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Vol 237
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Normalization of Thermal Mode of Extended Blind Workings Operating at High Temperatures Based on Mobile Mine Air Conditioners

V. R. Alabyev1
V. V. Novikov2
L. A. Pashinyan3
T. P. Bazhina4
About authors
  • 1 — Kuban State Technological University ▪ Orcid
  • 2 — Kuban State Technological University
  • 3 — Kuban State Technological University
  • 4 — Kuban State Technological University
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Thermal working conditions in the deep mines of Donbass are the main deterrent to the development of coal mining in the region. Mining is carried out at the lower technical boundaries at a depth of almost 1,400 m with a temperature of rocks of 47.5-50.0 °C. The air temperature in the working faces significantly exceeds the permissible safety standards. The most severe climatic conditions are formed in the faces of blind development workings, where the air temperature is 38-42 °С. It is due to the adopted coal seam mining systems, the large remoteness of the working faces from the main air supply openings, the difficulty in providing blind workings with a calculated amount of air due to the lack of local ventilation fans of the required range. To ensure thermodynamic safety mine n.a. A.F.Zasyadko we accepted the development of a draft of a central cooling system with ground-based absorption refrigerating machines with a total capacity of 9 MW with the implementation of the three types of generation principle (generation of refrigeration, electrical and thermal energy). However, the long terms of design and construction and installation work necessitated the use of mobile air conditioners in blind development faces. The use of such air conditioners does not require significant capital expenditures, and the terms of their commissioning do not exceed several weeks. The use of a mobile air conditioner of the KPSh type with a cooling capacity of 130 kW made it possible to completely normalize the thermal working conditions at the bottom of the blind workings 2200 m long, carried out at a depth of 1220-1377 m at a temperature of host rocks 43.4-47.5 °С. It became possible due to the closest placement of the air conditioner to the face in combination with the use of a high-pressure local ventilation fan and ducts, which ensured the air flow produced by the calculated amount of air. The use of the air conditioner did not allow to fully normalize the thermal conditions along the entire length of the blind face but reduced the urgency of the problem of normalizing the thermal regime and ensured the commissioning of the clearing face.

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