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Vol 151

Vol 150 No 2
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve prospecting and exploration methods
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Improvement of prospecting and exploration methods and prerequisites for hydrocarbon reservoirs in organogenic structures of the Upper Devonian of the Umitov-Lenevskaya depression and adjacent areas

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A justification is given for the most effective direction of geological exploration work - search and exploration of new oil deposits in Upper Devonian reefs, which will allow to fill the raw material base in the old oil-producing area in the north of the Volgograd region. Prognostication, search and exploration of oil and gas deposits in carbonate sediments are determined by the specificity of lithologic-facial composition and physical properties of reservoir rocks and coverings, paleogeographic setting of their accumulation, conditions of realization of oil-gas-maternal potential of Devonian deposits, structural conditions of their occurrence and specific features of formation in them hydrocarbon (HC) deposits. The three-member structure of hydrocarbon deposits in fossil reefs has been established and the role of the false cover (Umetovsko-Linevskaya strata) in the formation and destruction of hydrocarbon deposits in the Evlanovsko-Livensky carbonate sediments has been determined. When predicting the location of the reef and the oil deposit in it with the calculated parameters in terms of area and height, the methodology proposed by the author, based on the analysis of the structural surface of the roof of the Umentov-Linevskaya formation (false cap), was used. On the basis of the studies conducted, the areas of the Dobrinsky-Suvodsky barrier riffogenic system of the Upper Devonian complex of carbonate rocks and the inner zones of the Umetovsko-Linevskaya depression are referred to highly promising lands.

How to cite: Bochkarev V.A. Improvement of prospecting and exploration methods and prerequisites for hydrocarbon reservoirs in organogenic structures of the Upper Devonian of the Umitov-Lenevskaya depression and adjacent areas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 6-9.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve prospecting and exploration methods
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Integrated geophysical and geoelectrochemical studies of the corrosion hazard of steel trunk pipelines

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A complex of geophysical and geoelectrochemical methods for diagnostics of corrosion danger of gas pipelines is offered. On the basis of complex geophysical and geoelectrochemical information it is possible to solve the following problems: high-precision determination of the location and depth of the gas pipeline; detection of places and degree of violations of insulating coating of gas pipelines, accompanying metal corrosion damage; evaluation of attenuation factor of variable component of cathodic protection currents; determination of cathodic protection potential in places of gas pipeline insulation damage; identification of corrosion dangerous areas and evaluation of corrosion hazard of pipelines. The relative contrast of geoelectrochemical anomalies characterizes the duration and intensity of corrosion. The suggested methodology complements the existing methods of gas pipelines condition diagnostics. New method was tested at gas pipelines of Lentransgaz enterprise in 1999-2000. According to the results of complex researches the areas of gas pipelines isolation coating violation were marked with indication of places of corrosion damages of pipelines.

How to cite: Efimova N.N., Kasyankova N.A., Olekseichuk V.R. Integrated geophysical and geoelectrochemical studies of the corrosion hazard of steel trunk pipelines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 10-12.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve prospecting and exploration methods
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Methods and organizational approaches to justify priority directions of prospecting and exploration in subsalt sediments of the western side of the Caspian Basin

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The left bank of the Volgograd Region tectonically includes the most submerged part of the Pachelm-Saratov avlacogen and dislocations of the Volgograd-Orenburg uplift system within the western side of the Pre-Caspian Basin. In the modern structural plan of the subsalt sedimentary complex of the studied region against the background of its regional dip to the central part of the Caspian depression, the Predbortovaya stage, the Volgograd-Yeruslansky trough, the Volgograd-Krasno-Kutsky rampart, the Akhtubinsk-Pallasovsky megaval, the Bulukhtinsky trough, and the Elton-Dzhanybeksky rampart are distinguished. Regional oil-and-gas bearing capacity of terrigenous and carbonate deposits of Devonian and Carboniferous has been proved for the Caspian depression framing zone, and in the instrumental and inner parts the main prospects of oil-and-gas bearing capacity are connected with carbonate rocks of Carboniferous age and Lower Permian. The main results of the conducted research are summarized as follows: in the regional plan the regularities of distribution and depth of occurrence of Upper Devonian-Middle Carboniferous and Lower Permian oil-and-gas bearing complexes have been determined, geological criteria and methods of forecasting of zones and areas promising for oil and gas prospecting have been substantiated. Priority tasks of planning of prospecting and exploration works in the studied region are defined.

How to cite: Karaulov A.V., Bagova N.L. Methods and organizational approaches to justify priority directions of prospecting and exploration in subsalt sediments of the western side of the Caspian Basin // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 13-16.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve prospecting and exploration methods
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Offshore oil and gas fields - prospects for using geoelectrochemical methods

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Geoelectrochemical methods: partial extraction of elements method (PEM), diffusive metal extraction method (MEM), method of searching by metal-organic forms of elements (MEF), thermomagnetic geochemical method (TMGM) - have found wide application in search of oil and gas fields onshore. These methods allow to reveal oil and gas traps, including nonstructural ones, in any geological conditions. Low cost and high efficiency of the considered methods allow to recommend them for solving other prospecting tasks. At present, joint efforts of three institutes: St. Petersburg Mining Institute, VIRG - Rudgeofizika and VNIIOkeangeologiya are investigating a new sphere of application of geoelectrochemical methods - offshore oil and gas field prospecting. Developed, theoretically and practically substantiated a new methodology of economic geoelectrochemical prospecting of oil and gas fields on the shelf. This technique is to study the distribution of heavy metals - a microcomponent of oil in the water column. It is proposed to conduct continuous sampling while the ship is moving, which allows to combine geoelectrochemical studies with other geophysical works, such as seismic surveys.

How to cite: Kasyankova N.A. Offshore oil and gas fields - prospects for using geoelectrochemical methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 17-20.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve prospecting and exploration methods
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Physical and mathematical modeling of scattering halos of ocean hydrotherms

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The formation of huge reserves of ore elements is connected with the outputs of high-temperature hydrothermal waters within various volcanically active structures in the World Ocean: Si, Zn, etc. By present time a big factual material on high-temperature hydrothermal activity has been accumulated, but experimental studies are hampered by the fact, that information is collected from depths of 3-4 km. The incompleteness of experimental data can be partially compensated by a theoretical study of the structure of scattering halos of oceanic hydrotherms. A physical and mathematical model of the hydrothermal source scattering halo is considered and numerical simulation of this halo is performed. The model establishes functional dependences between the characteristics of hydrothermal scattering halos, which satisfactorily describe the experimental data. Numerical modeling of hydrothermal scattering halos can be used to fill the gaps in the experimental data and to analyze the results of field studies.

How to cite: Kasyankova N.A. Physical and mathematical modeling of scattering halos of ocean hydrotherms // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 21-24.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve prospecting and exploration methods
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Ensuring completeness of core petrophysical studies to improve the efficiency of oil and gas exploration

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The role of complex core studies in the search for oil and gas deposits and further in the study of their structure is considered. The necessity of the most complete extraction of the core in order to obtain reliable information about the geological structure of the territories under study and filtration-volume properties of the rocks composing them is shown. Having information about the lithological and petrophysical characteristics of the studied deposits and conditions of their formation, it is possible to predict the corresponding features of the cavity space structure and filtration-volume properties for similar by structure new similar structures. This would allow to obtain the most complete characteristics of the section already in one or two wells with maximum core recovery, to build a petrophysical model of the deposit and the field and thus increase the efficiency of geological and exploration works. Selection of optimal quantity of core material is the most important factor to increase reliability of information obtained from a single well and to reduce costs for the study of the entire territory.

How to cite: Kovaleva L.V. Ensuring completeness of core petrophysical studies to improve the efficiency of oil and gas exploration // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 25-27.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve prospecting and exploration methods
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Some Issues of Improving the Oil and Gas Prospecting Process (Based on an Analysis of Exploration Activities in the Russian Federation in 1996-2000)

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The general problems of geological exploration are considered, in particular, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the fields discovered in 1996-2000 are given. It is shown that, although the dynamics of growth of oil reserves in recent years somewhat stabilized, the situation in this area is far from ideal. The share of new discoveries in the total increment is insignificant (a little more than 20 %), and their most part falls on the region which is already well studied geologically - Western Siberia. Qualitative characteristics of increasing reserves in all oil-bearing provinces continues to deteriorate. On the basis of the analysis of the dynamics of prospecting works carried out in Russia in 1996-2000 the main directions of improvement and development of prospecting works are proposed.

How to cite: Martynova I.I. Some Issues of Improving the Oil and Gas Prospecting Process (Based on an Analysis of Exploration Activities in the Russian Federation in 1996-2000) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 28-31.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve prospecting and exploration methods
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The main directions of improving the efficiency of management of the geological exploration process in oil companies

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Assessment of the efficiency of management of the process of geological exploration for oil and gas was carried out on the basis of the study of the results of oil and gas enterprises Nizhnevolzhskneft, Saratovneftegaz, Stavropolneftegaz and Bashneft, conducting search and exploration of hydrocarbon raw materials in reef rocks in 1985-2001. The cost of increment of 1 ton of fuel equivalent reserves was taken as a parameter of exploration efficiency. The analysis was carried out using the principles of the rational approach with the construction of logical and mathematical models, which involves optimizing the placement of types and volumes of work with the establishment of the relationship and sequence of their conduct. In this case, the logical model consists of a constant part, which includes the research object, and a control system, which changes under certain boundary conditions. Object parameters and structure can be changed in the model while maintaining the estimation of its effectiveness. Multivariate regression analysis with enumeration of linear and nonlinear functions was used to calculate the mathematical model. Based on the analysis of modeling results, it is shown that cost reduction in the process of exploration is mainly due to the increase in hydrocarbon reserves. At the same time, a significant increase in exploration efficiency can be achieved by involving more structures in the study and increasing the amount of research, geophysical studies and exploratory drilling.

How to cite: Samoilenko D.Y. The main directions of improving the efficiency of management of the geological exploration process in oil companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 32-35.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve prospecting and exploration methods
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Environmental and social aspects of the rotational method of labor organization in the development of gas condensate fields in the Polar region

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The most progressive method of labor organization in the development of gas-condensate fields of the Polar region is considered, the impact of negative climatic and social factors on the person, as well as the human impact on the natural environment is assessed. Among the depressing factors of human life activity in the conditions of the North the sanitary and hygienic working conditions, which for the main professions in the development of mineral and fuel-energy resources belong to the category of average severity and heavy, are also analyzed. The necessity to reduce the number of workers working in the harsh conditions of the North is substantiated. The analysis of rotational and shift-expeditionary methods during the most intensive development of oil and gas resources of the North, used by geologists, oil and gas workers both in Western Siberia and in the North-West of Russia, allowed to identify the positive sides of these methods. A slightly modified, more perfect, in the opinion of the authors, method is offered, and its application in adverse climatic conditions is substantiated.

How to cite: Sorokin Y.P., Bereslavskii A.S., Molchanov P.Y., Pisarev A.A. Environmental and social aspects of the rotational method of labor organization in the development of gas condensate fields in the Polar region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 36-39.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve prospecting and exploration methods
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Using the sequence stratigraphic method for oil and gas prospecting in the Middle Ordovician-Nizhne Devonian sediments of the Timan-Pechora province

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Sequence stratigraphic method allowed us to divide the Middle Ordovician-Lower Devonian oil-and-gas bearing complex of the Timan-Pechora province into 10 sedimentary sequences of 3rd order, lasting from 4 to 10 million years. The lithofacial zones location predicted on the basis of the sequential stratigraphic method and analysis of their reservoir potential allows us to determine the distribution patterns of reservoir, screen and oil-bearing strata in the section and perform their mapping. Application of the given technique has allowed to allocate the area with probable concentration of hydrocarbon raw materials in the organogenic structures of the middle Ordovician and lower Devonian in the Timan-Pechoro-Barents Sea paleobasin. The uniqueness of the development is related to the prediction of zones with reservoir properties on the Arctic shelf of Russia, where giant deposits of oil, gas and gas condensate have been discovered, which allows us to model the process of trap formation and limit the exploration areas in the near future on the northern borders of the country.

How to cite: Taninskaya N.V., Taninskiy P.Y. Using the sequence stratigraphic method for oil and gas prospecting in the Middle Ordovician-Nizhne Devonian sediments of the Timan-Pechora province // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 40-42.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve prospecting and exploration methods
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A model of company work in oil and gas prospecting and exploration in difficult drilling conditions

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The problem of improving the efficiency of domestic oil companies in the exploration of complex fields, sinking wells in difficult conditions and reducing the material and time costs by reducing the accident rate of drilling oil and gas wells is considered. Relying on experience of leading operators of oil and gas service companies, developed countries in the last 10 years have managed to reduce costs for drilling wells of complicated designs and trajectories. It was achieved due to competent work organization and effective system of improving the quality of drilling by preventing well construction accidents. The project of structural reorganization of subdivisions when drilling particularly complex and costly wells was proposed. The created system will allow efficient use of material and labor resources with simultaneous improvement of professional training of engineering and service personnel.

How to cite: Taninskii P.Y., Mukuchan G.V. A model of company work in oil and gas prospecting and exploration in difficult drilling conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 43-44.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve company management system
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State regulation of enterprises of the oil complex: aspects of the current state

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In addition to the main aspects of state regulation of oil companies (licensing, bankruptcy legislation, regulation of foreign trade activities and antimonopoly regulation), of particular relevance at the moment is the tax regulation in terms of economic and legal elaboration of the new federal law “On introduction of changes and amendments to Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation..”, which enters into force in 2002, the analysis of economic and legal elaboration of the new law is.

How to cite: Dianov E.G. State regulation of enterprises of the oil complex: aspects of the current state // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 45-47.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve company management system
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Economic prerequisites for the introduction of downhole seismoacoustic impact technology on productive formations to enhance their oil recovery

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The gross value of raw materials extracted from the subsoil in Russia varies from $95 billion to $105 billion per year, depending on the price situation. About 80% of this amount is provided by the main types of fuel and energy raw materials, which are export-oriented products. Therefore, stabilization of oil and gas production is the basis of sustainable development of the country. Currently, the technological level of hydrocarbon production has decreased: up to 50% of oil remains in the subsurface. Most of the widely used methods of intensification of oil and gas fields development are very expensive and often their use is unprofitable. For a more complete extraction of hydrocarbons from the formation, the department of geophysical and geochemical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits of St. Petersburg Mining Institute under the direction of A.A. Molchanov has developed downhole equipment “Pritok-1”. Technology of downhole seismoacoustic influence on productive formations is ecologically safe and is notable for minimal expenses of material resources. As the result of injection well processing the injectivity rate increases up to 200 % (by 78.4 % on average); the flow rate of the development wells increases on average by 148.7 %, and the oil production rate increases by 30-260 % (by 48.4 % on average); the oil recovery from the idle well reaches minimum 2 t/day. Taking into account the results of “Pritok-1” treatment of a number of wells in Western Siberia, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, taking oil price as $22 per barrel, we can forecast the effect from the introduction of this technology in the amount of about $25.45 billion per year.

How to cite: Kirsanova N.Y. Economic prerequisites for the introduction of downhole seismoacoustic impact technology on productive formations to enhance their oil recovery // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 48-50.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve company management system
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Problems of human resources development in LUKOIL's research and design complex

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Successful development of vertically integrated oil companies as the basis of the fuel and energy complex of Russia today is not possible without creating effective competitive advantages, strengthening the position of the company on the domestic and foreign markets. The sphere of research and development should be considered as the most important asset of the company, providing the increase of competitiveness. The world's leading oil companies have achieved significant success at the expense of leadership in technology, which allows them to effectively operate even in conditions of low prices for oil and petroleum products. Having a powerful human, technical and scientific potential, patents, know-how and technologies, which give competitive advantages, they determine the standard of oil business environment and, pursuing the appropriate licensing policy, actually control the technological development of the industry. Orientation to the level of development of the world's leading oil and gas corporations requires from the company the corresponding development of its own scientific and technical potential, which includes, first of all, personnel potential. The paper considers the problem of staffing of LUKOIL's research and design complex. The paper presents the results of the analysis of the Company's research personnel, emphasizes the importance of strengthening the motivation of the research and design complex employees to improve their qualifications.

How to cite: Morozova N.A. Problems of human resources development in LUKOIL’s research and design complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 51-53.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve company management system
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Forming a corporate development strategy for the company

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The questions of formation of corporate strategy of companies on the basis of competitive analysis are considered. The estimation of strategy from position of correctness of formation of the mission and the purposes has great importance and does not lose the urgency and today, but strengthening of competition in the world market forces to shift accents towards the analysis of adequacy of the strategy to existing in branch competition. The successful corporate strategy is built on the basis of a number of preconditions and criteria. The formation of effective corporate strategy is determined by the following prerequisites: competition takes place at the level of subsidiaries; diversification inevitably leads to increased costs and constraints of enterprises; shareholders themselves can diversify their investments. The criteria of effective strategy include the criterion of attractiveness of the industry and the criterion of the cost of entry (into a new business). The key point in the formation of corporate strategy is the choice of business development concept: asset portfolio management, restructuring, exchange of experience and asset allocation. Inefficiency of the capital market determines the effectiveness of using the concept of portfolio management with a focus on the acquisition of undervalued companies of different types of businesses. The possibility of introducing its own know-how in the management of similar companies predetermines the effectiveness of the concept of restructuring.

How to cite: Osipov A.Y. Forming a corporate development strategy for the company // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 54-56.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve company management system
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Development of a methodology for the restructuring of a vertically integrated oil company

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The activities of Russian oil companies are subject to special requirements from the state. An oil company at a certain stage of its development inevitably faces the need to change its structure (if the existing resources and potential of the company do not match the conditions and dynamics of the external environment). Top managers, guided by their experience and intuition, have a general idea of the forthcoming restructuring strategy, but it is a very difficult task for a company management to objectively estimate the scope of work to be done and resources required, to clearly define the action plan, to foresee the consequences, to mobilize the personnel for the tasks to be performed. Carrying out restructuring is an integral part of modern business management. The article presents the characteristics of the main factors of the external environment of the activities of Russian oil companies, taking into account them proposes a methodology for restructuring a vertically integrated oil company (VIC), gives practical recommendations for the formation of the executive body of the project. The presented methodology of VINK restructuring as a constituent element was implemented in the “Methodological recommendations on assessing sustainability of NK “YUKOS” development” in the framework of St. Petersburg Mining Institute Strategic Planning Center activities in 2000.

How to cite: Petrov A.V. Development of a methodology for the restructuring of a vertically integrated oil company // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 57-60.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve company management system
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Methodology for the formation of innovative programs of the oil production enterprise

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The oil industry is one of the leading industries in the country: one third of the state budget is formed by revenues from sales of oil and oil products. At present the main part of the recoverable reserves (more than 50%) is characterized by unfavorable geological and technological structure. These are the so-called hard-to-recover reserves, the development of which is unprofitable, as well as additional development by conventional technologies. This situation may lead to a sharp increase in the unprofitable component in the cost structure of oil production in the near future. In this regard, in companies, all other things being equal (unstable external environment caused by fluctuations in energy prices on the world market; uncertain legal, legislative, tax and other social relations of internal development of the state; insufficiently effective management of the production cycle of enterprises) there is a need to find constructive solutions, which ultimately come down to the innovation policy and strategy of the company. The work is devoted to the most urgent problem - the management of innovation activity of the enterprise. The article considers one aspect of the oil company innovation activity management system - formation of the program of technological events at the oilfields with achieving maximum technological efficiency, expressed in additional oil production at minimum costs. Recommendations for achieving maximum economic efficiency are given on the basis of technological and economic analysis of the state of implementation of technologies in the production associations and analysis of geological and field characteristics of the objects of development.

How to cite: Pimenova N.A. Methodology for the formation of innovative programs of the oil production enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 61-64.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve company management system
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Corporate governance strategy for mining companies

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The main direction of development of the Russian economy was the transition from relatively amorphous conglomerate-type formations to vertically integrated structures of a more homogeneous type with clear organizational and legal forms. The main purpose of integration is to improve the efficiency of production and sustainability of integrated enterprises. The diversity of economic conditions of enterprises' activities determines the existence of different types of integration: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, mixed. The experience of Russian integrated corporate structures (ICS) has shown that the most effective form of organization of a vertically integrated company is a holding with a flexible structure of shareholder capital management, which meets the balance of interests of all participants of the integration process. The strategy of development of a corporation aimed at achieving market leadership is a set of measures aimed at strengthening competitive advantages, developing dynamic capabilities and neutralizing weaknesses of the enterprise. Strategic corporate governance provides an opportunity to expand the horizons of forecasting and thereby create opportunities for the effective development of corporate production and economic systems in the new conditions.

How to cite: Radko A.V. Corporate governance strategy for mining companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 65-67.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve company management system
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The role of marketing in the economic development of industrial enterprises

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One of the reasons for the protracted crisis of industrial enterprises in Russia is the underestimation of the role of marketing in their recovery and development. The role of marketing in the process of development of enterprises can be revealed through its private strategy of diversification of production. It is the marketing task to diagnose the economic efficiency of the diversification project and the prospects for further development of the enterprise. Determination of economic estimation of the role of marketing in organization of the process of diversification of production as one of the conditions of stability of enterprise and its progressive development as well as elaboration of recommendations on organization of the given activity is the actual question. The marketing directions of organization of production diversification which will allow estimating perspective consequences of diversification and ways of further economic development of the enterprise are offered in the work. The choice of the diversification idea by the marketing system of the enterprise, realization of a complex of measures on production and realization of the produced new products, and also an estimation of economic efficiency of the diversification project are the basic conditions of stability of functioning of the enterprise and its progressive development.

How to cite: Ryzhikh E.M. The role of marketing in the economic development of industrial enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 68-70.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Year-round hydrocarbon production on the Arctic shelf of Russia

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In the next 25 years, hydrocarbon production is planned to be transferred to the sea shelf. The Arctic shelf of Russia is the most extensive among the existing ones. Its hydrocarbon reserves in oil equivalent reach 85-100 billion tons. The Arctic shelf development and year-round exploitation are hampered by natural and climatic factors: icing of the water area for 300 days a year, complicating the work of technical equipment, tidal currents, sea waves, etc. In order to operate the Arctic seas shelf Nizhny Novgorod has developed the production complex, consisting of the bottom terminal, underwater marine transport system, offshore transshipment complex, bottom pipeline, mainland transport system. The subsea transportation system uses converted nuclear submarines with additional units. The submarine pipeline is very complicated in terms of construction characteristics and is under development. The prospects of the proposed complex are quite high.

How to cite: Belyaev A.S. Year-round hydrocarbon production on the Arctic shelf of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 71-73.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Rationale and experience in the allocation of production facilities at the producing fields of OOO LUKOIL-Permneft

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The problem of optimal development of oil production facilities in OOO LUKOIL-Permneft is particularly acute in the context of dumping oil prices. It requires the introduction of modern and justified methods of allocation of production facilities. The electrohydrodynamic analogy method was used to solve the problem of allocation of independent objects at the field being developed in Perm region. The implementation and development of the fields without approbation and competent economic substantiation can lead to large material and labor costs. Weighted approach in OOO LUKOIL-Permneft during the development of hydrocarbon fields allowed to single out a number of promising objects and justify their development.

How to cite: Kolesnikov S.V. Rationale and experience in the allocation of production facilities at the producing fields of OOO LUKOIL-Permneft // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 74-77.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Borehole geophysical computer technology for identifying undeveloped areas of oil deposits

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Wellbore geophysical computer technology for seismoacoustic imaging of interwell space in order to identify undeveloped areas of oil deposits and additional extraction of hydrocarbon reserves by means of horizontal wells or seismoacoustic impact on oil-saturated formations is described. High detail of interwell space research is provided due to the use of a borehole electrohydraulic source with an “explosive” wire, which has a wide range of emissions and high resolution. The method of seismoacoustic tomography makes it possible to obtain high-precision velocity sections of the medium under study. The proposed technologies can be used for investigation of underground space during engineering surveys and other purposes.

How to cite: Kondratenko P.V. Borehole geophysical computer technology for identifying undeveloped areas of oil deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 78-80.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Development of information and methodological base of project analysis in oil production

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The operating conditions of oil and gas production and processing industry require improvement of information-analytical and statistical-methodological support of the project efficiency analysis. The paper gives theoretical and practical recommendations for setting the optimal price for economic weighted calculations. A set of criterion evaluations and the mechanism of multilateral evaluation of projects are defined. Methods for evaluating projects and optimizing their portfolios under conditions of scarcity and risk are proposed. The application of this methodology in oil producing domestic companies at all stages of exploration, production and processing of hydrocarbons will reduce the likelihood of economic losses, increase profitability of production, the material well-being of engineering and service personnel, which is especially relevant in conditions of falling oil prices.

How to cite: Lebedev A.S. Development of information and methodological base of project analysis in oil production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 81-83.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Organization of work on control of directional and horizontal oil and gas wells in Western Siberia

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Modern methods of hydrocarbon field development with horizontal wells require high accuracy of oil and gas wells. ZIS-4M (MAK-170) telemetry systems with highly reliable hard-fixed sensors of angle measurements (zenith angle, whipstock position angle and azimuthal angle) and organization of electromagnetic bottom-hole communication channel at very low frequencies are used for drilling such wells. Integration and computer processing of downhole measurements with measurements of drilling parameters made by surface sensors, express- investigations of drilling mud and cuttings parameters increase informative character of geological section investigations and provide optimization of drilling process in complicated geological conditions. Examples of work organization with the use of an automated system of operational control of drilling technology and wellbore trajectory, allowing with high accuracy and reliability to conduct horizontal sections of drilling wells in productive formations, including low thickness formations, are described.

How to cite: Saraev A.A. Organization of work on control of directional and horizontal oil and gas wells in Western Siberia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 84-86.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Technological and technical solutions to improve well construction quality and productivity

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The main task of the research was to select formulations of plugging compositions, providing formation of wellbore structures in the productive formation by artificial filters with specified properties. Despite the urgency of the problem, no special plugging materials have been created for this purpose. A polyurethane hydrophilic pre-polymer curing only in the presence of water has been tested as a raw ingredient for the binder. Hydrate-free salts were used as soluble fillers, and building sand served as a filler. The strength characteristics were determined by the compressive stress at a strain of 10%, the ultimate strength and permeability depending on the component composition according to the Gibbs-Rosembaum diagram. It is shown that the permeability of plugging stone increases with the increasing volume of erosible substance, and if the volume of erosible substance is equal, the permeability decreases with the increasing fraction of the filler, but the strength properties do not change much. The carried out researches testify to the technical possibility of creation of face design with the set parameters of strength, permeability and wettability when opening the unstable oil reservoir.

How to cite: Slyusarev N.I., Belyugov K.Y., Usov A.I. Technological and technical solutions to improve well construction quality and productivity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 87-89.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Improvement of technological regimes of oil reservoirs and wells operation for the conditions of the Zapadno-Poludennoye field

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The analysis of field data of the West Poludenny field showed that the main reasons of wells abandonment are complications caused by products of oil reservoir destruction, mismatch between electric submersible pump (ESP) unit performance and fluid inflow, as well as pump damage during running in places of curvature set. The impact of all these factors, either in combination or separately, causes deterioration of technical and economic development indicators. Peculiarities of geological structure and growth of well production water content require more detailed substantiation of reservoir and well operation modes. Rather simple and effective method of management of development technology is forecasting and control of optimal parameters of reservoir and well operation with application of analytical methods and computerization of processes. Such solution does not require significant capital investments and expenses, but allows preventing or eliminating premature decommissioning of downhole equipment and wells. In order to improve methods of oil reservoir operation processes control, a program was developed to optimize the mode of the system: layer - well - ESP - collecting reservoir. According to expert estimates the proposed recommendations allow preventing technogenic complications, increasing the average time between failures by more than 1.5 times and the overhaul period by 65-70%.

How to cite: Slyusarev N.I., Kiyashko T.V., Voronin V.V. Improvement of technological regimes of oil reservoirs and wells operation for the conditions of the Zapadno-Poludennoye field // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 90-93.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Reducing risk when drilling wells in complex mining and geological and technological conditions

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The introduction of new methods of predicting and preventing complications and accidents during drilling has allowed Western oil companies to save large material and human resources. In our country, little attention was paid to this issue, while increasing the importance of the human factor to the level adopted in Western European countries will allow a more competent and optimal use of resources. High complexity of diagnostics of complications and accidents while drilling wells in complicated conditions requires complex and expensive measuring base, maintenance of which requires highly qualified specialists, psychologically stable, able to make decisions under heavy loads, physical and moral. The most effective use of such specialists will be in conditions of structural reorganization of oil and gas production and processing divisions, which have remained unchanged since the times of planned economy, which in conditions of a sharp fall in oil prices negatively affects the financial well-being of companies.

How to cite: Taninskii P.Y. Reducing risk when drilling wells in complex mining and geological and technological conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 94-96.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Prospects for offshore drilling from monopods

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The problems of ensuring reliability and improving the drilling of exploratory wells on the shelf from monopod bases are investigated. The analysis of static and dynamic strength of mono-support bases under different technical and marine hydrological conditions is performed. Engineering methods for practical calculations of monopod bases and selection of their optimal parameters are proposed. A new drilling rig “Start” designed for offshore drilling from mono-supported bases is designed and manufactured. Introduction of such technology will allow us to develop oil and gas fields in the seas of our motherland. These areas are the most promising for the search of unique and giant hydrocarbon deposits.

How to cite: Khvorostovskii S.S., Pronkin A.N. Prospects for offshore drilling from monopods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 97-99.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Regulation of oil field development based on hydrodynamic modeling of filtration flows of complex geometry

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We developed a method for predicting the technological efficiency of geological and technological impacts carried out on the wells in order to regulate the development of oil deposits. The prediction of efficiency indicators is based on the method of numerical modeling of multiphase filtration flows of complex geometry in the near-wellbore space, which is based on the use of non-orthogonal irregular uncoordinated difference grids, describing in detail the features of hydrodynamic state changes in the near-wellbore formation zone as a result of the impact. As a result, using the obtained model, the most optimal development of oil and gas fields in complexly constructed reservoirs and interblock spaces is possible. The advantage is also the possibility of optimization of reservoir fluid production processes with input of additionally obtained data, which allows promptly responding to changes in filtration-volumetric properties of productive formations.

How to cite: Shevko N.A. Regulation of oil field development based on hydrodynamic modeling of filtration flows of complex geometry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 100-103.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Application of multilayer elastic jackets in oil equipment (to the issue of oil recovery enhancement methods)

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We developed a method for predicting the technological efficiency of geological and technological impacts carried out on the wells in order to regulate the development of oil deposits. The prediction of efficiency indicators is based on the method of numerical modeling of multiphase filtration flows of complex geometry in the near-wellbore space, which is based on the use of non-orthogonal irregular uncoordinated difference grids, describing in detail the features of hydrodynamic state changes in the near-wellbore formation zone as a result of the impact. As a result, using the obtained model, the most optimal development of oil and gas fields in complexly constructed reservoirs and interblock spaces is possible. The advantage is also the possibility of optimization of reservoir fluid production processes with input of additionally obtained data, which allows promptly responding to changes in filtration-volumetric properties of productive formations.

How to cite: Shcherbin A.V. Application of multilayer elastic jackets in oil equipment (to the issue of oil recovery enhancement methods) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 104-106.
Economics and finance: a look into the future
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Changing the condition of subsoil use in the oil industry with the introduction of the unified tax on mineral extraction

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Considered changes in taxation in the oil industry, in connection with the entry into force of Chapter 26 of the Tax Code. Analysis of the structure of tax payments and their rates which were in effect before the adoption of Chapter 26 of the Code and calculation of the single tax on extraction of mineral resources for the oil extraction industry introduced by the new legislation is given. The example of OAO LUKOIL shows changes in the tax burden in connection with the adoption of Chapter 26 of the Tax Code. It is pointed out that the new tax does not take into account differences in economic and geographic conditions of mineral production. The advantage of the single tax is the simplicity of calculation, which allows to strengthen control over transfer pricing and prevent the formation of monopolies.

How to cite: Alekseenko T.L., Mambetova A.A. Changing the condition of subsoil use in the oil industry with the introduction of the unified tax on mineral extraction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 107-108.
Economics and finance: a look into the future
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The securities market and the problems of attracting investment in the fuel and energy complex: Russian and world experience

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The Russian Federation is currently the world's largest natural gas producer and exporter and the natural gas industry is the most dynamically developing segment of the national fuel and energy complex. Natural gas production expressed in monetary units places the gas industry in a leading position compared to other sectors of the national economy both in terms of total financial flows and contributions to budgets at all levels. The article contains a brief review of the current state of the gas industry of the Russian Federation with regard to the world stock market and its Russian part, as well as an analysis of the trends that determine the movement of quotations of the securities and the influence of the top managers of the gas monopoly - OAO “Gazprom” on these trends. The problems faced by the industry are formulated and the correct way to solve them from the standpoint of international norms and standards of corporate behavior in the securities market is proposed. The integration structure of the gas industry of the Russian Federation (horizontal and vertical) and its impact on the processes taking place in the Russian stock market are shown using examples of specific organizations.

How to cite: Boltenkov I.A. The securities market and the problems of attracting investment in the fuel and energy complex: Russian and world experience // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 109-111.
Economics and finance: a look into the future
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Triol Corporation for production, refining and transportation of oil and petroleum products

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Since the early 90's of the XX century, Triol Corporation has been actively engaged in scientific, technical and production activities aimed at creating modern, highly efficient variable-speed AC drives and automated control systems for various technologies on their basis. Over the years, Triol has gained the reputation of a responsible and reliable partner, a serious manufacturer of high-quality low-cost equipment. Triol brand is widely known in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other former Soviet states. The corporation pays a lot of attention to product introduction, warranty and service maintenance. The corporation offers the Russian oil and gas industry equipment that allows to really reduce energy consumption, automatize control of the main technological processes, reduce costs and improve product quality, dynamically developing in the current market conditions.

How to cite: Dorovskikh O.Y. Triol Corporation for production, refining and transportation of oil and petroleum products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 112-114.
Economics and finance: a look into the future
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The formation of a mechanism for sustainable development of the region (to the formulation of the problem)

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Sustainable development is the only process that provides, based on the rational use of natural resources, the optimal development of economic sectors, full employment of the population and the growth of people's standard of living. The concept of sustainable development today is, rather, a scientific concept of economics of nature management than a real scheme of economic growth and development. Therefore, in modern economic conditions, the study of the formation of the mechanism of sustainable development of the region seems extremely relevant. The article is devoted to the problems of forming a mechanism for the balanced development of the region, the basis of the economy of which are mineral resources. The problem under consideration is proposed to solve on the basis of the concept of sustainable development of the economic system, the criteria of which are to preserve or improve the quality of the environment, achieve a certain quality of life of the population and increase the efficiency of environmental management. The implementation of such approach is based on the investment strategy, which involves the possibility of using the financial resources of the trust fund, formed at the expense of deductions of subjects of natural resource use from the natural rent. The amount of financial resources of the trust fund is proposed to be determined by calculating the indicators of the cadastre of mineral deposits on the basis of the evaluation of cash flows.

How to cite: Ershova N.G. The formation of a mechanism for sustainable development of the region (to the formulation of the problem) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 115-117.
Economics and finance: a look into the future
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Economic incentives for resource conservation

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The natural resource potential of the Russian Federation is used extremely irrationally. Large losses of primary natural raw materials and products of their processing are allowed. Deposits of minerals are not mainly used in an integrated manner. The yield of the final product from raw materials is characterized, as a rule, by low indicators. Serious resource use costs are incurred not only in the mining industry, in the production and consumption of energy, but also in other activities, in particular in the metallurgical industry. There is also a huge potential for improvement of the resource component in the processing industries, agriculture, transport, construction, etc. In order to increase the efficiency of resource saving it is necessary to economically stimulate it through the use of appropriate tools. The effectiveness of energy saving can be achieved through a comprehensive system of economic incentives based on the government's price and tax policies. The goal of the pricing policy is to optimize the ratio of prices for individual energy resources based on their energy potential and consumer effect from their use.

How to cite: Zharkova O.A., Litvinenko O.V. Economic incentives for resource conservation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 118-120.
Economics and finance: a look into the future
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Preparation of the information field for the analysis of production costs of a geological enterprise

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An important role in the commercial activity of the enterprise is played by production accounting, various forms of organization of which provide the use of a particular method of cost management. The need for the latter is dictated by the basic principle of commercial activity - obtaining income (profit). The quality of management depends on the methods of cost accounting, their efficiency and completeness. Cost management is connected with the formation of information field of regression on the place of formation and accumulation of production costs at the enterprises. For this purpose, the analysis is carried out according to cost items for structural divisions with subsequent grouping of analysis results by the main and servicing production units. The initial information is represented by a dynamic series of items of production costs. The purpose of the analysis is to highlight those cost items that have the greatest impact on the amount of total costs.

How to cite: Ivanova O.S. Preparation of the information field for the analysis of production costs of a geological enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 121-123.
Economics and finance: a look into the future
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The method of operational management of production costs

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Commercial activity of the enterprise assumes management of costs, since they form the main component of the cost of finished products. Cost management is associated with the ranking of information, both by the place of formation of costs, and by their representativeness. The system of cost accounting used at the enterprise plays an important role. In order to analyze production costs of a geological organization three most dynamic and representative cost items (“Wages and salaries”, “General business expenses” and “Miscellaneous sums shown in other ledgers”) were singled out from cost items for 3 years (from 1999 to 2001). The selection of items was carried out on the basis of the analysis of the cost structure and their dynamics. In order to identify and characterize the quantitative relationship between the costs of each selected item and the level of total costs of the enterprise were built multiple regression equations. A matrix of elasticity coefficients was formed for the obtained equations, high enough values of which confirm the correctness of the choice of cost items. On the basis of the obtained equations of multiple regression graphs of normal distribution were built and trend lines were formed. The nature of the trend lines makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the nature of the cost structure for each year of the period under study.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G., Krevina E.A. The method of operational management of production costs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 124-127.
Economics and finance: a look into the future
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Analysis of the financial condition of the Kaliningrad Maritime Drilling Works Administration

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The main technical and economic performance indicators of the Kaliningrad offshore drilling operations department of LUKOIL-Kaliningradmorneft LLC are reviewed. Solvency (liquidity) indicators of the drilling operations department are calculated and recommendations on revealing the level of profitability of the enterprise are given. Solvency (liquidity) indicators characterize the ability of the enterprise within a certain period of time to settle accounts with its creditors. Such indicators include absolute coverage ratio - the ratio of the most liquid current assets (cash and short-term financial investments) to short-term liabilities; intermediate coverage ratio - the ratio of cash, short-term financial investments and accounts receivable to short-term liabilities; general coverage ratio - the ratio of current assets to short-term liabilities. The analysis of the financial condition of the drilling operations department showed that it would be advisable for OOO LUKOIL-Kaliningradmorneft to keep accounting records in its structural units in full scope of the requirements for filling in reporting forms, which would allow to identify unprofitable units; to more precisely determine the causes of financial instability of structural units; to establish the contribution of each structural unit to the formation of financial result.

How to cite: Kurilovich E.N. Analysis of the financial condition of the Kaliningrad Maritime Drilling Works Administration // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 128-131.
Economics and finance: a look into the future
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Formation of the financial budget of a vertically integrated oil company under uncertainty (option pricing theory)

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One of the most important problems of financial planning in oil companies is a significant dependence of future investment opportunities of the company on its current investment decisions. The economic efficiency of current capital investments is connected with the estimation of future cash flows, not always reliable. In this regard, the key element of the company's investment portfolio management system becomes the formation of a financial budget that takes into account all the unique features and optional characteristics of specific projects. Formation of the financial budget based on the net present value may not be quite adequate, since this indicator does not take into account some of the optional characteristics of projects (managerial flexibility, emerging synergies, etc.), and therefore does not reflect the real value of a particular project. In this connection, the possibility of using the theory of option pricing for the economic assessment of the cost of “strategic” projects with option characteristics seems relevant. The theory of option pricing expands the existing analytical tools, allows to reveal hidden reserves of projects cost and to form the optimal financial budget of the company.

How to cite: Savchenko A.E. Formation of the financial budget of a vertically integrated oil company under uncertainty (option pricing theory) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 132-134.
Economics and finance: a look into the future
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Environmental auditing and monitoring of the natural-industrial complex

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The goals and main objectives of environmental auditing are considered; it is recommended to limit the setting of specific objectives of environmental auditing to the format of the natural-industrial complex. The article provides data on the expediency of taking into account the consequences of technogenic impact within the natural-industrial complex. The facts of the negative impact of mining enterprises on the biosphere in the Leningrad Region have been revealed. It is proposed to supplement the existing system of environmental monitoring indicators with the characteristics of mining and environmental monitoring, which will allow to register the negative impact of mining enterprises on the state of the natural-industrial complex.

How to cite: Svirina K.P. Environmental auditing and monitoring of the natural-industrial complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 135-137.
Economics and finance: a look into the future
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Production and financial constraints in the development of the raw material base of the mining enterprise

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Enterprises that have successfully transitioned to commercial activities have managed to establish themselves in their market niches (segments) on the basis of individual market research. Such enterprises often include enterprises of the mining industry, each of which has accumulated its own experience. However, the strategy of improving economic and financial condition of the economic entity under conditions of developing regional market relations has not yet become the basis for forming and developing commodity-money relations between enterprises of this or that region. The experience of formation of economy in the market conditions is individual for each economic entity, but each of them has common difficulties. Activity of any enterprise faces three main types of limitations: in resources, in demand and in investments. The degree of severity of manifestation of restrictions depends on many factors, including the industry specifics of the enterprise. For mining enterprises, the most important constraint is the availability of raw materials, which also affects the other two constraints. The intensity of development and financial stability of the enterprise depend on the constraints themselves, their causes and consequences, as well as on the possibility of easing the impact of these factors.

How to cite: Slukina E.V. Production and financial constraints in the development of the raw material base of the mining enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 138-140.
Scientific and innovative cooperation
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Development of cross-sectoral cooperation between the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia (review)

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The concept of socio-economic development of the country emphasizes that the main factors ensuring economic growth, its efficiency and competitiveness, improvement of living standards of the population are scientific and technical potential, natural resources, and integration into the world economy. Development of scientific and technical potential is necessary for creation and perception of innovations, concentration of resources for implementation of large projects, advanced training of engineering and scientific corps, covering the whole range of specialties and technologies. Increasing the influence of higher education on the processes of transformation of the country's economy affects, first of all, the use of scientific achievements in the real sector of the economy. Therefore, the Ministry of Education of Russia has set a course for cooperation with ministries, departments, economic entities and developed a methodological basis for such cooperation.

How to cite: Suvorinov A.V., Sarychev G.A. Development of cross-sectoral cooperation between the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia (review) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 141-144.
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Development of principles for building an integrated system of operational monitoring of water bodies and hydraulic structures

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The principles of construction of the complex allowing to carry out the survey of water objects and hydraulic structures in the operative mode are considered. The complex includes a set of devices working on different principles and algorithms of combining measurement data, which increase the completeness of control of surveyed objects. Instrumentation facilities of the complex include the following: subsurface radar for generating three-dimensional images (volumetric maps) of the subsurface down to 30-50 meters at photographic survey speed up to 20 km/h; subsurface acoustic locator for generating three-dimensional images (volumetric maps) of the subsurface; multi-channel echo sounder for area survey of bottom surface relief of water bodies and bottom formations structure; flow meter-level gauge for measuring speed, discharge and liquid level in pipelines, The results obtained in the course of the work are used at the Department of Radioelectronics of Information Systems for training students of the specialty 2007 “Radio Engineering”.

How to cite: Kalmykov A.A., Elfimov V.I. Development of principles for building an integrated system of operational monitoring of water bodies and hydraulic structures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 145-148.
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Optimization of space remote sensing tools application for environmental monitoring and rational nature management in the Ural region

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A concept of using Earth remote sensing (ERS) data within the framework of the information-analytical system of the Department of Natural Resources for the Ural region, which is being created, is developed. Requirements for the composition and structure of software for preliminary and thematic processing of images, as well as recommendations for the integration of geographic information systems and remote sensing data processing software complexes are given. The developed software complex, which implements the technology of processing information from multispectral and radar space surveillance systems, is described. For expansion of a class of the solved problems the program complex consisting of three modules is developed: synthesis of the image on a radio hologram of SAR, processing of images and estimation of their qualitative characteristics. The image synthesis module is based on the algorithm developed by the authors and allows to carry out the received signal parameters estimation: the central Doppler frequency and the rate of its change on the formed image. The image processing module contains algorithms to improve radar imaging on the screen: contrasting, nonlinear quantization, zooming, etc., as well as image restoration algorithms (additive and multiplicative noise filtering, separation of regions with different EPR, detection and recognition of different objects, etc.). The module of RLI parameter analysis is intended to improve its interpretability by human-operator during interpretation. For this purpose the histogram of brightness distribution of any image fragment is built, and also its statistical characteristics are calculated.

How to cite: Kobernichenko V.G., Zraenko S.M., Ivanov O.Y. Optimization of space remote sensing tools application for environmental monitoring and rational nature management in the Ural region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 149-152.
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Fundamentals of analysis of the structure of the mineral resource complex of the North-West region

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The Northwest region of Russia presents a variety of deposits and structural-formation conditions of their formation: the territory includes fragments of the Baltic crystalline shield, the East European platform, the Pre-Ural marginal trough, the Ural folding belt, the shelf zone of the Barents Sea. These structural areas differ in geological structure and mineralogical specialization, but also have a number of common features. From the position of system analysis, a hierarchical series of geological objects: mineral deposits and occurrences, ore fields, structural-metallogenic zones in their genetic unity is taken as elements. Combination of externally heterogeneous objects (hydrocarbon deposits, solid combustible, ore and non-metallic mineral resources) required the development of conceptual apparatus, theoretical and methodological foundations of the analysis of the general system of mineral resources of the region. The concept of ore formation as a conjugate process proposed by V.S.Golubev (1993) was used: ores with high content of components are formed in the highest gradient ore-forming systems, and the scale of ore mineralization manifestation correlates with the amount of heat entering the ore-forming system. Such conditions occur near the boundaries of different geospheres or local geochemical barriers. Deep (mantle) heat and mass flows determine the leading energy side of the process. Large syn-metamorphic mineral deposits, as well as large oil and gas fields, are controlled by local tectonic structures. Middle Paleozoic (DgZ) endogenous activation is manifested in the region, with which unique deposits of apatite-nepheline ores (Khibinskaya group), ore-metal and rare-earth mineralization (JIo vozersky massive), diamondiferous kimberlites of Arkhangelsk region, a number of carbonatite deposits of Karelian-Kola region are connected.

How to cite: Kozlov A.V., Stepanov V.A. Fundamentals of analysis of the structure of the mineral resource complex of the North-West region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 153-158.
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Recycling waste from the Kovdorslyuda mine to produce a new type of potash mineral fertilizer

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The project is dedicated to developing recommendations for the production of a complex potassium, calcium and phosphorus fertilizer with a prolonged effect from mining waste from the Kovdors-mica and Kovdorskiy GOK mines. An important task is to dispose of the dumps accumulated over the years of operation of these actively operating mines. The relevance of creating a new complex potash fertilizer from phlogopite, apatite and calcite is determined by the fact that it will have a prolonged action without high solubility. In order to experimentally test the possibility of using these mineral wastes as fertilizer in summer 2001 we carried out a series of micro-daily field experiments with potato varieties Nevskiy, which are typical “potassium” plants. As a result, we found that not only phlogopite and calcite, but also the finely ground Francolite, which is a natural source of phosphorus, affect the plants. The experiment was accompanied by monitoring of the balance of the main chemical elements in the fertilizer-soil-plant chain. This is the next step towards the development of a new type of complex fertilizer of prolonged action, containing the necessary elements (K, Ca, Mg and P) in a form accessible to plants and not easily washed out of the soil by surface water.

How to cite: Krasnova N.I., Matveev I.V., Tereshina A.A., Apanasevich A.V., Vasileva V.V., Korobeinikova L.P., Korobeinikova Y.S. Recycling waste from the Kovdorslyuda mine to produce a new type of potash mineral fertilizer // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 159-161.
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Management of environmental safety in the field of reproduction of natural resources and their integrated use

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The analysis of ecosystems interaction and correlations between anthropogenic disturbances and quality parameters of natural systems. On the example of peat-bog mezzo-ecosystems of Western Siberia region proposed a method to restore their productivity by rotation of various terrestrial ecosystems. The technology of reclamation of disturbed territories with the use of amino complex compounds derived from industrial waste has been developed for the integrated use of resources of peatland ecosystems in the functioning of resource extraction industries. The recommendations on the use of aminocomplexes for decontamination and lithification of domestic and industrial wastes, sludge, bottom sediments containing toxic compounds are given. The methodology of complex use of resources for resource processing industries is developed, including a statistical analysis of material and energy flows, a systematic method of forecasting and control of chemical and technological processes accompanying the functioning of industrial production, as well as their environmental and economic optimization. Applied solutions for integrated processing of resources of peat-bog ecosystems and the rational use of the main commercial products: activated carbon, feed additives, carbon dioxide and water vapor are presented.

How to cite: Maslennikova I.S., Soroko V.E. Management of environmental safety in the field of reproduction of natural resources and their integrated use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 162-165.
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An environmental assessment of methods and technologies for complex reforestation and forest management, promising in the conditions of North-West Russia

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The aim of the project is a forest-ecological assessment of modern methods and technologies of forest cultivation, care and use of forest products, necessary in the changing economic relations in the forest complex. The main attention is paid to clearcuts, thinning and integrated forest management. Tasks of the research are defined, the program and ways of the project implementation are outlined. The main tasks include studying the reaction of forest ecosystems to economic impact of thinning and thinning, complex and chemical methods of care, reforestation operations; development of principles of control and correction of the recommended methods of economic impact on forest ecosystems; selection of the most efficient technologies, optimal options for their combinations in forest growing and forest use systems; preparation of practical recommendations for the exploitation of coniferous and coniferous-leaved plantations in the southern taiga in modern economic conditions; use of the results of research in the educational process in training forestry specialists.

How to cite: Melnikov E.S. An environmental assessment of methods and technologies for complex reforestation and forest management, promising in the conditions of North-West Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 166-167.
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On the prospect of creating wellbore gravimeters based on film accelerometers

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Development of downhole gravimeter on modern highly sensitive elements on the basis of film accelerometers, providing high reliability of operation, for solving various geological problems: study of interwell space outside the well and below the well bottom to identify ore bodies; detection of oil targets and washed zones of oil fields in the late stage of development; control of gas injection and consumption in underground gas storages, etc. is proposed. Proceeding from real listed problems, the necessity and opportunity of creation of a downhole gravimeter-gradientmeter with sensitivity (0.05-0.1) - 10” 5 m/sec 2 has been scientifically proved. Such sensitivity is provided at the expense of high sensitivity of sensors, computer introduction of temperature corrections, consideration of device position in a borehole. There are theoretical calculations of possible gravity anomalies and its gradients over objects of regular geometric shape: a sphere, a vertical cylinder, a horizontal formation of finite thickness. The results of the calculations are compared with field observations during the exploration of copper and sulfide deposits and oil and gas fields. Experimental studies of the main units of the borehole gravimeter equipment were performed and their laboratory and bench tests were carried out, which confirmed the correctness of theoretical calculations.

How to cite: Molchanov A.A., Ermokhin K.M., Zaburdin S.K. On the prospect of creating wellbore gravimeters based on film accelerometers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 168-172.
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Problems of developing deep deposits of rich KMA iron ores

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On the example of Mikhailovsky and Yakovlevsky deposits the problems of development of rich iron ores of KMA related to their deep occurrence, taking into account difficult engineering-geological conditions of construction of underground mines and harmful consequences of ore mining by open pit for the natural environment are considered. The results of complex tests of physical-mechanical properties of loose rich ores, which have not been sufficiently studied yet, are presented. Forecast of land alienation and soil contamination caused by an increase in the volume of overburden during further exploitation of Mikhailovsky open pit is given. For the Yakovlevsky mine, the most effective layered systems of development of the ore body with stowing of the mined-out space were studied. The descending order of mining of blocks with the device on the top layer of protective overlap to prevent subsidence of the overlying strata with the formation of channels of hydraulic connection with the coal aquifer is recommended.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Ogorodnikov Y.N., Shpanskii O.V., Ochkurov V.I. Problems of developing deep deposits of rich KMA iron ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 173-176.
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Physical and mathematical theory of hydrothermal source scattering halo in the ocean

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A physical and mathematical model of the formation of a dispersion halo of a hydrothermal source located on the ocean floor is presented. According to the experimental data, the formation of such a halo occurs in a stratified (two-layer) medium. The system of stationary differential equations of convective diffusion at constant values of vertical and horizontal components of the velocity vector of quasi-convection, diffusion coefficient, absorption coefficient of dissolved matter, taking into account the transition of dissolved matter into solid phase by precipitation or sorption on suspended particles, within each of the layers is solved. Solutions of the simplified system of stationary differential equations of convective diffusion are given. The developed model satisfactorily describes the available experimental data, which allows us to recommend it for theoretical study of the concentration distribution of the mobile component in a hydrothermal halo.

How to cite: Putikov O.F., Sudarikov S.M. Physical and mathematical theory of hydrothermal source scattering halo in the ocean // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 177-180.
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Balanced comprehensive reproduction and rational use of forest resources

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The project objectives are to justify modern systems of balanced reproduction and use of forest resources, cyclically and structurally linking the processes of reforestation, forest care and forest use in a single complex; to develop new methods and technologies of sustainable nature management, expanding the integrated and low-waste use of natural resources; characterization and forest effectiveness of promising technologies of primary use, forest care, reforestation; assessment of ecological and biological diversity. The research is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of modern reforestation, tending and forest use methods and technologies; to reveal the structural changes in the forest environment caused by the use of the mentioned technologies and the most perspective nature- and resource-saving technologies of reforestation and forest use; to determine the possible options to optimize the management regime in the forest reforestation-forest use cycle; to develop systems of balanced complex reproduction and use of forest resources.

How to cite: Selivanov A.A., Gryazkin A.V. Balanced comprehensive reproduction and rational use of forest resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 181-183.
Scientific and innovative cooperation
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Scientific basis for prediction and evaluation of large and unique mineral deposits of fuel and energy and mineral raw materials

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The project objectives are to justify modern systems of balanced reproduction and use of forest resources, cyclically and structurally linking the processes of reforestation, forest care and forest use in a single complex; to develop new methods and technologies of sustainable nature management, expanding the integrated and low-waste use of natural resources; characterization and forest effectiveness of promising technologies of primary use, forest care, reforestation; assessment of ecological and biological diversity. The research is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of modern reforestation, tending and forest use methods and technologies; to reveal the structural changes in the forest environment caused by the use of the mentioned technologies and the most perspective nature- and resource-saving technologies of reforestation and forest use; to determine the possible options to optimize the management regime in the forest reforestation-forest use cycle; to develop systems of balanced complex reproduction and use of forest resources.

How to cite: Smyslov A.A., Sendek S.V. Scientific basis for prediction and evaluation of large and unique mineral deposits of fuel and energy and mineral raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 184-188.
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Economic, legal, and organizational foundations of the environmental management system

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The priority directions of socio-economic and organizational and legal policy in the sphere of regional management of natural resources are substantiated and highlighted. The unified principles of state management of natural resource complexes are adopted as a common methodological basis. The ways of improving the economic mechanism of regional nature management taking into account the combination of the interests of the federal center and the territories have been considered. A set of managerial tasks by the example of the Department of Natural Resources in the North-West region has been developed, the functions of the region in the sphere of management of the mineral resource complex have been singled out, and the tasks of development of the mineral resource base of the territory have been determined. The analysis of the existing system of taxation in the natural resources block is performed. The concept and mechanism of stimulating efficient development and use of mineral resources by taxes was proposed. The efficiency of financial, credit and tax mechanisms in the subsoil use was studied. Methodological recommendations on the creation of special incentive tax regimes for mining industries, taking into account their industry specifics, but on a unified methodological basis, are given.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Berezovsii P.V., Iseeva L.I., Nevskaya M.A., Tarabarinova T.A. Economic, legal, and organizational foundations of the environmental management system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 189-192.
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Conceptual and system-technical solutions to create an interdisciplinary electronic library of scientific and technical information on nature management and the environment

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The conceptual and system-technical solutions for creating a digital library, which serves as an effective tool for access to knowledge and scientific and technical information in the field of nature and environment are considered. The main factors that brought to life the concept of creating a global distributed repository of knowledge on the environment and nature management are highlighted, modern approaches to the creation and use of digital libraries are outlined, new opportunities for their users to extract and generate knowledge are indicated. The experience of integrating Russian information resources within the framework of a number of programs and projects implemented with the support of government agencies is described. Based on the system principle, the following phases of information life in this project are singled out: input of information into the system, storage, navigation, search and filtering of editions according to definite features or their combination; output of information from the system. The ways of realization of input, output information and its search are considered. Effective mechanisms of search of the demanded information are given by DBMS MS SQL Server-2000. Advanced SQL-search tools allow you to form mixed queries for attribute search and contextual search.

How to cite: Tyagunov G.V., Dorosinskii L.G., Podust A.N., Volkhina Y.V., Mezentseva E.V. Conceptual and system-technical solutions to create an interdisciplinary electronic library of scientific and technical information on nature management and the environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 193-195.
Scientific and innovative cooperation
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Monitoring the quality of surface and ground water systems of the river basin of the subject of the Russian Federation: a model approach and information tools

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GIS “Hydromanager” is designed to monitor and manage water quality in the river basin and was created as a project in the desktop general-purpose GIS ArcView GIS 3.2. In this project, taking into account the current regulatory framework, a mathematical model of ecological and economic processes in the natural and technical complex of the river basin is implemented. Implementation of the research on this project continues many years of original research in the field of natural water protection and rational use of water resources. They are based on fundamental developments in the study of hydrological processes dynamics as well as on the development of special computational algorithms and software complexes for creation of appropriate information-modeling tools. A fundamentally new development is the modeling of surface water quality, taking into account their interrelation with groundwater sources. The system under development will include a specialized GIS for surface and groundwater monitoring, containing objective, reliable information and enabling a description of groundwater and surface water status and trends in its change in terms of quantity and quality. In addition, the project envisages the construction of science-based mathematical models of surface and groundwater interrelation based on water and economic monitoring data in the administrative region. The work was awarded the Tyson Prize of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, which unites more than two and a half thousand specialists from 60 countries.

How to cite: Tskhai A.A., Kim N.Y., Koshelev K.B., Verevkin M.N., Solodkii O.G. Monitoring the quality of surface and ground water systems of the river basin of the subject of the Russian Federation: a model approach and information tools // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 196-198.