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Vol 150 No 2
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Particularities of information support for marketing activities of mining enterprises

E. M. Ryzhikh
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  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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For successful functioning of marketing processes, it is necessary to have sufficient volume of timely information on external and internal environment of the enterprise, which allows reducing sharply the share of risk and making the most rational managerial decisions in the sphere of marketing activity. A special place in functioning of the system of marketing at the enterprise is occupied by activity on collection and analysis of information about external environment of the firm, called marketing intelligence, which determines validity (reliability) of collected marketing information, reliability of sources of this information, as well as what minimum quantity of information is required to solve the problem with the required level of reliability, the unit of measurement of marketing information can be a message. For a numerical description of the flows and arrays of messages the author proposes to use the entropy index. Entropy is equal to zero when all publications are concentrated in one source, and grows as the number of sources grows.

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