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A. A. Silantev
A. A. Silantev
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University


Modern problems of geomechanics and geotechnology
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Specific features of rock mass deformation around excavations, taking into account their anisotropy

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The methods of determining the parameters of anisotropy of rocks, containing mine workings, the nature of the deformation of rocks in the contour zone during elastic-plastic deformation are shown. The issues of determining the shapes and sizes of inelastic deformation zones depending on the physical and mechanical properties of rocks, the depth of mine workings and the size of the cross-sectional section are considered.

How to cite: Dolgii I.E., Raevskii D.I., Silantev A.A. Specific features of rock mass deformation around excavations, taking into account their anisotropy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 156. p. 106-109.
Development of underground space
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Method of protection and maintenance of capital sectional mine workings at great depths

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The experience of mine workings maintenance shows that their normal operational condition during the whole service life can be provided only by using the bearing capacity of the rock mass containing the mine workings. This requires the use of non-traditional types of support, which would have a significant carrying capacity, low material and labor intensity of erection, be amenable to a high degree of mechanization, as well as actively influence the stress-strain state of the massif in order to involve it in the joint work. During the excavation movement a zone of inelastic deformations develops in its vicinity, the rock loosens and increases in volume, which puts additional loads on the support of the excavation. It is possible to reduce the time of this zone development by accelerated formation around the excavation at a given distance from it of the contour of the unloading zone with minimal deformations, which ensures the transfer of increased stresses from the excavation contour deep into the massif. In this case the undisturbed contour massif, reinforced with anchors, plays the role of the shield.

How to cite: Silantev A.A. Method of protection and maintenance of capital sectional mine workings at great depths // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 72-75.