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Vol 150 No 2

Vol 150 No 1
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Fundamental principles of cyclostratigraphic analysis

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In contrast to stratigraphy, the object of study of which is the temporal correlation of layers and strata distinguished by the stability within certain characteristics and position in the crustal section, the objects of cyclostratigraphy are combinations of layers with directional variability of these characteristics. The main criteria for the temporal limitation of such objects are not the disturbance of the stationarity of the observed characteristics, but the phases corresponding to the change of tendencies in the directional sequence of bedding (transgressive or regressive). Therefore, the task of cyclostratigraphy becomes the search for extreme positions in the sections of sedimentary strata, reflecting the change of tendencies of the transgressive- regressive process. Obviously, the extremums sought for in the content fix the change of trends in the development of one of the three groups of sediment-forming exogenic factors - dynamic, chemical, and climatic.

How to cite: Botalova E.A. Fundamental principles of cyclostratigraphic analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 5-8.
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Comparative assessment of iodine determination techniques in natural waters

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Iodine concentration limits in ground and surface waters vary from p-10 7 to p-10” 6 %. The sensitivity of the accepted standard methods of iodine determination is often insufficient. It is necessary to take into account the instability of iodine in natural environments and errors in the results of analyses related to the addition of reagents during analysis. One of the modern methods convenient for measurements in the field is ionometry using ion-selective electrodes. The range of measured concentrations is from Yu-6 to 10 7 mol/L. Despite all the advantages of the method, the measurement accuracy decreases if “interfering ions” are present in the water. In such cases, chemical additives have been developed to eliminate “interfering ions” and increase the selectivity of the electrodes. Accuracy and sensitivity can also be improved by applying new techniques and sensitive field instruments. One such method is being developed at the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology. Hydrochemical samples are converted to a solid state and then transmitted for X-ray spectral analysis. As a result, the accuracy of determination increases by one or two orders of magnitude compared to existing methods, which is important when determining micro concentrations of iodine. Other advantages of the method: simple and fast operation, any long storage of the sorbent without negative changes and absence of “interfering ions”. Analysis of a series of samples, for which positive results were obtained, was performed.

How to cite: Evstratova A.A. Comparative assessment of iodine determination techniques in natural waters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 9-11.
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Study of oil and gas offshore oil and gas dispersion halos

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The main method of searching for oil and gas fields on the shelf is seismic survey. Application of inexpensive geochemical methods of hydrocarbon prospecting is aimed at studying bottom sediments and near-bottom waters and leads to detection of a large number of false anomalies related to the activity of methane-producing bacteria. Geoelectrochemical methods based on the study of the distribution in the rocks of mobile and secondary fixed forms of heavy metals, the so-called jet halos of dispersion, are widely used in the search and study of deep-seated ore and oil-and-gas deposits of land. There is an example of successful application of geoelectrochemical methods on the Baltic Sea shelf - employees of VIRG-Rudgeofizika obtained contrasting geoelectrochemical anomalies in the study of bottom samples over the Ladushkinskoe oil field. Therefore, the inclusion of geoelectrochemical methods, which study jet halos of dispersion directly in the water column, into the complex of geophysical methods may become an interesting direction for the search of oil and gas fields on the shelf. The work is devoted to consideration of possibilities of application of geoelectrochemical methods of searches of oil and gas fields of the shelf at sampling (or without sampling - in the liquid phase it is possible to determine concentration of mobile forms of metals in situ) from the middle or upper water column of the shelf. A simplified model of formation of a jet halo over an oil and gas deposit in the water column, developed by Professor O.F. Putikov, is used as the basis. The results of numerical modeling of jet halo on the shelf are considered.

How to cite: Kasyankova N.A., Lavrenova T.V. Study of oil and gas offshore oil and gas dispersion halos // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 12-14.
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Using numerical simulation to assess the operational groundwater reserves of the “Tosnenskoe” deposit

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The hydrogeological characteristics of the “Tosnenskoe” groundwater deposit is presented. The geological structure, hydrochemical and hydrogeological conditions of the deposit, approaches to the assessment and prediction of operational groundwater reserves by numerical modeling using the Modflow program are considered. Despite the fact that as a result of modeling groundwater reserves of 8600 m 3 / day are provided for the entire projected period of time, it is recommended to continue hydrogeological observations of the fields. It is necessary to build a multilayer numerical model to determine those factors, which were not considered in the presented model.

How to cite: Nur A.D. Using numerical simulation to assess the operational groundwater reserves of the “Tosnenskoe” deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 15-17.
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To the geochemistry of bottom sediments of Lake Pyasino (Norilsk District)

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The water system of the Pyasina River is the only one carrying wastewater from the entire Norilsk industrial district. Studies will make it possible to assess the scale and degree of pollution, as well as the dynamics of unfavorable factors along the entire length of this water artery (more than 800 km). The aim of the work is to study the distribution patterns of heavy metals in the modern sediments of the coastal areas of the Arctic basin on the example of the water system of the Norilsk district. It has been revealed that bottom sediments of the Pyasino Lake have an average lead content of 22.7 g/t (MAC - 20 g/t), arsenic - 47 g/t, which is 20 times higher than the norm (MAC - 2 g/t). Nickel content is characterized by extremely high concentrations, about 150 g/t (MAC - 4 g/t), which makes it the major pollutant of bottom sediments of the lake. Strontium content on average does not exceed permissible 268.7 g/t (MAC - 350 g/t), though maximum concentration (southern part of the lake) reaches 600 g/t, which is approximately twice the norm. Zinc concentration is 144 g/t (MAC - 230 g/t), Chromium content is on average 200'g/t (MAC - 50 g/t), which is four times higher than the maximum permissible concentration; Cobalt content is 71 g/t (MAC - 250 g/t). Maximum allowable content of copper varies from 150 to 200 g/t, and the average content of copper in bottom sediments of Pyasino Lake is 234 g/t, which is within the allowable limits, but the south-western part of the lake is characterized by the increased concentration of 494 g/t. Manganese and iron are within the MAC.

How to cite: Starichkov E.M. To the geochemistry of bottom sediments of Lake Pyasino (Norilsk District) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 18-21.
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Geostatistical modeling

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The results of geostatistical modeling of the upper ore horizon of Koashvin apatite-nepheline deposit are shown. The study is based on the processing of sampling data from 402 exploration wells. In addition, a reference network of 551 points was created on the basis of interpolated data with the cell dimension of 100 x 100 m. All further calculations were carried out within the exploration contour based on the use of an additional network. Kriging was chosen as a valid interpolation technique. Among the geostatistical methods, it is the most flexible and allows to process any geological data. A number of variogram models were built based on the sampling data. The presence of a significant trend was established, which led to the necessity of applying the universal kriging procedure. Data processing was carried out on the basis of the original software (ed. G.S.Porotov) according to the following algorithm - calculation of Z-coordinate in each point of the screen for each boundary as a sum of trend and kriging. The computer model of the roof of ore horizon i is similar in geological meaning to the interpretation given by geologist E.A.Kamenev to the structure of this horizon. Research results indicate the possibility of using geostatistics to solve geological problems, including objects of considerable complexity, such as the Koashva deposit.

How to cite: Yatsunov D.N. Geostatistical modeling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 22-24.
Development of mineral deposits
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Assessment of the economic consequences of injuries and occupational diseases in the mining industry

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Rational planning of measures to prevent or minimize injuries and occupational diseases at mining enterprises is associated primarily with the need for economic assessment of their consequences. A number of studies are devoted to the development of methods for determining the economic consequences of injuries and occupational diseases, which do not reflect modern approaches to social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases established by the relevant federal law. The economic indicators used for damage assessment need certain clarification. A method of determining the economic damage from injuries and occupational diseases on the basis of the indicator of lost profits of the enterprise is proposed.

How to cite: Gospodarikov D.A. Assessment of the economic consequences of injuries and occupational diseases in the mining industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 25-28.
Development of mineral deposits
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On the choice of a criterion technological parameter in justification of rational development systems in the conditions of the Leningrad oil shale deposit

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The technologies currently implemented at the Leningrad oil shale deposit are characterized by overstated dimensions of protective pillars, which leads to an understated extraction of minerals from the subsurface. At the heart of these shortcomings is the lack of methods for controlling the processes of displacement and deformation of mining massifs for shallow mines. The depth of mining works in the considered conditions makes 40-140 m. At such shallow depths, application of different excavation technologies inevitably leads to deformation of the underworked rock massif, including the earth surface. The regularities of such deformation depend on the degree of mineral extraction from the subsurface, determined by the adopted parameters of the development systems. Studying the influence of the technological factors of the mining of the interburden on the state of the overlying rock strata and the earth surface is very difficult and expensive in terms of direct production experiments, which do not have the necessary generality of the results obtained. Such a task, which allows to make the ultimate forecast of the degree of disturbance of the rock massif and the earth surface, is solved by the experimental-analytical method, which can be used for a wide range of initial conditions with a lower cost mechanism of achieving the set goal. This approach makes it possible to create a method for selecting the rational parameters of development systems in the considered geological conditions.

How to cite: Dimchina V.L. On the choice of a criterion technological parameter in justification of rational development systems in the conditions of the Leningrad oil shale deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 29-32.
Development of mineral deposits
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The method of re-conservation of temporarily non-working pit wall in two stages with the formation of a bulk prism

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The article considers one of the most acute problems of open pit mining - the resumption and development of mining operations on temporarily non-working sides of the open pit. The impossibility of timely and full-scale solution of this problem by the majority of enterprises due to spontaneous creation of temporarily non-working faces and difficult economic situation is emphasized. In order to prevent reduction of the limits of open-pit mining and deterioration of performance of enterprises, the need to develop cost-effective ways of re-conservation of temporary faces adapted to the current situation in the national economy and mining industry is justified. A new effective method of pillar re-preservation using artificial creation of the bottom part of the pillar - bulk prism from the blasted rock mass is proposed which allows to reduce considerably (up to 60%) the scope of work to place the temporarily non-working pillar of the open pit in the working position and to increase the speed of its re-preservation. The high efficiency of the proposed method of re-conservation of temporarily non-working sides at the expense of explosive movement of a certain part of rock mass necessary for construction of a bulk prism is noted. The used order of works is described. On the basis of geometric analysis and comparison of costs of rock mass excavation by different methods the economic efficiency of re-conservation of temporarily non-working sides with the formation of a bulk prism is determined. Dependencies allowing to determine optimal parameters of the bulk prism on the basis of the condition of achieving the maximum economic effect are given.

How to cite: Donchenko T.N. The method of re-conservation of temporarily non-working pit wall in two stages with the formation of a bulk prism // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 33-36.
Development of mineral deposits
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Directions for the use of solid combustible carbon-containing mining waste

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The main problems associated with the accumulation, formation, storage and recycling of solid combustible carbon-containing waste of the mining industry, in particular, waste automobile tires, are presented. An analysis of the field of recycling automobile tires in Russia and abroad is made. Systems of preparation and obtaining commercial products from carbon-containing combustible wastes are studied. A rational technological scheme for obtaining activated carbon and rubber mixture plasticizer based on pyrolysis of carbon-containing waste is presented. The research of macrokinetic data such as process speed, product yield depending on process parameters, temperature, medium composition, raw material grinding degree is described, which allow understanding the essence of the pyrolysis process and are necessary for the calculation of technological apparatuses. The apparent activation energy value and the order of the total pyrolysis reaction are calculated. A mathematical model for describing the pyrolysis gas formation and transfer process has been created. The conducted research has made it possible to make a number of technological proposals, some of which have been patented. Organization structure was developed, technology selection was substantiated and efficiency of tire recycling complexes was assessed. A business plan for recycling depreciated automobile tires with capacity of 15 thousand tons per year in raw materials is created. It has been proved that the end products obtained by pyrolysis of rubber-containing waste are cheaper and in some respects of their quality characteristics exceed the quality of analogues made of primary natural raw materials.

How to cite: Miroshina V.V. Directions for the use of solid combustible carbon-containing mining waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 37-40.
Development of mineral deposits
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Comprehensive solution to the gas content of mined-out space of Vorkuta coal mines and hard-to-cut roof landings

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The problem of managing methane emission in the mined-out space of the mines of the Vorkuta coal deposit is considered. The mining-geological and mining-technical conditions affecting the current gas situation are briefly described. The main problems usually arise at a distance of 100-200 m from the mine workings.The main method used to control gas-air flows - the erection of a chug wall. The disadvantages of this method are revealed, which lie in the possible creation of a situation, when the ventilation scheme “direct flow with sublight” turns into a “return” one. Two new ways of solving the problem of the emergence of local concentrations of methane, carried out by air leaks from the worked-out space to the ventilation mine are proposed. The first way is based on the use of foam strips, the second - in the additional laying of strips of filling material. The second method also involves solving the problem of hard-to-crack roof landings. A method of calculating the optimal volume of stowing material for the proposed method, taking into account the necessary undermining of the “Triple” formation, is proposed.

How to cite: Popov M.M. Comprehensive solution to the gas content of mined-out space of Vorkuta coal mines and hard-to-cut roof landings // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 41-44.
Development of mineral deposits
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Minimization of environmental damage by cleaning up electroplating waste from the Krasny Bor landfill

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In St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region industrial wastes are buried in the “Krasny Bor” landfill, which has exhausted 99% of the territory for industrial wastes burial and has a land resource for burial for not more than 1-2 years during 30 years of its existence. In 1999 the landfill accepted 13.6 thousand tons of hazardous waste, which is 38 % more than in 1998. Waste is buried in the blue Cambrian clays of 80 m thickness. Water permeability of the Cambrian clay is practically equal to zero, which ensures reliability of neutralization of liquid wastes when buried in the Cambrian clay. By now this technology of waste disposal has become morally and physically obsolete and does not meet the environmental requirements. In this connection, the technology of treatment of liquid wastes of the landfill is proposed. As a result of conducted researches it has been established that the main pollutants of wastes are heavy metals, which are in solution in the form of complexes and require digestion. Treatment of initial water with chloride iron solution is used as a technological method of heavy metal ions decomplexation. Subsequent operations of waste pretreatment are sedimentation and two-stage flotation of the discharge.

How to cite: Plyushch L.V. Minimization of environmental damage by cleaning up electroplating waste from the Krasny Bor landfill // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 45-48.
Development of mineral deposits
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Rationale for open-pit mining of non-industrial bauxite deposits in the Northern Urals

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At the moment, the extraction of bauxite in Russia is carried out by four enterprises: OJSC SUBR (3,136.4 thousand tons), OJSC UUBR (186 thousand tons), OJSC Boksitogorsk Alumina (200 thousand tons), and OJSC Severo-Onezhsky Bauxite Mine (303.8 thousand tons). Ural aluminium smelters are supplied with 80-90% of their raw materials from the Severouralskoye deposit. The Kandalaksha, Krasnoyarsk, and partially Irkutsk and Novokuznetsk aluminum smelters depend on the state of the raw material base of SUBR. The main type of bauxite extraction at SUBR is underground mining (about 95% of bauxite extracted). The remaining 5% is extracted by open pit mining. The volumes of open-pit bauxite mined are quite insignificant compared to the bauxite mined from the mines. There are a number of reasons why open-pit mining is becoming increasingly important at SUBR. At SUBR, all of the surrounding areas are being actively explored for possible open pit mining of small bauxite deposits. However, insignificant bauxite deposits are excluded from the range of deposits potentially suitable for development due to the fact that the evaluation of the bauxite-bearing areas is carried out without taking into account the complexity of deposits, the characteristic feature of which in this region is the joint occurrence of coal and bauxite on a limestone basement. Moreover, there are a number of coal mines, due to the industry focus of which under the mined coal seams remain untouched deposits of bauxite.

How to cite: Radko N.V. Rationale for open-pit mining of non-industrial bauxite deposits in the Northern Urals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 49-53.
Development of mineral deposits
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Effective boundaries of chamber-and-pillar development system options

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One of the main negative features of the group of chamber-and-pillar systems of development are high losses of ore in the left pillars, with increasing depth of mining works the size of pillars increases, and ore losses increase accordingly, reaching 40-60%. Thus, the variants of chamber-and-pillar mining system used at small and medium depths with plunging of mining works to great depths become technically and economically ineffective. Multistage variants of this development system, in particular with excavation of chambers of the first stage and their subsequent backfilling, received experimental and industrial application, including at SUBR. In connection with the increase in the depth of mining operations, an important task in conditions of SUBR is to determine the limits of economic efficiency and further application of classical variants of the chamber-and-pillar system and transition to variants with multistage excavation. In order to design the mining of new, deeper horizons, it is necessary to optimize the parameters of applying the variants of the development system. According to the developed economic-mathematical model the program of ore mining cost calculation was made, the results of calculations of the program were transferred to the electronic tables EXEL, where the effective limits of different variants of chamber-and-pillar system of development were received.

How to cite: Fitsak V.V. Effective boundaries of chamber-and-pillar development system options // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 54-56.
Development of mineral deposits
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Ore quality management in mining planning

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The problem of ore averaging as a method of product quality management is a complex of specific tasks, the cumulative solution of which allows to carry out quality stabilization. These include: the development of highly effective and reliable express methods for determining the quality indicators of ore; the study of genetic laws of the location of useful components in the subsurface; the choice of the optimal order of mining ore bodies, which ensures the minimum dispersion of the quality indicators of the extracted ore; planning the mining of operating areas; operational management of mining volumes; mixing ores in special warehouses, stacks and bunkers. Ore averaging is a complicated task, requiring the use of methods of mathematical analysis. As one of variants of the decision of such problems the method of computer planning of mining works is offered on the basis of the information on the content of useful components in ore received at a stage of operational exploration of a deposit, and also at sampling in exit excavations of the clearing block.

How to cite: Erikh O.V. Ore quality management in mining planning // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 57-59.
Development of underground space
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Complex modeling of load distribution on the subway tunnel lining

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The process of load formation on the tunnel lining can be generally represented as a curve, in the character of its development there are three components reflecting the influence of the face and the contact conditions between the lining and the massif, depending on the technology of its construction. The magnitudes of the loads depend on the distance from the tunnel face, at which the lining comes into contact with the rock mass and the condition of continuity of movement of tunnel contour and lining will be satisfied. The task of determining the loads on the lining is solved from the condition of joint deformation of the lining-soil massif system. The elastic model of interaction between the lining and the rock mass according to G.N.Savin is considered. When the lining interacts with the rock mass, the lining does not interact with the massif instantaneously, but at a certain distance from the bottom hole. In order to approximate the calculated values of loads to the actual ones, it is necessary to take into account the bottom hole influence. The solution of the interaction problem is reduced to the contact problem - the problem of continuum mechanics. The deformation modulus is replaced by the reduced modulus. The proposed method of calculation of loads on tunnel linings has been programmatically realized in the DELPHI for Windows environment. The program allows to make two-dimensional and volumetric interpretation of the computational data and to output the results of the program's work to the printer.

How to cite: Lebedev M.O. Complex modeling of load distribution on the subway tunnel lining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 60-64.
Development of underground space
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Analysis and classification of diamond drill bit wear when drilling fractured rocks

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In order to assess the performance of diamond drill bits under different conditions more fully, it is important to correctly determine the nature and features of their wear. We propose a classification of diamond drill bit types when drilling fractured rocks. The classification is based on two prevailing types of wear: mechanical and thermophysical. The mechanical type of wear includes: grooves on the matrix face and side surface; cracks on the matrix body; chipping of matrix sectors and normal wear. The thermal-physical type of wear includes burnout of the diamond crowns. The proposed classification reflects the main types of wear when drilling fractured rocks and creates the basis for the development of rock destruction tools more resistant to mechanical and thermophysical wear.

How to cite: Mavambo M. Analysis and classification of diamond drill bit wear when drilling fractured rocks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 65-67.
Development of underground space
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Influence of thickness of Proterozoic clays in the tunnel roof on shifts of clay-sediment contact

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The study of the stress-strain state of the rock massif during the driving tunnels in the layered environment is a rather complicated geomechanical problem. The paper reflects the results of the investigation of the planar (two-dimensional) stress-strain state of the rock massif around the St. Petersburg Metro tunnel by the finite element method. The data of tests of physical and mechanical properties of Proterozoic clays carried out in different years by different organizations are summarized. The calculation scheme representing a two-layer plate of 80 x 80 m with a 6-m diameter tunnel excavated at the depth of 60 m from the surface in Proterozoic clays covered with the thickness of the Quaternary deposits of variable thickness is presented. The causes and mechanism of deformation of the rock strata, subsidence of the contact of Quaternary sediments with sediments and, as a consequence, the day surface are revealed. Results of calculations, values of tunnel contour subsidence, subsidence of clay-sediment contact at 5 and 20 m ceiling, subsidence of day surface, confirmed the assumption made earlier that the deformation of the covering strata is significantly affected by the thickness of clay in the tunnel roof.

How to cite: Martirosyants E.E. Influence of thickness of Proterozoic clays in the tunnel roof on shifts of clay-sediment contact // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 68-71.
Development of underground space
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Method of protection and maintenance of capital sectional mine workings at great depths

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The experience of mine workings maintenance shows that their normal operational condition during the whole service life can be provided only by using the bearing capacity of the rock mass containing the mine workings. This requires the use of non-traditional types of support, which would have a significant carrying capacity, low material and labor intensity of erection, be amenable to a high degree of mechanization, as well as actively influence the stress-strain state of the massif in order to involve it in the joint work. During the excavation movement a zone of inelastic deformations develops in its vicinity, the rock loosens and increases in volume, which puts additional loads on the support of the excavation. It is possible to reduce the time of this zone development by accelerated formation around the excavation at a given distance from it of the contour of the unloading zone with minimal deformations, which ensures the transfer of increased stresses from the excavation contour deep into the massif. In this case the undisturbed contour massif, reinforced with anchors, plays the role of the shield.

How to cite: Silantev A.A. Method of protection and maintenance of capital sectional mine workings at great depths // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 72-75.
Mining electromechanics
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Analytical information system as a means of information support for organization and production system

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A fundamentally new approach to the implementation of information collection and analysis processes in the systems of operational planning and functional reliability management, based on the creation and application of analytical information systems (AIS), is proposed. The main purpose of such systems is the creation of information platforms in the interests of decision support systems (DSS - decision support system). Within the limits of AIS of the functional reliability management the creation of the unique mechanism which is development of integration OLAP- and ROLAP-technologies in the following directions is supposed: an operative change of structure (list) of the stored data and their interrelations; multistage access to the data and formation of flexible not planned queries for a sample of the required data in terms of the subject area; support of unique protocols of updating of a data storage. Due to the distributed nature of data storage and processing in AIS and the specifics of organizing large-scale data storages, the computing environment and telecommunications platform of AIS should be implemented as a local area network (LAN), equipped with telecommunications facilities for communication with external sources and consumers of information. It is advisable to form AIS architecture according to the principle of multilayer organization, distinguishing four main architectural layers: application layer; middleware layer; data layer; AIS platform.

How to cite: Gershberg A.F. Analytical information system as a means of information support for organization and production system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 76-79.
Mining electromechanics
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Instrumental support for the operation of organizational and management systems

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To ensure the operation of automated control systems, a new methodology of precedent analysis is supposed to be used. The quantitative search for the situation-analogues is carried out by methods of automatic sequentially sliding review of retrospective data, presented in the form of multidimensional time series in specialized databases. Using a statistical measure of proximity between the current situation and the viewed situation, a set of quantitative precedents is selected, each of which corresponds to qualitative descriptions of the corresponding time period. The specialist obtains qualitative precedent data and selects the most plausible precedents. The situations following the precedents on the time interval form a set of precedents of the predicted situation, allowing to form a qualitatively new mathematical forecast, knowingly considering all historical experience, stored in the memory of the computer, and corrected with the knowledge and intuition of a specialist. Thus, the ideology of precedent analysis provides an opportunity to harmoniously integrate the efforts of a specialist in the field of operation and machine and to come close to the formation of hybrid intelligence technologies. The proposed concept of precedent analysis does not require additional mathematical training from an operational specialist, nor does it impose exceptionally high requirements to his personal experience. The specialist can use traditional qualitative methods of situation analysis, machine search methods already selected for him. This allows to build a new type of interface, “Friendly” to the subject specialist and satisfying the above requirements.

How to cite: Gershberg A.F. Instrumental support for the operation of organizational and management systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 80-82.
Mining electromechanics
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Improvement of the system for collecting and transmitting primary information on the reliability of self-propelled equipment

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At present, self-propelled equipment of foreign firms, which is characterized by high efficiency of use and high cost, is widespread at Russian mines. The low availability factor (0.7) and technical utilization factor (0.6), which characterizes the level of organization of the repair service, indicate insufficiently effective use of self-propelled equipment. In addition, there is a pronounced lag of repair systems, the basis of which were static repair standards established by deterministic methods, from the developing means of mechanization. This situation can be corrected by the adaptive system of maintenance and repair (M&R). Its basis is a subsystem of collecting and processing of the primary information about operation and repair of machines, the main source of information about the reliability of self-propelled equipment are observations during operation. The quality of the estimation of machine reliability depends on the quality of the collected information, which is subject to the requirements of reliability, completeness and homogeneity. Objective evaluation of machines reliability must be done only when the data about their work under specific conditions are received systematically. The form of recording the information about repair and operation of self-propelled machines and the scheme of forming the array of data about reliability and operating conditions are proposed.

How to cite: Grigorev E.A. Improvement of the system for collecting and transmitting primary information on the reliability of self-propelled equipment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 83-85.
Mining electromechanics
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Traceability of a flexible articulated pipeline in an aqueous environment

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One of the highest priorities in the mining industry is the extraction of polymetallic sands, silts and nodules from the seabed. Typically, sands and silts are fairly thick in rugged terrain with rocky outcrops, which is due to their overburden origin under the action of directed water currents. Development of such deposits can be carried out with the help of equipment complexes for underwater mining of minerals. The proposed complex will make it possible to extract minerals from depths inaccessible for the currently available mining equipment.

How to cite: Kabanov M.L. Traceability of a flexible articulated pipeline in an aqueous environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 86-88.
Mining electromechanics
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Justification of the application of a steep inclined road hoist by energy criterion for the conditions of OAO Apatit, Vostochny mine

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The mining industry is dominated by road transport. The Vostochny mine, part of the Apatit enterprise, is no exception. The scientific and technical forecast shows that, despite the significant disadvantage inherent in this type of technological transport - atmospheric pollution by exhaust gases - there is no alternative to it in the rather distant future. The main ore reserves are concentrated and developed by the Koashva open pit. Transportation of ore from the pit face to the excavator transfer depot and of rock from the pit face to the dump is performed by dump trucks. In the project the open pit will reach a depth of 570 meters in a closed circuit. At such depth of mining the use of auto dump trucks BelAZ-7512 and BelAZ-7519, which are in operation now, becomes extremely unprofitable and power-consuming. One of the promising types of transport for deep pits is a vertical cage air cushion hoist. Such an elevator is a device for lifting auto-dump trucks to the side of the quarry and their descent into the quarry. The elevator is a vertical shaft with a platform moving on it under the action of air pressure from below. The value of overpressure is small and is provided by a standard mine ventilation system.

How to cite: Lankov P.Y. Justification of the application of a steep inclined road hoist by energy criterion for the conditions of OAO Apatit, Vostochny mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 89-91.
Mining electromechanics
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Fluctuation method for measuring the productivity of oil wells separately for water, oil and gas

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Modern and perspective technologies of oil production require operative and reliable data on daily productivity of oil wells separately on oil, water and gas. The complexity of solving this problem is largely determined by the composition and flow patterns of oil well products, which are known to consist of oil, produced water, associated gas and mechanical impurities. The article considers means of determining phase and component composition of heterogeneous flows, including the most promising of them - multiphase flowmeter “Neftemer”, which uses fluctuation method of measuring liquid and gas velocities in gas-liquid flow, Flowmeter is developed in the Central Research Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics in St. Petersburg. The flow meter uses connections between density fluctuation parameters of oil well products and liquid and gas velocities, as well as connections between average values of output signals of multibeam radioisotope density transducer with average content of oil, water and free gas in well products.

How to cite: Moiseev A.A. Fluctuation method for measuring the productivity of oil wells separately for water, oil and gas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 92-94.
Mining electromechanics
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Architecture and profiles of an analytical information system

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Creation and implementation of analytical information systems (AIS) that implement technologies of intelligent data analysis (IDA) is one of the promising approaches to creating high-performance decision support systems based on the use of modern information technologies, mathematical apparatus and computing facilities, AIS architecture has a multi-level organization, the main components of which are: application layer, intermediate layer, data layer and AIS computing platform. When creating any AIS the main problem is to provide corporate activity of many experts with dynamic adaptation of the tools used to the classes of tasks to be solved and subject areas. The above features of AIS lead to the need for a multilevel approach to the synthesis of architecture and profiles of AIS and formalization of its functioning processes. The described decomposition of architecture and profiles of AIS allows to select adequate means of formalization of description of AIS components and processes of their functioning with the degree of detail required for further implementation; to determine the composition of serial and unique products in AIS design; to develop technical specifications for information and analytical subsystems of AIS.

How to cite: Khachaturyan V.A. Architecture and profiles of an analytical information system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 95-98.
Mining electromechanics
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Fundamentals of intelligent data analysis application in electricity supply management tasks of an enterprise

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The conceptual basis for the use of one of the directions of analytical information technology - data mining or intelligent data analysis as a means of improving the quality of operational management of power supply of an industrial enterprise - is considered. Intelligent data analysis is the newest direction in the field of information systems, including the latest achievements in the fields of applied mathematics, cybernetics and computer technology. The main purpose of IAD is to solve problems in the interests of decision support system (DSS) on the basis of quantitative and qualitative studies of ultra-large arrays of heterogeneous retrospective data. The main conceptual provisions or principles allowing to form a unified theoretical basis for building IAD systems as an instrument of enterprise power supply management are considered: the principle of historicism, the principle of systematicity and the principle of hybrid human-machine intelligence. By its nature, the methodology of IAD relies on the combination of automatic computer analysis of super large volumes of data with expert opinions focused on semantic aspects of the problem to be solved. Implementation of the principle shown in the article in SPR requires IAD to solve the problem of rational distribution of functions in human-machine systems and formation of intelligent-ergonomic interfaces, most consistent with the professional views of subject experts and decision-makers.

How to cite: Khachaturyan V.A. Fundamentals of intelligent data analysis application in electricity supply management tasks of an enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 99-101.
Mining electromechanics
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Optimization of voltage modes of geographically dispersed electrical consumers at mining enterprises

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At present, about 20% of all produced energy is spent on mining, transportation and processing of minerals, and the energy component in the total production costs reaches 30-60%. Therefore, under the conditions of rising electricity prices and energy resources saving, the issue of reducing the energy component in the total cost of production and processing of minerals and reducing electricity losses acquires special significance. The voltages of individual electrical consumers must be such that their reliable, economical and stable operation in the whole possible range of technological and electrical parameters is ensured. Voltage regulation at the end of a section at a given load can be performed by changing: the voltage at the beginning of the section; the transformation ratio of the transformer included at the beginning of the section; the inductive resistance of the section, for example by including a longitudinal compensation unit; the active resistance of the section; the reactive power flow in the section. It was found that the application of measures to stabilize the voltage provides an increase in service life of electrical equipment of mine sections on average by 10-15%, the main transport and conveyor elevation - by 7-12%. To increase voltage stability, it is reasonable to form the structure of district networks taking into account the occurrence of minimum deviations of the network voltage relative to the rational level.

How to cite: Khachaturyan V.A., Tarasov D.M. Optimization of voltage modes of geographically dispersed electrical consumers at mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 102-105.
Mining electromechanics
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Features of deep mine drainage systems

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Mine dewatering units are significant consumers of electricity and operate under conditions of variable water inflows, so changing the modes of operation of the pump unit and creating an effective system of automatic control of mine dewatering unit can reduce the specific energy consumption for pumping water. Prospects of creating a system of continuous control of pumping units by changing the speed of the electric drive of the pump are considered. The features of discharge pipelines of the main drainage systems of deep mines were analyzed and determined. The system analysis of joint operation of a pump unit and a mine pipeline showed that a change in the rotational speed of the electric drive of the pump unit causes a strong change in the pump discharge, and the generated discharge varies insignificantly. Further research in this direction will make it possible to create a mine pump unit with a frequency-controlled electric drive. The operation of such pump units will allow the mine dewatering unit to monitor the changing water flow, as well as increase the service life of electric drives of pumps due to the reduction of the number of starts.

How to cite: Chernyakhovskii R.L. Features of deep mine drainage systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 106-108.
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Fuzzy logic in horizontal converter gas control

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Automated control system of horizontal converter gas mode developed by the author for BOF Shop of Pechenganickel Smelting Shop is described. The task of BOF vessel gas regime control is to maintain rarefaction in its gas path ensuring, on the one hand, maximization of sulfur dioxide content in BOF gases supplied to sulfuric acid production and, on the other hand, minimization of BOF gas emissions into the atmosphere of the shop. The difficulty of solving this task within the framework of the automated control system consists in lack of technical means enabling to control both sulphur dioxide content in the flow of hot dusty gases and gas emissions into the atmosphere of the shop floor through the gaps of the gas path. The Company developed a mathematical model that makes it possible to calculate sulphur dioxide content in BOF gases by indirect indicators (blast flow rate, rarefaction in the dust chamber of converter and temperature of converter gases). To eliminate emissions of BOF gases into the atmosphere of the shop the fuzzy control algorithm is used that allows to formalize and use in the automated system the production experience of operator-technologist, currently manually controlling the gas mode of the converter.

How to cite: Anashkin A.S. Fuzzy logic in horizontal converter gas control // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 109-113.
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Application of foam flotation extraction for wastewater treatment and production of pure nickel sulfate

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The basic technological scheme for producing pure nickel sulfate (nickel sulfate of higher grades) from wastewater of the Severonickel Combine developed and tested on a single technological sample is described. The effluents of the combine can be characterized as relatively poor solutions suitable for obtaining nickel in the form of commercial products - seven-water nickel sulfate. The proposed technology includes the following main operations: oxidative hydrolysis for purification from Fe, AI, etc.; purification from Co; froth flotation extraction; control flotation; operations on separation of aqueous and organic phases; reextraction of nickel; regeneration of the extractant and crystallization of nickel sulfate. The obtained nickel sulfate meets GOST requirements for nickel sulfate of higher grades. The pre-feasibility study showed that the water treatment process is costless due to profit from sales of the resulting commercial products.

How to cite: Devyatkin P.N. Application of foam flotation extraction for wastewater treatment and production of pure nickel sulfate // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 114-115.
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On the possibility of using calcium hydrocarboaluminate as a multifunctional coagulant

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The urgent task facing the metallurgical industry is the use of calcium hydrocarbon aluminate (CCAA) synthesized under alumina production conditions as a multifunctional coagulant for wastewater treatment. Researches, executed under the direction of V. Sizyakov at Chair of Non-ferrous Metals Metallurgy of St.Petersburg Mining Institute together with specialists of Russian aluminium-magnesium Institute (VAMI) established that in medium of strong electrolytes in conditions of alumina production GKAK crystallizes in a wide range of temperatures (from 20 to 100 °С) for 40 min. Coagulant tests were carried out at the following sites: Central Design Bureau of Machine Building “Rubin”, electric depot “Dachnoye” of subway, Kamenskaya paper and cardboard factory, carburetor plant, plant named after Degtyarev and at a number of other large enterprises. From the economic point of view, application of HCCA as coagulant will advantageously influence both the activity of plant-producer and potential consumers of coagulant. For example, the application of HCAK in the technological scheme of after-treatment of the combined galvanic drains of Degtyarev plant allows decreasing the doses of coagulant Fe2SC>4 by 2-3 times and flocculant PAA (polyacry-lamide) by 5-10 times compared to the doses, used in practice of waste water treatment.

How to cite: Klimentenok G.G. On the possibility of using calcium hydrocarboaluminate as a multifunctional coagulant // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 116-119.
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Peculiarity of mass transfer under the action of radial-axial blowing jets

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One of the main features of metallurgical units based on sulfide material blowing is the method of blast feeding. There are two basic ways of blowing: immersed and non-immersed. The first way is characterized by high thermal loads on tuyere belt, so the use of technical oxygen is impossible or requires intensive cooling, which is connected with increased heat losses to the external environment. Non-loaded blast feeding is free in the choice of blast and is limited in terms of productivity only by the limiting amount of blast. When using a jetting apparatus, the design of radial-axial tuyeres allows increasing the limiting quantity of blowing by 6-10 times. For circular motion of viscous incompressible liquid in a cylindrical vessel, arising as a result of tangential stresses distributed over free surface, analytical solution of Navier-Stokes equation has been obtained. The mathematical model allows determining optimal process parameters and design features of apparatus for intensification of mass-exchange processes.

How to cite: Konovalov G.V. Peculiarity of mass transfer under the action of radial-axial blowing jets // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 120-121.
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Calcination of activated raw mixes based on nepheline sludge

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One of the ways to improve cement production in the complex processing of nepheline concentrates is the activation of the raw mix on the basis of waste bleached sludge. The ultimate goal of activation is to increase the rate of charge sintering, to reduce the clinker formation temperature and, as a result, to reduce the cost of the clinker burning process for a number of cost items (fuel consumption, repair costs, refractory consumption, etc.). Hydrochemical activation of sludge with carbon dioxide seems to be the most promising from the point of view of capital costs and the effect obtained. To determine the role of certain technological factors in the activation process, experimental studies were carried out, establishing a correlation between these factors and the chemical composition of activated sludge. Evaluation of the activity of nepheline slime obtained as a result of carbon dioxide treatment was carried out by firing it to cement clinker under standard technological conditions. Roasting was carried out in the high-temperature region with quenching of samples at temperatures from 10OO to 1400 °С. The efficiency of mineralizing effect of the active component of the charge was estimated by the rate and temperature of the beginning of formation of the most important clinker mineral - elite (3Ca0-Si02), as well as by the completeness of calcium oxide assimilation in accordance with the stoichiometry of mineral formation. The obtained results create the necessary prerequisites for reducing the firing temperature and improving the technical and economic indicators of the conversion.

How to cite: Kuznetsov D.V. Calcination of activated raw mixes based on nepheline sludge // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 122-125.
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Pelletizing of chrome raw materials

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The main methods of pelletizing are considered: agglomeration, pelletizing and briquetting. Briquetting is one of the most promising methods of enlargement of finely dispersed material - it is a physical and chemical process of obtaining mechanically and thermally durable grade product - a briquette with a certain geometric shape, size and mass. Briquetting differs from sintering and pelletizing in its simplicity, environmental friendliness and cheapness. Briquetting processes in metallurgy are used to prepare some ores and concentrates (copper, nickel, chrome, etc.) for smelting, to utilize ore fines, metallurgical waste, fluxes, special exothermic slag-forming mixtures, charge materials for metaplothermic processes, small fractions of active lime, to expand the raw material base of coking, etc. This process is widely used in the utilization of industrial and domestic waste. One of the methods of processing (briquetting) of high-quality fine-grained chromite concentrate obtained from chromospinelides of the Sopcheozerskoye deposit is described. At this stage, a selection of technology is made for briquetting the concentrate with subsequent melting of ultimate ferrochrome. The main technological parameters are the selection of the binder, the humidity of the briquetted charge and the drying time of the briquettes. Ferrochrome is a raw material for the production of high-quality refractories, so briquettes are strictly regulated by the content of harmful impurities, which affects the choice of binder.

How to cite: Urnysheva S.A. Pelletizing of chrome raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 126-128.
Economics and management
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Improving the economic efficiency of reconstruction of large gas transportation systems

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In modern conditions of the Russian economy pipeline gas transportation is of particular importance. The most important task is to ensure the reliability and safety of gas supply while realizing the required system capacity. Meanwhile, Gazprom's gas transmission systems (GTS) are characterized by the aging of both the linear part and compressor stations, gas distribution stations and other auxiliary equipment under chronic underfunding of the system. In this regard, the reconstruction of the GTS of OAO “Gazprom”, in particular of OOO “Mostransgaz”, acquires crucial importance. The information model of GTS reconstruction proposed by the author is a multilevel graph. Each level is characterized by a certain set of investment projects, which are carried out during the practical implementation of the reconstruction. The selection of the most economically effective projects is a continuous sequential-reversal. There are several methods of calculation of objective criteria of economic efficiency of reconstruction projects of GTS: investment modeling of all available reconstruction projects; expert analysis and calculation of efficiency; analytical calculation of conditional efficiency of reconstruction projects (proposed by the author). In conditions of acute shortage of funds for financing HTS reconstruction projects, algorithms for selecting the most cost-effective projects can play a significant role, and the additional costs of their implementation are well repaid. When implementing optimization algorithms for selecting the most economically efficient GTS reconstruction projects, special attention should be paid to expertise.

How to cite: Apostolov A.A. Improving the economic efficiency of reconstruction of large gas transportation systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 129-133.
Economics and management
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Methodology for determining the prices of scientific and technical products

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The main objectives of pricing in a market environment are: maximizing profits, winning the market and creating a favorable economic climate. As a result of the performed analysis the following conclusions are made: 1) the price of drilling equipment and tools acts as one of the main factors of economic management of innovations in the field of exploration drilling; 2) the leading role in the formation of prices for drilling equipment begins to play the consumer value of the product; 3) the price of scientific and technical products depends on the developer, manufacturer and user of new drilling equipment (at present the links of this chain are broken); 4) price formation at each phase of the innovation cycle requires development of a technique, assessing the useful properties of the drilling equipment It is necessary to have a complex methodology of evaluation of the influence of STI achievements on the indicators of a particular geological exploration production.

How to cite: Al-Zubi A.K. Methodology for determining the prices of scientific and technical products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 134-136.
Economics and management
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Trends in the development of diversification of mining companies

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Diversification has recently become an integral part of any large mining company's strategy. Diversification can be carried out in different directions, but there is a certain tendency of the company's stage-by-stage development. The first stage is characterized by product diversification. At this stage different products are manufactured on the basis of a single technology. Expansion of the nomenclature and assortment of output products is achieved by development of traditional technology, improvement of quality of consumer properties of goods. At the strategy of diversification of production there is a transition from isolated productions to integrated systems. The formation of strategic alliances of various organizational and legal forms makes it possible to create world-class competitive organizations. If the raw material base of the main production cannot provide a wide range of goods, then it is possible to talk about geographical diversification. Before making a decision on the direction of diversification of a mining company, a detailed analysis of its work is necessary. The structure of the industry as a whole should be analyzed to determine the prospects for development. For a comprehensive and comprehensive assessment of the directions of diversification abroad, a systematic approach is used. The decision-making process should be based on economic and mathematical models. The most difficult task is to estimate the future profit of the project, to determine projected prices.

How to cite: Golovanova T.V. Trends in the development of diversification of mining companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 137-140.
Economics and management
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Problems of investing in geological exploration

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Russia has developed a predominantly raw-material way of industry and economy, and the created infrastructure and production potential are focused primarily on the basic industries, i.e. extraction, processing and further processing of mineral resources, the last 5 years the volume of mineral production is replenished by geological exploration only by 40-60%. Depletion of the created reserve and falling below the critical level of technological and intellectual capacities of geological exploration and related industries actualizes the problem of attracting investments not only because of the instability of the economy as a whole, but also in connection with the specifics of subsoil use: a high degree of risk exploration, a long payback period of investments made, high stock- and capital-intensive process, the degree of equipment wear, which is almost 60 %, a chronic lack of circulating assets. Cooperation with international financial organizations was aimed at creating favorable conditions for private investor. Foreign investors, as well as domestic ones, in the majority of cases are interested, first of all, in raw material regions, where they can quickly increase the capital. The IBRD and EBRD are the largest creditors of the Russian fuel and energy complex. Without serious investments, the exploration industry may stagnate for a long time.

How to cite: Kirsanova N.Y. Problems of investing in geological exploration // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 141-143.
Economics and management
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Current state of the mineral resource base of the mining industry in central China

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Over two decades of economic reform, China has significantly increased its foreign trade turnover and gross domestic product. In terms of aggregate economic potential, China ranked seventh in the world. The specifics of the Chinese path of reform, developed on the basis of Deng Xiaoping's ideas, are as follows. In the transition period, a strong central government with a reliable system of governance is especially needed. Denationalization began with the agro-industrial complex, light industry and trade. These branches were characterized by a relatively low capital intensity, fast capital turnover, and extensive use of family contracting. The government did not hurry with privatization of state enterprises, providing social needs of the majority of the citizens. Emphasis was placed on the creation of special economic zones with a favorable climate for investors. In 1998 the Ministry of Land and Resources was established. In order to strengthen state policy in the field of subsoil use, the Geological Survey of the PRC was established within the ministry.

How to cite: Li L. Current state of the mineral resource base of the mining industry in central China // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 144-147.
Economics and management
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The main directions of investment activities of the mining enterprise in the natural and industrial complex

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When planning the investment activity of a mining enterprise within a region, a territorial-industrial complex (TIC), a natural-industrial complex (NIC), it is important to formulate its main guidelines. A mining enterprise carries out comprehensive investment activities as an independent economic entity and within the framework of the development program of the TIC and the region in the following areas: maintenance and development of the mineral resource base, development of production capacity, solution of environmental problems, labor safety problems, solution of social issues. Objectives of investment activity of a mining enterprise are dynamic, so it is necessary to build them in time, so that along with the priorities of long-term action to specify the tasks of individual stages, leading to the achievement of strategic benchmarks. Concretization of tasks on each time interval should take into account real conditions and possibilities of mining enterprise. The latter form competitive advantages, which largely determine the direction of investment activity. Besides, investment activity of mining enterprise is inseparably connected with investment policy in the region and level of economic development of natural-industrial complex. Accordingly, the problem of development of the main directions of investment activity of a mining enterprise should be solved taking into account the requirements and interests of the state, interests in the TIC (TIC) and partially the region, in a clear time frame.

How to cite: Lyubek Y.V. The main directions of investment activities of the mining enterprise in the natural and industrial complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 148-151.
Economics and management
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Analysis of experience in organizing labor remuneration in countries with developed market economies

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In the conditions of transition to market relations, when Russian economy is in an unstable condition, in our opinion, it is necessary to use all economic instruments which promote the increase of production efficiency at the country's enterprises. Labor stimulation in production is one of the most important tools. The study of experience of labour stimulation in the countries with developed market economy allows to reveal the best systems of labour remuneration, tested by time as well as possible pitfalls in the problem of labour stimulation in conditions of market relations. The article is devoted to the analysis of experience in labor stimulation and basic tendencies in labor remuneration abroad. The article considers the wage systems, the issues of linking wages to the quantity and quality of labor, as well as other aspects of incentives in countries with developed market economies (UK, France, Germany, USA, etc.). A special attention is paid to the wage rate system and the establishment of the minimum wage abroad. The experience of labor stimulation abroad, in our opinion, can and should be applied to labor relations in Russia.

How to cite: Markov A.V. Analysis of experience in organizing labor remuneration in countries with developed market economies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 152-154.
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Analysis of the mineral resource base of the global nickel industry

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Until the mid-1990s, the global nickel industry was mainly focused on the development of sulfide copper and nickel deposits. This was due to the fact that it was more economical to extract nickel and associated minerals from sulfide ores than from lateritic ores. After the discovery of the large Voysey Bay copper-nickel sulfide deposit in Canada in 1993, the world market was anxiously awaiting its commissioning. Specialists predicted that nickel mined there would have a low cost of production and would be able to significantly outpace traditional producers of the metal. The threat of commissioning of this deposit initiated research aimed at increasing the competitiveness of other sites, including laterite-type deposits. The most successful solution to the problem was found at the technological level by Australian specialists. Their main achievement can be considered the idea of large-scale processing of lateritic ores using the technology of direct (without pre-firing) acid leaching under pressure followed by refining, once developed by the Canadian Sherritt International Corp. and very limitedly used until now in Cuba and Brazil. In view of such unfavorable forecasts and trends, Russian nickel mining companies should determine promising areas for their development, look for domestic markets, reduce production costs, upgrade their machinery and equipment, and consider opportunities to diversify their products and production facilities.

How to cite: Moskovkin D.V. Analysis of the mineral resource base of the global nickel industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 155-158.
Economics and management
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The main problems of improving the efficiency of complex production of aluminum industry

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During the formation of market relations in our country, many enterprises, including those that quite effectively used the technology of complex processing of raw materials, found themselves in a difficult economic situation, characterized by their low level of profitability, financial stability and liquidity. Complex productions function effectively if they receive the maximum profit. In conditions of market relations, the main base determining practically all economic activities of a joint stock company is the market demand for its products. In turn, market demand determines the nature of the other two parameters of the production and economic system: the volume of production and costs for each type of product. Varying the volume of output of each type of product depending on market conditions at complex productions is limited by technology. Consequently, it is possible to achieve an increase in the profit of a multiproduct enterprise by optimizing the costs of production of each type of product. Analyzing the existing methods of cost allocation between products of complex productions, the author raises the question of the necessity to develop a complex of techniques and methods of cost optimization on the basis of scientific-theoretical developments, the use of which would allow enterprises to use the opportunities opened to them in connection with the transition to market relations.

How to cite: Perlinen N.V. The main problems of improving the efficiency of complex production of aluminum industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 159-161.
Economics and management
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Particularities of information support for marketing activities of mining enterprises

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For successful functioning of marketing processes, it is necessary to have sufficient volume of timely information on external and internal environment of the enterprise, which allows reducing sharply the share of risk and making the most rational managerial decisions in the sphere of marketing activity. A special place in functioning of the system of marketing at the enterprise is occupied by activity on collection and analysis of information about external environment of the firm, called marketing intelligence, which determines validity (reliability) of collected marketing information, reliability of sources of this information, as well as what minimum quantity of information is required to solve the problem with the required level of reliability, the unit of measurement of marketing information can be a message. For a numerical description of the flows and arrays of messages the author proposes to use the entropy index. Entropy is equal to zero when all publications are concentrated in one source, and grows as the number of sources grows.

How to cite: Ryzhikh E.M. Particularities of information support for marketing activities of mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 162-164.
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Modern experiment and mathematical statistics: methodological aspects

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Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine science existing without any connection with experiment. The very notion of experiment has undergone significant changes in the last decades, Earlier the essence of experiment was reduced to the study of well-organized systems. However, in our time the tendency has developed to move from the study of well-organized systems to poorly organized, diffuse systems or to the study of problems of so-called bad structure. Two significantly different approaches to the study of poorly organized systems can be pointed out, which have clearly emerged over the last ten decades. The first approach consists in the use of ideas and methods of multivariate mathematical statistics, the second is a purely logical analysis of their control process. Here we are already dealing with the cybernetic approach. At present, the problem of studying poorly organized systems acquires paramount importance in view of the fact that the majority of real systems belong exactly to this category of systems. Moreover, we can confidently say that the methodology of one-factor experiment does not meet in the vast majority of cases the modern real goals and objectives of the experiment. When studying such systems, it is often necessary to operate with a combination of both cybernetic and statistical approaches in order to obtain the most complete understanding of the essence and nature of the process or system under study.

How to cite: Devyatkin P.N. Modern experiment and mathematical statistics: methodological aspects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 165-167.
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Modern economic science: in search of new ideas

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The paradigm shift has its own peculiarities in different sciences. The fundamental difference between the social sciences is that contradictions here arise not only as a result of more and more profound comprehension of the object under study, but primarily on the basis of qualitative changes in the object itself - society, its forms and structures, conditions of vital activity and functions. A common feature of new theoretical paradigms is that they do not discard previous knowledge, but integrate it. The paradigm shift is associated, as a rule, not only with the development of a different system of ideas and ideas, but also with the formation of a qualitatively new type or style of thinking itself, updating the methodology and conceptual apparatus of science. The recognition of the important ideological role of economic theory has often led to the identification of basic theoretical schemes with ideological doctrines. Such an identification is not accidental; a picture of economic reality can act in this role, but it greatly simplifies the nature of the relationship between ideology and science. Different economic theories simply reflect different aspects of the same reality. A new paradigm of economic theory cannot be created artificially, “composed. The way to a new paradigm lies through a theoretical generalization of historical experience and radical changes taking place in the world.

How to cite: Kirsanova N.Y. Modern economic science: in search of new ideas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 168-171.
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Die inyestitionstatigkeit des bergbetriebes in Russland und Deutschland

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Now in Russia, investment activity of mining enterprises, due to the lack of reliable sources of financial resources, is usually reduced to solving production and financial problems, as well as to solving environmental issues and problems of product sales. Financing of social programs of mining enterprises is based on the residual principle. The conditions for investment growth in a reunified Germany at the beginning of the new century are generally pretty good, the country's share in world markets has increased, as evidenced by the positive development of exports and the service sector. This year and next year, we can expect a real increase in the production of goods and services. Progress is especially evident in the creation of efficient infrastructure - never before in Europe has an infrastructure changed so much and in such a short time. Behind these macroeconomic figures stand an orderly legal system and efficient state and municipal administration as well as a forward-looking industrial restructuring. Germany is interested in a strategic partnership with Russia, because Russia plays a large role in the stability and security of the European continent. Russia is also a field for new investments for Germany. In this way, Germany can contribute to the modernization of Russia. To become part of global economic processes and once again become a strong industrial power, Russia needs a thorough overhaul of many industries.

How to cite: Lubeck J.V. Die inyestitionstatigkeit des bergbetriebes in Russland und Deutschland // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 172-175.
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Anthropology of the Internet

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Humans play a central role in the shaping and development of the Internet. What is typical of a person in the Internet environment? Is there a specific trait by which one can distinguish a person of the Internet world from a person who does not live in this world? Is it possible to find common ground between these people? It would be interesting to answer the following question: what awaits us in the case of total “migration” to the Internet? A person of the Internet world has no substance without encounters with the network. He walks around the world and builds the world with the click of a mouse. Through his interaction, man changes the world, the changed world, in turn, changes him, and these changes again provoke a change in the world. Man builds up space and time in front of him by button interaction, i.e. space and time are linked into wholeness, structured through human communications. The whole plays a predominant role in the formation of a system of any nature. Wholeness is always communicative; it is achieved through communications. Consequently, different opportunities for communication can produce different spatial and temporal wholes. A person of the Internet world (as a person who reads and a person who writes) is a particular case of a “communicating person” in a holistic space-time world. The Internet makes us understand this and rethink the emergence of new possibilities for communication in the form of new speeds.

How to cite: Ryzhikh E.M. Anthropology of the Internet // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 176-178.
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The implementation of the main functions of journalism in the publicist texts of Karl Kraus

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The article examines the main functions of journalism - informational and influential, which correspond to the main tasks of journalism: to inform by evaluating the information reported, to influence the addressee, to encourage him to action. The material for the study was the articles of Karl Krause in his magazine “The Torch”. Extra-linguistic basis, as well as the specified functions of publicism determine the stylistic features and linguistic means of their implementation in the text. Evaluative and figurative functions serve the implementation of the influence function; neutrality, accuracy and objectivity of expression are characteristic of the implementation of the informational function. Carl Krause's journalism is characterized by the presence of means of realization of both informational and influential functions; the combination of documentary and expressiveness is one of the stylistic features of his work.

How to cite: Sishchuk Y.M. The implementation of the main functions of journalism in the publicist texts of Karl Kraus // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 179-182.