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V. A. Khachaturyan
V. A. Khachaturyan



Mining electromechanics
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Architecture and profiles of an analytical information system

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Creation and implementation of analytical information systems (AIS) that implement technologies of intelligent data analysis (IDA) is one of the promising approaches to creating high-performance decision support systems based on the use of modern information technologies, mathematical apparatus and computing facilities, AIS architecture has a multi-level organization, the main components of which are: application layer, intermediate layer, data layer and AIS computing platform. When creating any AIS the main problem is to provide corporate activity of many experts with dynamic adaptation of the tools used to the classes of tasks to be solved and subject areas. The above features of AIS lead to the need for a multilevel approach to the synthesis of architecture and profiles of AIS and formalization of its functioning processes. The described decomposition of architecture and profiles of AIS allows to select adequate means of formalization of description of AIS components and processes of their functioning with the degree of detail required for further implementation; to determine the composition of serial and unique products in AIS design; to develop technical specifications for information and analytical subsystems of AIS.

How to cite: Khachaturyan V.A. Architecture and profiles of an analytical information system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 95-98.
Mining electromechanics
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Fundamentals of intelligent data analysis application in electricity supply management tasks of an enterprise

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The conceptual basis for the use of one of the directions of analytical information technology - data mining or intelligent data analysis as a means of improving the quality of operational management of power supply of an industrial enterprise - is considered. Intelligent data analysis is the newest direction in the field of information systems, including the latest achievements in the fields of applied mathematics, cybernetics and computer technology. The main purpose of IAD is to solve problems in the interests of decision support system (DSS) on the basis of quantitative and qualitative studies of ultra-large arrays of heterogeneous retrospective data. The main conceptual provisions or principles allowing to form a unified theoretical basis for building IAD systems as an instrument of enterprise power supply management are considered: the principle of historicism, the principle of systematicity and the principle of hybrid human-machine intelligence. By its nature, the methodology of IAD relies on the combination of automatic computer analysis of super large volumes of data with expert opinions focused on semantic aspects of the problem to be solved. Implementation of the principle shown in the article in SPR requires IAD to solve the problem of rational distribution of functions in human-machine systems and formation of intelligent-ergonomic interfaces, most consistent with the professional views of subject experts and decision-makers.

How to cite: Khachaturyan V.A. Fundamentals of intelligent data analysis application in electricity supply management tasks of an enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 99-101.
Mining electromechanics
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Optimization of voltage modes of geographically dispersed electrical consumers at mining enterprises

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At present, about 20% of all produced energy is spent on mining, transportation and processing of minerals, and the energy component in the total production costs reaches 30-60%. Therefore, under the conditions of rising electricity prices and energy resources saving, the issue of reducing the energy component in the total cost of production and processing of minerals and reducing electricity losses acquires special significance. The voltages of individual electrical consumers must be such that their reliable, economical and stable operation in the whole possible range of technological and electrical parameters is ensured. Voltage regulation at the end of a section at a given load can be performed by changing: the voltage at the beginning of the section; the transformation ratio of the transformer included at the beginning of the section; the inductive resistance of the section, for example by including a longitudinal compensation unit; the active resistance of the section; the reactive power flow in the section. It was found that the application of measures to stabilize the voltage provides an increase in service life of electrical equipment of mine sections on average by 10-15%, the main transport and conveyor elevation - by 7-12%. To increase voltage stability, it is reasonable to form the structure of district networks taking into account the occurrence of minimum deviations of the network voltage relative to the rational level.

How to cite: Khachaturyan V.A., Tarasov D.M. Optimization of voltage modes of geographically dispersed electrical consumers at mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 102-105.