Physical and mathematical modeling of scattering halos of ocean hydrotherms
- G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
The formation of huge reserves of ore elements is connected with the outputs of high-temperature hydrothermal waters within various volcanically active structures in the World Ocean: Si, Zn, etc. By present time a big factual material on high-temperature hydrothermal activity has been accumulated, but experimental studies are hampered by the fact, that information is collected from depths of 3-4 km. The incompleteness of experimental data can be partially compensated by a theoretical study of the structure of scattering halos of oceanic hydrotherms. A physical and mathematical model of the hydrothermal source scattering halo is considered and numerical simulation of this halo is performed. The model establishes functional dependences between the characteristics of hydrothermal scattering halos, which satisfactorily describe the experimental data. Numerical modeling of hydrothermal scattering halos can be used to fill the gaps in the experimental data and to analyze the results of field studies.
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