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Vol 158

Vol 159 No 2

Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use

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Russia, as one of the world's largest producers of minerals, is the world's leading exporter, and its mining industry plays a critical role in the economic and social structure of Russian society. The continuing decline in the production of mineral resources, the deterioration of the raw material base of existing enterprises, the enormous reduction of mining capacities, and the lack of measures to replenish them do not contribute to a favorable investment climate, which may lead in the very near future to a situation where a country with huge reserves of raw materials will practically lose control over their effective use. The main goal of the work is to emphasize the need for an urgent change in the system of state approach to the management of mineral resources by adopting the Russian Government’s Mineral Resources Policy. The concept of sustainable development of our economy requires an urgent revision of the former attitude to the consideration of issues related to minerals in the context of the unity of economic and social goals and objectives.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S., Varshavskii V.E. Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 7-10.

Hydrological and environmental expert assessment in the system of natural resource management

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In light of current and forthcoming changes in the water use management system, there is an objective need for qualitative assessment of water bodies based on rent principles. In this connection, the role of hydro-environmental expertise as a way to identify and justify the main rent-forming factors determining the value of water bodies is increasing. Thus, the hydrological-environmental expertise becomes a specific tool for water use management.

How to cite: Dmitriev V.V., Trushevskii V.L., Nevskaya M.A. Hydrological and environmental expert assessment in the system of natural resource management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 11-13.

Development of a business planning system for the development of mineral resources in the Republic of Karelia

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The methodology of UNIDO evaluation of investment projects has been improved. A new indicator of economic efficiency is proposed, which allows not only to uniformly assess the efficiency of investments and financial and economic activities of mining enterprises of the Republic of Karelia, but also to quantitatively assess the investment attractiveness of Karelian mineral resources development. The new indicator allowed to develop methodological recommendations (on the assessment of the value of the deposits, on the preparation of investment proposals, on the assessment of the investment attractiveness of deposits, on the development and examination of business plans of investment projects, on the assessment of financial and economic activities of enterprises), which could become the basis of business planning system of development of mineral resources of Karelia. The structure of the web-portal "The mining and industrial complex of the Republic of Karelia" was designed and the layout was created. An intensive full-time training course on practical business-planning has been developed and tested, which is intended for the specialists and entrepreneurs of the republic's mining and industrial complex.

How to cite: Kurgi E.E. Development of a business planning system for the development of mineral resources in the Republic of Karelia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 14-16.

Development of a scientifically based methodology for the fuel and energy balance of the regions of Russia

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A model (algorithm) for constructing rational fuel and energy balances of Russian regions is developed. The research is aimed at ensuring the rational and efficient use of fuel and energy resources of Russia. When building the fuel and energy balance of the region the possibility of using the local fuels is taken into account. This model is built and pre-tested on the example of the Leningrad Region.

How to cite: Shuvalov Y.V., Kovalev O.V., Boguslavskii E.I., Nifontov Y.A., Tucha N.A. Development of a scientifically based methodology for the fuel and energy balance of the regions of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 17-19.
Appraisal, integrated development of deposits and deep processing of strategically important raw materials
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Integrated development of reserve and off-balance ore deposits of strategically important minerals based on their deep processing by methods of physical, physical-chemical and biochemical effects

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The criteria are substantiated and the methodology for the development of environmentally friendly technologies for integrated development of poor and off-balance deposits by methods of geotechnology is proposed. The principles of creation of environmentally friendly technologies of complex development of deposits of strategically important mineral raw materials on the basis of their deep processing are described.

How to cite: Vorobev A.E. Integrated development of reserve and off-balance ore deposits of strategically important minerals based on their deep processing by methods of physical, physical-chemical and biochemical effects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 20-22.
Appraisal, integrated development of deposits and deep processing of strategically important raw materials
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Studies of geothermal energy in areas of modern volcanism

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Geothermal energy is the driving force behind geothermal processes: volcanic, hydrothermal and seismic, and manifests itself in areas of modern volcanism in the form of active volcanoes, hydrothermal systems and earthquakes. Hydrothermal systems represent the "useful part" of geothermal energy, which can be used within geothermal fields to produce electrical and thermal energy, as illustrated by the examples of the Mutnovsky and Pauzhetsky geothermal fields. Active volcanoes have not found any application in the energy sector. However, the energy contained in them can be released in the form of hydrothermal explosions, as discussed in the example of the cone of Avacha volcano. Earthquakes are the most dangerous mode of geothermal energy release. The study of anomalous phenomena of hydrodynamic nature in active hydrothermal systems and on active volcanoes continues.

How to cite: Kiryukhin A.V. Studies of geothermal energy in areas of modern volcanism // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 23-25.
Appraisal, integrated development of deposits and deep processing of strategically important raw materials
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Impact of layered aluminous and aluminous-iron silicates on binder hardening processes when using crushed rock cuttings from by-products

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Possible chemical-physical processes of destruction of layered aluminous-iron silicates, sequence of K, Mg, Si, Al transition into solution, chemical interaction of element oxides with Ca(OH)2 (in the process of concrete and stowing mixtures formation) depending on various technological factors and possible processes of oxidation products interaction have been studied comprehensively. It is shown that layered minerals due to their structural features exhibit activity only along the crystal surface perpendicular to the layering. The process of thermal influence on their destruction is studied.

How to cite: Kokunko V.K. Impact of layered aluminous and aluminous-iron silicates on binder hardening processes when using crushed rock cuttings from by-products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 26-28.
Appraisal, integrated development of deposits and deep processing of strategically important raw materials
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Analysis of the variability of the material composition and morphometric features of ores in order to predict the technological properties of minerals and reduce losses of useful components

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The main objects of the research were the deposits of noble and non-ferrous metals of the Urals, Siberia and Novaya Zemlya. It is shown that the study of the variability of the material composition and stereometric features of ores (with computer modeling of the most important types of mineral aggregates) in the geological space is extremely important to reduce losses of useful components, predict the technological properties of mineral raw materials and identify the conditions of ore formation.

How to cite: Marin Y.B., Gulbin Y.L., Ilichenko V.O., Petrov D.A., Savichev A.A., Smolenskii V.V. Analysis of the variability of the material composition and morphometric features of ores in order to predict the technological properties of minerals and reduce losses of useful components // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 29-32.
Appraisal, integrated development of deposits and deep processing of strategically important raw materials
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Technologies for development of strata-shaped ore deposits

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Natural and mineral resources are the main source of raw materials for various industries. Along with this, processing of minerals is one of the most intensive sources of pollution of the natural environment by wastes of mining enterprises. Analysis of existing exploration-exploitation works and conducted experimental researches allowed to develop technology of drilling blasting and roller cone drilling during mining-exploration workings, on the basis of which new technologies increasing from 60 to 80 % extraction of mineral resources were proposed.

How to cite: Chirkov A.V., Karpikov A.P., Ilyakhin S.V. Technologies for development of strata-shaped ore deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 33-35.
Appraisal, integrated development of deposits and deep processing of strategically important raw materials
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Physico-chemical bases of deep processing of poor rare-earth raw materials

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Extraction of cerium (3+) with tributyl phosphate was studied. The extraction constants were calculated from the dependences of the distribution coefficient on the concentration of salvent and extractant. According to their values, cerium salts are arranged in the series chloride < sulfate < nitrate corresponding to the Pearson reduction of the "hardness" of anions.

How to cite: Chirkst D.E., Litvinova T.E., Cheremisina O.V., Ivanov M.V. Physico-chemical bases of deep processing of poor rare-earth raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 36-38.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of technology for processing of man-made waste during melting of high-quality stainless steels

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The temperature dependences of physical and chemical properties of liquid stainless steels of different classes have been studied. The existence of critical temperatures, heating above which is accompanied by irreversible changes in the structural state of the melt has been established. The influence of the amount of introduced anthropogenic wastes on the type and peculiarities of the properties of steels in the liquid state has been revealed. A model of the structure of liquid stainless steels has been proposed.

How to cite: Baryshev E.E. Development of technology for processing of man-made waste during melting of high-quality stainless steels // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 39-41.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of small-sized modules of closed water consumption, local treatment of wastewater from heavy metal compounds and selective sorbents for them

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Selective fibrous sorbents of chromium (6+) and copper with high exchange capacity and satisfactory chemical resistance were developed. An economic agreement (contract) for the supply of a batch of sorbent was concluded with Ecopolymer Company.

How to cite: Bezdudnyi F.F., Burinskii S.V. Development of small-sized modules of closed water consumption, local treatment of wastewater from heavy metal compounds and selective sorbents for them // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 42-44.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Hydrotransport environmental technology in the re-development of mineral deposits as a means of improving the quality of mined raw materials and the efficiency of field development

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The results of the research on justification of the technology of hydraulic transportation of lead-zinc ore of secondary mining in the underground development of Spornoe deposit of Salair ore administration are presented. The developed technological scheme of hydrotransport combines into a single technological chain the transportation and lifting of ore mass with associated water removal and partial preparation of oxidized ores for concentration, significantly reduces the technogenic load on the environment and allows to significantly increase the efficiency of mining and processing as a whole.

How to cite: Bryukhovetskii O.S., Zakirov Z.D. Hydrotransport environmental technology in the re-development of mineral deposits as a means of improving the quality of mined raw materials and the efficiency of field development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 45-47.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Comprehensive unit for treatment of oily effluents and bottom sediments using low-boiling extractants

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An original resource-saving technology for decontamination of oily wastewater and bottom sediments using immiscible with water low-boiling extractant mixtures with the property of active dissolution of petroleum products is proposed.

How to cite: Veksler G.B., Volchek A.M., Sharovar I.I. Comprehensive unit for treatment of oily effluents and bottom sediments using low-boiling extractants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 48-49.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Analysis of methods of treatment of oil-contaminated soils. Study to justify the choice of the optimal variant of the unit with wastes not exceeding MPC standards. Calculation, design and development of the unit design

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The analysis of problems related to the development of industrial facilities for cleaning natural soils from oil products contaminated during various kinds of work with oil (oil extraction, oil loading tanks, pumping oil and petroleum products, etc.) is presented, qualitative and quantitative assessments of the most important positions determining the possible options of facilities for the adopted two-stage technology (sublimation and afterburning) are given. On the basis of comparison of various schemes, the basic scheme of the plant is determined for the design study and production of the operating model of the plant. After completion of experimental researches it is supposed to consider the accepted variant as a prototype of an industrial model.

How to cite: Dubenets S.A. Analysis of methods of treatment of oil-contaminated soils. Study to justify the choice of the optimal variant of the unit with wastes not exceeding MPC standards. Calculation, design and development of the unit design // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 50-52.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of new environmentally friendly technology for obtaining cellulose and nitrogen-containing fertilizers from plant raw materials

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The process of oxidative delignification of pine wood by hydrogen peroxide in ammonia medium has been studied. A method for obtaining cellulose and nitrogen-containing organic fertilizers has been developed. The interaction of wood with hydrogen peroxide in input-ammonia medium in the solid phase has been studied. A method for the preparation of nitrogen-containing lignocarbohydrate derivatives by mechanochemical method has been developed.

How to cite: Efanov M.V. Development of new environmentally friendly technology for obtaining cellulose and nitrogen-containing fertilizers from plant raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 53-55.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of a mobile unit for conversion of petrochemical waste into liquid fuel

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The process of thermal decomposition of acid tar and stale fuel oils has been studied. The yield, composition and basic physical and chemical properties of the obtained liquid products have been determined. Fundamentals of technology for the utilization of sour tar and aged fuel oil into liquid fuel have been developed. The principles of creating a mobile unit for recycling sour tar and aged fuel oil into liquid fuel have been developed.

How to cite: Zorin A.D. Development of a mobile unit for conversion of petrochemical waste into liquid fuel // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 56-57.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Improvement of the technology of shale formation excavation under aquifers

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Prospective directions of improving technological schemes of shale formation development under aquifers, providing technical and environmental safety of underground mining works are analyzed. The expediency of using development systems with parameters that ensure the smooth deflection of the undermined massif without the formation of cracks that unite the aquifers is substantiated.

How to cite: Zubov V.P., Vasilev S.V., Dimchina V.L. Improvement of the technology of shale formation excavation under aquifers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 58-59.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of technology for utilization of zinc-containing technogenic formations of metallurgical and chemical production

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On the basis of the results of theoretical and laboratory research and extensive tests, a new technology for recycling zinc-containing man-made waste of non-ferrous metallurgy and chemical industry was developed.

How to cite: Karelov S.V., Mamyachenkov S.V., Anisimova O.S., Khilai V.V. Development of technology for utilization of zinc-containing technogenic formations of metallurgical and chemical production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 60-62.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Technology for cutting metal structures based on the use of extreme modes of shock-wave interference and directional explosives

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The results of numerical simulation of oblique shock wave collision in materials with phase transition are presented. The effect of a ® e phase transition in iron on wave interaction patterns in prismatic samples is considered.

How to cite: Mikhailov N.P. Technology for cutting metal structures based on the use of extreme modes of shock-wave interference and directional explosives // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 63-65.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of methods to improve the performance of separation membranes

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The process of increasing the performance of separating membranes by their treatment with plasma ions of gas discharge has been studied and the method of modification of polymeric and metal-ceramic membranes by plasma-chemical influence, which allows to obtain membranes with controlled pore size, has been developed. Treatment in plasma with vapor of organometallic compounds of metal-ceramic membranes leads to reduction of the pore size in the surface layer up to 250 Å.

How to cite: Mkrtychan V.R., Zubakha S.N. Development of methods to improve the performance of separation membranes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 66-68.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Environmental and economic assessment of the negative impact of mining and metallurgical waste on air and land

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The analysis of technogenic impact of waste of mineral complex on atmospheric air and land was carried out. It was established that the environmental and economic risk of negative impact is determined by the probability of environmental and economic damage. The probability of damage from land pollution in the zone of impact of technogenic massifs was analyzed. The research work was supported by the American Foundation for Civilian Research and Development.

How to cite: Pashkevich N.V., Pashkevich M.A., Petrova T.A. Environmental and economic assessment of the negative impact of mining and metallurgical waste on air and land // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 69-71.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Justification of environmental protection technology for the development of shock-hazardous ore deposits at great depths

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A complex of experimental and theoretical studies on substantiation of the main provisions of environmental technology of development of shock-hazardous deposits at great depths is carried out. The laws of distribution of dynamic stresses around excavations under the action of seismic waves from rock shocks, which are the basis for the creation of earthquake-proof supports, are revealed. Fastener designs are proposed.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G. Justification of environmental protection technology for the development of shock-hazardous ore deposits at great depths // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 72-74.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Problems and environmental technologies of utilization of municipal and industrial organic waste in forestry

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The problems of waste management are considered. The main directions of their utilization in forestry are established. Biotechnological aspects and technologies for the production of non-traditional fertilizers are described.

How to cite: Romanov E.M. Problems and environmental technologies of utilization of municipal and industrial organic waste in forestry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 75-78.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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On the possibility of complex processing of titanium-magnesium production intermediate products to produce vanadium

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The variants of rational processing of industrial products of titanium-magnesium production are considered. The technology of obtaining vanadium metal using spent magnesium electrolyte and vanadium oxychloride has been tested. During magnesium- and sodium-thermal reduction of vanadium chloride the metal was obtained in the form of powder, crystals and spongy mass.

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M., Aleksandrovskii S.V. On the possibility of complex processing of titanium-magnesium production intermediate products to produce vanadium // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 79-80.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development and testing of environmental protection technology for rational integrated development of high-gas-bearing coal deposits with associated coalbed methane extraction and utilization

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The technology of coal bed degassing using the effect of hydraulic impact and redistribution of rock pressure in the bottom-hole zone has been developed and tested in the mines. The basic technology provides hydraulic treatment of coal seam with water injection at pressure of 100-150 atm. Under the proposed technology, at the stage of flowing water from the well in the calculated mode, hydraulic shocks are realized by cyclic overlapping of the water flow, which causes pressure pulses with an amplitude of 170-200 atm. In addition, the technological variant of changing the rock pressure in the vicinity of the borehole by forming slots located along the helical line has been developed. Tangential stresses arise in the coal massif, which leads to increase of its permeability. The given technological variants provide increase of coalbed methane flow rate by 1.5-2 times.

How to cite: Slastunov S.V. Development and testing of environmental protection technology for rational integrated development of high-gas-bearing coal deposits with associated coalbed methane extraction and utilization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 81-84.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of recycling technology for rubber products with sulfuric acid regeneration

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Thermodynamic calculations of degradation reactions of hydrocarbons and their derivatives under the action of concentrated sulfuric acid are presented. The experiments have shown the possibility of rubber destruction with the formation of carbon material and sulfuric gas, which is used for the production of sulfuric acid. The technological scheme of rubber utilization is proposed.

How to cite: Fedoseev I.V., Emelyanov M.M., Loginova A.Y., Solovev N.V., Gerasimova N.S. Development of recycling technology for rubber products with sulfuric acid regeneration // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 85-86.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Treatment of liquid wastes containing polyvalent metal ions using "reagent-free" technologies

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The data on the stationary concentration of polyvalent metal ions and the working exchange capacity show that complex-forming ion-exchangers are the most suitable ion-exchangers for treatment of industrial effluents from the rated impurities. A technology for regeneration of ion-exchange resins is developed which ensures the obtaining of released impurities in the form of a slurry, safe for long-term storage and disposal.

How to cite: Chugunov A.S. Treatment of liquid wastes containing polyvalent metal ions using "reagent-free&quot; technologies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 87-89.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of technologies for the removal and decontamination of urban air pollution

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New technologies have been developed for the removal and decontamination of industrial and vehicular emissions using blowing fans of boiler units. The new technologies will significantly improve the environmental situation at industrial facilities and cities.

How to cite: Sharapov V.I., Marchenko A.V. Development of technologies for the removal and decontamination of urban air pollution // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 90-92.
Environmental monitoring
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Environmental and geochemical monitoring of the consequences of agrogenic transformation of landscapes in the Western Caucasus and the Caucasus foothills

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The results of environmental and geochemical monitoring of agrogenic transformation of landscapes in the Western Caucasus, different with respect to the application of various types of agronomic load are presented.

How to cite: Alekseenko V.A., Golovinskii P.L. Environmental and geochemical monitoring of the consequences of agrogenic transformation of landscapes in the Western Caucasus and the Caucasus foothills // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 93-95.
Environmental monitoring
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The relevance of the development of the microbathometer is determined by the increasing need for control of leaks from underwater pipelines and reservoirs, as well as the need to monitor the aquatic environment in areas of dangerous flooding. The microbathometer provides automatic water sampling at specified depths and time intervals, it can be used from small watercrafts and from marine service animals.

How to cite: Akhutin V.M. Microbathometer // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 96-98.
Environmental monitoring
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The use of coastal radars for environmental control of the sea surface

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The energy characteristics that determine the quality of radar detection of oil spills on the sea surface are considered.

How to cite: Beskid P.P., Nilov M.A. The use of coastal radars for environmental control of the sea surface // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 99-101.
Environmental monitoring
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Development of scientific and methodological support for environmental monitoring and control

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An analysis of the state of the environment in St. Petersburg was carried out. The factors responsible for the deterioration of environmental quality have been identified. The system of new quality indicators, based on the use of a system of environmental indicators and indices of environmental quality, the feature of which is a good compatibility of indicators with the requirements put forward by the decision-making systems, is proposed.

How to cite: Vorobev V.N., Potapov A.I. Development of scientific and methodological support for environmental monitoring and control // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 102-104.
Environmental monitoring
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Monitoring of neutron fluxes in the surface layer of the atmosphere, generated by radioactive emanations in rocks

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Measurements of the spatial variations of thermal and fast neutrons near the Earth's surface have shown that thermal and fast neutron fluxes directly correlate with the specific radioactivity of 226 Ra, 232 Th and radon content in rocks, with the thermal neutron flux directly correlating with the rock humidity and the fast neutron flux inversely.

How to cite: Demin N.V., Bondarenko V.M. Monitoring of neutron fluxes in the surface layer of the atmosphere, generated by radioactive emanations in rocks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 105-107.
Environmental monitoring
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Development of principles for building an integrated system of operational monitoring of water bodies and hydraulic structures

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Issues related to the development of integrated methods of operational monitoring of water bodies and hydraulic structures in order to control and predict their condition were discussed.

How to cite: Elfimov V.I., Kalmykov A.A., Porshnev S.V., Yakupov T.E. Development of principles for building an integrated system of operational monitoring of water bodies and hydraulic structures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 108-110.
Environmental monitoring
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Technology of regional environmental monitoring based on remote sensing tools

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The possibilities of using Earth remote sensing (ERS) space systems for environmental monitoring tasks were analyzed. The technology of regional monitoring of the environment and the state of natural-technical complexes based on the use of data obtained by space surveillance. The requirements to the composition and structure of algorithmic and software for preliminary and thematic processing of images, as well as recommendations for the integration of geoinformation systems and software complexes of remote sensing data processing are defined.

How to cite: Kobernichenko V.G., Ivanov O.Y., Zraenko S.M. Technology of regional environmental monitoring based on remote sensing tools // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 111-113.
Environmental monitoring
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Multilevel information and training system “Environmental Monitoring and Fundamentals of Human Environmental Culture in the Operation of Nuclear Facilities and in the Process of Daily Exposure to Radiation”

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The conceptual foundations of the multilevel information and training system "Environmental Monitoring and Fundamentals of Human Environmental Culture during Operation of Nuclear Facilities and in the Process of Daily Exposure to Radiation" have been developed. Training plans and plans for information support of different categories of the system users were created.

How to cite: Koroteev A.A. Multilevel information and training system “Environmental Monitoring and Fundamentals of Human Environmental Culture in the Operation of Nuclear Facilities and in the Process of Daily Exposure to Radiation” // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 114-116.
Environmental monitoring
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Development of environmentally friendly transport technologies for deep pits using inclined hoists

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The effective operation of transport systems of deep pits requires a comprehensive assessment of their quality on the basis of economic, environmental and mining-technical factors. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop a mathematical model of functioning of transport systems, allowing to estimate in concrete operating conditions various types of open-pit elevators and to define interrelation between operational and ecological characteristics of transport system and conditions of their operation. The final task of the research is to substantiate the rational types of rock mass hoists and the area of their effective application.

How to cite: Kuleshov A.A., Koptev V.Y., Lankov P.Y. Development of environmentally friendly transport technologies for deep pits using inclined hoists // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 117-119.
Environmental monitoring
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Development and production of a prototype of information-measuring complex for environmental monitoring

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The questions of designing of information-measuring complex for environmental monitoring within the framework of the research on the subprogram "Ecology and rational use of nature" are considered; the results of work on the subprogram for 2003 are given. Special attention is given to the creation of the environmental monitoring center organized in the Mari State Technical University.

How to cite: Lavrentev B.F. Development and production of a prototype of information-measuring complex for environmental monitoring // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 120-122.
Environmental monitoring
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Technology of protection and rehabilitation of the natural environment in the impact zone of technogenic formations of mining and metallurgical genesis

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Factors and sources of environmental hazards of technogenic massifs are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the mechanism of environmental hazards in the storage of waste mining and metallurgical production. The spectrum of pollutants of technogenic massifs by types of industries that form them is revealed. The classification of chemical substances contained in the wastes of mining and metallurgical production, the classes of danger. Analysis of pollution hazard factors in the areas of technogenic massifs location has been carried out: physical state, waste properties, mobility of pollution, structures of protective constructions.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Eldina E.V. Technology of protection and rehabilitation of the natural environment in the impact zone of technogenic formations of mining and metallurgical genesis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 123-125.
Environmental monitoring
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Information-computer system for continuous monitoring and regulation of TPP emissions

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The principles of construction of the information-computer complex of the automated system of continuous monitoring and regulation of TPP emissions are considered. The classification of users is made. The structure of the software and the functional scheme of the local computer network is defined.

How to cite: Roslyakov P.V., Ionkin I.L., Zakirov I.A., Morokhovets Y.E., Egorovets L.E. Information-computer system for continuous monitoring and regulation of TPP emissions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 126-128.
Environmental monitoring
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Development of information system for CO2-monitoring of metallurgical production

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The sources of carbon monoxide emissions in metallurgical production and methods for assessing their quantity are analyzed. An automated database for the information system of CO2-monitoring of metallurgical production is developed.

How to cite: Simonyan L.M., Chernousov P.I., Mustafin R.M. Development of information system for CO2-monitoring of metallurgical production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 129-131.
Environmental monitoring
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Comprehensive monitoring of stone monuments in the urban environment

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The methodology of monitoring of natural stone monuments in the urban environment has been developed. The field inspection of 100 marble monuments was carried out and the typical description of visible forms of their destruction was offered. The methodology of mapping the forms of destruction of natural stone in the urban environment is worked out. Qualimetric expertise is applied for the first time for the assessment of the integral condition of the sculptural monuments made of stone. An electronic cadastre on the condition of the marble monuments of the museum necropolises of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra was created.

How to cite: Frank-Kamenetskaya O.V., Vlasov D.Y., Marugin V.M., Knizel A.A., Lepeshkina N.F. Comprehensive monitoring of stone monuments in the urban environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 132-135.
Environmental monitoring
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Improvement of the regional information and analytical system of social environmental monitoring and environmental safety

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To improve the regional information-analytical system of social environmental and hygienic monitoring, a mathematical model of admixture dispersion in the meso-meteorological boundary layer of the atmosphere has been built and a package of calculation programs for calculating admixture concentrations in the atmosphere with simultaneous consideration of various atmospheric parameters has been created. Information on the corresponding levels of air pollution and real environmental risks of changes in the population health is given by the example of the Rostov region cities. Methods for selecting and creating the most efficient devices for cleaning industrial emissions are developed.

How to cite: Frolov A.V. Improvement of the regional information and analytical system of social environmental monitoring and environmental safety // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 136-138.
Environmental monitoring
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Development of a methodology and information-analytical system for monitoring the environment of oil and gas-bearing regions with nuclear explosion cavities

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The character of underground nuclear explosions conducted for industrial purposes in the regions of oil and gas resources development is analyzed. The main channels of radionuclide migration into oil reservoirs, aquifer complexes, and to the surface, as well as the condition of process wells and nuclear explosion cavities, are considered. Nuclear facilities where radionuclide migration from a nuclear explosion cavity has been recorded are shown.

How to cite: Shakhidzhanov Y.S. Development of a methodology and information-analytical system for monitoring the environment of oil and gas-bearing regions with nuclear explosion cavities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 139-141.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Development of theoretical foundations and methods of seismic protection of regions

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The work is devoted to the development of theoretical foundations and mathematical models for calculating stress concentrations in the lithospheric plate, taking into account a wide range of impacts on the plate, as well as those of its characteristics and parameters that may affect the accuracy of the estimate.

How to cite: Babeshko V.A. Development of theoretical foundations and methods of seismic protection of regions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 142-144.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Development of a technology for obtaining materials to eliminate cracks in large-scale objects

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Formulations of low viscosity unfilled compositions designed for sealing of welds and injecting into small cracks at low pressures, with two curing options: at temperatures of 15-30 and 4-15°С were developed. Formulations of filled compositions were created: for injection into small cracks, filling caverns and defects on flat surfaces and for filling large cracks and pores at high pressure. An active diluent was selected to regulate the viscosity of the filled materials. A mechanical device for measuring the adhesion strength of compositions in the temperature range from -70 to 150°C has been developed. It is established, that according to the value of adhesive strength the developed adhesives can be used for repair of steel constructions, and compounds - for "healing" of cracks in concrete and granite bases.

How to cite: Bashkarev A.Y., Sytov V.A., Vettegren V.I., Lebedev A.A., Kulik V.B. Development of a technology for obtaining materials to eliminate cracks in large-scale objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 145-146.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Development of a method and technology for preempting manifestations of anomalous natural phenomena in underground development of sedimentary deposits under aquifers based on the use of non-explosive destructive mixtures

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The parameters of the environmentally friendly method of directed cracking of sedimentary rocks with the use of non-explosive destructive mixture (NDS) are substantiated. This method provides increase of stability of the underground chambers roof and preservation of the earth surface from collapse. The calculation of the distance between contour boreholes when conducting ventilation excavations at the gypsum deposit is carried out. An engineering method for calculating the parameters of contour blasting with LDC has been developed.

How to cite: Borovkov Y.A. Development of a method and technology for preempting manifestations of anomalous natural phenomena in underground development of sedimentary deposits under aquifers based on the use of non-explosive destructive mixtures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 147-149.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Catastrophic earthquakes and seismic hazard of the intracontinental segment of the lithospheric plate boundary in Northeastern Eurasia and possible environmental consequences

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By the example of studying active faults students and graduate students in geology and geophysics will be able to learn methods of studying faults, learn the patterns of development of "living" faults, master methodological techniques and the factual material that is used in modern geological science for various practical purposes - seismic zoning, field control, etc.

How to cite: Imaev V.S. Catastrophic earthquakes and seismic hazard of the intracontinental segment of the lithospheric plate boundary in Northeastern Eurasia and possible environmental consequences // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 150-153.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Managing the risks of natural and man-made disasters through improved environmental monitoring, forecasting and management theory

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Special types of monitoring of natural and anthropogenic disasters as basic elements of complex monitoring of dangerous phenomena are considered. Particular attention is paid to space sensing. The results of using some of them are given. The technique of forest fire forecasting using space monitoring is described, as well as the results of constructing Kohonen networks for studying meteorological hazards, the technique of flood forecasting on the rivers of southern Russia and the results of its testing are presented. A description of the system of operational forecasting of the Neva floods based on mathematical models is given.

How to cite: Karlin L.N. Managing the risks of natural and man-made disasters through improved environmental monitoring, forecasting and management theory // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 154-156.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Instrumental methods of technogenic risk management of environmentally negative events in industrial regions (the example of the Urals)

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One of the blocks of the software package oriented to the modeling of ecological dynamics in an industrial region is considered. Some features of existing models and software products used in the world practice are discussed. A new approach, applicable in conditions of incomplete information and insufficient statistics, is proposed. The central point of the work is a generator of scenarios of ecological dynamics, based on a suitable probabilistic combination of traditional models and expert evaluations.

How to cite: Nikonov O.I., Medvedev N.A., Medvedeva M.A., Dubishchak T.V. Instrumental methods of technogenic risk management of environmentally negative events in industrial regions (the example of the Urals) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 157-159.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Development of technologies and measures to reduce the impact of seismic and shock air waves on the environment, buildings and structures during blasting operations at mining enterprises

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The object of the research is the state of safety of buildings of engineering structures and the environment, located in the zone of influence of mining operations under the influence of seismic blasting and shock air waves from blasting operations. Full-scale measurements of parameters of seismic blasting and shock air waves during mass blasting and oversize crushing with various blasting schemes in various mining and geological and meteorological conditions have been carried out. Optimal conditions for organization and production of blasting operations are proposed.

How to cite: Paramonov G.P., Artemov V.A., Vinogradov Y.I., Kholodilov A.N. Development of technologies and measures to reduce the impact of seismic and shock air waves on the environment, buildings and structures during blasting operations at mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 160-162.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Regional informational and analytical system of emergency risk management

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The concept of the regional informational and analytical system of emergency situations (ES) risk management, which is implemented as a computer system containing electronic databases of potentially dangerous objects and emergencies, automated workstations (AWS), applied software for the prediction and assessment of the possible consequences of emergencies based on geoinformation technologies.

How to cite: Tyagunov G.V., Kobernichenko V.G., Yaroshenko Y.G. Regional informational and analytical system of emergency risk management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 163-165.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Physical and chemical basis for the creation of sorption technologies for the management of highly saline liquid radioactive waste (mathematical modeling)

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By the example of sorption-reagent materials (SRM) based on inorganic hydroxides the factors influencing the efficiency of the strontium sorption process are considered. It is shown that formation of a poorly soluble sediment in the porous system of the sorbent matrix is possible either in the form of microcrystals in the pore volume or in the form of thin X-ray amorphous layers on the pore surface, which in turn affects the selectivity of strontium extraction. The peculiarities of strontium sorption dynamics by SRM are considered. Mathematical model of strontium sorption dynamics in sorption-reagent systems is presented which allows not only to predict sorption behavior of material, form content of all system components at any moment of time and at any point of a column, but also to explain distinctive features of the process.

How to cite: Avramenko V.A. Physical and chemical basis for the creation of sorption technologies for the management of highly saline liquid radioactive waste (mathematical modeling) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 166-168.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Development of porous glass-crystalline material based on cenospheres of energy ashes for radioactive waste disposal

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The scheme of separation of cenospheres of energy ashes was developed, laboratory batches of cenospheres of stabilized composition were obtained, their morphological features were studied, macrocomponent and microelement composition was determined. Methods of obtaining porous glass-crystalline material (porous matrices) on their basis have been developed and laboratory batches of porous matrices of various modifications have been obtained. Compositions and conditions for directed solid-phase crystallization of stable mineral-like ceramics like feldspars (strontium anorthite) and feldspathoids (nepheline and cesium-bearing nepheline, pollucite) from porous matrices with sodium, cesium and strontium oxides added in ratios corresponding to real liquid radioactive wastes were determined.

How to cite: Anshits A.G. Development of porous glass-crystalline material based on cenospheres of energy ashes for radioactive waste disposal // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 169-171.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Development of technologies for manufacturing sorbents for separating radionuclides from nuclear fuel waste, as well as for developing methods of radiochemical analysis and decontamination of liquid radioactive waste

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The technology of selective extraction of molybdenum-99 from nuclear fuel waste for scientific and medical purposes with the use of inorganic sorbents has been developed. Inorganic sorbents based on titanium and zirconium hydroxides with anion-exchange properties were synthesized, their radiation stability and sorption properties with respect to uranium and molybdenum in sulfuric acid solutions were studied. In order to obtain Mo-99 concentrate of required radionuclide purity the sorption behavior of uranium and iodine in the process of Mo-99 extraction from solution fuel was studied. Work on synthesis and study of properties of sorbents based on natural aluminosilicates suitable for decontamination of liquid radioactive waste was continued.

How to cite: Voronina A.V., Denisov E.I., Zelenskaya M.L., Kudymov E.S. Development of technologies for manufacturing sorbents for separating radionuclides from nuclear fuel waste, as well as for developing methods of radiochemical analysis and decontamination of liquid radioactive waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 172-174.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Technology for cleaning tubing from radioactive solid salt deposits

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Cleaning of tubing from salt deposits, which often have an increased radioactive background, is a complex environmental problem. On the basis of the experimental studies it was found that the most effective is the scheme of electrohydropulse cleaning with a discharge on the pipe wall.

How to cite: Glushchenkov V.A., Gerber S.B., Karpukhin V.F., Yusupov R.Y. Technology for cleaning tubing from radioactive solid salt deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 175-177.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Research and development of methods and technologies for safe dismantling and dismantling of decommissioned process equipment at nuclear power facilities

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The radiochemical procedures of the extraction of the nuclides U, Pu, Am and Cm and the alpha - spectrometric method of their registration have been developed to analyze actinides in the liquid radioactive waste with a high content of salts and organic impurities. The plastic track detector method has been developed to determine micro concentrations of the fissile materials U-235 and Pu-239. The above methods have been adapted to be applicable for the liquid radioactive waste analysis.

How to cite: Dyakov A.A. Research and development of methods and technologies for safe dismantling and dismantling of decommissioned process equipment at nuclear power facilities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 178-180.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Research and development works on safe takedown procedure and handling with objects of nuclear power engineering equipment taken out of service

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The designs of explosive devices, schemes and technology of explosive dismantling of technological equipment of nuclear power facilities being decommissioned, increased safety.

How to cite: Kalashnikov V.V. Research and development works on safe takedown procedure and handling with objects of nuclear power engineering equipment taken out of service // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 181-182.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Development of polymeric compositions for binding of radioactive waste

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The properties of epoxyacrylic composition, mechanism of radiation structuring, peculiarities of radiation processes, possible fields of practical application are considered in detail.

How to cite: Persinen A.A. Development of polymeric compositions for binding of radioactive waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 183-185.
Forecasting of geological prospecting works taking into account reproduction of mineral resources
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Genetic basis for the development of criteria of diamondiferous kimberlite bodies

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The model of formation of pipe-like kimberlite and lamproite bodies, which is based on the fluid dynamic regime of development of magmatic paleosystems, is developed. The main factors determining the fluid dynamic regime of formation of kimberlite bodies are formulated. The proposed model satisfactorily explains many morphological features of kimberlite systems represented by dykes, pipes and sills, peculiarities of the internal structure of kimberlite bodies composing them and may serve as the basis for developing criteria of their diamond potential.

How to cite: Kozlov A.V., Korobeinikova Y.S. Genetic basis for the development of criteria of diamondiferous kimberlite bodies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 186-190.
Forecasting of geological prospecting works taking into account reproduction of mineral resources
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Development of the theory of ore genesis and prognostic and prospecting models for gold, platinum, copper, and nickel for greenstone complexes of Karelia

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The spatial and genetic relationship of mineral deposits and ore occurrences with the geodynamic complexes of the Late Archean and Early Proterozoic greenstone belts of Karelia are considered. On this basis the place of ore-forming processes at certain stages of formation of greenstone belts is determined.

How to cite: Korsakov A.K. Development of the theory of ore genesis and prognostic and prospecting models for gold, platinum, copper, and nickel for greenstone complexes of Karelia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 191-193.
Forecasting of geological prospecting works taking into account reproduction of mineral resources
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Organization of retrospective environmental monitoring based on space information for the Aikhal Mining and Processing Division

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Organized environmental monitoring of the Aikhal Mining and Processing Division's area of operations in Yakutia based on remote sensing information obtained over the past 50 years.

How to cite: Serokurov Y.N. Organization of retrospective environmental monitoring based on space information for the Aikhal Mining and Processing Division // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 194-195.
Forecasting of geological prospecting works taking into account reproduction of mineral resources
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Structural and geodynamic reconstructions, modes of industrial ore formation and prognostic and prospecting models of noble metal deposits in Northeast Asia

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The evolution of the types of gold-quartz mineralization at the accretionary stage of the region's development is shown: from stratified metamorphogenic in the rock fall zones to vein-vein deposits of mineralized crush zones. For each type of mineralization data on the position in the regional structures, vertical mineralogical and geochemical zoning and physical and chemical parameters, geochemistry of stable and radiogenic isotopes, etc. are given. The system of factors determining the formation of each type of mineralization and their use to assess the industrial-resource potential of the region is proposed.

How to cite: Fridovskii V.Y. Structural and geodynamic reconstructions, modes of industrial ore formation and prognostic and prospecting models of noble metal deposits in Northeast Asia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 196-198.
Forecasting of geological prospecting works taking into account reproduction of mineral resources
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Onboard video spectral equipment for exploration forecasting

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A concept of an improved ultraviolet video spectrometer designed for installation onboard aircraft and satellite is proposed. An instrumental design of a two-component system containing input optics (projecting lens) and spectrometer optics (polychromator) is presented. It is shown that the concentric arrangement of the entrance and collimator lenses has a number of significant advantages over traditional optical schematic solutions.

How to cite: Chikov K.N., Gud V.V., Krasavtsev V.M. Onboard video spectral equipment for exploration forecasting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 199-201.
Human Ecology
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Research on environmentally friendly chemical current sources

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The reduction of the corrosion rate of the zinc anode of the chemical current source (CPS) through the use of inhibitors effectively replacing mercury was investigated. The greatest effect was obtained when alloying zinc alloy with Pb and Cd in combination with an organic inhibitor introduced into the electrolyte.

How to cite: Adamson B.I. Research on environmentally friendly chemical current sources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 202-204.
Human Ecology
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Comprehensive environmental assessment of the state of recreational water areas in areas of energy transport flows

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The St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University analyzed the ecological diversity and state of recreational areas of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region on the coast and water area of the Gulf of Finland. Recreational loads, pollution sources, volume and composition of effluents, etc. were determined. The state of small rivers crossed by the Baltic pipeline system in the recreational area of St. Petersburg as sources of potential danger of water pollution by oil products is assessed. Data on the development of energy and fuel transportation system on the coast of the Gulf of Finland (ports, oil and coal terminals, energy facilities, etc.) and their impact on the environment are systematized. nd a comprehensive ecological assessment of the state of water areas in the zones of energy transportation flows requires processing and analysis of a large volume of information materials. For this purpose, information-analytical database (DB) "Recreational water use" is created. The database is relational, created on the basis of standard MS Office package in Access software environment and consists of a number of related tables (characteristics of recreational potential, anthropogenic loads, objects of fuel and energy complex, etc.) for assessment and forecasting of the state of recreational water areas.

How to cite: Vasilev Y.S., Elistratov V.V., Maslikov V.I., Kudryasheva I.G., Shilin M.B., Atrashenok V.P. Comprehensive environmental assessment of the state of recreational water areas in areas of energy transport flows // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 205-207.
Human Ecology
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Establishment of an interuniversity research and education center on human ecology at Tomsk State University

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An interuniversity research and education center for human ecology has been established at Tomsk State University. The main goal of the center is to create a scientific and educational system and to conduct complex interdisciplinary research in the field of human ecology. The concept of coordinating the activities of universities in the development of the direction "Human ecology", new technologies of ecological education and introduction of the results of scientific research into international, federal and sectoral programs, industry and educational process is being developed. As part of the Center, a Regional Center for Collective Use in Ecology, Genetics and Environmental Protection was established at Tomsk State University, whose main task is to create a material and technical base for conducting complex interdisciplinary research and training highly qualified personnel for universities in Siberia.

How to cite: Maier G.V. Establishment of an interuniversity research and education center on human ecology at Tomsk State University // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 208-210.
Human Ecology
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About calculation of electromagnetic power absorbed by a human head model

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Calculated ratios for determining the absorbed power in the layers of the human head model under the action of the electromagnetic field radiated by the antenna of a personal communication device were obtained.

How to cite: Panchenko B.A. About calculation of electromagnetic power absorbed by a human head model // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 211-212.
Human Ecology
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Analysis of the impact of green space structure on public health

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The most common diseases: influenza, acute viral infections (ARI), acute bronchitis, and some bacterial infections: tuberculosis and pneumonia were chosen as criteria indicators of public health, because we could get a fairly large sample size for them, as well as determine the impact of green spaces on public health. The results do not show any clear trends. In some cases, the relationship between green space and respiratory disease in children is reversed. Factors such as social composition of the population and air pollution also seem to play a significant role. In further analysis, it is necessary to increase the sample size and the number of parameters investigated, especially with regard to plantations.

How to cite: Selikhovkin A.V., Popovichev B.G., Selikhovkin I.A. Analysis of the impact of green space structure on public health // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 213-215.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Physico-chemical basis for the effective functioning of technological equipment in the gasification of solid fuels and organic waste

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The results of studies of low-temperature gasification processes of different types of peat and organic sapropel are presented. Various catalytic systems based on platinum group metals have been used to increase the calorific value of combustible gas and simultaneously to decrease the gasification temperature. It is shown that an increase in the combustion heat of the resulting gas occurs due to an increase in the proportion of hydrocarbons in the gas mixture.

How to cite: Afanasev A.E., Sulman E.M., Usanov A.E., Misnikov O.S. Physico-chemical basis for the effective functioning of technological equipment in the gasification of solid fuels and organic waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 216-218.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Development of environmentally friendly technology and equipment for processing industrial and domestic solid mixed waste containing toxic substances

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The paper considers the development of environmentally friendly technology for processing mixed solid waste containing metallic inclusions by melting them in a cold crucible.

How to cite: Baranov D.A. Development of environmentally friendly technology and equipment for processing industrial and domestic solid mixed waste containing toxic substances // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 219-221.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Biological waste disposer using solar energy and heat accumulators on phase-transition materials

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A biological waste recycler (BWR) with integrated use of biomass energy, solar energy and heat accumulators at phase transitions is being developed. The technology of pesticide destruction using TiO 2 -coated mesh is developed.

How to cite: Berengarten M.G., Amadziev A.M., Vainshtein S.I., Parkhadanov M.M., Rubina E.S. Biological waste disposer using solar energy and heat accumulators on phase-transition materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 222-223.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Technology for processing and utilization of distillers' grains to produce fodder protein under anaerobic digestion conditions

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The subject of the research is the technology of processing and utilization of post-alcohol bard on the basis of domestic equipment. In the process of research of post-alcohol bard produced protein of high content. The filtrate can be returned completely to the distillery.

How to cite: Volchek A.M., Veksler G.B., Katalymov A.V. Technology for processing and utilization of distillers’ grains to produce fodder protein under anaerobic digestion conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 224-225.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Electro-thermal complex for thermal methods of extraction of high-viscosity oil

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The scheme, principle of operation, parameters of the borehole electrothermal complex are described. The results of technical and economic calculations are given, as well as the field of its application is indicated.

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Rudakov V.V., Bataev S.N. Electro-thermal complex for thermal methods of extraction of high-viscosity oil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 226-229.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Development of apparatus and technological complex for deep processing of secondary resources in the form of low-concentration liquid wastes containing non-ferrous metal ions

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The object of the research is electroplating production wastes in the form of low-concentrated solutions containing non-ferrous metal ions (primarily Ni 2+ , Zn 2+ , Cu 2+ ). The aim of the work is to develop apparatus and technological complex for deep processing of secondary resources using advanced technologies such as membrane, electroflotation, electrochemical. In the process of work experimental researches of electroflotation extraction of ions Ni 2+ , Zn 2+ , Cu 2+ in the flowing electroflotation apparatus with the electrical pH corrector were carried out. The optimum conditions of extraction are determined. The mathematical model of process is created. Two main directions of using flotation concentrates of individual hydroxides of copper, zinc, nickel and cadmium are proposed.

How to cite: Kolesnikov V.A. Development of apparatus and technological complex for deep processing of secondary resources in the form of low-concentration liquid wastes containing non-ferrous metal ions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 230-232.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Electromagnetic pulse separator of non-ferrous metals for scrap automotive and household appliances

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The technology of automatic extraction of non-ferrous metal from contaminated metal scrap with simultaneous separation by density (separation of aluminum and its alloys from copper, copper and zinc alloys) has been developed. The suggested method of separation can be used for processing industrial and domestic waste contaminated with non-ferrous metal (e.g. old refrigerators, washing machines, cars and trucks, household waste in the form of beer cans, etc.). A prototype of a magnetic-pulse separator was developed.

How to cite: Krivosheev S.I., Nenashev A.P., Shneerson G.A. Electromagnetic pulse separator of non-ferrous metals for scrap automotive and household appliances // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 233-235.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Development of a universal electrochemical analyzer of environmental quality indicators for environmental monitoring

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The technical project of the universal multichannel electrochemical analyzer for environmental monitoring was performed. The analyzer is capable of simultaneously implementing a number of electrochemical analytical methods. An original scheme of the universal measuring system is proposed.

How to cite: Temerdashev Z.A., Litvinov S.A., Zhukevich G.L. Development of a universal electrochemical analyzer of environmental quality indicators for environmental monitoring // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 236-238.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Research and development of a low-energy hardware and technology complex for deep processing of metal-containing industrial and municipal waste as applied to the conditions of low-tonnage production

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The process was studied and a prototype of hardware and technological complex for separation of non-metallic component from metal-containing waste was developed. Mathematical modeling of the leaching process and optimization of the leaching regime were carried out. The developed method is 20-30 % more economical than the existing methods.

How to cite: Tishkov K.N. Research and development of a low-energy hardware and technology complex for deep processing of metal-containing industrial and municipal waste as applied to the conditions of low-tonnage production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 239-241.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Technology and technical means for the production of three-layer wooden panels with insulation from wood waste

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The paper outlines the technological process of industrial production of load-bearing wood panel structures with insulation from wood-cement material on the basis of an open system of typing, allowing the efficient use of waste woodworking and logging enterprises.

How to cite: Zaprudnov V.I. Technology and technical means for the production of three-layer wooden panels with insulation from wood waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 242-244.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Development of technological options for obtaining construction materials on the basis of woodworking waste

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It was found that the most promising method of pretreatment of plant raw materials is biological activation, or biofermentation. Biofermentation of wood aggregate was carried out in a laboratory bioreactor with the help of microorganisms contained in the substrate of animal origin - manure. Biofermentation of sawdust led to a decrease in its content of water-soluble reducing substances and, as a consequence, to an improvement of the construction-technical indicators of wood-cement composition. Pilot samples of sawdust-concrete on biologically activated aggregate were obtained and their main physical and mechanical properties were determined. The project of technological regulations of biologically activated sawdust-concrete production and a variant of using this material as an insulator of a layered panel were developed.

How to cite: Mironov V.A. Development of technological options for obtaining construction materials on the basis of woodworking waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 245-247.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Technologies for processing of non-traditional wood species in the production of laminated materials

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The analysis of the markets of wood products and wood raw materials allows us to substantiate the possible types of products from low-demand wood species (aspen and larch): glued board and solid wood beams, plywood and glued beams of veneer. On the basis of the balance of raw materials possible volumes of unclaimed raw materials are determined. On a multivariant basis, using graph theory schemes of technological processes of manufacturing of the mentioned products and criteria of their estimation are developed.

How to cite: Onegin V.I., Chubinskii A.N. Technologies for processing of non-traditional wood species in the production of laminated materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 248-250.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Use of low-value, low-quality wood and logging and sawmill waste under conditions of sustainable forest management

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The task of improving the efficiency of forestry enterprises of the timber industry through the large-scale involvement in the exploitation of logging and woodworking waste, wood of low commercial grade for energy by replacing fossil fuels to environmentally friendly energy source - wood raw materials.

How to cite: Patyakin V.I. Use of low-value, low-quality wood and logging and sawmill waste under conditions of sustainable forest management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 251-253.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Multipurpose use and reproduction of protective forest plantations in the central forest-steppe and southern Russia

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Promising environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies for multipurpose use and reproduction of protective forest plantations of the central forest-steppe and southern Russia are considered.

How to cite: Sviridov L.T. Multipurpose use and reproduction of protective forest plantations in the central forest-steppe and southern Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 254-256.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Landscape and environmental planning

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The landscape and environmental planning of forestry is the basis for the harmonization of economic, social and environmental interests of society, which are now incredibly aggravated. Signs of a systemic crisis in forestry require the development of a forest management strategy taking into account the main indicator - profitability of forestry and forest management in general.

How to cite: Selivanov A.A. Landscape and environmental planning // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 257-258.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Integrated monitoring as a tool for sustainable management of forest and urban ecosystems

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The results of scientific research on the analysis, systematization and combination of modern and promising aerospace and ground-based means and methods of environmental monitoring and their adaptation to the tasks of sustainable management of forest and urban ecosystems are presented.

How to cite: Shalaev V.S. Integrated monitoring as a tool for sustainable management of forest and urban ecosystems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 259-261.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Use of carbon-containing waste from timber processing enterprises in the Leningrad region to generate thermal energy

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The Leningrad Region has very insignificant reserves of the main types of fuel and energy resources, represented mainly by wood, peat, oil shale and uranium, the development of deposits of which is not planned even in the long term for environmental reasons. However, the consistent introduction of new technologies for processing fuel and energy resources, the involvement of local resources in the fuel and energy balance, primarily wood, peat and shale fuels, and the creation on this basis of processing and energy-producing complexes of local type can ensure energy security and change both the economic and demographic situation in the Leningrad region.

How to cite: Shuvalov Y.V., Nifontov Y.A., Nifontova T.I., Nikulin A.N., Gasparyan N.A. Use of carbon-containing waste from timber processing enterprises in the Leningrad region to generate thermal energy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 262-264.