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Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Methods of intensification of pipeline transportation of hydraulic mixtures when backfilling mined-out spaces

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The paper presents an analysis of the advantages and limitations of additional measures to intensify the transportation of the backfill hydraulic mixture flow. The results of the analysis of the conditions for using pumping equipment to move flows with different rheological properties are shown. Generalizations of the methods for influencing the internal resistance of backfill hydraulic mixtures by means of mechanical activation, as well as increasing fluidity due to the use of chemical additives are given. The article presents the results of studies confirming the feasibility of using pipes with polymer lining, which has proven its efficiency in pumping flows of hydraulic mixtures with different filler concentrations. An analytical model of hydraulic mixture movement in the pipeline of the stowage complex has been developed. The trends in pressure change required to ensure the movement of hydraulic mixture in pipelines of different diameters are exponential, provided that the flow properties are constant. The effect of particle size on the motion mode of the formed heterogeneous flow, as well as on the distribution of flow density over the cross-section, characterizing the stratification and change in the rheological properties of the backfill hydraulic mixture, is assessed. An analytical model of centralized migration of the dispersed phase of the hydraulic mixture flow is formulated, describing the effect of turbulent mixing of the flow on the behavior of solid particles. An assessment of the secondary dispersion of the solid fraction of the hydraulic mixture, which causes a change in the consistency of the flow, was performed. The studies of the influence of the coefficient of consistency of the flow revealed that overgrinding of the fractions of the filler of the hydraulic mixture contributes to an increase in the required pressure in the pipeline system.

How to cite: Vasilyeva M.A., Golik V.I., Zelentsova A.A. Methods of intensification of pipeline transportation of hydraulic mixtures when backfilling mined-out spaces // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. p. EDN TJNVLR
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Combined method for processing spent acid etching solution obtained during manufacturing of titanium products

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Possessing high strength, low density and significant chemical resistance, titanium has found wide application in various fields of the national economy – the chemical industry, aviation and rocket technology, mechanical engineering, medicine, etc. The production of titanium products is hampered by a fairly strong oxide film covering its surface. Removal of the oxide film from the surface of titanium workpieces is carried out by etching in solutions of mineral acids of various compositions. A spent acid etching solution (SAES) is formed, containing titanium salt and the remainder of unreacted acids. Almost all etching solutions contain HF and one of the strong acids. This is H2SO4, HCl or HNO3. Thus, the SAES includes ions of titanium, fluorine or chlorine, orsulfate, or nitrate. SAES is quite toxic and must be diluted or cleaned several times before being discharged into a reservoir. Most of the methods used to extract impurities contained in SAES lead to a decrease in their content. As a result of such purification, there is a loss of substances contained in SAES in significant quantities and of interest for further use. The work presents experimental results obtained from the combined processing of SAES containing titanium fluoride, hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids. At the first stage, SAES is treated with sodium hydroxide. The resulting titanium hydroxide precipitate is filtered off. At the second stage, the filtrate containing sodium fluoride and chloride is processed in a membrane electrolyzer. In this case, not only the extraction of sodium salts from the filtrate occurs, but also the production of sodium hydroxide and a mixture of hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids. Sodium hydroxide can be used for processing SAES, and a mixture of acids for etching titanium workpieces.

How to cite: Bykovskii N.A., Kantor E.A., Shulaev N.S., Fanakov V.S. Combined method for processing spent acid etching solution obtained during manufacturing of titanium products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. p. EDN OVECLL
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Natural carbon matrices based on brown coal, humic acids and humine extracted from it for purification of aqueous solutions from low molecular weight organic impurities

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Heterogeneous systems including natural carbon matrices in the solid phase and aqueous solutions of low molecular weight organic compounds with positive and negative variations from ideality in the liquid phase are considered. The technical characterization of the considered supramolecular ensembles on the basis of brown coal of the Kara-Keche deposit (Kyrgyzstan), humic acids and humine extracted from it is given. Functional analysis of the samples was carried out using FTIR spectroscopy. The morphology of the surface of the considered carbon matrices has been investigated, in different points of which the local microelement composition has been established. An X-ray phase analysis of Kara-Keche brown coal and humic acids and humine extracted from it was carried out. The isothermal adsorption of bipolar molecules of glycine and urea, neutral D-glucose from aqueous solutions on solid carbon sorbents has been studied. An assumption has been made about the adsorption of low molecular weight organic compounds from aqueous solutions on humine and Kara-Keche coal in irregularities and pores of the carbon matrix of sorbents, for humic acids – on surface reaction centers. Due to its developed pore structure and resistance to acids and alkalis, humine from Kara-Keche coal is recommended for the purification of industrial wastewater from low molecular weight organic ecotoxicants.

How to cite: Karabaev S.O., Kharchenko A.V., Gainullina I.P., Kudryavtseva V.A., Shigaeva T.D. Natural carbon matrices based on brown coal, humic acids and humine extracted from it for purification of aqueous solutions from low molecular weight organic impurities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 267. p. 402-412. EDN JJOYKR
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Rationale for a possibility of using humic preparations production waste for wastewater purification from metals (Cd2+, Zn2+, Mg2+, Cu2+) aimed at developing efficient measures on environmental rehabilitation

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Results of studying optimal conditions and parameters for afterpurification of underspoil waters from metal ions using humic acids production waste are presented with a view to develop the efficient measures on environmental rehabilitation of ecosystems disturbed by the development of copper pyrite deposits. The influence of contact time and waste dosage on the purification process was analysed, changes in the pH of wastewater and its impact on the growth and development of plants were studied. The key factors were identified allowing to achieve the efficiency of the purification process – the optimal contact time in the range from 120 to 180 min and waste dosage of 10 g/l. The study showed that the use of waste resulted in a neutral pH value of 7.03 compared to the initial pH value of 5.95. It was ascertained that the use of iron-magnesium production waste in combination with waste from humic preparations production made it possible to achieve the MPC of commercial fishing importance (with the exception of magnesium). Wastewater after the afterpurification process with high magnesium concentrations did not have a stimulating effect on the growth and development of Lepidium sativum L. plants. From biotesting results it can also be stated that there is no negative impact on the growth and development of Lepidium sativum L. The results obtained indicate a potentiality of using afterpurified wastewater for watering plants in the process of initiating the environmental rehabilitation of the disturbed ecosystems.

How to cite: Antoninova N.Y., Sobenin A.V., Usmanov A.I., Gorbunov A.A. Rationale for a possibility of using humic preparations production waste for wastewater purification from metals (Cd2+, Zn2+, Mg2+, Cu2+) aimed at developing efficient measures on environmental rehabilitation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 267. p. 421-432. EDN NYTBJH
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A new insight into recording the mineral composition of carbonate reservoirs at well killing: experimental studies

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Well killing operation remains an important technological stage before well workover or servicing, during which filtrate penetrates the bottomhole area of the formation. The impact of process fluids and their filtrate on rock has a significant influence on permeability and porosity of carbonate reservoirs, which decrease due to fines migration. There are few known scientific studies of the interaction of killing fluid filtrate with carbonate rock and fines migration. In our experiments, an aqueous phase was used which is the basis for well killing in pure form, for the preparation of blocking agents and is used in reservoir pressure maintenance system. Core samples taken from the pay of the reservoir were used to simulate the well killing process with generation of reservoir thermobaric conditions. Killing fluid filtrate was kept for seven days, which characterizes the average workover time at flowing wells in the fields of the Perm Territory. Using micro-X-ray tomography and scanning electron microscope, images were obtained before and after the experiment, which allowed confirming a decrease in total number of voids due to fines migration and, as a consequence, a decreasing permeability of samples. Measurement of pH and fines concentration in the aqueous phase was performed before and after the experiment and pointed to mineral reactions occurring as a result of rock dissolution. The results of experiments made it possible to record a decrease in permeability of carbonate samples by an average of 50 % due to clogging of void space and migration of fines (clayey and non-clayey).

How to cite: Chernykh V.I., Martyushev D.A., Ponomareva I.N. A new insight into recording the mineral composition of carbonate reservoirs at well killing: experimental studies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 270. p. 893-903. EDN QOALPE
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Use of the UNIFAC model in the calculation of physicochemical properties of ecotoxicants for technological and ecoanalytical purposes

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Modern development vector of environmental monitoring leads to elaboration of analytical methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis of different ecotoxicants. Many studies face the lack of information on isomers and homologues of already studied compounds. This problem cannot always be solved experimentally due to the difficulty of separating or synthesizing certain compounds; the use of group theories of solutions will help partly; using them, solubility in water or partition coefficient between two immiscible solvents is calculated for ecotoxicants. These parameters are important for solving the analytical and ecological problems. The partition coefficient in the octanol – water system is associated with a possibility of accumulation of different compounds in living organisms; the partition coefficient in the hexane – acetonitrile system can be used in gas chromatographic analysis. Solubility in water is closely associated with accumulation of ecotoxicants in water bodies, as well as with their ability to be transferred. This paper presents the capabilities of the UNIFAC model for solving physicochemical problems using the example of calculating the properties of real ecotoxicants on the basis of the available thermodynamic data. All the obtained calculated values were compared with those determined experimentally. In the case of pyrene derivatives, solubility data were obtained for the first time using a correlation group model to calculate the heat of fusion and melting temperature.

How to cite: Povarov V.G., Efimov I.I. Use of the UNIFAC model in the calculation of physicochemical properties of ecotoxicants for technological and ecoanalytical purposes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 260. p. 238-247. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.41
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Assessment of the possibility of using iron-magnesium production waste for wastewater treatment from heavy metals (Cd2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Cu2+)

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Relevant problems associated with treatment of industrial wastewater from heavy metal ions are considered. Due to industrial development, the amount of wastewater increases as well as the risks of heavy metals getting into surface and groundwater, accumulating in water bodies and becoming aggressive environmental pollutants, which affect the animal and human organisms. To assess the possibility of extracting metal ions (Cd 2+ , Zn 2+ , Co 2+ , Cu 2+ ) from industrial wastewater and their further treatment, studies were carried out on redistribution of heavy metals in the “wastewater – waste” system using iron-magnesium production waste. Samples of the investigated waste weighing 0.1; 0.2; 0.5; 1; 1.5; 2 g were taken for wastewater volume of 50 ml per each subsample. Contact time varied from 5 to 180 min, waste fraction was 1 mm. The interaction process showed that the waste efficiently removes metal ions (Cd 2+ , Zn 2+ , Co 2+ , Cu 2+ ) from industrial wastewater. The efficiency of removing a pollutant from the solution depends on the weight of the waste subsample, initial concentration of metal ions, and contact time.

How to cite: Antoninova N.Y., Sobenin A.V., Usmanov A.I., Shepel K.V. Assessment of the possibility of using iron-magnesium production waste for wastewater treatment from heavy metals (Cd2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Cu2+) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 260. p. 257-265. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.34
Modern Trends in Hydrocarbon Resources Development
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Problem solution analysis on finding the velocity distribution for laminar flow of a non-linear viscous flushing fluid in the annular space of a well

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Modern drilling fluids are non-linear viscous media with an initial shear stress. In classical scientific works on hydromechanical modeling of drilling fluids motion in pipes and annular channels the Shvedov – Bingham approximation and Ostwald – de Waale power-law model were used, which did not fully account for behavior of technological fluids in a wide range of shear rates. This article presents a numerical solution for a mathematical model of drilling fluid motion of the three-parameter Herschel – Bulkley rheological model in the annular space of the well. The Herschel – Bulkley model in the rheological equation takes into account the presence of initial shear stress and a tendency for viscosity to change with shear rate, which distinguishes it from the Ostwald – de Waale and Shvedov – Bingham models. The target function in solving the equation of motion is the velocity distribution in the radial direction of the upward flow of the flushing fluid. The analysis of obtained solution is based on the theory of velocity profile influence on quality of cuttings removal during wellbore cleaning. Due to peculiarities of mathematical statement of the task, which supposes necessity of differential equation of motion solution, Wolfram Mathematica computational software has been used as a calculation tool. The analysis of numerical solution allowed to draw conclusions about the possibility of its application in evaluation of velocity profile when drilling fluid moves in annular space of the well. The possibility for application of modified excess coefficient as a relative quantitative parameter for evaluation of velocity profile uniformity was substantiated.

How to cite: Nikitin V.I. Problem solution analysis on finding the velocity distribution for laminar flow of a non-linear viscous flushing fluid in the annular space of a well // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 258. p. 964-975. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.93
Modern Trends in Hydrocarbon Resources Development
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Study on the rheological properties of barite-free drilling mud with high density

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Improved drilling and reservoir penetration efficiency is directly related to the quality of the drilling mud used. The right choice of mud type and its components will preserve formation productivity, stability of the well walls and reduce the probability of other complications. Oil and gas operators use barite, less often siderite or hematite weighting agent as a weighting component in the composition of drilling muds for the conditions of increased pressure. But the use of these additives for the penetration of the productive formation leads to the reduction of filtration characteristics of the reservoir, as it is almost impossible to remove them from the pore channels. Therefore, barite-free drilling mud of increased density based on formic acid salts with the addition of carbonate weighting agent as an acid-soluble bridging agent is proposed. The results of experimental investigations on rheological parameters of barite-free solutions are given and the obtained data are analyzed. Based on the comparison of results it is recommended to use high-density drilling mud on the basis of formic acid salts (sodium and potassium formate) and with the addition of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide with molecular mass of 27 million.

How to cite: Leusheva E.L., Alikhanov N.T., Brovkina N.N. Study on the rheological properties of barite-free drilling mud with high density // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 258. p. 976-985. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.38
Modern Trends in Hydrocarbon Resources Development
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A probabilistic study on hole cleaning optimization

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Hole cleaning is considered as one of the most important drilling fluid functions. An efficient hole cleaning ensures a reliable well drilling practice with minimum troublesome problems. In this study, two main steps of hole cleaning, i.e., cuttings removal from under the bit and cuttings transport to the surface are discussed based on the drilling data of a shale formation. The traditional models for optimization of each step are presented. As the models require variety of input data, which are usually subjected to some extent of errors and uncertainties, the output of the model is also an uncertain parameter. Using Monte Carlo simulation, a simple probabilistic study was conducted to quantify the certainty level of the obtained results. Based on the result of this study, it is shown that for the proposed well, a good hole cleaning is expected. However, a more reliable decision for further hole cleaning optimization should be made considering the results of uncertainty analysis.

How to cite: Tabatabaee Moradi S.S. A probabilistic study on hole cleaning optimization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 258. p. 956-963. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.67
Metallurgy and concentration
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In-situ leaching of molybdenum and uranium by percarbonate and chloride-hypochlorite solutions

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In-situ leaching of molybdenum and uranium is becoming an increasingly common process. The features of the material composition of ores, leading to a decrease in their filtration properties, were considered. Activation leaching with leaching solutions that have undergone electrophotochemical activation before contact with the ore mass were studied. Activation preparation of leaching solutions promotes the synthesis of clustered water molecules with collectivized protons and hydroxyl ions, as well as active forms of oxygen and hydrogen. Cell leaching of molybdenum from mature tailings of the Shakhtaminsk deposit was studied experimentally. After pre-oxidation with an active carbonate solution, a model borehole leaching was carried out with a chloride-hypochlorite solution. Molybdenum extraction on resin a was 85 % in 30 days. Experiments on the percolation leaching of uranium from the ores of the Uchkuduk and Sugraly deposits confirmed the potential possibility of a significant increase in the extraction of uranium by electrophotoactivated percarbonate solutions relative to aqueous solutions of sodium and ammonium carbonate. When leaching with carbonate solutions without an additional oxidizing agent, the extraction of uranium from the Sugraly deposit ore sample was 52 and 59 % (sodium carbonate and ammonium carbonate). The use of hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent made it possible to achieve 87-88 % extraction into pregnant solutions in 21 days without pre-oxidation. The performed studies confirm the processing capability of extracting uranium and molybdenum by percolation leaching in columns and borehole leaching.

How to cite: Rasskazov I.Y., Sekisov A.G., Rasskazova A.V. In-situ leaching of molybdenum and uranium by percarbonate and chloride-hypochlorite solutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 256. p. 623-631. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.60
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Development of a hydrocarbon completion system for wells with low bottomhole temperatures for conditions of oil and gas fields in Eastern Siberia

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The paper presents the results of investigations on the influence of low bottomhole temperatures in the intervals of productive formations on the technological properties of solutions used for drilling and completion of wells in order to determine the possibility of increasing gas recovery coefficient at the field of the “Sila Sibiri” gas pipeline. The analysis of technological measures determining the quality of the productive horizon drilling-in was carried out. It was found out that the dispersion of bridging agent in the composition of the hydrocarbon-based drilling mud selected from the existing methods does not have significant influence on the change in the depth of filtrate penetration into the formation in conditions of low bottomhole temperatures. The main reason for the decrease in the near-bottomhole zone permeability was found out – the increase in plastic viscosity of the dispersion medium of the hydrocarbon-based drilling mud under the influence of low bottomhole temperatures. A destructor solution for efficient wellbore cleaning from hydrocarbon-based solution components in conditions of low bottomhole temperatures was developed. The paper presents the results of laboratory investigations of hydrocarbon-based drilling mud and the developed destructor solution, as well as its pilot field tests. The mechanism of interaction between the destructor solution and the filter cake of the hydrocarbon-based drilling mud ensuring the reduction of the skin factor in the conditions of the geological and hydrodynamic structure of Botuobinsky, Khamakinsky and Talakhsky horizons of the Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field has been scientifically substantiated.

How to cite: Dvoynikov M.V., Budovskaya M.E. Development of a hydrocarbon completion system for wells with low bottomhole temperatures for conditions of oil and gas fields in Eastern Siberia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 253. p. 12-22. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.4
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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On the possibility of reducing man-made burden on benthic biotic communities when mining solid minerals using technical means of various designs

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The paper analyses features of the species composition and diversity of biotic communities living within the ferromanganese nodule fields (the Clarion-Clipperton field), cobalt-manganese crusts (the Magellan Seamounts) and deep-sea polymetallic sulphides (the Ashadze-1, Ashadze-2, Logatchev and Krasnov fields) in the Russian exploration areas of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Prospects of mining solid minerals of the world’s oceans with the least possible damage to the marine ecosystems are considered that cover formation of the sediment plumes and roiling of significant volumes of water as a result of collecting the minerals as well as conservation of the hydrothermal fauna and microbiota, including in the impact zone of high temperature hydrothermal vents. Different concepts and layout options for deep-water mining complexes (the Indian and Japanese concepts as well as those of the Nautilus Minerals and Saint Petersburg Mining University) are examined with respect to their operational efficiency. The main types of mechanisms that are part of the complexes are identified and assessed based on the defined priorities that include the ecological aspect, i.e. the impact on the seabed environment; manufacturing and operating costs; and specific energy consumption, i.e. the technical and economic indicators. The presented morphological analysis gave grounds to justify the layout of a deep-sea minerals collecting unit, i.e. a device with suction chambers and a grip arm walking gear, selected based on the environmental key priority. Pilot experimental studies of physical and mechanical properties of cobalt-manganese crust samples were performed through application of bilateral axial force using spherical balls (indenters) and producing a rock strength passport to assess further results of the experimental studies. Experimental destructive tests of the cobalt-manganese crust by impact and cutting were carried out to determine the impact load and axial cutting force required for implementation of the collecting system that uses a clamshell-type effector with a built-in impactor.

How to cite: Sudarikov S.M., Yungmeister D.A., Korolev R.I., Petrov V.A. On the possibility of reducing man-made burden on benthic biotic communities when mining solid minerals using technical means of various designs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 253. p. 82-96. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.14
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Increasing the efficiency of rare earth metal recovery from technological solutions during processing of apatite raw materials

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The issues of complex processing of mineral resources are relevant due to the depletion of available raw materials. So, it is necessary to involve technological waste, generated during the processing of raw materials, to obtain valuable components. In the process flow of apatite concentrate treatment using the sulfuric acid method, a large amount of phosphogypsum is produced with an average content of light rare earth metals (REMs) reaching 0.032-0.45 %. When phosphogypsum is treated with sulfuric acid solutions, a part of REMs is transferred to the sulfate solution, from which it can be extracted by means of ion exchange method. The study focuses on sorption recovery of light REMs (praseodymium, neodymium and samarium) in the form of anionic sulfate complexes of the composition [ln(SO 4 ) 2 ] – on polystyrene anion exchanger AN-31. The experiments were performed under static conditions at a liquid-to-solid ratio of 1:1, pH value of 2, temperature of 298 K and initial REM concentration in the solutions ranging from 0.83 to 226.31 mmol/kg. Thermodynamic description of sorption isotherms was carried out by the method based on linearization of the mass action equation, modified for the ion exchange reaction. As a result of performed calculations, the authors obtained the constants of ion exchange equilibrium for Pr, Nd and Sm, as well as the values of the change in the Gibbs energy for the ion exchange of REM sulfate complexes on the AN-31 anion exchanger and the values of total capacity of the anion exchanger. Calculated separation factors indicated low selectivity of AN-31 anionite exchanger for light REMs; however, the anion exchanger is suitable for effective recovery of a sum of light REMs. Based on the average value of ion exchange equilibrium constant for light REMs, parameters of a sorption unit with a fluidized bed of anion exchanger were estimated.

How to cite: Ponomareva M.A., Cheremisina O.V., Mashukova Y.A., Lukyantseva E.S. Increasing the efficiency of rare earth metal recovery from technological solutions during processing of apatite raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 252. p. 917-926. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.6.13
Oil and gas
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Development of the drilling mud composition for directional wellbore drilling considering rheological parameters of the fluid

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Article presents investigations on the development of a drilling mud composition for directional wells in an oil field located in the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia). Various rheological models of fluid flow and their applicability for drilling muds are analyzed. Laboratory experiments to measure the main rheological parameters of a solution, such as plastic viscosity, dynamic shear stress, as well as indicators of non-linearity and consistency are presented. On the basis of laboratory investigations, it was concluded that high molecular weight polymer reagents (for example, xanthan gum) can give tangible pseudoplastic properties to the washing fluid, and their combination with a linear high molecular weight polymer (for example, polyacrylamide) reduces the value of dynamic shear stress. Thus, when selecting polymer reagents for treating drilling muds at directional drilling, it is necessary to take into account their structure, molecular weight and properties. Combination of different types of reagents in the composition of the drilling mud can lead to a synergistic effect and increase the efficiency of the drilling process as a whole.

How to cite: Ulyasheva N.M., Leusheva E.L., Galishin R.N. Development of the drilling mud composition for directional wellbore drilling considering rheological parameters of the fluid // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 244. p. 454-461. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.4.8
Oil and gas
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Development of mathematical models to control the technological properties of cement slurries

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Oil and gas producing enterprises are making increasingly high demands on well casing quality, including the actual process of injection and displacement of cement slurry, taking into account requirements for the annular cement level, eliminating possible hydraulic fracturing, with developing a hydraulic cementing program. It is necessary to prevent deep invasion of cement slurry filtrate into the formation to exclude bridging of productive layers. It is impossible to fulfill all these requirements at the same time without application of modifying additives; complex cement compositions are being developed and applied more often. Furthermore, need to adjust cement slurries recipes appears for almost every particular well. In order to select and justify cement slurries recipes and their prompt adjustment, taking into account requirements of well construction project, as well as geological and technical conditions for cementing casing strings, mathematical models of the main technological properties of cement slurries for cementing production casing strings in the Perm Region were developed. Analysis of the effect of polycarboxylic plasticizer (Pl) and a filtration reducer (fluid loss additive) based on hydroxyethyl cellulose (FR) on plastic viscosity (V), spreadability (S) and filtration (F) of cement slurries is conducted. Development of mathematical models is performed according to more than 90 measurements.

How to cite: Chernyshov S.E., Galkin V.I., Ulyanova Z.V., Macdonald D.I. Development of mathematical models to control the technological properties of cement slurries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 179-190. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.179
Oil and gas
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Study of the well near-bottomhole zone permeability during treatment by process fluids

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In the process of drilling-in productive horizons, several irreversible physical and chemical processes take place in the near-wellbore zone of the formation: stress state of the rocks changes, penetration of the filtrate and solid phase, as well as drilling mud into the reservoir, and swelling of clay particles of intergranular cementing material are observed. As a result, permeability of productive horizon is significantly reduced and, consequently, potential inflow of oil or gas from formation is excluded. An equally serious problem exists during well servicing and workover, when the use of irrational fluids of well killing causes negative consequences associated with deterioration of reservoir properties of formations in the wells being repaired. Article presents the results of the experiments on permeability of clayed porous samples after exposure to various compositions of liquids. In order to increase permeability of near-borehole zone of the formation and increase productivity of wells completed by drilling, and after well servicing and workover, a composition of the process fluid containing a 15 % aqueous solution of oxyethylene diphosphonic acid (OEDA) with addition of a surfactant is proposed.

How to cite: Rogov E.A. Study of the well near-bottomhole zone permeability during treatment by process fluids // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 169-173. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.169
Metallurgy and concentration
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Modern physicochemical equilibrium description in Na2O–Al2O3–H2O system and its analogues

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Equilibrium and non-equilibrium states of systems Na 2 O–Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O and K 2 O–Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O are crucial for establishing key technological parameters in alumina production and their optimization. Due to a noticeable discrepancy between experimental results and thermodynamic calculations based on materials of individual researchers the necessity of systematization and statistical processing of equilibrium data in these systems to create a reliable base of their physicochemical state, analysis and mathematical modeling of phase equilibria is substantiated. The tendency to a decrease of the hydration degree of solid sodium aluminates with increasing temperature and the transition of systems from the steady state of gibbsite to equilibrium with boehmite is revealed. The paper contains approximating functions that provide high-precision description of equilibrium isotherms in technologically significant area of Na 2 O–Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O and K 2 O–Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O concentrations. Approximating function can be simplified by dividing the isotherm into two sections with the intervals of alkaline content 0-0.25 and 0.25-0.4 mole/100 g of solution. The differences in solubility isotherms for Na 2 O–Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O and K 2 O–Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O systems provide are associated with changes in the ionic composition solutions that depends on concentration and temperature, as well as differences connecting with alkali cation hydration, which is crucially important for thermodynamic modeling of equilibria under consideration.

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M., Litvinova T.E., Brichkin V.N., Fedorov A.T. Modern physicochemical equilibrium description in Na2O–Al2O3–H2O system and its analogues // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 298-306. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.298
Oil and gas
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Determining the stability of the borehole walls at drilling intervals of loosely coupled rocks considering zenith angle

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During development of drilling projects, a whole array of data is needed considering the properties of rocks and the conditions of their bedding. Accounting for geomechanical processes occurring in the near-wellbore zone allows avoiding many complications associated with the violation of the wellbore walls stability at all stages of its construction and operation. Technological and technical factors such as vibration and rotation of the drilling string, formation of launders during the descent and ascent of the assembly, pressure pulsation during the start and stop of pumps, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressure of the drilling fluid, its composition and properties, have a great influence on the stress-strain state of the medium opened by the well. The washing fluid circulating in the well should provide backpressure to the reservoir, not interact with the rocks chemically, colmatage channels in porous and fractured rocks, preventing penetration of the mud into the medium, by creating an impermeable barrier at drilling clay seams that are prone to swelling, cracking, etc. The article discusses the method for determining the stability of the directed well walls, taking into account the penetration of drilling mud into the pores and fractures of rocks. The technique will allow adjusting the zenith angle of the well during the workout of an unstable interval at the design stage, or selecting a drilling fluid composition to ensure fail-safe drilling.

How to cite: Blinov P.A. Determining the stability of the borehole walls at drilling intervals of loosely coupled rocks considering zenith angle // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 236. p. 172-179. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.2.172
Oil and gas
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Low-density cement compositions for well cementing under abnormally low reservoir pressure conditions

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The paper considers variants of lightweight cement compositions with additives of various substances, such as clay components, ash systems, silica additives, kerogen, gilsonite, microspheres, as well as the process of cement slurry aeration. Recommendations on the use of compositions in different conditions are presented. A decrease in the density of the solution is achieved not only due to the low density of the materials used, but also as a result of an increase in the water-cement ratio. In such conditions, it is not possible to ensure the formation of a durable and impermeable cement stone in the well, which creates high quality inter-reservoir insulation. The characteristics of the physical and mechanical properties of existing lightening additives are given, which allows determining the most rational conditions for the use of cement slurries for improvement of the well cementing quality.

How to cite: Nikolaev N.I., Leusheva E.L. Low-density cement compositions for well cementing under abnormally low reservoir pressure conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 236. p. 194-200. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.2.194
Oil and gas
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Mathematical modeling of rock crushing and multiphase flow of drilling fluid in well drilling

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The aim of the work is a mathematical modeling of the rock crushing during drilling and removal of the drilling cuttings (sludge) to the surface by drilling fluid. The process of rock destruction is described using the mathematical theory of fragmentation. The distribution of sludge particles in size and mass depends on such factors as the properties of the drilled rock, the rate of penetration, the type of bit, and the output power. After the formation of sludge, the process of its removal to the surface is modeled. The drilling fluid together with the rock particles is considered as a heterogeneous multiphase medium in which the carrier phase – the drilling fluid – is a non-Newtonian fluid. The flow of such a medium is described using a mixture model in the framework of the multi-fluid approach. This results in a system of nonlinear partial differential equations, for which a new closure relation is derived. To solve the system, the SIMPLE algorithm is used. As a result, the flow properties are studied with the inclusion of particles of various sizes. In particular, for particles of small size due to the action of plastic stresses in a non-Newtonian drilling fluid, an equilibrium mode arises in which the particles move with the drilling fluid without slipping. This is the fastest mode of delivery of sludge to the surface. The specific dimensions of such particles depend on the parameters of the drilling process. In particular, the appropriate size range can be adjusted by changing the parameters of the drilling fluid.

How to cite: Grigoriev B.S., Eliseev A.A., Pogarskaya T.A., Toropov E.E. Mathematical modeling of rock crushing and multiphase flow of drilling fluid in well drilling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 16-23. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.16
Oil and gas
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Development of vibroacoustic module for fine filtration of drilling muds

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The issue of drilling mud multiple use is problematic. To reuse, the solution must be efficiently cleaned from solid particles according to the class of 0.04-0.07 mm. An analysis of existing technologies and equipment has shown that drilling mud regeneration schemes are rather difficult to operate and expensive. In world practice there has been a tendency to create universal equipment, which allows most complete cleaning cycle for a drilling mud in fine grades. The paper proposes an innovative vibroacoustic module for cleaning drilling muds from sludge. The creative element of the proposal is the impact of vibroacoustic oscillations on the drilling mud passing through the mesh element. At the same time, specific effects arise around the mesh, which increase the productivity and efficiency of the process. The design of the vibroacoustic apparatus and the principle of its operation are presented. An important element of the proposal is that the oscillation is created by pistons interconnected by rods and located on opposite sides of the mesh. This dipole system provides the excitation of variable pressures of different polarity before the mesh and after it. The results of industrial tests of the vibroacoustic module when servicing the BU-75-BrE drilling rig are presented. The dependence of the installation performance and efficiency on the amplitude of oscillations was found. The optimal dynamic range of exposure (from 5.5 to 6.5 mm) was determined. Analysis showed that in the composition of the cleaned drilling mud, the maximum particle size of the solid phase did not exceed 0.04 mm. The conducted industrial tests confirmed the possibility of using the vibroacoustic module for cleaning the washing fluid and developing a pit-free drilling technology on its basis.

How to cite: Fedorov G.B., Dudchenko O.L., Kurenkov D.S. Development of vibroacoustic module for fine filtration of drilling muds // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 234. p. 647-651. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2018.6.647
Metallurgy and concentration
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Extraction of copper, cobalt and nickel ions from aqueous solutions by extractant CYANEX 272

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The extractant CYANEX 272, which active component is di(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)-phosphinic acid (C 8 H 17 ) 2 POOH, is effective for extraction of copper (II), cobalt (II) and nickel (II) ions. The extraction of metal ions using di(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)-phosphinic acid as an extractant is carried out due to the formation of an organophosphorus complex with wide pH range: copper at pH > 2, cobalt at pH > 3, and nickel at pH > 5. They are extracted with an organic phase: copper at pH = 3-7, cobalt at pH = 4-7, and nickel at pH = 6-9, and precipitate in the organophosphorus compound: copper at pH > 7, cobalt at pH ≥ 8, and nickel at pH ≥ 10. The possibility of separation of copper (II) and cobalt (II) is insignificant, the stripping of copper (II) and nickel (II) happens at pH = 4-6, and the stripping of cobalt (II) and any of nickel (II) – at pH = 5-6. The obtained results of ion extraction of the investigated metals can be used not only for processing of technological solutions, but also for purification of effluents from industrial enterprises and mine waters, heap and underground leaching solutions, etc. from the ions of studied metal ions.

How to cite: Voropanova L.A., Pukhova V.P. Extraction of copper, cobalt and nickel ions from aqueous solutions by extractant CYANEX 272 // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 233. p. 498-505. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2018.5.498
Metallurgy and concentration
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A technique for selective extraction of ions of gold and silver from hydrochloric solutions with tributylphosphate

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Extraction is studied by tributylphosphate (TBP) of ions of gold and silver from hydrochloric solutions during the portional and single time feed of extractant in dependence of the initial concentration of metal ions, temperature, concentration of hydrochloric acid, the ratio of organic (О) and water W phases О:W. The initial solutions contained soluble complex chlorides of gold and silver. When dissolving metal chlorides in the solution of common salt and hydrochloric acid, water soluble coordinate compound are formed that contain complex anions [AuCl 2 ] – , [AuCl 4 ] – , [AgCl 2 ] – , [AgCl 3 ] 2– , [AgCl 4 ] 3– , et al. As an extractant we used the tri-butyl ether of phosphoric acid (С 4 Н 9 О) 3 РО hat belongs to oxygen containing neutral extractants. The formation of coordinate (complex) compounds of TBP and metal polychlorides may be treated as the process of solvation of the extracted metal salt by the extractant. For selective extraction of ions of gold and silver from their hydrochloric solutions by tributylphosphate it is run feeding the extractant portionally to the solution at the minimal time of contact between the solution and the extractant; it helps extracting gold almost completely with the few first portions of the extractant at concentrations of 2n HCl 240 g/dm 3 NaCl and the temperature t = 60°С. Meanwhile the extraction of silver is kept to a minimum. Silver is extracted almost completely after the extraction of gold is over; it is done with tributylphosphate as well at concentrations of 3n HCl, 240 g/dm 3 NaCl and the temperature t = 20°С.

How to cite: Voropanova L.A., Kokoeva N.B. A technique for selective extraction of ions of gold and silver from hydrochloric solutions with tributylphosphate // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 222. p. 823-827. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.6.823
Oil and gas
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The modern technology of drilling and casing of well during the exploration of gas hydrates

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In the paper, the perspectives of exploration and completion of gas hydrate fields and the drilling problems in the gas hydrates of the northwest china are studied. It has been established, that the main reasons of complications in the Muli field are the secondary hydrate formation on the walls of the well and drilling assembly and ice formation inside the set cement during the well drilling and completion in permafrost. It has been shown, that in the areas with permafrost during the drilling of the layers containing gas hydrates, temperature and pressure changes can lead to the dissociation of hydrates. At the same time, pressure increase in the annular space due to the gas release, can lead to the secondary formation of gas hydrates, drill string stuck, ceasing of drilling fluid circulation, which is the reason of serious trouble in the wellbore. The results of the research on the development of drilling fluids compositions, which lower the drilling troubles of permafrost, are presented. Comparative experiments have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of thermodynamic and kinetic inhibitors, which prevent the repeated hydrate formation. It has been established, that the kinetic inhibitors have the clear advantage: they have good inhibiting effects even with low amounts of additives. In the laboratory conditions, the researches have been conducted to evaluate the phase equilibrium of gas hydrates during their reaction with the water solutions, containing kinetic inhibitor PVP. A thin clay drilling mud has been developed on the water base, providing the holding of the temperature in the level of –2 °С and its effectiveness for the gas hydrate fields in the PRC has been shown. Casing effectiveness of unstable rocks during the drilling in the conditions of negative temperatures inside the well largely depends on their physical-mechanical properties, composition and the technical indicators of cement materials. The authors suggest the composition of quick-setting cements based on aluminum binding materials. It has been established, that the analyzed compositions have the ability to considerably improve the results of cementing.

How to cite: Nikolaev N.I., Tyanle L. The modern technology of drilling and casing of well during the exploration of gas hydrates // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 218. p. 206-214.