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Vol 151
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Economic incentives for resource conservation

O. A. Zharkova1
O. V. Litvinenko2
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  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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The natural resource potential of the Russian Federation is used extremely irrationally. Large losses of primary natural raw materials and products of their processing are allowed. Deposits of minerals are not mainly used in an integrated manner. The yield of the final product from raw materials is characterized, as a rule, by low indicators. Serious resource use costs are incurred not only in the mining industry, in the production and consumption of energy, but also in other activities, in particular in the metallurgical industry. There is also a huge potential for improvement of the resource component in the processing industries, agriculture, transport, construction, etc. In order to increase the efficiency of resource saving it is necessary to economically stimulate it through the use of appropriate tools. The effectiveness of energy saving can be achieved through a comprehensive system of economic incentives based on the government's price and tax policies. The goal of the pricing policy is to optimize the ratio of prices for individual energy resources based on their energy potential and consumer effect from their use.

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  2. Минерально-сырьевые ресурсы и устойчивое экономическое развитие в XXI веке / Под ред. Н.В.Милетенко и МАКомарова. М.: ЗАО «Геоинформмарк», 2001.
  3. Щелкачев В.Н. Отечественная и мировая нефтедобыча - история развития, современное состояние и прогнозы. М.: Нефть и газ, 2001.
  4. Яцкевич Б.А. Природные ресурсы и окружающая среда России: Аналитический доклад / Б.А.Яцкевич, В.А.Пак, Н.Г.Рыбальский / НИА-Природа иРЭФИА. М„ 2001.

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