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Vol 150 No 2
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Analysis and classification of diamond drill bit wear when drilling fractured rocks

Mpezo Mavambo
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  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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In order to assess the performance of diamond drill bits under different conditions more fully, it is important to correctly determine the nature and features of their wear. We propose a classification of diamond drill bit types when drilling fractured rocks. The classification is based on two prevailing types of wear: mechanical and thermophysical. The mechanical type of wear includes: grooves on the matrix face and side surface; cracks on the matrix body; chipping of matrix sectors and normal wear. The thermal-physical type of wear includes burnout of the diamond crowns. The proposed classification reflects the main types of wear when drilling fractured rocks and creates the basis for the development of rock destruction tools more resistant to mechanical and thermophysical wear.

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  1. Пономарев П.П. Алмазное бурение трещиноватых пород. Л.: Недра, 1985.
  2. Гореликов В.Г. Исследование и разработка методов и технических средств для распознавания и предупреждения аномального износа алмазных коронок: Автореф. дис. ... к.т.н. / ЛГИ. Л., 1987.

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