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A. E. Usanov
A. E. Usanov
Tver State Technical University
Tver State Technical University


Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Physico-chemical basis for the effective functioning of technological equipment in the gasification of solid fuels and organic waste

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The results of studies of low-temperature gasification processes of different types of peat and organic sapropel are presented. Various catalytic systems based on platinum group metals have been used to increase the calorific value of combustible gas and simultaneously to decrease the gasification temperature. It is shown that an increase in the combustion heat of the resulting gas occurs due to an increase in the proportion of hydrocarbons in the gas mixture.

How to cite: Afanasev A.E., Sulman E.M., Usanov A.E., Misnikov O.S. Physico-chemical basis for the effective functioning of technological equipment in the gasification of solid fuels and organic waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 216-218.