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Sergey S. Kobylkin
Sergey S. Kobylkin
Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
NUST MISIS, Mine institute
Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
NUST MISIS, Mine institute
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Design features of coal mines ventilation using a room-and-pillar development system

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The safety of mining operations in coal mines for aerological factors depends on the quality of accepted and implemented ventilation design solutions. The current “Design Manual of coal mine ventilation” do not take into account the features of room-and-pillar development systems used in Russia. This increases the risk of explosions, fires, and gassing. The detailed study of foreign experience in designing ventilation for the considered development systems e of coal deposits allowed to formulate recommendations on the ventilation scheme organization for coal mines using a room-and-pillar development system and the procedure for ventilation during multi-entry gateroad development. Observations have shown that the use of the existing Russian procedure for airing mining sites with a room-and-pillar development system complicates the emergency rescue operations conduct. Low speeds and multidirectional air movement, difficult heat outflow, and the abandonment of coal pillars increase the risk of occurrence and late detection of endogenous fire. The results of numerical modeling have shown that the installation (parallel to the drifts) of ventilation structures in inter-chamber pillars will increase the reliability of ventilation by transferring the ventilation scheme from a complex diagonal to a complex parallel. It will also reduce the amount of air required for the mine site and the total aerodynamic drag. The research made it possible to formulate requirements for the design procedure for coal mines ventilation using a room-and-pillar development system, which consist in the order of working out blocks in the panel, and also the additional use of ventilation structures (light brattice clothes or blowing line brattice).

How to cite: Kobylkin S.S., Kharisov A.R. Design features of coal mines ventilation using a room-and-pillar development system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 245. p. 531-538. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.5.4