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Vol 259

Vol 258
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Alluvial tin mining by spray-suction borehole method: a case study on remaining alluvial tin reserves in Bangka Belitung, Indonesia

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The area of the Bangka Belitung Islands, which is a potential area for alluvial tin deposits in Indonesia, has been affected by the destruction of tin reserves on the mainland due to rampant artisanal mining, which has left remnants of small-dimensional reserves. The remnants of these reserves can no longer be mined using the hydraulic mining of open pit method due to the small dimensions of the deposits. The hypothesis is that such sedimentary conditions can only be mined by the borehole method. This research aimed to design tools and perform test mining using the borehole method with a spray-suction mechanism. This research produced a novelty, namely, a method and parameters for alluvial tin deposits mining using borehole mining methods, such as the excavation capacity, excavation radius, mining recovery, and dilution factor. The benefit of this research is expected to provide an opportunity to increase the amount of onshore alluvial tin reserves to support tin production.

How to cite: Ichwan A., Wibowo A.P., Komang A., Widodo N.P. Alluvial tin mining by spray-suction borehole method: a case study on remaining alluvial tin reserves in Bangka Belitung, Indonesia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 3-12. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.70
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Mathematical modelling of displacement during the potash ores mining by longwall faces

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In favourable mining conditions, in particular at the Starobinskoye potash deposit (Belarus), longwall mining systems are used. They cause a high human-induced load on the subsoil, including intense deformation of the ground surface. The presented investigations are aimed at studying the dynamics of the ground surface displacement during the longwall face advance. Mathematical modelling was carried out in an elastic-plastic formulation with numerical implementation by the finite element method. The condition for the roof rocks collapse was opening of the contact between the seams when its boundaries were reached by shear fractures or formation of the tensile stresses area at the outcrop. With the working front advance, an increase in subsidence is observed, followed by its stabilization to a value determined by the process parameters of mining operations and the physical and mechanical properties of collapsed rocks. In this case, each point of the ground surface experiences sign-alternating horizontal deformations: when the front approaches, it causes tension, and when it moves away, compression. The obtained results of mathematical modelling are in good agreement with the data of instrumental measurements of the ground surface displacements, which indicates the adequate description of the rock mass deformation during the slice excavation of sylvinite seams by longwall faces.

How to cite: Baryakh A.A., Devyatkov S.Y., Denkevich E.T. Mathematical modelling of displacement during the potash ores mining by longwall faces // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 13-20. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.11
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Development of composition and study of sorbent properties based on saponite

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The development of a comprehensive approach to preventing the pollution of natural objects is necessary due to the high requirements of environmental legislation for the discharge of industrial wastewater. Adsorbents are used in various industries to extract heavy metals from wastewater. In this study the possibility of using saponite clay as a raw material for the production of sorbent for the extraction of copper ions Cu 2+ from industrial wastewater is considered, a recipe and technology of sorbent production are developed, and its chemical composition is established. It has been established that the optimum temperature for heat treatment of the sorbent and corresponds to 550 ºC, since at this temperature saponite extrudates acquire strength (strength 34.1 kg/mm 2 ) and textural properties (specific surface area of pellets 22.803 m 2 /g), allowing them to be used as sorbents. The kinetics of molecular adsorption was studied using model solutions of copper (II) sulfate. The extraction efficiency of copper (II) ions from the model solutions is 93 %. Extraction efficiency of copper (II) ions from copper plating wastewater reaches 94 %. SEM results confirm the presence of metal on the sorbent surface.

How to cite: Zubkova O.S., Pyagay I.N., Pankratieva K.A., Toropchina M.A. Development of composition and study of sorbent properties based on saponite // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 21-29. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.1
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Comprehensive study of filtration properties of pelletized sandy clay ores and filtration modes in the heap leaching stack

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There are the results of a study of the factors determining the formation and changes in the filtration properties of a heap leaching stack formed from pelletized poor sandy-clay ores. An analysis of methods of investigation of filtration properties of ore material for different stages of heap leaching plots functioning is carried out. Influence of segregation process during stack dumping on formation of zones with very different permeability parameters of ore has been established by experimental and filtration works. The construction and application of a numerical model of filtration processes in pelletized ores based on laboratory experiments is shown. By means of solution percolation simulation at different irrigation intensities the justification of optimal stack parameters is provided in terms of the geomechanical stability and prevention of solution level rise above the drainage layer.

How to cite: Marinin M.A., Karasev M.A., Pospehov G.B., Pomortseva A.A., Kondakova V.N., Sushkova V.I. Comprehensive study of filtration properties of pelletized sandy clay ores and filtration modes in the heap leaching stack // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 30-40. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.7
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Use of machine learning technology to model the distribution of lithotypes in the Permo-Carboniferous oil deposit of the Usinskoye field

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Permo-Carboniferous oil deposit of the Usinskoye field is characterized by an extremely complex type of the void space with intense cross-sectional distribution of cavernous and fractured rock. In this study, for this production site, the process of 3D geological modeling has been implemented. At the first stage, it provided for automated identification of reservoir volumes by comparing the data of core and well logging surveys; at the second stage, identification of rock lithotypes according to Dunham classification is performed on the basis of comparison of thin sections examination and well logging data. A large array of factual information enables the use of machine learning technology on the basis of Levenberg – Marquardt neural network apparatus toward achievement of our research goals. The prediction algorithms of reservoir and rock lithotype identification using well logging methods obtained on the basis of the training samples are applied to the wells without core sampling. The implemented approach enabled complementing the 3D geological model with information about rock permeability and porosity, taking into account the structural features of the identified lithotypes. For the Permo-Carboniferous oil deposit of the Usinskoye field, the volumetric zoning of the distribution of different rock lithotypes has been established. Taking into account the lithotypes identified based on machine learning algorithms, density and openness of fractures were determined, and fracture permeability in the deposit volume was calculated. In general, during the implementation, the machine learning errors remained within 3-5 %, which suggests reliability of the obtained predictive solutions. The results of the research are incorporated in the existing 3D digital geological and process model of the deposit under study.

How to cite: Potekhin D.V., Galkin S.V. Use of machine learning technology to model the distribution of lithotypes in the Permo-Carboniferous oil deposit of the Usinskoye field // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 41-51. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.101
Economic Geology
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Development of methodology for economic evaluation of land plots for the extraction and processing of solid minerals

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The Russian economy has a pronounced resource specialization; in many regions, subsoil use is a backbone or one of the main areas of the economy. In these conditions, the improvement of the methodology for the economic evaluation of lands on which mining enterprises are located is of particular relevance. On the basis of the existing experience in assessing industrial land, the authors present a developed methodology for determining the cadastral value of land plots where mining enterprises are located, taking into account their industry characteristics and the specifics of production and commercial activities. At the same time, cadastral valuation is considered as a specific form of economic valuation. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of taking into account the cost factors that have the greatest impact on the formation of the cost of land for the extraction and processing of solid minerals, and the method of assessment depending on the characteristics of the object. To carry out theoretical research, the methods of analysis and synthesis of legal and scientific and technical literature in the field of cadastral and market valuation of land were used in the work. The practical part is based on the application of expert methods, including the method of analysis of hierarchies, system and logical analysis. The method of M.A.Svitelskaya was chosen as the basis, which presents a combination of modified methods of statistical (regression) modeling and modeling based on specific indicators of cadastral value. The use of this technique in economic practice contributes to increasing the efficiency of cadastral valuation and the objectivity of its results.

How to cite: Bykowa E.N., Khaykin М.М., Shabaeva Y.I., Beloborodova М.D. Development of methodology for economic evaluation of land plots for the extraction and processing of solid minerals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 52-67. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.6
Economic Geology
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Assessment of the efficiency of occupational safety culture management in fuel and energy companies

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The results of development, testing and implementation of the process of occupational safety culture management in a fuel and energy company including the assessment of current state, assessment of deviation, formation of control action and its implementation are presented. Using the methods of mathematical analysis, the components of occupational safety culture and criteria for their evaluation were developed. As a control action, a procedure for conducting behavioural safety audit was elaborated and implemented. Proceeding from the results of analysing average ratings of safety culture components among the employees prior to and after the introduction of behavioural safety audit, it was concluded that there was a statistically significant increase in the average values of 12 out of 16 ratings of safety culture components. Analysis of the results of 1,011 audits showed the absence of an “alarm area” at the enterprise. Introduction of the developed process management model promotes an increase in the efficiency of attaining a high level of occupational safety culture in fuel and energy companies.

How to cite: Glebova E.V., Volokhina A.T., Vikhrov A.E. Assessment of the efficiency of occupational safety culture management in fuel and energy companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 68-78. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.12
Economic Geology
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Influence of mining rent on the efficiency of using natural potential: the paradox of plenty and its Russian specifics

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The most powerful potential of Russia's natural resources is only partially realized, and determining the reasons for the insufficient efficiency of its use is a current research topic. The exploitation of mineral resources that bring mining rent (primarily oil and gas) gives rise to the so-called “paradox of plenty” (PP), which in some cases manifests itself as a significant slowdown in economic development. The purpose of the article is to clarify the signs, degree and forms of PP manifestation and related problems (“resource curse”, “oil curse”, etc.) in the Russian economy. Since the causes of these phenomena are usually associated with rent extraction and peculiarities of the institutional structure of the economy, the works of leading economists who support the theories of “rent-oriented behavior” and the role of public institutions in the process of the PP emergence were critically analyzed. To determine the signs and degree of PP manifestation and related problems, an analysis of determining the shares of oil and gas in the structure of exports, revenues from their sale in the federal budget, and oil and gas products in the structure of GDP, was made. It is concluded that there are no sufficient grounds for ascertaining clear signs of a “rent-oriented” Russian economy and a “resource curse”; important counteracting factors that refute the unambiguous conclusions about the high degree of PP impact on the Russian economy were identified. The author's interpretation of the role of public institutions, the factors of formation and forms of PP manifestation, the specifics of differential mining rent and its role in the formation of PP are proposed; options for solving problems generated by PP – directions for improving the tax system in the field of oil and gas, etc.; substantiation of the need to develop a strategic state program for diversifying the sectoral structure of the Russian economy; directions for adjusting economic policy in the field of oil and gas industry development, etc.

How to cite: Lapinskas A.A. Influence of mining rent on the efficiency of using natural potential: the paradox of plenty and its Russian specifics // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 79-94. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.13
Economic Geology
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Assessment of the role of the state in the management of mineral resources

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Mineral resources as natural capital can be transformed into human, social and physical capital that guarantees the sustainable development of a country, exclusively through professional public management. Public management of a country's mineral resource potential is seen as an element of transnational governance which provides for the use of laws, rules and regulations within the jurisdictional and sectoral capabilities of the state, minimising its involvement as a producer of minerals. The features of the ideology of economic liberalism, which polarises the societies of mineral-producing countries and denies the role of the state as a market participant, have been studied. The analysis of the influence of the radical new order of neoliberal world ideology on the development of the extractive sector and state regulation has been presented.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S., Petrov E.I., Vasilevskaya D.V., Yakovenko A.V., Naumov I.A., Ratnikov M.A. Assessment of the role of the state in the management of mineral resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 95-111. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.100
Economic Geology
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Development of methodology for scenario analysis of investment projects of enterprises of the mineral resource complex

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Theoretical and applied aspects of scenario analysis of investment projects of enterprises in the mineral resource sector of the economy are considered, its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. Taking into account the organizational and economic features of mineral resources management, a number of new modifications of the scenario analysis method, aimed at solving an urgent problem - reducing the information uncertainty in assessing the expected efficiency and risk of investment projects, are proposed. The peculiarity of the proposed new modifications is the use of the interval-probabilistic approach in the implementation of the scenario analysis procedure. This approach is based on a moderately pessimistic system of preferences in obtaining point values of the investment project initial parameters. Fishburn estimates and the hierarchy analysis method were used to reduce subjective uncertainty. The maximum likelihood values in the sense of the maximum a priori probability are used as expected estimates. An additional indicator of risk assessment, which characterizes the probability of the event that the net present value of the project will take a value less than the specified one, is proposed. When analyzing one project, this indicator is more informative than the standard deviation. A statistical hypothesis was tested on the improvement of the validity of investment decisions developed using the modified scenario analysis method compared to the standard method.

How to cite: Matrokhina K.V., Trofimets V.Y., Mazakov E.B., Makhovikov A.B., Khaykin M.M. Development of methodology for scenario analysis of investment projects of enterprises of the mineral resource complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 112-124. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.3
Economic Geology
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Carbon capture and storage: net zero contribution and cost estimation approaches

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Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) are a combination of necessary and promising technologies that can help reduce CO2 emissions, which are not used on a large scale due to the high cost of solutions. This article aims to review and analyze carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects in terms of their net zero contribution and cost estimates. The study identified a wide range of cost estimation methods that can be applied to CCS projects and revealed such issues as a lack of standardization, limited data, and cost data variability. Still, several common trends were found, including the classification of CCS adopters into low-cost and high-cost industries, cost estimation by CCS step (capture, transportation, storage) and industry (power generation, other sectors), and calculation of relative indices to make comparisons with other decarbonization options. The results of the study can serve as a foundation for developing approaches to estimating the costs of CCS in Russia, which are necessary for planning government support measures and involving businesses in the implementation of these initiatives.

How to cite: Skobelev D.O., Cherepovitsyna A.A., Guseva T.V. Carbon capture and storage: net zero contribution and cost estimation approaches // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 125-140. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.10
Energy industry
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Feasibility study of using cogeneration plants at Kuzbass coal mines

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The paper considers the problem of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the process of coal mining during the coal mine methane utilization in power supply systems. An algorithm to form recommendations for the implementation of CMM generation is presented. A simulation model for one of the Kuzbass coal mines was developed in the PowerFactory software application. The simulation model considers the uneven nature of the power consumption of mining equipment. As a result of modeling, daily power consumption profiles and voltage levels in the coal mine power supply system were determined before and after the implementation of the proposed measures. Based on the results, the technical and economic effects was estimated, which consisted in reducing the direct and indirect carbon footprint, electricity and capacity fees. It has been established that the cost of carbon dioxide emission quotas significantly affects the investment attractiveness of cogeneration projects. Based on the results, recommendations are given to stimulate the development of small generation in coal mines.

How to cite: Nepsha F.S., Voronin V.A., Liven A.S., Korneev A.S. Feasibility study of using cogeneration plants at Kuzbass coal mines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 141-150. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.2