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Vol 151
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Development of principles for building an integrated system of operational monitoring of water bodies and hydraulic structures

A. A. Kalmykov1
V. I. Elfimov2
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  • 1 — Ural Technical University
  • 2 — Ural Technical University
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The principles of construction of the complex allowing to carry out the survey of water objects and hydraulic structures in the operative mode are considered. The complex includes a set of devices working on different principles and algorithms of combining measurement data, which increase the completeness of control of surveyed objects. Instrumentation facilities of the complex include the following: subsurface radar for generating three-dimensional images (volumetric maps) of the subsurface down to 30-50 meters at photographic survey speed up to 20 km/h; subsurface acoustic locator for generating three-dimensional images (volumetric maps) of the subsurface; multi-channel echo sounder for area survey of bottom surface relief of water bodies and bottom formations structure; flow meter-level gauge for measuring speed, discharge and liquid level in pipelines, The results obtained in the course of the work are used at the Department of Radioelectronics of Information Systems for training students of the specialty 2007 “Radio Engineering”.

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  1. Мониторинг состояния земляного полотна методами подповерхностной радио и акустической локации / В.С.Наговицын, А.А.Калмыков, В.И.Елфимов, В.А.Добряк, М.А.Чернин // Конверсия в машиностроении. 2001. № 1 (44).
  2. Автоматизированное рабочее место оператора локомотивного депо / В.С.Наговицын, А.А.Калмыков, В.И.Елфимов, С.Н.Пестерев, О.А.Гусев // Конверсия в машиностроении. 2001. № 1 (44).
  3. Основы радиотеплолокации: Учеб. пособие / В.И.Гадзиковский, А.А.Калмыков, В.С.Кубланов, Н.И.Серегин / Уральский технический ун-т. Екатеринбург, 2001.
  4. Елфимов В.И. Разработка локационной системы дистанционного зондирования для экологического мониторинга природных и техногенных объектов / В.И.Елфимов, А.А.Калмыков // Записки Горного института. СПб, 2001. Т. 149.

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