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Vol 151
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Improvement of technological regimes of oil reservoirs and wells operation for the conditions of the Zapadno-Poludennoye field

N. I. Slyusarev1
T. V. Kiyashko2
V. V. Voronin3
About authors
  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • 3 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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The analysis of field data of the West Poludenny field showed that the main reasons of wells abandonment are complications caused by products of oil reservoir destruction, mismatch between electric submersible pump (ESP) unit performance and fluid inflow, as well as pump damage during running in places of curvature set. The impact of all these factors, either in combination or separately, causes deterioration of technical and economic development indicators. Peculiarities of geological structure and growth of well production water content require more detailed substantiation of reservoir and well operation modes. Rather simple and effective method of management of development technology is forecasting and control of optimal parameters of reservoir and well operation with application of analytical methods and computerization of processes. Such solution does not require significant capital investments and expenses, but allows preventing or eliminating premature decommissioning of downhole equipment and wells. In order to improve methods of oil reservoir operation processes control, a program was developed to optimize the mode of the system: layer - well - ESP - collecting reservoir. According to expert estimates the proposed recommendations allow preventing technogenic complications, increasing the average time between failures by more than 1.5 times and the overhaul period by 65-70%.

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