Every year forestry enterprises generate significant amounts of wood waste, the issues of disposal and utilization of which present great difficulties. In addition, the increase in the area of soft-leaved species in the composition of the allotted harvesting fund, their unsatisfactory use in the production processes of wood raw materials processing create conditions for the accumulation of mature and overmature stands of low-value wood, a threat to the growth of economically valuable species of raw materials. The estimation of additional wood resources has been made, perspective directions of processing of low-value, low-quality wood and wood waste have been determined, technological schemes of their utilization by timber enterprises have been proposed, which will improve the ecological situation in the industry and the structure of wood biomass consumption.
The task of improving the efficiency of forestry enterprises of the timber industry through the large-scale involvement in the exploitation of logging and woodworking waste, wood of low commercial grade for energy by replacing fossil fuels to environmentally friendly energy source - wood raw materials.