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Vol 151
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Economic prerequisites for the introduction of downhole seismoacoustic impact technology on productive formations to enhance their oil recovery

N. Yu. Kirsanova
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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The gross value of raw materials extracted from the subsoil in Russia varies from $95 billion to $105 billion per year, depending on the price situation. About 80% of this amount is provided by the main types of fuel and energy raw materials, which are export-oriented products. Therefore, stabilization of oil and gas production is the basis of sustainable development of the country. Currently, the technological level of hydrocarbon production has decreased: up to 50% of oil remains in the subsurface. Most of the widely used methods of intensification of oil and gas fields development are very expensive and often their use is unprofitable. For a more complete extraction of hydrocarbons from the formation, the department of geophysical and geochemical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits of St. Petersburg Mining Institute under the direction of A.A. Molchanov has developed downhole equipment “Pritok-1”. Technology of downhole seismoacoustic influence on productive formations is ecologically safe and is notable for minimal expenses of material resources. As the result of injection well processing the injectivity rate increases up to 200 % (by 78.4 % on average); the flow rate of the development wells increases on average by 148.7 %, and the oil production rate increases by 30-260 % (by 48.4 % on average); the oil recovery from the idle well reaches minimum 2 t/day. Taking into account the results of “Pritok-1” treatment of a number of wells in Western Siberia, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, taking oil price as $22 per barrel, we can forecast the effect from the introduction of this technology in the amount of about $25.45 billion per year.

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