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R. L. Chernyakhovskii
R. L. Chernyakhovskii
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University


Mining electromechanics
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Features of deep mine drainage systems

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Mine dewatering units are significant consumers of electricity and operate under conditions of variable water inflows, so changing the modes of operation of the pump unit and creating an effective system of automatic control of mine dewatering unit can reduce the specific energy consumption for pumping water. Prospects of creating a system of continuous control of pumping units by changing the speed of the electric drive of the pump are considered. The features of discharge pipelines of the main drainage systems of deep mines were analyzed and determined. The system analysis of joint operation of a pump unit and a mine pipeline showed that a change in the rotational speed of the electric drive of the pump unit causes a strong change in the pump discharge, and the generated discharge varies insignificantly. Further research in this direction will make it possible to create a mine pump unit with a frequency-controlled electric drive. The operation of such pump units will allow the mine dewatering unit to monitor the changing water flow, as well as increase the service life of electric drives of pumps due to the reduction of the number of starts.

How to cite: Chernyakhovskii R.L. Features of deep mine drainage systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 106-108.