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Geochemical characteristics of weathering crusts on the Dzhezhimparma Ridge and the Nemskaya Upland (South Timan)

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Numerous local varieties of weathering crusts are known in the South Timan. They differ in their position in the section, type of weathering products, substrates, and occurrence. The aim of the research is to identify patterns in the distribution of rock-forming, rare and rare earth elements and the composition of clay minerals in clay formations of the weathering crusts. The main task is to describe the occurrence and geochemical features that enable determining the genetic type and formation conditions of weathering crusts. The paper presents the results of a study of the distribution of petrogenic, rare earth, rare elements, and clay minerals in weathering crust of different ages, genetic types and occurrence conditions on the Dzhezhimparma Ridge and the Nemskaya Upland in the South Timan. We found that hydromica-kaolinite-type weathering crust is developed after the Late Riphean Dzhezhim Fm. rocks in the basement-cover contact zone on the Dzhezhimparma Upland, and the layer of fine-grained rock at the base of the Devonian section previously considered a weathering crust was formed as a result of mechanical destruction of the Devonian sandstones during movement in the thrust zone. In the Vadyavozh quarry located on the Nemskaya Upland, we studied and described the formations of Mesozoic-Cenozoic areal and linear weathering crusts after the Late Riphean Dzhezhim Fm. rocks. We found that micaceous siltstones in the siltstone-sandstone strata of the Dzhezhim Fm. are associated with the Riphean stage of crust formation and are composed of weathering crust material redeposited in the epicontinental basin.

How to cite: Grakova O.V., Nikulova N.Y., Simakova Y.S. Geochemical characteristics of weathering crusts on the Dzhezhimparma Ridge and the Nemskaya Upland (South Timan) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. p. EDN EBLEPI
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Mercury contamination of sediments at Indonesia Ciujung watershed: contribution of artisanal small-scale gold mining

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Artisanal small-scale gold mining is the largest artificial source of mercury pollution and has been a very common problem recently. This study examined the contribution of Hg release due to artisanal small-scale gold mining in contaminating the sediment of the watershed in Indonesia. Different from other methods, we measured Hg pollution using the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. This report is the first time analytical reports in Indonesia since most papers focus primarily on only detecting heavy metals in river water and sediments, neglecting deep research on Hg pollution and resources. The findings of this study indicate that artisanal and small-scale gold mining activities, located in the upstream areas of the tributaries that act as point sources, are the primary source of mercury in the sediment of the Ciujung watershed. The isotopes δ13C and δ15N successfully trace the Hg-contaminated sediment in the Ciujung watershed derived from the Cisimeut and Ciberang Rivers based on soil organic matter. The biological effect showed the Hg concentration in most of the sampling sites exceeded the Effects-range medium and Probable effect limit values. The Risk quotient values of Hg indicated the Hg pollution had a possibility effect on the benthic organism. Several limitations have also been added in this study and needs for further investigation.

How to cite: Nugraha W.C., Jeong H., Quang P.D., Novirsa R., Komorita T., Yasuhiro I., Kobayashi J., Arizono K., Nandiyanto A.B.D. Mercury contamination of sediments at Indonesia Ciujung watershed: contribution of artisanal small-scale gold mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. p. EDN PJVEY
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Comparative analysis of nitrogen and carbon isotopic fractionation during diamond formation based on β-factor determination

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First quantitative estimates are presented for nitrogen isotopic fractionation during diamond crystallization with respect to nitrogen-bearing fluid components using quantum-mechanical (DFT) calculations on the defect (with the substitutional nitrogen) diamond lattice. Provided equilibrium isotopic fractionation, 15N/14N ratio decreases within the sequence of compounds NH4+ > N2 > (diamond, NH3) > CH3N > CN− > NH2. At temperatures of 1,100 to 1,200 °C fractionation among diamond and fluid N-compounds are estimated at –2.23, –0.77, 0.01, 0.44, 1.31 and 2.85 ‰ and substantially (over 1 ‰) exceed the already available estimates based on the modeling diamond C-N bonds by analogy with HCN or CN – molecules. Depending on the dominant nitrogen and carbon substance in the mineral-forming fluid, diamond formation can be accompanied by different isotope compositional trends, as expressed either by zoned patterns within individual diamond grains or by isotopic δ15N vs δ13C covariations during successive crystallization. Provided the dominance of NH3 component (the reduced conditions, high pressures and the cold geotherm) nitrogen isotope fractionation between diamond and fluid does not exceed 0.1-0.2 ‰ and the isotope shifts at temperature ca. 1100 °C Δ15N << Δ13C. In nitrogen depleted reduced mantle fluids possible existence of compounds with low heavy isotope affinity at temperature of diamond formation (especially NH2) implies high isotope fractionation between diamond and the fluid and hence, evolved Δ15N/Δ13C ratios. Oxidized fluids dominated by CO2 or CO3 coupled with N2 component are characterized by close to zero Δ15N/Δ13C ratios as inferred by prevailing carbon isotope fractionation with respect to nitrogen isotopes, the latter change considerably with nitrogen distribution coefficient among diamond and the growth media.

How to cite: Krylov D.P. Comparative analysis of nitrogen and carbon isotopic fractionation during diamond formation based on β-factor determination // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. p. EDN SUBOCN
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Lamprophyres of the Peshchernoe gold deposit, their geological position, material composition, and metasomatic alterations (Northern Urals)

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The article presents the first data on biotite-hornblende lamprophyres discovered at the Peshchernoe gold deposit. We consider the geological position of lamprophyre dikes in the deposit structure and the relationship of these rocks with tectonically weakened and mineralized zones. The data on the structural position of mineralized zones, faults, dike bodies, metasomatic halos, and host volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks confirm the tectonic nature of the Peshchernoe deposit alteration system. Lamprophyre dikes are pre-ore, as evidenced by the superimposed metasomatic mineral associations. We assume that dikes of andesitic rocks, lamprophyres, and subsequently hydrothermal fluids, including ore-bearing ones, were intruded along the fault zone of northeastern strike at different geological times. The description of mineralogical and chemical transformations of lamprophyres, which occurred as a result of alteration, is given. Two stages of metasomatism are distinguished: carbon dioxide (beresitization-listvenitization) and subsequent alkaline (sodic metasomatism). During carbon dioxide metasomatism, dark-coloured minerals are replaced by chlorite, albitization and sericitization of plagioclase occur, and ferruginous dolomite is formed under the influence of a significant supply of CO2. Alkaline (sodic) metasomatism is superimposed on the mineral metasomatic paragenesis of the first stage. We consider metasomatic zoning during sodic metasomatism, manifested in one of the spessartite dikes. Chlorite and relics of magmatic dark-coloured minerals are replaced by magnesite, the supply of Na leads to the appearance of newly formed albite, and the supply of S leads to the formation of pyrite, which concentrates iron from other minerals. As a result of the sodic metasomatism, iron content in carbonates decreases in the direction from the outer metasomatic zone to the inner one. We conclude that it was the alkaline-sulphide sodium solutions that performed the ore-bearing function, and beresitization and listvenitization prepared a favourable environment for ore deposition.

How to cite: Kuznetsov D.V., Stepanov S.Y., Butnyakov A.V., Igosheva V.S. Lamprophyres of the Peshchernoe gold deposit, their geological position, material composition, and metasomatic alterations (Northern Urals) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. Vol. 271. p. 22-41. EDN MPTXFV
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M1 formation tectono-structural features and gas-oil potential within Archinskaya area Paleozoic basement (Western Siberia)

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Western Siberian Plate basement oil and gas potential evaluation largely depends on structural and stratigraphic complex architecture representation. New modern procedures for seismic data processing, detailed Paleozoic deposits stratigraphic studies and expanded geophysical well logging significantly change the representation of the basement rocks fold-block structure and previously developed hydrocarbon reservoirs models. Detailed studies conducted within the Archinskii uplift showed that Paleozoic sediments form a contrasting folded structure complicated by block tectonics. The significant block displacements amplitude determines the lithological and stratigraphic basement rocks erosional-tectonic surface, while the identified stratigraphic blocks control the oil productivity distribution within the Archinskaya area. The filtration-capacity heterogeneity folded structure of the Paleozoic sediments is reflected in the distribution of hydrocarbon saturation in the well section, forming independent gas, oil, and oil-water zones for the development process. The relationship between anticlinal structural forms of basement rocks to lowered, and synclinal to elevated blocks, determines the necessity to conduct exploration prospecting within younger stratigraphic blocks when assessing the deep Paleozoic oil and gas potential.

How to cite: Belozerov V.B., Korovin M.O. M1 formation tectono-structural features and gas-oil potential within Archinskaya area Paleozoic basement (Western Siberia) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 268. p. 520-534. EDN XDUIIJ
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Paleoproterozoic Saltakh Pluton, Anabar Shield: mineralogical composition, age and a geodynamic setting

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The Saltakh Massif is located in the northern Anabar Shield, in the Saltakh shear-zone. It consists of two-pyroxene schists and plagiogneisses metamorphosed under granulite-facies conditions. Their chemical composition is consistent with that of a differentiated series of rocks ranging from gabbro to tonalites with abundant alaskitic gneissose granite veins and bodies. The rocks are mainly high-potassium (K2O/Na2O > 0.50), high-magnesium (mg# 50-70), low-titanium (TiO2 0.35-1.31 wt.%) with low TiO2 concentration in clino- and orthopyroxene. Normative olivine makes up 6-9 % of metagabbroic rocks. The rocks display well-defined negative Ti, Nb, Ta, and P anomalies typical of subduction magmatism. The two-pyroxene gneisses show high Sr/Y ratios of 67.6-88 and (La/Yb)N of 24.8-25.6. Saltakh rocks are part of a shoshonite series, as indicated by Nb/La, La/Yb, Th/Nb and Ce/Yb ratios. All the rocks display positive εNd(T) values of 1.9-4.1 and εSr(T) of 0.77-17.8 indicative of a mantle source of magma and T(Nd)DM of 2,20-2,26 Ga. U-Pb zircon dating (SHRIMP II) has shown that the protoliths of Saltakh melanocratic rocks were dated at 2100-2086 Ma, and those of two-pyroxene plagiogneisses of tonalite composition were dated at 2025±7 Ma. Alaskitic gneissose granites were dated at 1969±7 Ma. The study of the trace element composition of zircon has revealed general enrichment in LREE. High LREE concentrations are due to secondary zircon alterations and the shoshonitic pattern of the melt, the high-temperature conditions of crystallization, and an anomalous fluid regime. The geodynamic setting in which the Saltakh Massif was formed was consistent with a pericontinental magmatic arc. The formation of alaskitic gneissose granites was due to anatexis provoked by later collision processes. Saltakh magmatic rocks were formed simultaneously with magmatic rocks from the Khapchan prospect which occur farther south, and were studied earlier (2095±10 Ma tholeiitic metadiorites and 2030±17 Ma calc-alkaline metatonalites). We interpret them as part of a metamorphosed juvenile Paleoproterozoic suprasubduction complex.

How to cite: Gusev N.I., Romanova L.Y. Paleoproterozoic Saltakh Pluton, Anabar Shield: mineralogical composition, age and a geodynamic setting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. p. EDN SRITGO
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Trace element composition of silicate minerals from Kunashak Meteorite (L6)

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Major (EPMA) and trace (SIMS) element geochemistry in the silicate minerals (olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase) of Kunashak equilibrated ordinary chondrite (L6) is described. No variations in the major element concentrations of the silicate minerals have been found, which is characteristic of equilibrated chondrites of petrological type VI. Low-Са pyroxene and plagioclase from the radiated olivine-pyroxene chondrule of Kunashak Meteorite contain an abundance of trace elements (Yb, Cr, Nb and Ti – pyroxene; Sr, Y, Ti and Zr – plagioclase), which is not characteristic of minerals from the porphyritic olivine and olivine-pyroxene chondrules of the meteorite. The porphyritic olivine-pyroxene chondrule of the Kunashak Meteorite has high trace element concentrations in olivine, in particular, the highest Yb concentration (0.12 ppm on the average) relative to porphyritic and radiated olivine-pyroxene chondrules (0.02 ppm). High trace element concentrations indicate rapid crystallization of a radiated chondrule in a nebula and show no traces of trace element homogenization upon thermal metamorphism. The trace element composition of silicate minerals from Kunashak Meteorite has retained the individual melting pattern of the chondrules and remained unaffected by thermal metamorphism on the parent bodies of the chondrules. Similar results, obtained in the study of Bushkhov Meteorite (L6), indicate that trace elements in olivine and low-Са pyroxene are resistant to thermal metamorphism. The persistence of the individual pattern of the chondrules enables us to use equilibrated ordinary chondrites for the study of processes at early stages in the formation of the Solar System and to better understand chondrule and planet formation mechanisms.

How to cite: Sukhanova K.G., Galankina O.L. Trace element composition of silicate minerals from Kunashak Meteorite (L6) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 270. p. 877-892. EDN PYFBEB
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Assessment of the influence of lithofacies conditions on the distribution of organic carbon in the Upper Devonian “Domanik” deposits of the Timan-Pechora Province

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The study of high-carbon formations was instigated both by the decreasing raw material base of oil as a result of its extraction, and by the progress in development of low-permeability shale strata, primarily in the USA, Australia, and China. The most valuable formations occur in traditional hydrocarbon production areas – the West Siberian, Volga-Ural and Timan-Pechora, North Pre-Caucasian and Lena-Tunguska oil and gas provinces. Specific features of the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous high-carbon formation occurring in the eastern marginal part of the East European Platform are: heterogeneous section due to intense progradation of the carbonate platform from west to east; succession of lithofacies environments that determined the unevenness of the primary accumulation and secondary distribution of organic matter (OM); possible migration or preservation in the source strata during the subsidence stages of the moving parts of bitumides, which determined the prospects for oil and gas potential. The distribution pattern of the present OM content was investigated depending on lithofacies conditions and lithological composition of rocks in the “Domanik type” Upper Devonian-Tournaisian deposits in the Timan-Pechora Province (TPP), its transformation degree to bring it to the initial content of organic carbon and further estimation of the share of stored “mobile oil” in oil and gas source formation. The study was based on the analysis of the data set on organic carbon content in core samples and natural exposures in the Ukhta Region in the Domanik-Tournaisian part of the section including more than 5,000 determinations presented in reports and publications of VNIGRI and VNIGNI and supplemented by pyrolytic and bituminological analyses associated with the results of microtomographic, macro- and lithological studies and descriptions of thin sections made at the Saint Petersburg Mining University. For each tectonic zone of the TPP within the investigated high-carbon intervals, the content of total volumes of organic carbon was determined. The data obtained allow estimating the residual mass of mobile bitumoids in a low-permeability matrix of the high-carbon formation.

How to cite: Prishchepa O.M., Sinitsa N.V., Ibatullin A.K. Assessment of the influence of lithofacies conditions on the distribution of organic carbon in the Upper Devonian “Domanik” deposits of the Timan-Pechora Province // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 268. p. 535-551. EDN JPUKCM
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The polyphase Belokurikhinsky granite massif, Gorny Altai: isotope-geochemical study of zircon

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Based on the isotopic-geochemical analyses of zircons from granites of the Belokurikhinsky massif in the Gorny Altai using the U-Pb method, the ages of three intrusion phases have been determined for the first time: the age of the first phase refers to the time interval of 255-250 Ma, the second and the third phases have similar ages of about 250 Ma. The formation time of the Belokurikhinsky massif is estimated as not exceeding 5-8 Ma. The δ18O values for zircons from granites of the second and the third intrusion phases average around 11.5-12.0 ‰, indicating a significant contribution of a crustal component in the formation of the parent melts for granites of these phases. The crystallization temperature values of the zircons by the Ti-in-zircon thermometer for three phases range from 820 to 800 °C. The P-T crystallization parameters of titanite from the first phase, determined using a titanite thermobarometer, average around 770 °C and 2.7 kbar. The zircons from the first phase mostly exhibits geochemical characteristics of typical magmatic zircons. The zircons from the second and the third intrusion phases either may be unaltered magmatic zircons or enriched in incompatible elements (LREE, Th, U, Ti, Ca, etc.) due to fluid influence, resembling hydrothermal-metasomatic type zircons in terms of their geochemical characteristics. A number of zircon grains from the second and the third phases of granites demonstrate anomalous geochemical characteristics – the REE distribution spectra atypical for zircons (including “bird's wing” type spectra with oppositely tilted of light and heavy REE distribution profiles), as well as significantly higher contents of certain trace elements compared to other varieties. Such an enriched zircon composition and wide variations in the incompatible element content are due to non-equilibrium conditions of zircon crystallization and evolution of the fluid-saturated melt composition during the final stages of the massif formation.

How to cite: Skublov S.G., Levashova E.V., Mamykina M.E., Gusev N.I., Gusev A.I. The polyphase Belokurikhinsky granite massif, Gorny Altai: isotope-geochemical study of zircon // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 268. p. 552-575. EDN RGKCIJ
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A new insight into recording the mineral composition of carbonate reservoirs at well killing: experimental studies

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Well killing operation remains an important technological stage before well workover or servicing, during which filtrate penetrates the bottomhole area of the formation. The impact of process fluids and their filtrate on rock has a significant influence on permeability and porosity of carbonate reservoirs, which decrease due to fines migration. There are few known scientific studies of the interaction of killing fluid filtrate with carbonate rock and fines migration. In our experiments, an aqueous phase was used which is the basis for well killing in pure form, for the preparation of blocking agents and is used in reservoir pressure maintenance system. Core samples taken from the pay of the reservoir were used to simulate the well killing process with generation of reservoir thermobaric conditions. Killing fluid filtrate was kept for seven days, which characterizes the average workover time at flowing wells in the fields of the Perm Territory. Using micro-X-ray tomography and scanning electron microscope, images were obtained before and after the experiment, which allowed confirming a decrease in total number of voids due to fines migration and, as a consequence, a decreasing permeability of samples. Measurement of pH and fines concentration in the aqueous phase was performed before and after the experiment and pointed to mineral reactions occurring as a result of rock dissolution. The results of experiments made it possible to record a decrease in permeability of carbonate samples by an average of 50 % due to clogging of void space and migration of fines (clayey and non-clayey).

How to cite: Chernykh V.I., Martyushev D.A., Ponomareva I.N. A new insight into recording the mineral composition of carbonate reservoirs at well killing: experimental studies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 270. p. 893-903. EDN QOALPE
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Velocity structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the Pechenga ore region and adjacent areas in the northwestern part of the Lapland-Kola orogen by the receiver function technique

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The article presents a study of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the Pechenga ore region, as well as areas adjacent to it in the northwestern part of the Kola region. Applying the receiver function technique to data acquired by three broadband seismic stations, we obtained one-dimensional seismic velocity distribution models to a depth of 300 km. The stations are located in the northern parts of Finland and Norway, as well as in the Pechenga region of the Russian Federation. Despite the stations being in relatively close proximity (within 100 km of each other), the velocity models turned out to be significantly different, which indicates structural discontinuity within the lithosphere. Thus, Finland station data set revealed a gradient crust-mantle transition, which is not present in the other two models. At depths of about 150 km, a low-velocity zone was discovered, associated with mid-lithospheric discontinuity, which was not found beneath the Pechenga ore region. Furthermore, the crustal structure of the Pechenga region has an anomalously high Vp/Vs ratio to a depth of about 20 km. Considering the fact that the Pechenga (Nikel) seismic station was installed in close proximity to major copper-nickel deposits, this anomaly can be interpreted as a relic of Proterozoic plume activity.

How to cite: Goev A.G. Velocity structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the Pechenga ore region and adjacent areas in the northwestern part of the Lapland-Kola orogen by the receiver function technique // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 266. p. 188-198. EDN NZMXJC
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Assessment of the contribution of Precambrian deposits in forming the petroleum potential of the eastern part of the Volga-Urals basin using results of modeling

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Consideration is given to results of geochemical analysis of organic matter and oils of the Proterozoic (the RF-V complex) and the Paleozoic (the pay intervals D2, D3, C1-2) of the eastern part of the Volga-Urals petroleum basin. The obtained data is corroborated by results of 2D basin modeling along four regional profiles two of which are situated in the Kama and two in the Belaya parts of the Kama-Belaya aulacogen. An update is given to earlier data on degree of catagenetic alteration of oil/gas source rocks of the Riphean-Vendian play, maps of catagenesis are constructed. New evidence is provided concerning presence of Precambrian oils in the Paleozoic plays. The oils under investigation are mixed – those formed from generation products of the Precambrian (Riphean, Vendian) and Paleozoic (Devonian and Early Carboniferous) source rock intervals. The results of modeling have shown that the principal source rock intervals in the RF-V play of the Kama part of the Kama-Belaya aulacogen are deposits of the Kaltasy formation of the Lower Riphean and the Vereshchagino formation of the Upper Vendian, while in the Belaya part these are rocks of the Kaltasy, Kabakov, Olkhovo, Priyutovo, Shikhan and Leuza formations of the Riphean and the Staropetrovo formation of the Vendian. It is found that the interval of the main oil and gas window increases in the southeastward direction. In both depressions of the Kama-Belaya aulacogen, a single oil play is distinguished that functions within the stratigraphic interval from the Riphean to the Lower Carboniferous. As the principal petroleum source rock intervals within this play, Riphean-Vendian deposits are considered, reservoirs are confined to the Riphean carbonate complex, Upper Vendian and Middle Devonian clastic deposits, while the Upper Devonian – Tournaisian deposits serve as the upper seal.

How to cite: Kozhanov D.D., Bolshakova M. Assessment of the contribution of Precambrian deposits in forming the petroleum potential of the eastern part of the Volga-Urals basin using results of modeling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 266. p. 199-217. EDN OCPXEH
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Peculiarities of formation, isomorphism and geochemistry of trace elements of sphalerite and wurtzite unusual varieties from the Goniatite occurrence (Pai-Khoi Ridge, Nenets Autonomous District)

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A unique Mn-, Cd-bearing sphalerite from quartz-calcite veins in the coal-bearing series (Visean C1v) marine sediments in a 50 km segment of the middle course of the Silova-Yakha River in the Arctic zone of the European part of Russia (Pai-Khoi Ridge) has been studied. The veins have a conformable and cross-cutting occurrence in two types of rocks: gray limestones and black siliceous-carbonaceous shales, the area is known as the Goniatite occurrence. The sulfide content in vein samples ranges from 0.1 to 2 vol.%. The chemical composition of 27 monomineral samples of Mn-, Cd-bearing sphalerites was studied, 82 points were analyzed. Correlations between typomorphic elements-impurities were revealed and correlation matrix was constructed. Cu, V, Ga, In, Sn, As, Sb, Bi, Pb, Tl, Se, Ag, Au, Ni are positively correlated with each other; Cd, Mn and Ge are negatively correlated with each other. The hydrothermal fluid involved in crystallization of sphalerite is characterized by low temperature (164-211 °С) and average salinity of 5-6 wt.% eq. NaCl. An updated “portrait” of typomorphic features (composition and properties) of sphalerite of the Pai-Khoi province was obtained. The features allowing to determine the type of impurity entering the sphalerite structure – in the form of isomorphic impurity or in the form of microinclusions of paragenetic association minerals – have been established. Submicron inclusions of sulvanite and colusite, invisible by other methods, were detected in sphalerite (by LA-ICP-MS method).The cathodoluminescence data of sphalerite from the Pai-Khoi province were typified. In contrast to other provinces, ZnS crystals here are characterized by almost complete absence of isomorphic iron. This allowed us to study pure isomorphism schemes of ZnS↔MnS, ZnS↔CdS, namely cathodoluminescence and other types of luminescence. The presence of a rare wurtzite-4H polytype in assemblage with sphalerite was revealed. High contents of strategic metals Cd, Ga, In, Ge in the ZnS matrix, as well as sulvanite (V, Cu) in a single paragenesis were found. A serious reassessment of the potential for industrial use of this mineralization will be required.

How to cite: Makeyev A.B., Vikentyev I.V., Kovalchuk E.V., Abramova V.D., Prokofyev V.Y. Peculiarities of formation, isomorphism and geochemistry of trace elements of sphalerite and wurtzite unusual varieties from the Goniatite occurrence (Pai-Khoi Ridge, Nenets Autonomous District) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 270. p. 861-876. EDN CCJVMG
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Assessment of rock massif sustainability in the area of the underground research laboratory (Nizhnekanskii Massif, Enisei site)

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The study presents the results of the research on geodynamic and geological conditions of the Enisei site (Krasnoyarsk Krai), chosen for the construction of an underground research laboratory. The laboratory is being built at a depth of 500 m to assess the suitability of the rock mass for burying high-level radioactive waste. The rocks consist of weakly fractured gneisses, granites, and dikes of metadolerites. Field observations were conducted on bedrock outcrops. They included the determination of rock mass quality indicators, measurement of rock fracturing, and a rating classification of stability using N.Barton's method. GNSS observations were also made to monitor surface deformations. These data were used to develop a three-dimensional structural model, including lithology, fault disruptions, intrusive bodies, elastic-strength properties of rocks, and the sizes of zones influenced by faulting. It will serve as a basis for boundary conditions and the construction of three-dimensional variational models of stress-strain states, identifying zones of concentration of hazardous stresses, and planning in situ geomechanical experiments in underground mines of the laboratory. The obtained values of the modified QR index for the main types of rocks allowed their classification as stable and moderately stable, corresponding to strong and very strong rocks on Barton's scale and the massif rating according to geomechanical classification.

How to cite: Akmatov D.Z., Manevich A.I., Tatarinov V.N., Shevchuk R.V., Zabrodin S.M. Assessment of rock massif sustainability in the area of the underground research laboratory (Nizhnekanskii Massif, Enisei site) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 266. p. 167-178. EDN ECCWUV
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Microstructural features of chromitites and ultramafic rocks of the Almaz-Zhemchuzhina deposit (Kempirsai massif, Kazakhstan) according to electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) studies

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Microstructural features of the main rock-forming minerals of host ultramafic rocks (olivine, orthopyroxene) and chrome spinel from ores of the Almaz-Zhemchuzhina deposit were studied using the electron backscatter diffraction method. For ultramafic rocks, statistical diagrams of the crystallographic orientation of olivine and orthopyroxene were obtained, indicating the formation of a mineral association in conditions of high-temperature subsolidus plastic flow in the upper mantle. The main mechanisms were translation gliding and syntectonic recrystallization. Olivine deformation occurred predominantly along the (010)[100] and (001)[100] systems. The textural and structural features of chromitites reflect plastic flow processes, most pronounced in lenticular-banded ores. Microstructure maps in inverse pole figure encoding show differences in the grain size composition of the ores: areas consisting of disseminated chromitites are characterized by a finer-grained structure compared to lens-shaped segregations of a massive structure. Analysis of microstructure maps shows that during the transition from disseminated to massive ores, there is a widespread development of recrystallization, adaptation of neighbouring grains to each other, resulting in homogenization of crystallographic orientation in aggregates. The data obtained develop ideas about the rheomorphic nature of chromitite segregations in ophiolite dunites. It is assumed that the coarsening of the structure of massive chromitites is critically associated with an increase in the concentration of ore grains during solid-phase segregation within a plastic flow, when individual chrome spinel grains, initially separated by silicate material, begin to come into direct contact with each other.

How to cite: Saveliev D.E., Sergeev S.N., Makatov D.K. Microstructural features of chromitites and ultramafic rocks of the Almaz-Zhemchuzhina deposit (Kempirsai massif, Kazakhstan) according to electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) studies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 266. p. 218-230. EDN FJNEDQ
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Depth distribution of radiation defects in irradiated diamonds by confocal Raman spectroscopy

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Five colored diamonds were investigated. According to the results of the study by FTIR, UV-Vis-NIR and Photoluminescence spectroscopy, they are natural type Ia diamonds. The depth distribution of the color intensity was carried out by measuring the intensity of the PL peak at 741 nm (GR1 center) upon excitation by a laser with a wavelength of 633 nm of Raman Confocal microscope. To minimise the perturbation due to geometrical effects, defect distribution profiles were normalised with respect to diamond Raman peak intensity (691 nm) point by point. For two diamonds, the intensity of the GR1 peak (741 nm) sharply decreased to a depth of 10 µm, and then became equal to the background level, which is typical for irradiation with alpha particles from natural sources like uranium. In other diamonds, the profiles vary slightly with depth, and the color intensity is close to uniform, which is for irradiation with accelerated electrons or neutrons. The source of radiation has not been determined. However, long duration radioactivity measurements of the diamonds suggested that neutrons were not used for colour centers production in the diamonds studied.

How to cite: Ardalkar R.M., Salunkhe Y.D., Gaonkar M.P., Mane S.N., Ghaisas O.A., Desai S.N., Reddy A.V.R. Depth distribution of radiation defects in irradiated diamonds by confocal Raman spectroscopy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 266. p. 179-187. EDN XGGRVF
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Association of quartz, Cr-pyrope and Cr-diopside in mantle xenolith in V.Grib kimberlite pipe (northern East European Platform): genetic models

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The first results of mineralogical and geochemical studies of a unique xenolith of lithospheric mantle are presented illustrating the earlier non-described mineral association of quartz, Cr-pyrope and Cr-diopside. Structural and textural features of the sample suggest a joint formation of these minerals. The calculated P-T-parameters of the formation of Cr-diopside indicate the capture of xenolith from the depth interval ~ 95-105 km (31-35 kbar) corresponding to the stability field of coesite. This suggests that quartz in the studied xenolith can represent paramorphs after coesite. It was shown that quartz in this rock is not a product of postmagmatic processes. The transformation stage of the source lherzolite into garnet- and clinopyroxene-enriched rock/garnet pyroxenite as a result of exposure to a high-temperature silicate melt was reconstructed. Subsequent stages of the influence of metasomatic agents were identified by the presence of a negative Eu-anomaly in some garnet grains, which could result from the impact of subduction-related fluid and the enrichment of rock-forming minerals with light rare earth elements, Sr, Th, U, Nb and Ta as a consequence of fluid saturated with these incompatible elements. Several models for the formation of SiO2 phase (quartz/coesite) in association with high-chromium mantle minerals are considered including carbonatization of mantle peridotites/eclogites and melting of carbonate-containing eclogites at the stage of subduction and the impact of SiO2-enriched melt/fluid of subduction genesis with peridotites of the lithospheric mantle.

How to cite: Agasheva E.V., Mikhailenko D.S., Korsakov A.V. Association of quartz, Cr-pyrope and Cr-diopside in mantle xenolith in V.Grib kimberlite pipe (northern East European Platform): genetic models // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 268. p. 503-519. EDN HLLHDR
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Mineral composition and thermobarometry of metamorphic rocks of Western Ny Friesland, Svalbard

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The results of the study of mineral composition and microstructure of representative metapelitic and calcic pelitic schist and amphibole-biotite gneiss, occurring in the northern part of the Western Ny Friesland anticlinorium, are reported. Mineral composition was analyzed with a JSM-6510LA scanning electron microscope with a JED-2200 (JEOL) energy dispersive spectrometer. Metamorphic conditions were assessed with various mineral geothermometers (garnet-biotite, Ti-in-biotite, Ti-in-muscovite, Ti-in-amphibole, garnet-amphibole, amphibole-plagioclase, and chlorite) and geothermobarometers (GASP, GBPQ, GRIPS, GBPQ, phengite, etc.). It has been shown that peak temperature and pressure for rocks of the Paleoproterozoic Atomfjella Series forming the western limb of the anticlinorium are consistent with those for the high-pressure part of the upper amphibolite facies (690-720 °С, 9-12 kbar), and the peak temperature and pressure for rocks of the Mossel Series occurring in the eastern limb and rest on the Atomfjella rock sequence, are consistent with the high-pressure part of the lower amphibolite facies (580-600 °С, 9-11 kbar). In addition to the high-temperature parageneses Ms-Bt-Grt-Pl (±Ky, St), Bt-Grt-Pl-Kfs-Cal (±Scp) and Bt-Hbl-Ep-Grt-Pl, the rocks of the both series display the low-temperature assemblage Ms-Chl-Ep-Ab-Prh-Ttn, which was formed upon transition from greenschist to prehnite-pumpellyite facies (260-370 °С).

How to cite: Gulbin Y.L., Akbarpuran Khaiyati S.A., Sirotkin A.N. Mineral composition and thermobarometry of metamorphic rocks of Western Ny Friesland, Svalbard // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 263. p. 657-673. EDN XGNKDQ
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Pink-violet diamonds from the Lomonosov mine: morphology, spectroscopy, nature of colour

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The article presents the results of the first comprehensive study of mineralogical and spectroscopic (IR, PL, EPR) characteristics of diamonds from the Lomonosov mine (Arkhangelskaya pipe) with a unique pink, pink-violet colour. It is shown that all crystals belong to the IaA type, with a total nitrogen content in the range of 500-1500 ppm, with a low degree of aggregation. The colour is heterogeneous, concentrated in narrow twin layers. It is presumably caused by the previously described M2 centres. The colour shade is affected by the content of P1 paramagnetic centres (C-defect). A positive correlation is observed between the colour saturation and the intensity of W7 paramagnetic centres. A convergent model of the formation of pink diamonds is assumed, according to which the determining factors are the ratio and concentration of structural impurities in the diamond, its thermal history, and conditions of plastic deformation, and not the origin of the diamond and the petrochemical properties of its host rocks.

How to cite: Kriulina G.Y., Vyatkin S.V., Vasilev E.A. Pink-violet diamonds from the Lomonosov mine: morphology, spectroscopy, nature of colour // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 263. p. 715-723. EDN NYGZOX
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Magmatic system of the Klyuchevskoy volcano according to seismic data and their geomechanical interpretation

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3D analysis of the magma transport and accumulation mechanism in the structure and basement of the Klyuchevskoy volcano preceding 11 eruptions in 2003-2021 has been performed. Using the Frac-Digger method and seismological data from the Kamchatka Branch Federal Research Center United Geophysical Survey Russia Academy of Sciences it has been shown that magma transport from the deep crustal magma chamber (−30 km) is carried out in the vertical fracturing (dykes) mode to the peripheral shallow magma chamber (+1 km). The feeding dykes orientation corresponds to geomechanical conditions of radial or N-NNE extension. This is followed by inclined dykes and sills of various orientations from the peripheral magmatic chamber. Magma accumulation in the peripheral magmatic chamber in the form of sills (in the horizontal fracturing mode at elevations of +0,3 to +2,3 km) contributes to the efficiency of magma degassing and heat exchange with meteoric waters, and to the formation of a high-pressure vapour-gas reservoir with subsequent venting of the volcano channel and its eruption. Three-dimensional analysis of the distribution of flank eruptions of the Klyuchevskoy volcano in 1932-2021 (16 cinder cones) shows their association with two main low-inclined structural surfaces. Changes in the drainage level of the magmatic system are reflected in the volumes and geochemical history of the 1932-2021 flank eruption products.

How to cite: Kiryukhin A.V., Bergal-Kuvikas O.V., Lemzikov M.V., Zhuravlev N.B. Magmatic system of the Klyuchevskoy volcano according to seismic data and their geomechanical interpretation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 263. p. 698-714. EDN RPIBWW
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Mining Museum as a space of science and education in Mining University

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An interdisciplinary investigation is presented focusing on the study of the Mining Museum collections in relation to research, educational and social practices. Natural science and artistic exhibits are considered. The authors made an attempt to determine the significance of the mineralogical collection based on the criteria proposed by I.V.Pekov. For the first time, general statistics on the new minerals in the mineralogical museums of the USSR was collected in 1988; in subsequent years, such information was not published. Collection of the Mining Museum comprises mineral species received after 1988 and having the status of holotypes, neotypes, and cotypes. In anticipation of the 250th anniversary of Saint Petersburg Mining University its special contribution to the progress of science was noted; the merits of scientists were immortalized in the names of minerals stored in the Mining Museum collection. An important role of the Museum in recording and representation of achievements of the Mining University is shown. The authors present the Mining Museum as a special educational space where an objective image of the world is created shaped by the scientific and humanitarian environment. The Museum is regarded as a space for forming the professional identity, important for the successful work of future University graduates. The interior of the Mining Museum designed and created in the 1st half of the XIX century taking into account the ideas about the succession of scientists from different epochs, respect for scientific traditions of antiquity and achievements in the field of studying the world plays a significant role in this process. Images of thinkers of the antiquity in the interiors of the educational and public spaces of the XIX century made it possible to emphasize the importance of cultural correlation with ideas of the Enlightenment. Specific examples from the collection show how the Mining Museum was implementing the scientific and educational goals of the Mining University throughout its history.

How to cite: Dorofeev D.Y., Borovkova N.V., Vasileva М.А. Mining Museum as a space of science and education in Mining University // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 263. p. 674-686. EDN VLAJYZ
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Gold-rare metal and associated mineralization in the western part of Bolshevik Island, Severnaya Zemlya archipelago

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The presented studies are aimed to determine the formation patterns of the gold-rare metal mineralization within one of the most inaccessible Arctic islands of the Russian Federation, Bolshevik Island of the Severnaya Zemlya archipela-go. The relevance of the work is determined by the high probability of discovering a significant in terms of metal reserves deposit, which is proved by many researchers on the example of known large deposits to be a typical feature of sites with gold-rare metal formation. Obviously, only the possibility of discovering and subsequent development of a deposit of a highly liquid type of mineral, gold, can ensure the profitability of mining production on Severnaya Zemlya. It is established that the main geological, mineralogical, and geochemical features of the gold-rare metal mineralization in the Kropotkinsko-Nikitinskaya metallogenic zone of Bolshevik Island correspond to that of similar ore sites in Russia and the world. The occurrences of other formation types revealed in this metallogenic zone suggest a certain zoning in their distribution: mineralization is located in the apical parts of granitoids and in the nearest halo of hornfelses. At a distance, with an exit from the hornfelsed zone, there are occurrences of a cassiterite-sulphide formation with elevated gold and silver content at the top of the ore column, together with an increased amount of polymetallic ores. Occurrences of gold-quartz and gold-sulphide-quartz formations are localized in fault zones, as a rule, farther from granitoids. The total vertical range of gold mineralization exceeds 300 m. The assignment of all types of mineralization in the Kropotkinsko-Nikitinskaya metallogenic zone of Bolshevik Island to a single hydrothermal process is emphasized by the similar isotope composition of lead galena from heterogeneous occurrences, which determines the age of all mineralization at 200-300 Ma.

How to cite: Evdokimov A.N., Fokin V.I., Shanurenko N.K. Gold-rare metal and associated mineralization in the western part of Bolshevik Island, Severnaya Zemlya archipelago // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 263. p. 687-697. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.94
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Trace elements in the silicate minerals of the Borodino Meteorite (Н5)

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Major (EPMA) and trace (SIMS) element geochemistry in olivine, low-Са pyroxene and mesostasis from porphyritic and barred chondrules, as well as the pyroxene-olivine aggregate and matrix of equilibrated ordinary Borodino chondrite (Н5) is discussed. No differences in major element concentrations in the silicate minerals of the chondrules and matrix of the meteorite were found. The minerals of porphyritic olivine-pyroxene and barred chondrules display elevated trace element concentrations, indicating the rapid cooling of chondrule melt in a nebula, and are consistent with experimental data. The trace element composition of low-Са pyroxene is dependent on the position of a pyroxene grain inside a chondrule (centre, rim, matrix) and the composition of mesostasis is controlled by the type of the object (porphyritic and barred chondrules, pyroxene-olivine aggregate). The depletion in trace elements of low-Са pyroxene from the rims of chondrules in comparison with those from the centre and matrix of the meteorite was revealed. The chondrule rim is affected by interaction with surrounding gas in a nebula, possibly resulting in the exchange of moderately volatile trace elements in low-Са pyroxene and depletion in these elements relative to pyroxene from the centre of the chondrule or matrix of the meteorite. The mesostasis of barred and porphyritic olivine-pyroxene chondrules contains more trace elements than that of porphyritic olivine chondrule and pyroxene-olivine aggregate, suggesting the rapid cooling of these objects or their high liability to thermal metamorphism, which results in the recrystallization of chondrule glass into plagioclase. However, no traces of the elevated effect of thermal metamorphism on the above objects have been revealed. The results obtained indicate no traces of the equilibration of the trace element composition of silicate minerals in equilibrated chondrites.

How to cite: Sukhanova K.G. Trace elements in the silicate minerals of the Borodino Meteorite (Н5) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 265. p. 16-33. EDN WHSYGT
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Origin of carbonate-silicate rocks of the Porya Guba (the Lapland-Kolvitsa Granulite Belt) revealed by stable isotope analysis (δ18O, δ13C)

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Carbonate-silicate rocks of unclear origin have been observed in granulites of the Porya Guba of the Lapland-Kolvitsa Belt within the Fennoscandinavian Shield. The present work aims to reconstruct possible protoliths and conditions of metamorphic transformation of these rocks based on oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios combined with phase equilibria modeling. Isotope analysis and lithochemical reconstructions suggest that carbonate-silicate rocks of the Porya Guba represent metamorphosed sediments (possibly marls) with the isotopic composition corresponding to the Precambrian diagenetically transformed carbonates (δ18O ≈ 17.9 ‰, SMOW and δ13C ≈ –3.4 ‰, PDB). The chemical composition varies depending on the balance among the carbonate, clay, and clastic components. Significant changes of the isotopic composition during metamorphism are caused by decomposition reactions of primary carbonates (dolomite, siderite, and ankerite) producing CO2 followed by degassing. These reactions are accompanied by δ18O and δ13C decrease of calcite in isotopic equilibrium with CO2 down to 15 ‰ (SMOW) and –6 ‰ (PDB), respectively. The isotopic composition is buffered by local reactions within individual rock varieties, thus excluding any pronounced influence of magmatic and/or metasomatic processes.

How to cite: Krylov D.P., Klimova E.V. Origin of carbonate-silicate rocks of the Porya Guba (the Lapland-Kolvitsa Granulite Belt) revealed by stable isotope analysis (δ18O, δ13C) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 265. p. 3-15. EDN GISHQG
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New data on the composition of growth medium of fibrous diamonds from the placers of the Western Urals

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This article presents the results of studying microinclusions of fluids/melts in diamonds from the placers of the Krasnovishersky District (western slope of the Middle/Northern Urals), which make it possible to establish the evolution of diamond-forming media in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle of the eastern margin of the East European craton. Impurity composition of the studied crystals reveals three different types of diamonds, the formation of which was associated with separated metasomatic events. Microinclusions in B-type diamonds containing A and B nitrogen defects reflect an older metasomatic stage characterized by the leading role of silicic and low-Mg carbonatitic fluids/melts. The second stage is associated with the growth of A-type diamonds containing nitrogen exclusively in the form of A-centers. At this stage, the formation of diamonds was related with low-Mg carbonatitic media, more enriched in MgO, CaO, CO2, and Na2O compared to B-type diamonds. The third stage probably preceded the eruption of the transporting mantle melt and led to the formation of C-type diamond containing A and C nitrogen defect centers and microinclusions of silicic to low-Mg carbonatitic composition. The recorded trend in the evolution of diamond-forming fluids/melts is directed towards more carbonatitic compositions. Fluids/melts are probably sourced from eclogitic and pyroxenitic mantle substrates.

How to cite: Gubanov N.V., Zedgenizov D.A., Vasilev E.A., Naumov V.A. New data on the composition of growth medium of fibrous diamonds from the placers of the Western Urals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 263. p. 645-656. EDN RYMYTJ