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Vol 234
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Justification of rational methods for provision of air to faces of operating coal mines of Vietnam during deepening of mines

S. G. Gendler1
Tkhe Kha Nguen2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor Saint-Petersburg Mining University ▪ Orcid
  • 2 — Ph.D. Head of department Mining Vocational College
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Based on the analysis of the mining and geological conditions for developing coal deposits in Vietnam, the existing mining safety regulations, the application of methods for calculating the air supply of working and development faces using the methane factor and modern methods of mathematical modeling of the ventilation of mines threr was developed the procedure for analyzing the efficiency of air distribution management considering the proposed indicator - energy efficiency coefficient for ventilation systems, determined by the efficiency of air use and energy consumption. Relations have been obtained that determine the relationship between the aerodynamic resistance of negative regulators, the number of simultaneously developed working and development faces, the performance of main ventilation fans and the consumed electric power.

coal mine methane methane content methane emission ventilation gas mode methane category methane-bearing capacity forecast
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