Technology of protection and rehabilitation of the natural environment in the impact zone of technogenic formations of mining and metallurgical genesis
About authors
- 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
- 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Factors and sources of environmental hazards of technogenic massifs are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the mechanism of environmental hazards in the storage of waste mining and metallurgical production. The spectrum of pollutants of technogenic massifs by types of industries that form them is revealed. The classification of chemical substances contained in the wastes of mining and metallurgical production, the classes of danger. Analysis of pollution hazard factors in the areas of technogenic massifs location has been carried out: physical state, waste properties, mobility of pollution, structures of protective constructions.
- Гальперин А.М. Техногенные массивы и охрана окружающей среды / А.М.Гальперин, В.Ферстер, Х.-Ю.Шеф; МГГУ. М., 1995.
- Глазьев С.А. Ключевые аспекты экологической безопасности // Экономика и жизнь. 1996. № 33.
- Измалков В.И. Техногенная и экологическая безопасность и управление риском / В.И.Измалков, А.В.Измалков; НИЦЕБ РАН. СПб, 1998.
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