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Vol 158
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Analysis of methods of treatment of oil-contaminated soils. Study to justify the choice of the optimal variant of the unit with wastes not exceeding MPC standards. Calculation, design and development of the unit design

S. A. Dubenets
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  • Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University)
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The analysis of problems related to the development of industrial facilities for cleaning natural soils from oil products contaminated during various kinds of work with oil (oil extraction, oil loading tanks, pumping oil and petroleum products, etc.) is presented, qualitative and quantitative assessments of the most important positions determining the possible options of facilities for the adopted two-stage technology (sublimation and afterburning) are given. On the basis of comparison of various schemes, the basic scheme of the plant is determined for the design study and production of the operating model of the plant. After completion of experimental researches it is supposed to consider the accepted variant as a prototype of an industrial model.

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  2. Касаткин А.Г. Основные процессы и аппараты химической промышленности. М.: Госхимиздат, 1971.
  3. Миронюк С.Г. Анализ аварийности промысловых нефтепроводов в регионе и оценка риска их эксплуатации / С.Г.Миронюк, И.А.Пронина // Новые технологии для очистки нефтезагрязненных вод, почв, переработки и утилизации нефтешламов: Тезисы докл. междунар. конф. М.: Издательский дом «Ноосфера», 2001.

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