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Vol 151
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Physical and mathematical theory of hydrothermal source scattering halo in the ocean

O. F. Putikov1
S. M. Sudarikov2
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  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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A physical and mathematical model of the formation of a dispersion halo of a hydrothermal source located on the ocean floor is presented. According to the experimental data, the formation of such a halo occurs in a stratified (two-layer) medium. The system of stationary differential equations of convective diffusion at constant values of vertical and horizontal components of the velocity vector of quasi-convection, diffusion coefficient, absorption coefficient of dissolved matter, taking into account the transition of dissolved matter into solid phase by precipitation or sorption on suspended particles, within each of the layers is solved. Solutions of the simplified system of stationary differential equations of convective diffusion are given. The developed model satisfactorily describes the available experimental data, which allows us to recommend it for theoretical study of the concentration distribution of the mobile component in a hydrothermal halo.

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