2018-09-07
Date published2018-12-21
Justification of rational methods for provision of air to faces of operating coal mines of Vietnam during deepening of mines
- Authors:
- S. G. Gendler
- Tkhe Kha Nguen
Based on the analysis of the mining and geological conditions for developing coal deposits in Vietnam, the existing mining safety regulations, the application of methods for calculating the air supply of working and development faces using the methane factor and modern methods of mathematical modeling of the ventilation of mines threr was developed the procedure for analyzing the efficiency of air distribution management considering the proposed indicator - energy efficiency coefficient for ventilation systems, determined by the efficiency of air use and energy consumption. Relations have been obtained that determine the relationship between the aerodynamic resistance of negative regulators, the number of simultaneously developed working and development faces, the performance of main ventilation fans and the consumed electric power.
Date submitted2018-07-21
Date accepted2018-09-14
Date published2018-12-21
Natural ventilation of gas space in reservoir with internal floating roof
- Authors:
- M. G. Karavaichenko
- N. M. Fathiev
The article deals with safe operation issues of vertical steel reservoirs with an internal floating roof when storing volatile oil products. The purpose of the work is to study the influence of ventilation openings area and wind speed on the duration of explosive state of vertical reservoirs with an internal floating roof. The influence of ventilation pipes' dimensions and the wind speed on the duration of explosive state of the reservoir has been studied. Method for calculating this time is proposed. It is shown that natural ventilation of the reservoir gas space is caused by the effect of two forces, which are formed due to: 1) the density difference between the vapor-air mixture in the reservoir and outside air; 2) wind pressure occurring on the roof of the reservoir. An algorithm for calculating the duration of reservoir being in an explosive state with wind pressure and no wind is obtained. The greater the difference in geodetic marks of the central and peripheral nozzles, the more efficient the ventilation. This distance will be greatest if the lower ventilation pipes are located on the upper belt of the reservoir or the reservoir is equipped with an air drain. Increase in wind speed of more than 10 m/s does not significantly affect the duration of the reservoir being in an explosive state. Increasing the diameter of the central nozzle from 200 to 500 mm can significantly reduce the duration of the reservoir degassing in windless weather.
Date submitted2018-05-24
Date accepted2018-07-20
Date published2018-10-24
Moisture content of natural gas in bottom hole zone
- Authors:
- E. A. Bondarev
- I. I. Rozhin
- K. K. Argunova
For the traditional problem of gas flow to a well in the center of circular reservoir, the influence of initial reservoir conditions on dynamics of gas moisture content distribution has been determined. Investigations have been performed in the framework of mathematical model of non-isothermal real gas flow through porous media where heat conductivity was considered to be negligible in comparison with convective heat transfer. It is closed by empirical correlation of compressibility coefficient with pressure and temperature, checked in previous publications. Functional dependence of moisture content in gas on pressure and temperature is based on empirical modification of Bukacek relation. Numerical experiment was performed in the following way. At first step, axisymmetric problem of non-isothermal flow of real gas in porous media was solved for a given value of pressure at the borehole bottom, which gives the values of pressure and temperature as functions of time and radial coordinate. Conditions at the outer boundary of the reservoir correspond to water drive regime of gas production. At the second step, the calculated functions of time and coordinate were used to find the analogous function for moisture content. The results of experiment show that if reservoir temperature essentially exceeds gas – hydrate equilibrium temperature than moisture content in gas distribution is practically reflects the one of gas temperature. In the opposite case, gas will contain water vapor only near bottom hole and at the rest of reservoir it will be almost zero. In both cases, pressure manifests its role through the rate of gas production, which in turn influences convective heat transfer and gas cooling due to throttle effect.
Date submitted2018-05-07
Date accepted2018-07-10
Date published2018-10-24
Justification of economic benefits of arctic LNG transportation by sea
Russian Arctic is the largest exporter of domestic natural gas, which brings significant income to the federal budget. The major share of natural gas extracted in the Arctic is transported via pipelines in the direction of European countries. For a number of reasons EU is continuously reducing its consumption of Russian natural gas, among other things by increasing the import of liquefied natural gas (LNG). All this is happening against the background of global markets refocusing from pipeline gas to LNG. An obvious solution here would be to increase LNG production in the Russian Arctic with its subsequent transportation by sea. Taking into account remote location of Arctic gas fields from the main sales markets, there is a need for comparative cost analysis of transportation via pipelines and LNG tankers. The authors developed a method of assessing the costs of pipeline and sea transportation under comparable conditions. Calculations have been made for gas transportation to Germany, Italy, Turkey and China. As a result, it has been demonstrated that sea transportation of 1,000 m 3 of natural gas is cheaper than pipeline transportation by the average value of 106.3 USD (–40.2 %) across all the routes in question. Performed calculations prove the economic benefits of sea transportation of Arctic LNG to the existing and potential markets for natural gas. Such results are justified by the need of rational replacement of pipeline gas by LNG in European markets (especially in Southern Europe, where LNG has a greater competitive advantage) and increasing export of liquefied natural gas to the Asia-Pacific Region. Suggested measures will allow to reduce the costs of sea LNG transportation, which will give Arctic natural gas a competitive edge on the global and regional gas markets.
Date submitted2017-12-28
Date accepted2018-03-03
Date published2018-06-22
Special features of a structure of technical operations for peat excavation with stage dewatering
- Authors:
- E. A. Kremcheev
A method of development of a technology of peat extraction for intensifying of dewatering which involves drying of peat raw materials in thick layers with a layer-by-layer harvesting into large-sized roll with further delivery to the field storage unit of the enlarged sizes is presented in the paper. Throughout the year storage raw materials may be transported to the customer or to the shopfloor for further processing. Considering dimension and mass characteristics, a crumbed peat of various moisture capacity is a major type of products to be of high demand. On the basis of the results of scientific studies regarding gravity dewatering of peat and its drying in field environment, the ways of intensifying of field dewatering of peat for extraction at shallow-peat lands and fine-limit fields are proposed. The presented results of the experimental performance of a technology of peat drying in thick layers with a layer-by-layer harvesting indicate an increase of seasonal harvesting and a decrease of the influence of unfavorable meteorological factors on the stability of the extraction process. Performed investigations allowed to develop a structure of technical operations for peat excavation with the stage dewatering in spreading and intermediate storage units providing rational state of the extraction process regarding a complex of technical factors. A suggested scheme of a process area for a primary and secondary period of deposit exploitation by a technology of peat excavation is considered.
Date submitted2017-11-08
Date accepted2018-01-20
Date published2018-04-24
Major trends in efficiency upgrading of the economic activity in the Arctic zone of Russian Federation
Organization of efficient economic activity in the Arctic zone requires development of human potential, transport infrastructure, exploitation of natural resources under the conditions of greatest possible environmental safety. In order to choose preferable trends of economic development and to provide efficiency of operations in the Arctic zone it is crucial to perform research in the areas of industrial efficiency upgrading and rational use of fuel, energy, mineral, chemical and biological resources of the Ocean and littoral areas of Russian Arctic. The paper analyzes major trends in the research on increasing economic efficiency of operations aimed at territory development in the Arctic zone. The authors justify the need to examine economic problems of rational resource use in the Arctic zone of Russia based on the proposed system of resource-estimation indicators and their application in establishing a mechanism of rational resource use with a due regard to protection of the marine environment. The paper also focuses on methodological problems of the target programme approach to complex development of the Arctic zone, creation of target programmes, industrial development and rational use of natural resources. The authors give rationale for the key task in this area – development of methodological principles of forming federal and regional target programmes, aimed at exploration, exploitation and rational use of natural resources in the Arctic zone of Russian Federation. An analysis is provided that focuses on the problems of creating a scientifically justified hierarchical system of programmes and regional regulations, creation of a scientific information data bank and other methodological issues.
Date submitted2017-10-29
Date accepted2017-12-31
Date published2018-04-24
Risk assessment of accidents due to natural factors at the Pascuales – Cuenca multiple-use pipeline (Ecuador)
- Authors:
- Dzh. Zambrano
- S. V. Kovshov
- E. A. Lyubin
The natural aspects of the accident risk at the Pascuales – Cuenca multiple-use pipeline (Ecuador) are analysed in the paper. The Russian Methodological recommendations for the quantitative analysis of accident risks at hazardous production plants of oil trunk pipelines and oil product trunk pipelines issued in 2016 are used as a methodological framework due to relatively poorly defined evaluation mechanism for natural factors of accidents at oil trunk pipelines in the most widespread international accident risk assessment methodologies. The methodological recommendations were updated to meet the environmental conditions of oil pipelines of Latin America. It was found that the accidents due to natural factors make up approximately 15 % of cases at oil trunk pipelines in Ecuador. Natural geographical features of the areas surrounding the main Ecuadorian Pascuales–Cuenca oil trunk pipeline and its relatively short length allow defining three zones along the line in terms of the accident risk: lowland coastlines, high plateaus, and foothills. Calculations and analysis revealed that the maximum predicted specific frequency of accidents is characteristic of the lowland seaside area. The evidence showed that physical and chemical properties of soils and significant seismic activity are the root causes of failures.