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V. R. Mkrtychan
V. R. Mkrtychan
I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas



Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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High-performance separating membranes and their application in processes of gas purification from solid impurities

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The process of separating membranes productivity growth during treatment with gas-discharge plasma ions has been investigated and a method of polymer and metal-ceramic membranes modification by plasma-chemical treatment has been developed. The method allows to obtain membranes with required pore sizes. Plasma treatment of a metal-ceramic membrane with vapors of heterorganic compounds leads to a decrease in the pore size in the surface layer up to 250Ǻ. The use of plasma-modified metal-ceramic and ceramic membranes in the processes of gas purification from solid impurities makes it possible to realize an effective phase separation.

How to cite: Mkrtychan V.R., Zubakha S.N. High-performance separating membranes and their application in processes of gas purification from solid impurities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 63-64.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of methods to improve the performance of separation membranes

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The process of increasing the performance of separating membranes by their treatment with plasma ions of gas discharge has been studied and the method of modification of polymeric and metal-ceramic membranes by plasma-chemical influence, which allows to obtain membranes with controlled pore size, has been developed. Treatment in plasma with vapor of organometallic compounds of metal-ceramic membranes leads to reduction of the pore size in the surface layer up to 250 Å.

How to cite: Mkrtychan V.R., Zubakha S.N. Development of methods to improve the performance of separation membranes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 66-68.