Date submitted2023-11-15
Date accepted2024-09-24
Date published2024-12-25
Development and validation of an approach to the environmental and economic assessment of decarbonization projects in the oil and gas sector
- Authors:
- Nadezhda A. Sheveleva
This article addresses the problem of selecting a priority decarbonization project for an oil and gas company aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The wide range of decarbonization options and assessment methods prompted the development of a comprehensive ranking system for project selection. This system incorporates both internal and external factors of project implementation, a two-stage algorithm that filters out unsuitable projects taking into account sustainable development goals, and a quantitative evaluation approach using absolute and relative indicators. The proposed system evaluates decarbonization projects by considering not only the reduction of emissions in both absolute and relative terms, but also the broader environmental, social, and economic aspects relevant to the oil and gas company and the national economy. It includes a ranking mechanism for identifying priority projects and integrates carbon regulation incentives and green taxonomy tools into the economic assessment for more precise comparative analysis. The quantitative assessment in absolute terms involves a specialized net present value calculation, which accounts for revenue from both carbon credit sales and the potential sale of new low-carbon products, if applicable. The proposed assessment provides for targeted analysis of specific performance indicators, such as the cost per unit of emissions reduced, tax and social security contributions per unit of emissions reduced, energy efficiency improvements, and other indicators used for additional assessments of projects under otherwise equal conditions.
Date submitted2023-11-01
Date accepted2024-05-02
Date published2024-12-25
Improving the procedure for group expert assessment in the analysis of professional risks in fuel and energy companies
The lack of a unified approach to the assessment of professional risks in fuel and energy companies (FEC) in the national regulatory environment and a high degree of subjectivity of the results of hazard identification and risk assessment makes mathematically sound recruitment of an expert group urgent and necessary. The article presents the results of a comprehensive study on hazard identification and risk assessment at 6,105 workplaces in 24 branches of a FEC company based on the application of the expert assessment method and a scientifically sound qualitative and quantitative selection of experts. The priority vectors of factors are determined, global priorities are calculated, the size of the expert group (15 persons) is determined and mathematically substantiated for carrying out hazard identification and risk assessment at workplaces with sufficient reliability of results. For the first time, a set of factors characterizing the FEC companies that influence the determination of professional competence of experts is proposed. The formed expert group presented more precise, objective and consistent results of risk assessment. Standards for free distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) and wash-off agents to 7,234 company employees for implementation and trial use were developed. A fragment of the results obtained for a driller's workplace is presented. This approach allows a significant increase in objectivity and efficiency of the professional risk management system and provision of the PPE to employees in the concept of a risk-oriented approach helping to prevent industrial injuries and improve the level of occupational safety culture in fuel and energy companies taking into account global practice.
Date submitted2023-03-16
Date accepted2023-12-27
Date published2024-04-25
Comprehensive assessment of deformation of rigid reinforcing system during convergence of mine shaft lining in unstable rocks
Operation of vertical mine shafts in complex mining and geological conditions is associated with a number of features. One of them is a radial displacement of the concrete shaft lining, caused by the influence of mining pressure on the stress-strain state of the mine workings. A rigid reinforcing system with shaft buntons fixed in the concrete lining thus experiences elastoplastic deformations, their value increases with time. It results in deviation of conductors from design parameters, weakening of bolt connections, worsening of dynamic properties of geotechnical system “vehicle – reinforcing”, increase of wear rate of reinforcing system elements, increase of risks for creating an emergency situation. The article offers a comprehensive assessment of displacements of characteristic points of the bunton system based on approximate engineering relations, numerical modeling of the deformation process of the bunton system and laser measurements of the convergence of the inner surface of the concrete shaft lining. The method was tested on the example of the reinforcing system of the skip-cage shaft of the potash mine. Displacement of the characteristic points of the reinforcing system is determined by the value of radial displacements of the surface of the concrete shaft lining. Evaluation of the radial displacements was made using monitoring measurements and profiling data. The results obtained make it possible to justify the need and timing of repair works. It is shown that the deterioration of the reinforcing system at different levels occurs at different rates, defined, among other things, by mechanical properties of the rock mass layers located at a given depth.
Date submitted2022-10-29
Date accepted2023-10-25
Date published2024-04-25
Assessment of rock massif sustainability in the area of the underground research laboratory (Nizhnekanskii Massif, Enisei site)
The study presents the results of the research on geodynamic and geological conditions of the Enisei site (Krasnoyarsk Krai), chosen for the construction of an underground research laboratory. The laboratory is being built at a depth of 500 m to assess the suitability of the rock mass for burying high-level radioactive waste. The rocks consist of weakly fractured gneisses, granites, and dikes of metadolerites. Field observations were conducted on bedrock outcrops. They included the determination of rock mass quality indicators, measurement of rock fracturing, and a rating classification of stability using N.Barton's method. GNSS observations were also made to monitor surface deformations. These data were used to develop a three-dimensional structural model, including lithology, fault disruptions, intrusive bodies, elastic-strength properties of rocks, and the sizes of zones influenced by faulting. It will serve as a basis for boundary conditions and the construction of three-dimensional variational models of stress-strain states, identifying zones of concentration of hazardous stresses, and planning in situ geomechanical experiments in underground mines of the laboratory. The obtained values of the modified QR index for the main types of rocks allowed their classification as stable and moderately stable, corresponding to strong and very strong rocks on Barton's scale and the massif rating according to geomechanical classification.
Date submitted2022-04-03
Date accepted2023-03-02
Date published2023-12-25
Specifics of geotechnical risk control in the design of underground structures
The underground space development is associated with the emergence of complex and dangerous situations, often leading to accidents. The condition for their development is the potential geotechnical risks. High-quality execution and analysis of design work at all the stages of design, starting from the early stages, is one of the effective ways to control risks. Clarification of the characteristics and features of the rock mass adjacent to the projected underground structure makes it possible to identify the potential cause of the occurrence of an adverse event with a certain probability during the construction and operation of an underground structure. The purpose of a qualitative risk analysis is to identify risk factors in underground construction. The value of the total geotechnical risk, expressed by the sum of each of the possible risks, should be numerically estimated at the design stage of a specific underground facility. At the same time, it is extremely important to develop a methodology for managing geotechnical risks, which would make it possible to assess their probability of development at an early stage of project preparation and propose measures to reduce or prevent them. This technique is given in the article. The results of the study conducted in accordance with the presented methodology showed that geotechnical risk control proved an effective method in preventing accidents during underground construction.
Date submitted2022-09-30
Date accepted2023-02-13
Date published2023-04-25
Hydrogeoecological conditions of technogenic groundwater in waste disposal sites
The specific hydrogeoecological conditions of aquifers of some technogenic formations, mainly iron ore skarn-magnetite and titanium-magnetite formations, are considered. The resulting wastes, which are stored in waste disposal sites during development of deposits, due to the impact of a number of factors (natural and technogenic) form technogenic waters. Waste disposal facilities are complex engineering structures (dumps and sludge storages), which in turn create their own hydrogeoecological conditions, which must be investigated in order to prevent and minimize environmental and economic damage caused by these objects to the aquatic environment. The paper presents long-term field and laboratory studies of the aquatic environment under the influence of a waste disposal facility in the Middle Urals – one of the largest tailings, representing a potential environmental and man-made hazard. This tailing dump contains tens of tons of waste – enrichment tailings and creates specific hydrogeoecological conditions on the territory. Based on many years of monitoring studies, an analysis of these conditions was carried out – the quality of groundwater affected by the tailings was assessed. It is shown that groundwater is of technogenic nature, i.e. are man-made waters that have a significant impact on the surface and underground hydrospheres of the territory.
Date submitted2022-04-14
Date accepted2022-07-21
Date published2022-11-03
Technological mineralogy: development of a comprehensive assessment of titanium ores (exemplified by the Pizhemskoye deposit)
Technological mineralogy of titanium ores is the basis for assessing their complexity. It enables, from a unified standpoint, to trace the entire course of changes in mineral matter through operating procedures, including beneficiation, processing, and obtaining target industrial products. The study targets are Pizhemskoye ilmenite-leucoxene sandstones, which are distinguished by a complex polymineral composition. Along with the main ore components, there are other metals with different speciation (isomorphic admixture, independent mineral phases). The optimal set of mineralogical analysis methods for the predictive assessment of their further use is substantiated exemplified by titanium ores of the Pizhemskoye deposit, which are complex, noted for a variable content of iron oxides and contain rare earth metals. Examinations by X-ray phase analysis and scanning electron microscopy confirm that the main titanium phases of sandstones are pseudorutile and a polymineral aggregate, “leucoxene”. Considering the granulometric peculiarities of the magnetic and non-magnetic fractions of the gravity concentrate, the prospects of technologies for processing titanium raw materials are discussed. Along with the problems of obtaining high-quality raw materials, the transformations of mineral phases as a result of extreme impacts and their physicochemical properties as a consequence of isomorphic substitution of a part of Ti atoms with natural modifier agents (Fe and V) in the synthesis of titanium oxide nanostructures for industrial applications are considered (photocatalytic nanoreactor).
Date submitted2022-06-01
Date accepted2022-09-06
Date published2022-11-10
Impact of EU carbon border adjustment mechanism on the economic efficiency of Russian oil refining
- Authors:
- Vladimir L. Ulanov
- Oleg N. Skorobogatko
The carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) leads not only to the expected environmental changes, but also to the transformation of market environment. The study estimates the losses of the oil refining sector from the introduction of CBAM for the export of oil products from Russia to the countries of the European Union. An approach to assess the impact of CBAM on the cost of oil products has been formed and the mechanisms of its impact on the economy of Russian oil refineries have been identified. The study was carried out on the basis of actual data on the volume of greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the current rules of the European emissions trading system. Decomposition of assessments of the CBAM impact was carried out into direct and indirect effects, as well as the effect of adaptation. It is shown that with the introduction of the CBAM mechanism, the prices of oil products in the domestic market will be determined not only by the logistical factor, but also by the requirements for environmental friendliness of oil refining. The introduction of CBAM will have a significant impact on the economics of oil refining, including refineries that do not export to the EU. The total impact of CBAM on the economy of Russian oil refineries will be about 250 mln dollars.
Date submitted2020-07-29
Date accepted2021-03-29
Date published2021-09-20
Critical analysis of methodological approaches to assessing sustainability of arctic oil and gas projects
Development of hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic is one of the priority tasks for the economy of the Russian Federation; however, such projects are associated with significant risks for the environment of nearby regions. Large-scale development of hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic should be based on the principles of sustainable development, which imply a balance between socio-economic benefits and environmental risks. The purpose of this study is to analyze the gaps in scientific knowledge on the issues of assessing sustainability of Arctic oil and gas projects (OGPs) and systematize the key problematic elements of such assessments. The analysis was carried out in terms of four key elements that determine the feasibility of implementing Arctic OGPs in the context of sustainable development: economic efficiency, social effects, environmental safety and technological availability. The methodology for conducting bibliometric analysis, which included more than 15.227 sources from the Scopus database over the period of 2005-2020, was based on PRISMA recommendations for compiling systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Methodological problems of assessing sustainability of Arctic OGPs were mapped and divided into four key sectors: consideration of factors that determine sustainability; sustainability assessment; interpretation of assessment results; sustainability management. This map can serve as a basis for conducting a series of point studies, aimed at eliminating existing methodological shortcomings of the sustainable development concept with respect to Arctic OGPs.
Date submitted2019-02-01
Date accepted2019-09-16
Date published2020-02-25
Priority parameters of physical processes in a rock mass when determining the safety of radioactive waste disposal
- Authors:
- V. S. Gupalo
Consideration of geodynamic, hydrogeochemical, erosion and other quantitative characteristics describing evolutionary processes in a rock mass is carried out when choosing a geological formation for the disposal of radioactive waste. However, the role of various process parameters is not equal for safety ensuring and additional percentages of measurement accuracy are far from always being of fundamental importance. This makes it necessary to identify various types of indicators of the geological environment that determine the safety of radioactive waste disposal for their detailed study in the conditions of the burial site. An approach is proposed to determine the priority indicators of physical processes in the rock mass that determine the safety of disposal of various types of radio active waste and require increased attention (accuracy, frequency of measurements) when determining in - situ conditions. To identify such factors, we used the sensitivity analysis method that is a system change in the limits of variable values during securty modeling in order to assess their impact on the final result and determine the role of various physical processes in ensuring safety.
Date submitted2019-03-17
Date accepted2019-05-21
Date published2019-08-23
Impact of External Factors on National Energy Security
- Authors:
- V. L. Ulanov
- E. Yu. Ulanova
The article examines both external and internal threats to national energy security, formulates the tasks of increasing energy security, discloses modern challenges, as well as measures to level them. In recent years, Russian economy has felt the growing influence of external threats and risks: unfair competition in world markets, high politicization of energy issues, and attempts to prevent Russia from monetizing national energy reserves. Influence of the use of renewable energy sources on national energy security, growth of liquefied natural gas production, stricter environmental requirements, changes in the demand for petroleum products, and introduction of anti-Russian sanctions are analyzed. The influence of internal risks is no less significant: quality of hydrocarbon reserves in the Russian Federation is declining, effectiveness of geological exploration is insufficient, and the share of hard-to-recover reserves is increasing. Energy security assessments are recommended taking into account modern challenges and on the basis of parameters such as ratio of the annual increase in the balance values of primary fuel and energy resources to the volume of their production, share of natural gas in the balance structure of primary fuel and energy resources, implementation of investment programs by fuel and energy sectors, change in the specific energy intensity of GDP, prices and etc.
Date submitted2019-02-28
Date accepted2019-05-24
Date published2019-08-23
Methodological Approach to Substantiation of Capital Investments of Gold Fields Based on Unit Costs
- Authors:
- A. Yu. Zaitsev
Issues of assessing capital expenditures for setting mineral deposits into operation are considered. Existing methods have a number of advantages and disadvantages, but they are determined separately for each type of fixed assets of the field. A simple method, that allows to quickly and easily determine the amount of capital costs for setting gold deposit into operation, based on data on ore reserves, as well as unit costs, taking into account the degree of infrastructure development at the deposit, is proposed. Presented methodology allows one to determine the real amount of initial capital expenditures of a gold deposit, calculate their marginal (recommended) value, and also assess the balance of capital investments in the development of a particular deposit, taking into account the existing one in the company's investment portfolio. The methodology is based on analysis of empirical material, which used real capital costs for development of gold deposits (and foreign-metal impurities) by Polymetal International plc. As a result of a statistical study, method for determining the marginal cost of a field is obtained.
Date submitted2019-03-21
Date accepted2019-04-30
Date published2019-08-23
Actual and Forecast Impact Assessment of Earthquakes on the Global Economic System
- Authors:
- T. P. Skufina
- S. V. Baranov
- V. P. Samarina
Problem of strong earthquakes impact on the global economic system is considered. Geoscientists suggest that increase in Earth's seismicity is highly unlikely, but experts in economic geography say that existing facts indicate increase in seismic risk for economic systems. Using the example of an earthquake in the Tahoku region (Japan, 2011), a comprehensive assessment of economic consequences of a strong earthquake is presented as a part of analysis of three blocks of statistical information: 1) macroeconomic indicators of Japan; 2) stock market indicators; 3) industry indicators of the global economy. Results of the assessment pointed to a new feature of strong earthquakes effects in economically developed regions of the world: globalization processes are spreading regional effects of large earthquakes throughout the world economic system. To understand the magnitude of strong earthquakes problem, estimate of world economy loss from a probable earthquake near the United States, similar to Tahoku, is given. It was established that economic losses would be 2.6 times greater: a drop in the global S&P Global 1200 index would be about 15 %. The farther in time this probable earthquake protects from the Tahoku earthquake, the more globalization will increase losses.
Date submitted2018-07-12
Date accepted2018-09-16
Date published2018-12-21
Environmental Geochemical Assessment of Technogenic Soils
- Authors:
- G. I. Sarapulova
The purpose of this study was to obtain diagnostic features and criteria for the distribution of heavy metals in technogenically altered soils in the area of industrial facilities, depending on their altered geochemical properties, which make it possible to fix chemical elements in landscapes (the formation of geochemical barriers). On the basis of the geoecological assessment, disturbance of the soil buffer properties, which is reflected in the ionic composition change, alkalization, pH increase, and sulfate-chloride salinization have been revealed. This forms the heavy metals alkaline barrier. For example, in case of Cu, Pb, Zn, and N, it contributes to their accumulation and subsequent concentration in the soil layer due to the exchange interactions between chemical elements and Na + , K + , Ca 2+ cations. Soil saturation with sulphates also increases the probability of metals demobilization in the soil layer. It has been shown that intra-sectional soil migration of oil products (one of the most common pollutants of industrial areas) and chemical elements occurs at a depth of 30-50 cm, where the oil products based on a clay sorption layer form a technogenic barrier.
Date submitted2018-05-22
Date accepted2018-07-04
Date published2018-10-24
Cost assessment of gold ore deposits adjusted for capital investment
- Authors:
- A. Yu. Zaitsev
The paper focuses on the problems of geologic and economic assessment of mineral deposits. Existing methods have certain advantages and disadvantages, but always rely on unified assessment criteria that fail to take into account specific parameters of each deposit. The author proposes a method of quick and simple cost assessment of gold ore deposits based on ore reserves data. Suggested approach allows to evaluate a true price of gold ore deposits that takes into account field preparation and development costs, as well as to calculate threshold (recommended) amount of investment. Besides that, the method permits to assess the contribution that mineral reserves and resources make to the cumulative market price of the mining company. The method is based on the analysis of empirical data from actual purchases of gold ore (and associated metals) deposits made by Polymetal International PLC. The results of statistical research are incorporated in a formula of threshold deposit price taking into account field preparation and development costs. Comparison between deposit prices obtained from actual purchase deals and forecast results demonstrates high convergence rate (R = 0.97). The greatest error in the forecast results is attributed to insufficient attention to the geographical position of deposits, existence of infrastructure and relevant facilities. The method has been tested on three purchases of gold ore assets made by Polymetal International PLC and demonstrated high convergence with actual deal prices.
Date submitted2017-10-29
Date accepted2017-12-31
Date published2018-04-24
Risk assessment of accidents due to natural factors at the Pascuales – Cuenca multiple-use pipeline (Ecuador)
- Authors:
- Dzh. Zambrano
- S. V. Kovshov
- E. A. Lyubin
The natural aspects of the accident risk at the Pascuales – Cuenca multiple-use pipeline (Ecuador) are analysed in the paper. The Russian Methodological recommendations for the quantitative analysis of accident risks at hazardous production plants of oil trunk pipelines and oil product trunk pipelines issued in 2016 are used as a methodological framework due to relatively poorly defined evaluation mechanism for natural factors of accidents at oil trunk pipelines in the most widespread international accident risk assessment methodologies. The methodological recommendations were updated to meet the environmental conditions of oil pipelines of Latin America. It was found that the accidents due to natural factors make up approximately 15 % of cases at oil trunk pipelines in Ecuador. Natural geographical features of the areas surrounding the main Ecuadorian Pascuales–Cuenca oil trunk pipeline and its relatively short length allow defining three zones along the line in terms of the accident risk: lowland coastlines, high plateaus, and foothills. Calculations and analysis revealed that the maximum predicted specific frequency of accidents is characteristic of the lowland seaside area. The evidence showed that physical and chemical properties of soils and significant seismic activity are the root causes of failures.
Date submitted2016-11-20
Date accepted2017-01-07
Date published2017-04-14
Models for assessment of public-private partnership projects in subsurface management
- Authors:
- I. S. Kalgina
Aims and goals of this paper. The article is devoted to analysis of issues related to development of public-private partnership (PPP) projects in mineral resources sector of Russia. The special emphasis is given to the most common PPP model in the field of industrial infrastructure construction using the Investment Fund of RF. We offer specific tools to be used with Russian models for assessment of PPP projects and forecasting of its efficiency for its participants. This model allows evaluating the results of the whole deposit development process, constructing graphs of all types of expenditures and revenues (by years), and having rent assessment of deposit NPV (net present value) and internal rent rate (IRR). Methods and results. The iteration process at each step enables assessment of budget revenue forecast, living standards indexes, ecological parameters and performance indicators, as well as a certain variant of PPP project implementation for investors (direct government expenses on implementation of infrastructure objects and environmental activities, tax benefits). We have a set of tools for supporting the management decision making process in developing efficient PPP mechanism, balancing long-term government interests, private sector and local people interests arising during socio-economic development of mineral resources area. This method using the suggested tools for analyzing efficiency of a specific partnership mechanism is shown on the examples of projects of developing different deposits in Transbaikal region.
Date submitted2016-11-01
Date accepted2017-01-20
Date published2017-04-14
Technology and economics of near-surface geothermal resources exploitation
- Authors:
- E. I. Boguslavskii
- V. V. Fitsak
The paper presents economic justification for applicability of near-surface geothermal installations in Luga region, based on results of techno-economic calculations as well as integrated technical and economic comparison of different prediction scenarios of heat supply, both conventional and using geothermal heat pumps (GHP). Construction costs of a near-surface geothermal system can exceed the costs of central heating by 50-100 %. However, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs of heat production for geothermal systems are 50-70 % lower than for conventional sources of heating. Currently this technology is very important, it is applied in various countries (USA, Germany, Japan, China etc.), and depending on the region both near-surface and deep boreholes are being used. World practice of near-surface geothermal systems application is reviewed in the paper.
Date submitted2009-10-21
Date accepted2009-12-15
Date published2010-09-22
Geoecological monitoring as an information base of accident-free operation of gas mains under conditions of the Far North
- Authors:
- N. B. Pystina
- A. V. Baranov
The present report considers dangerous destructive processes that may result in serious accidents during operation of gas mains under conditions of the Far North, and also measures to prevent them.
Date submitted2009-08-19
Date accepted2009-10-02
Date published2010-02-01
The estimation features of vulnerability and desintegration оf subway construction materials in Saint Petersburg
- Authors:
- P. V. Kotyukov
In this paper the features of subway construction materials degradation depending on engineering-geological, hydro-geological and geoecological conditions of Saint Petersburg underground space are considered. The basic types of subway construction placing and their destruction specificity depending on influence of water-bearing horizons hydrodynamic and hydro chemical conditions, natural and natural-technogenic gas bio-production and microbial activity are analyzed. The examples of the disintegrated materials and new growths (salt efflorescence, stalactites and others) chemical compound features depending on the content of ground waters basic components affecting on tunnels lining are resulted.
Date submitted2009-07-20
Date accepted2009-09-24
Date published2010-04-22
Methods for presetting of artificial yielding to anthracite pillars
- Authors:
- S. G. Stradanchenko
- N. V. Titov
- Yu. V. Turuk
The article contains the results of in situ investigation of influence of yielding pillars on the stability of protected workings with different modes of preset yielding. Graphs of roof movements in the workings protected with yielding pillars, are given.
Date submitted2009-07-24
Date accepted2009-09-19
Date published2010-04-22
Efficient assessment of stress state of coal seams liable to rock bursts
- Authors:
- F. P. Ivchenko
- N. V. Krotov
The article deals with the method for effective evaluation of stress state and rock burst hazard of sections of coal seams by the predicted output of drilling fines. The suggested engineer solution, i.e. the program modulus «Prediction» allows to represent the formation of the support pressure zone in the marginal part of the seam (or in a mine working) and to control the potential pattern of rock burst hazard manifestation in a mine working under various geological and mining conditions.